SML Unbound value identifier Error in Insert Function - sml

Im having an issue with my separate function. Separate returns a list that inserts element x after each k elements of list l (counting from
the end of the list). For example, separate (1, 0, [1,2,3,4]) should return [1,0,2,0,3,0,4] and separate (3, 0, [1,2,3,4]) should return [1,0,2,3,4]. Whenever I run any tests on it i get the error:
! Unbound value identifier: separate
This is the code i'm using:
(*Function returns length of lst *)
fun length(lst: int list): int =
case lst of
[] => 0
| h::t => 1 + length(t)
(*Insert element x at the kth position in the list
and return the new list*)
fun kinsert [] x k = [x]
| kinsert ls x 0 = x::ls
| kinsert (l::ls) x k = l::(kinsert ls x (k - 1))
(* c: keeps track of where we are in the list
n: determines if we insert element at given position
z: holds length of the list *)
fun sep_help k x l c n z=
if c = z then l
else if n = k then (sep_help k x (kinsert l x c) (c+2) 0 z )
else (sep_help k x l (c+2) (n+1) z) ;
(*Returns list l with x inserted after each k element *)
fun separate (k: int, x: 'a, l: 'a list) : 'a list =
| separate k x l = (sep_help k x l 0 0 (length l));
Anyone know what might be causing the error?

Your separate looks like its a merge of two different definitions - first an uncurried version that has no definition, and then a curried version that has one.
You probably meant
fun separate (k: int, x: 'a, l: 'a list) : 'a list = sep_help k x l 0 0 (length l);
But working backwards through a list complicates things quite a bit.
It's much easier to work from the head towards the tail, and reverse the list before and after processing.
Then "all" you need is a helper that inserts an element in every k:th place in a list.
Something like this, perhaps:
(*Returns list l with x inserted after each k element *)
fun separate (k: int, x: 'a, l: 'a list) : 'a list =
fun kinsert [] _ = []
| kinsert ls 0 = x::(kinsert ls k)
| kinsert (l::ls) i = l::(kinsert ls (i-1))
List.rev (kinsert (List.rev l) k)


How to add elements to a list every nth round?

I need to
Write a function separate of type int * 'a * 'a list -> 'a lst such that
separate (k, x, l) returns the list that inserts element x after each k elements of list l (counting from
the end of the list). For example, separate (1, 0, [1,2,3,4]) should return [1,0,2,0,3,0,4] and
separate (3, 0, [1,2,3,4]) should return [1,0,2,3,4].
So far, this is what I have, but it is causing an error. Can anyone help me?
fun separate (k: int, x: 'a, l: 'a list) : 'a list =
let val count:int = k
in foldr(
(fn (h, t) =>
if count = 0
then count := 1 in
else count = count + 1 : int
Actually the logic is quite right, but it should be implemented by passing changed state into another iteration of foldr due to immutability:
fun separate (k: int, x: 'a, l: 'a list) : 'a list =
#2 (foldr (fn (h, (count, t)) =>
if count = 0
then (k - 1, h::x::t)
else (count - 1, h::t)
) (k, []) l);
Thus, instead of initiating count as a variable, we initiate foldr with tuple (k, []) (where k is the initial value of count and [] is the resulting list) and then decrease the count every step of the iteration.

Splitting a list using an index

I have a list of integers named t that has an even length n = List.length t. I want to get two lists, the partition of t from index 0 to (n / 2 - 1), and the partition of t from index (n / 2) to (n-1). In other words, I want to split the list t in two parts, but I cannot find anything that does that in the List module (there is List.filter, but it does not filter by index, it takes a function instead).
An example of what I want to do:
let t = [8 ; 66 ; 4 ; 1 ; -2 ; 6 ; 4 ; 1] in
(* Split it to get t1 = [ 8 ; 66 ; 4 ; 1] and t2 = [-2 ; 6 ; 4 ; 1] *)
For now,I have something like this
let rec split t1 t2 n =
match t1 with
| hd :: tl when (List.length tl > n) -> split tl (hd :: t2) n;
| hd :: tl when (List.length tl = n) -> (t1,t2);
| _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected error");;
let a = [1;2;3;4;7;8];;
let b,c = split a [] (List.length a / 2 - 1);;
List.iter (fun x -> print_int x) b;
print_char '|';
List.iter (fun x -> print_int x) c;
Output is:
478|321, the order has been reversed!
Calculating the length of the list requires walking the list, so it takes time that's linear in the length of the list. Your attempt calculates the length of the remaining list at each step, which makes the total running time quadratic. But you actually don't need to do that! First you calculate the total length of the list. After that, the place to cut is halfway from the beginning, which you can locate by incrementing a counter as you go through the list.
As for the reversal, let's look at what happens to the first element of the list. In the first call to split, the accumulator t2 is the empty list, so h gets put at the end of the list. The next element will be placed before that, and so on. You need to put the first element at the head of the list, so prepend it to the list built by the recursive call.
let rec split_at1 n l =
if n = 0 then ([], l) else
match l with
| [] -> ([], []) (*or raise an exception, as you wish*)
| h :: t -> let (l1, l2) = split_at1 (n-1) t in (h :: l1, l2);;
let split_half1 l = split_at1 (List.length l / 2) l;;
This operates in linear time. A potential downside of this implementation is that the recursive call it makes is not a tail call, so it will consume a large amount of stack on large lists. You can fix this by building the first half as an accumulator that's passed to the function. As we saw above, this creates a list in reverse order. So reverse it at the end. This is a common idiom when working with lists.
let rec split_at2 n acc l =
if n = 0 then (List.rev acc, l) else
match l with
| [] -> (List.rev acc, [])
| h :: t -> split_at2 (n-1) (h :: acc) t;;
let split_half2 l = split_at2 (List.length l / 2) [] l;;

How to recursively multiply all elements of a list with itself to create a matrix? OCaml

I need to create a weight matrix essentially by multiplying all the elements of a list with themselves.
for example if my list is [1;-1;1;-1], the resulting matrix would be
(diagonal is filled with 0's because a node shouldn't be able to lead to itself)
This would be a piece of cake, but it has to be done recursively, with the following constraints:
only List.hd, and List.nth can be used, and as a parameter, I can only pass in the list:
let rec listMatrix = fun(myList)->...
Is there any way to do this? Or should I just try to find some fundamentally different way to solve this problem?
Also, only functional approach is allowed, no global variables.
One way to do it recursively is as follows:
let l = [1;-1;1;-1];;
let rec index xs =
let idx xs i = match xs with
[] -> []
| (x::xss) -> (i,x) :: idx xss (i+1)
in idx xs 0
fst (x,y) = x
snd (x,y) = y
let rec mult xs ys = match xs with
[] -> []
| (x::xss) -> ( (fun y->if (fst x == fst y) then 0 else (snd y*snd x)) ys) :: (mult xss ys)
let mult0 xs = mult (index xs) (index xs)
What the code does is, as asked, multiplying a vector with itself. The vector is indexed with numbers in order to handle diagonal elements specially.
The output is:
# mult0 l;;
- : int list list =
[[0; -1; 1; -1]; [-1; 0; -1; 1]; [1; -1; 0; -1]; [-1; 1; -1; 0]]

Haskell <<loop>>

With getIndex xs y I want the index of the first sublist in xs whose length is greater than y.
The output is:
aufgabe6: <<loop>>
why getIndex does not work?
import Data.List
-- Die Sortierfunktion --
myCompare a b
| length a < length b = LT
| otherwise = GT
sortList :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
sortList x = sortBy myCompare x
-- Die Indexfunktion --
getIndex :: [[a]] -> Int -> Int
getIndex [] y = 0
getIndex (x:xs) y
| length x <= y = 1 + getIndex xs y
| otherwise = 0
where (x:xs) = sortList (x:xs)
main = do
print (sortList [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]])
print (getIndex [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]] 2)
Getting it to terminate
The problem is in this case
getIndex (x:xs) y
| length x <= y = 1 + getIndex xs y
| otherwise = 0
where (x:xs) = sortList (x:xs)
You're confusing which (x:xs) is which. You should instead do
getIndex zs y
| length x <= y = 1 + getIndex xs y
| otherwise = 0
where (x:xs) = sortList zs
Main> main
*Main> getIndex [[],[2],[4,5]] 1
*Main> getIndex [[],[2],[4,5]] 5
This gives you the number of the first list of length at least y in the sorted list, which actually answers the question "How many lists are of length at most y in the original?"
How can we find out other facts?
If you want position from the original list, you can tag the entries with their position, using zip:
*Main> zip [1..] [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]]
Let's make a utility function for working with those:
hasLength likeThis (_,xs) = likeThis (length xs)
We can use it like this:
*Main> hasLength (==4) (1,[1,2,3,4])
*Main> filter (hasLength (>=2)) (zip [1..] ["","yo","hi there","?"])
[(2,"yo"),(3,"hi there")]
Which means it's now easy to write a function that gives you the index of the first list of length longer than y:
whichIsLongerThan xss y =
case filter (hasLength (>y)) (zip [1..] xss) of
[] -> error "nothing long enough" -- change this to 0 or (length xss + 1) if you prefer
(x:xs) -> fst x
This gives us
*Main> whichIsLongerThan [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]] 2
*Main> whichIsLongerThan [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]] 3
*Main> whichIsLongerThan [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]] 0
but we can do similar tricks:
whichIsShorterThan xss y =
case filter (hasLength (<y)) (zip [1..] xss) of
[] -> error "nothing short enough" -- change this to 0 or (length xss + 1) if you prefer
(x:xs) -> fst x
so you get
*Main> whichIsShorterThan [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]] 2
*Main> whichIsShorterThan [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]] 1
*Main> whichIsShorterThan [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]] 0
*** Exception: nothing short enough
Let's pull out the common theme there:
whichLength :: (Int -> Bool) -> [[a]] -> Int
whichLength likeThis xss =
case filter (hasLength likeThis) (zip [1..] xss) of
[] -> error "nothing found" -- change this to 0 or (length xss + 1) if you prefer
(x:xs) -> fst x
so we can do
*Main> whichLength (==5) [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]]
*Main> whichLength (>2) [[4],[3,5,3],[4,3],[3,5,5,6,1],[]]
Do you mean index of the firs sublist with length > y? If that's not the goal (and < y is), then
length x <= y = 1 + getIndex xs y
should be
length x >= y = 1 + getIndex xs y
Also, (x:xs) = sortList (x:xs) is bottom, since it will never end. If you want to sort it somehow, you might follow AndrewC's solution.
let (and where) bindings in Haskell are recursive: LHS and RHS both belong (and thus refer to) to the same new scope. Your code is equivalent to
getIndex (x:xs) y =
let -- new, extended scope, containing definitions for
(x:xs) = a -- new variables x, xs, a ... the original vars x, xs
a = sortList a -- are inaccessible, __shadowed__ by new definitions
in -- evaluated inside the new, extended scope
if length x <= y -- x refers to the new definition
then 1 + getIndex xs y
else 0
When the value of x is demanded by length, its new definition (x:xs) = a demands the value of a, which is directly defined in terms of itself, a = sortList a:
a = sortList a
= sortList (sortList a)
= sortList (sortList (sortList a))
= sortList (sortList (sortList (sortList a)))
= ....
A black hole.

Split list into two

I would like to implement a function that takes as input a size n and a list. This function will cut the list into two lists, one of size n and the rest in another list. I am new to this language and have a hard time learning the syntax.
The main problem I have is that is finding a way to express a size of the list without using any loops or mutable variables.
Can anyone give a me some pointers?
Let's start with the function's type signature. Since it gets n and a list as arguments and returns a pair of lists, you have a function split:
val split : int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
Here is one approach to implement this function:
let split n xs =
let rec splitUtil n xs acc =
match xs with
| [] -> List.rev acc, []
| _ when n = 0 -> List.rev acc, xs
| x::xs' -> splitUtil (n-1) xs' (x::acc)
splitUtil n xs []
The idea is using an accumulator acc to hold elements you have traversed and decreasing n a long the way. Because elements are prepended to acc, in the end you have to reverse it to get the correct order.
The function has two base cases to terminate:
There's no element left to traverse (xs = [] at that point).
You have gone through the first n elements of the list (n decreases to 0 at that time).
Here is a short illustration of how split computes the result:
split 2 [1; 2; 3] // call the auxiliary function splitUtil
~> splitUtil 2 [1; 2; 3] [] // match the 3rd case of x::xs'
~> splitUtil 1 [2; 3] [1] // match the 3rd case of x::xs'
~> splitUtil 0 [3] [2; 1] // match the 2nd case of n = 0 (base case)
~> List.rev [2; 1], [3] // call List.rev on acc
~> [1; 2], [3]
let split n list =
let rec not_a_loop xs = function
| (0, ys) | (_, ([] as ys)) -> (List.rev xs), ys
| (n, x::ys) -> not_a_loop (x::xs) (n-1, ys)
not_a_loop [] (n, list)
New solution - splitAt is now built into List and Array. See commit around 2014 on github. I noticed this today while using F# in VS.2015
Now you can simply do this...
let splitList n list =
List.splitAt n list
And as you might expect the signature is...
n: int -> list: 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
Example usage:
let (firstThree, remainder) = [1;2;3;4;5] |> (splitList 3)
printfn "firstThree %A" firstThree
printfn "remainder %A" remainder
firstThree [1; 2; 3]
remainder [4; 5]
Github for those interested:
One more way, using fold:
let biApply f (a, b) = (f a, f b)
let splitAt n list =
let splitter ((xs, ys), n') c =
if n' < n then
((c :: xs, ys), n' + 1)
((xs, c :: ys), n' + 1)
List.fold splitter (([], []), 0) list
|> fst
|> biApply List.rev
Here is a great series on folds than you can follow to learn more on the topic.