online tool available to validate regex in firestore? - regex

There are tools available to validate the regex used in javascript / prolong etc but i am writing rules in google-cloud-firestore. I want some tool to check my regex.
please suggest.

If you read my original answer. Ignore it.
You can use the matches comparison.
Performs a regular expression match, returns true if the whole
string matches the given regular expression. Uses Google RE2 syntax.
The full list of string validation rules available for Cloud Firestore are shown here.


PCRE Regex to RE2 Regex

In a previous question, I got the answer on a regular expression to accept all email addresses from a certain domain except two from the same domain.
e.g. :-
Here is the regular expression from that answer:
However, for my application, I specifically need RE2 regex to be able to use this.
What is the steps I should take to convert this PCRE expression to RE2 type?

Regular expression not working in google analytics

Im trying to build a regular expression to capture URLs which contain a certain parameter 7136D38A-AA70-434E-A705-0F5C6D072A3B
Ive set up a simple regex to capture a URL with anything before and anything after this parameter (just just all URLs which contain this parameter). Ive tested this on an online checker: and seems to work fine. However google analytics is saying this is invalid when i try to use it. Any idea what is causing this?
Url will be in the format
so i just want to capture URLs that contain that specific "z" parameter.
You just need
Or (a bit safer):
And I think you can even use
See demo
Your regex is invalid because GA regex flavor does not support look-arounds (and you have a (?=...) positive look-ahead in yours).
Here is a good GA regex cheatsheet.
To match /home/index?x=23908123890123&y=kjdfhjhsfd&z=7136D38A-AA70-434E-A705-0F5C6D072A3B&p=kljdaslkjasd you can use:

regex for parsing string in matlab

Just a small question. I need to parse
and extract values between "_" and "us" (here for example 10000). I am not able to create the regex properly for it.
According to this, matlab supports lookarounds. (?<=_).*?(?=us) uses lookarounds to check the information before or after is present. _ and us respectivelly. You can rename the _ and us depending on your needs.
You could also use the site I mentioned to craft your own regular expressions from now on. The first result of google when you write "matlab regex" has all the answers you need.
you can use this _(.*?)us. $1 gives the result.
or in more specific _(\d+?)us

Using - replace and pattern matching with XML tags Powershell

I am trying to replace the contents of a string which contains xml tags as follows
I want to replace the entirety of the below statement, where ABCDEF could be any random value
How would I do this?
You can try this for your purpose:
Not recommended
However, note that it is not recommended.
Regular expressions are a tool that is insufficient to understand the constructs employed by XML/HTML/XHTML. XML/HTML/XHTML is not a regular language and hence cannot be parsed by regular expressions. Regex queries are not equipped to break down XML/HTML/XHTML into its meaningful parts. Even enhanced irregular regular expressions as used by Perl are not up to the task of parsing XML/HTML/XHTML.XML/HTML/XHTML is a language of sufficient complexity that it cannot be parsed by regular expressions.
Further details : RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
This could help you:
EDITED (this new one will also accept non-characters between your tags and I have scaped the / symbol which can give some errors if not):
Check it here.

Why won't this regexp work in google spreadsheets?

I'm trying to extract from a url using a regexp in google spreadsheets. However the spreadsheet returns #VALUE! with the following error: Invalid regular expression: invalid perl operator: (?<
Here is the regexp I'm using: (?<=raid_boss=)[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
A sample url will contain a variable in it that says raid_boss=name. This regexp should extract name. It works in my testing program, but not in google spreadsheet.
Here is the exact contents of the cell in google spreadsheets: =REGEXEXTRACT( B1 ; "/(?<=raid_boss=)[-a-zA-{}-9_]+" )
Any insight or help would be much appreciated, thank you!
Sounds like whatever regular-expression engine Google Docs is using doesn't support lookbehind assertions. They are a relatively rare feature.
But if you use captures, REGEXEXTRACT will return the captured text, so you can do it that way:
=REGEXEXTRACT( B1 ; "raid_boss=([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)" )
Javascript is not the issue - Google Sheets uses RE2 which lacks lookbehind
along with other useful things.
You could use:
regexextract(B1, ".*raid_boss=(.*)")
or else native sheet functions like FIND, SUBSTITUTE if that isn't working
Finding a good regex testing tool is tricky - for example you can make something that works in but fails in GSheets. You need to make sure your tool supports the RE2 flavour eg: