C++ generic factory with multiple constructor signatures? - c++

Has anyone ever combined the classic generic factory by Andrei Alexandrescu (page 208 of Chapter 8 in Modern C++ Design) with the 'multifunction' capabilities of Boost.TypeErasure? That is, the flexibility to have several creator function signatures that vary with respect to number and type of parameters (but still have the same return type and are known at compile time).
In other words, how to combine this slightly simplified generic Factory:
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <stdexcept>
template <class AbstractProduct, typename IdentifierType, typename ProductCreator>
class Factory
bool Register(const IdentifierType& id, ProductCreator creator) {
return associations_.emplace(id, creator).second;
bool Unregister(const IdentifierType& id) {
return associations_.erase(id) == 1;
template <typename... Arguments>
AbstractProduct CreateObject(const IdentifierType& id, Arguments&& ... args) {
auto i = associations_.find(id);
if (i != associations_.end()) {
return (i->second)(std::forward<Arguments>(args)...);
throw std::runtime_error("Creator not found.");
std::map<IdentifierType, ProductCreator> associations_;
with this (incomplete) function type erasure 'pattern':
#include <boost/type_erasure/any.hpp>
#include <boost/type_erasure/builtin.hpp>
#include <boost/type_erasure/callable.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
template<class... Sig>
using multifunction = any< mpl::vector< copy_constructible<>, typeid_<>, relaxed, callable<Sig>... > >;
using variant_type = boost::make_recursive_variant< void, double, ... >::type;
using function_type = multifunction<AbstractProduct(void), AbstractProduct(double), AbstractProduct(double, double)>;
class variant_handler
void handle(const variant_type& arg) {
boost::apply_visitor(impl, arg);
void set_handler(function_type f) {
impl.f = f;
struct dispatcher : boost::static_visitor<void>
template<class T>
void operator()(const T& t) { f(t); }
// For a vector, we recursively operate on the elements
void operator()(const vector_type& v)
boost::for_each(v, boost::apply_visitor(*this));
function_type f;
dispatcher impl;
So that ultimately one can use it like:
Factory<Arity*, int, ???> factory;
factory.Register(0, boost::bind( boost::factory<Nullary *>() ));
factory.Register(1, boost::bind( boost::factory<Unary *>(), _1 ));
auto x = factory.CreateObject(0);
auto y = factory.CreateObject(1, 0.5);
I haven't found an existing implementation in the wild, and I am currently stuck in my own attempt to make it. My first attempt made the mistake of trying to store the result of boost::bind() in the function_type, which resulted the same error to this SO question. I suspect the answer will require moving the ProductCreator template parameter to the Register function and doing something there.
So I guess I am ultimately looking for a full, working implementation of a generic multifunction factory, which may already exist and I just overlooked it. But any help with just getting it together would be really appreciated.
I would prefer a C++11 solution, but obviously C++14 is better than none, etc.
Thanks in advance for any help with this!

OK, I have a slightly ugly solution that doesn't use Boost.TypeErasure, it is C++14, but it does provide essentially the same functionality. It's multi-tiered, so the id numbering is per-factory (but you could number uniquely too).
I'll write more soon, but I really have to go to sleep right now...
#include <boost/functional/factory.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
template <class AbstractProduct, typename IdentifierType, typename... ProductCreators>
class Factory
using AssociativeContainers = std::tuple<std::map<IdentifierType, boost::function<ProductCreators>>...>;
template <typename Product, typename... Arguments>
bool Register(const IdentifierType& id, boost::function<Product(Arguments...)> creator) {
auto &foo = std::get<std::map<IdentifierType, boost::function<AbstractProduct(const Arguments&...)>>>(associations_);
return foo.emplace(id, creator).second;
// This function left as an exercise to the reader...
bool Unregister(const IdentifierType& id) {
return associations_.erase(id) == 1;
template <typename... Arguments>
AbstractProduct CreateObject(const IdentifierType& id, Arguments&& ... args) const {
auto const &foo = std::get<std::map<IdentifierType, boost::function<AbstractProduct(const Arguments&...)>>>(associations_);
auto const i = foo.find(id);
if (i != foo.end()) {
return (i->second)(std::forward<Arguments...>(args)...);
throw std::runtime_error("Creator not found.");
AssociativeContainers associations_;
struct Arity {
virtual ~Arity() = default;
struct Nullary : Arity {};
struct Unary : Arity {
Unary() {}
Unary(double x) : x(x) {}
double x;
int main(void)
Factory<Arity*, int, Arity*(), Arity*(const double&)> factory;
factory.Register(0, boost::function<Arity*()>{boost::factory<Nullary*>()} );
factory.Register(1, boost::function<Arity*(const double&)>{boost::bind(boost::factory<Unary*>(), _1)});
auto x = factory.CreateObject(1, 2.0);
assert(typeid(*x) == typeid(Unary));
x = factory.CreateObject(0);
assert(typeid(*x) == typeid(Nullary));

Hallelujah, I found a solution using Boost.Variant but no type erasure. I think this is much better than my earlier answer, as:
Creator id is unique.
CreateObject supports implicit conversion of parameters to constructor.
The same limitation that the constructors must take const& parameters exists.
I have simplified the overall design somewhat to focus on the essential behaviour. What's missing is the policy for error handling and configurable associative container type, which should be additional class template parameters. I have also left some minimal debugging code in so that you can see for yourself that it works when you test it out.
#include <boost/functional/factory.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
// Just for debugging.
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <cxxabi.h>
// Tuple manipulation.
template <typename Signature>
struct signature_impl;
template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
struct signature_impl<ReturnType(Args...)>
using return_type = ReturnType;
using param_types = std::tuple<Args...>;
template <typename T>
using signature_t = signature_impl<T>;
template <std::size_t... Ints>
struct indices {};
template <std::size_t N, std::size_t... Ints>
struct build_indices : build_indices<N-1, N-1, Ints...> {};
template <std::size_t... Ints>
struct build_indices<0, Ints...> : indices<Ints...> {};
template <typename Tuple>
using make_tuple_indices = build_indices<std::tuple_size<typename std::remove_reference<Tuple>::type>::value>;
// The multiple-signature factory.
template <class AbstractProduct, typename IdentifierType, typename... ProductCreators>
class multifactory
using functions = boost::variant<boost::function<ProductCreators>...>;
std::map<IdentifierType, functions> associations_;
template <typename Signature>
struct dispatch_foo
template <typename CreateArgs, std::size_t... Indices>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<CreateArgs, typename signature_t<Signature>::param_types>::value, AbstractProduct>::type
static apply(boost::function<Signature> const &f, CreateArgs && t, indices<Indices...>)
return f(std::get<Indices>(std::forward<CreateArgs>(t))...);
template <typename CreateArgs, std::size_t... Indices>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<CreateArgs, typename signature_t<Signature>::param_types>::value, AbstractProduct>::type
static apply(boost::function<Signature> const &, CreateArgs &&, indices<Indices...>)
return nullptr;
template <typename... CreateArguments>
struct dispatcher : boost::static_visitor<AbstractProduct>
std::tuple<CreateArguments...> args;
dispatcher(CreateArguments const&... args) : args{std::forward_as_tuple(args...)} {}
template <typename Signature>
AbstractProduct operator()(boost::function<Signature> const &f) const
int status;
std::cout << "visitor: " << abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(Signature).name(), nullptr, 0, &status) << "\n";
return dispatch_foo<Signature>::apply(f, args, make_tuple_indices<std::tuple<CreateArguments...>>{});
template <typename ProductCreator>
bool Register(IdentifierType id, ProductCreator &&creator) {
return associations_.emplace(id, std::forward<ProductCreator>(creator)).second;
bool Unregister(const IdentifierType& id) {
return associations_.erase(id) == 1;
template <typename... Arguments>
AbstractProduct CreateObject(const IdentifierType& id, Arguments const& ... args) {
auto i = associations_.find(id);
if (i != associations_.end()) {
dispatcher<Arguments...> impl(args...);
return boost::apply_visitor(impl, i->second);
throw std::runtime_error("Creator not found.");
struct Arity {
virtual ~Arity() = default;
struct Nullary : Arity {};
struct Unary : Arity {
Unary() {} // Also has nullary ctor.
Unary(int) {}
int main(void)
multifactory<Arity*, int, Arity*(), Arity*(const int&)> factory;
factory.Register(0, boost::function<Arity*()>( boost::factory<Nullary*>() ));
factory.Register(1, boost::function<Arity*(const int&)>(boost::factory<Unary*>()) );
auto a = factory.CreateObject(0);
assert(typeid(*a) == typeid(Nullary));
auto b = factory.CreateObject(1, 2);
assert(typeid(*b) == typeid(Unary));


Guide C++ Function Template Type

I have the following, it accepts a function pointer type, and returns the typeid of each argument in a vector.
template <typename Ret, typename... Types>
auto ArgTypes(Ret(*pFn)(Types...))
std::vector<std::type_index> vec;
vec.insert(vec.end(), {typeid(Types)...});
return vec;
I invoke it like this:
typedef int (*tExampleFn) (int a,bool b,char* c,long long d);
tExampleFn fakePtr = (tExampleFn)0;
auto argTypes = ArgTypes(&fakePtr);
As you can see, I have to make this fake function pointer for the template to work. I would instead like it to work like this:
template <typename Ret, typename... Types> // guide Ret and Types into shape Ret(*pFn)(Types...) somehow
auto ArgTypes()
std::vector<std::type_index> vec;
vec.insert(vec.end(), {typeid(Types)...});
return vec;
typedef int (*tExampleFn) (int a,bool b,char* c,long long d);
auto argTypes = ArgTypes<tExampleFn>();
I cannot get the template to work this way. The first template arg Ret gets assinged the full type of the typedef tExampleFn. How can I guide the template to use the shape Ret(*pFn)(Types...), but without having to pass an intermediate function pointer.
As mentioned by NathanOliver you can call the first version via ArgTypes(tExampleFn{}).
To avoid creating an instance of the function pointer type altogether you can use partial template specialization. This doesn't work for function templates though.
#include <vector>
#include <typeindex>
#include <tuple>
template <typename Ret, typename... Types>
auto ArgTypes(Ret(*pFn)(Types...))
std::vector<std::type_index> vec;
vec.insert(vec.end(), {typeid(Types)...});
return vec;
template <typename T>
struct arg_types;
template <typename Ret,typename ... Types>
struct arg_types<Ret(*)(Types...)> {
auto operator()() {
std::vector<std::type_index> vec;
vec.insert(vec.end(), {typeid(Types)...});
return vec;
int main()
typedef int (*tExampleFn) (int a,bool b,char* c,long long d);
Thanks everyone, I've combined the answers and comments with some external help into the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <typeindex>
#include <span>
typedef int (*tExampleFn) (int a,bool b,char* c,long long d);
template<typename T>
struct arg_types {};
template<typename R, typename... A>
struct arg_types<R(*)(A...)> {
inline static const std::type_index value[] = {typeid(A)...};
template<typename T>
static constexpr std::span<const std::type_index> arg_types_v = arg_types<T>::value;
int main()
auto vec = arg_types_v<tExampleFn>;
for (const auto& t : vec)
std::cout << t.hash_code() << std::endl;

C++ O(1) lookup by derived type

I have a vector of pointers to Base.
Invariant: only one of each derived type should be in that vector at any time.
I also want to be able to lookup the value with a given type in O(1). I can do this in O(n) easily, by checking dynamic_cast.
Basically, I want to replace my vector with a map or something. Is that possible?
Here's minimal example with the vector and the loop:
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
typedef struct Base {
virtual ~Base(){};
} Base;
vector<unique_ptr<Base>> baseList;
template <typename NarrowType,
typename std::enable_if_t<
! std::is_same_v<Base, NarrowType> &&
std::is_base_of_v<Base, NarrowType>,
bool> = true>
void ApplyFuncToType(function<void(NarrowType)> func) {
// Want to get rid of this loop
for (auto &base : baseList) {
NarrowType *narrow = dynamic_cast<NarrowType *>(base.get());
if (narrow) {
// usage
int main() {
typedef struct A : Base {
void printA() { cout << "a" << endl; }
} A;
typedef struct B : Base {
void printB() { cout << "b" << endl; }
} B;
ApplyFuncToType<A>([](A a) { a.printA(); });
How can I enfore my invariant (one of each type max in container)
Would a unordered_map<type_info, unique_ptr<Base>> be a good solution to this? I have read that typeid is not consistent or safe to use or something, but am not sure exactly.
This is for a system where other classes can register their own types in this vector. i.e. the contents of the vector will change during runtime.
A similar approach is shown here, where an unordered_map is used to allow self-registered event callbacks.
Yeah, sure, it's possible, but I'm not convinced you need it. After all, all your types are completely static.
Also, ApplyFuncToType shouldn't be taking std::function, but a generic argument, since you'll save on the cost of shoehorning things into std::function. You're not deducing any types anyway - because std::function is not a tool for that - and thus you have the call that includes the type parameter explicitly: ApplyFuncToType<A>.
And finally, it's probably wrong to pass A and B to the lambda by value - since then the instance the lambda is using is not the instance you so carefully deposited beforehand (!). It should be passed by const reference, or by reference if it's a non-const method:
// Do this
ApplyFuncToType<A>([](const A &a) { a.printA(); });
// Or do that
ApplyFuncToType<A>([](A &a) { a.printA(); });
// NO!
ApplyFuncToType<A>([](A a) { a.printA(); });
It's hard to deduce it ahead of time, but I imagine that you'd want to make A, B, ... non-copyable but they definitely should be movable (read on).
A Tuple of Pointers
All you really want is the below - and it doesn't care that the types are derived from some base, you can use any types you wish. You can of course add type constraints if you want to protect from bugs where wrong types are supplied to ptr_tuple.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
struct A { void methodA() {} };
struct B { void methodB() {} };
template <class ...Args>
using ptr_tuple = std::tuple<std::unique_ptr<Args>...>;
ptr_tuple<A, B> instances;
template <typename T>
auto &instance()
return std::get<std::unique_ptr<T>>(instances);
template <class T, class Fun, class ...Args>
void invoke(Fun &&fun, Args &&...args)
auto *ptr = instance<T>().get();
if (ptr) {
std::invoke(fun, *ptr, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
int main() {
instance<A>() = std::make_unique<A>();
instance<B>() = std::make_unique<B>();
invoke<A>([](A& a){ a.methodA(); });
invoke<B>([](B& b){ b.methodB(); });
Argument Deduction for Invoke/Apply
It's not even necessary to supply the explicit type parameter to invoke. We can deduce it. For that, we use a traits class that's sorely missing in C++ standard library:
// from https://stackoverflow.com/a/39717241/1329652
// see also
// https://github.com/kennytm/utils/blob/master/traits.hpp
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/27885283/1329652
// boost::callable_traits
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct function_traits;
template <typename R, typename... A>
struct function_traits<R (*)(A...)>
using args_type = std::tuple<A... >;
using arg0_class = std::decay_t<std::tuple_element_t<0, args_type>>;
template <typename R, typename C, typename... A>
struct function_traits<R (C::*)(A...)>
using args_type = std::tuple<A... >;
using arg0_class = std::decay_t<std::tuple_element_t<0, args_type>>;
template <typename R, typename C, typename... A>
struct function_traits<R (C::*)(A...) const>
using args_type = std::tuple<A... >;
using arg0_class = std::decay_t<std::tuple_element_t<0, args_type>>;
template <typename T>
struct function_traits<T, std::void_t<decltype(&T::operator())> >
: public function_traits< decltype(&T::operator()) >
And then we can deduce the needed type in invoke:
template <class Fun, class ...Args>
void invoke(Fun &&fun, Args &&...args)
using arg0_class = typename function_traits<std::decay_t<Fun>>::arg0_class;
auto *ptr = instance<arg0_class>().get();
if (ptr) {
std::invoke(fun, *ptr, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
int main() {
instance<A>() = std::make_unique<A>();
instance<B>() = std::make_unique<B>();
invoke([](A& a){ a.methodA(); });
invoke([](B& b){ b.methodB(); });
A Tuple of Optional Values
Depending on what your A and B types really are, if they can be moved, then using dynamic memory allocation is totally unnecessary, you'd much rather keep them by value, e.g. with optional:
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
struct A { void methodA() {} };
struct B { void methodB() {} };
template <class ...Args>
using opt_tuple = std::tuple<std::optional<Args>...>;
opt_tuple<A, B> instances;
template <typename T> auto &instance()
return std::get<std::optional<T>>(instances);
template <class T, class Fun, class ...Args>
void invoke(Fun &&fun, Args &&...args)
auto &opt = instance<T>();
if (opt) {
std::invoke(fun, *opt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
int main() {
instance<A>().emplace(); // constructs A
instance<B>().emplace(); // constructs B
invoke<A>([](A& a){ a.methodA(); });
invoke<B>([](B& b){ b.methodB(); });
Of course you can add the type-deduced variant of invoke just as before.
A type-id Stand In
Even though I really think that your original solution is in want of a problem - you should state what problem you're trying to solve, otherwise it smells of an XY problem - there of course is a better "type id" than type_id: an address of a function templated on a type. There'll be only one instance of it per program.
I don't think that the "O(1)" lookup is a real requirement, a very, very fast O(log(N)) lookup - way faster than you'd get from e.g. std::map, will work just as well for whatever your imaginary applications is.
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
// here goes function_traits implementation from above
struct Base {};
template <typename T>
constexpr static bool is_derived_from_Base_v =
!std::is_same_v<Base, T> && std::is_base_of_v<Base, T>;
class UniqueTypeObjects {
using marker_type = void(*)();
struct Pair {
std::unique_ptr<Base> base;
marker_type marker;
Pair(std::unique_ptr<Base> &&base, marker_type marker) : base(std::move(base)), marker(marker) {}
bool operator<(marker_type o) const { return marker < o; }
friend bool operator<(marker_type a, const Pair &o);
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if<is_derived_from_Base_v<T>>>
struct Witness {
static void marker() {}
std::vector<Pair> m_objects;
template <class Derived, class =
void insert(std::unique_ptr<Derived> &&obj) {
auto constexpr marker = &Witness<Derived>::marker;
auto it = std::lower_bound(m_objects.begin(), m_objects.end(), marker);
if (it != m_objects.end() && it->marker == marker)
throw std::logic_error("Attempting to insert an object of duplicate type");
m_objects.emplace(it, std::move(obj), marker);
template <typename Derived, typename Fun,
class = std::enable_if_t<is_derived_from_Base_v<Derived>>>
void apply(Fun fun) const {
auto constexpr marker = &Witness<Derived>::marker;
auto it = std::lower_bound(m_objects.begin(), m_objects.end(), marker);
if (it == m_objects.end() || it->marker != marker)
throw std::runtime_error("No object found to apply the function to");
std::invoke(fun, *static_cast<Derived*>(it->base.get()));
template <typename Fun,
class = std::enable_if_t<is_derived_from_Base_v<
typename function_traits<std::decay_t<Fun>>::arg0_class>>>
void apply(Fun fun) const {
using arg0_class = typename function_traits<std::decay_t<Fun>>::arg0_class;
bool operator<(void(*a)(), const UniqueTypeObjects::Pair &o)
{ return a < o.marker; }
char lastInvoked;
int main() {
struct A : Base {
void methodA() { lastInvoked = 'A'; }
struct B : Base {
void methodB() { lastInvoked = 'B'; }
UniqueTypeObjects uto;
uto.apply([](A &a){ a.methodA(); });
assert(lastInvoked == 'A');
uto.apply([](B &b){ b.methodB(); });
assert(lastInvoked == 'B');
But I still don't think it's necessary. If you truly have O(1) requirement, e.g. some sort of a realtime system, or system with deterministic execution timing, then the opt_tuple solution or its equivalent is the one you should use. Otherwise - good luck with the paperwork and test plans to ensure that UniqueTypeObjects works. I wrote the thing and even I wouldn't allow it in a realtime or hi-reliability codebase I maintained. Nothing beats static type safety and ensuring correctness by design, and you get that with the tuple approach (or its equivalent with a custom class).

Achieve functor overloading through composition

Given some existing functors:
struct incr {
int operator()(int x) const { return x + 1; }
struct rep_str {
std::string operator()(const std::string& s) const { return s + s; }
I'm wondering if it's possible to achieve something like this:
auto f = overload<incr, rep_str>();
f(1); // returns 2
f("hello"); // returns "hellohello"
Multiple overloads may look like:
auto f = overload<fa, fb, fc, ...>();
// or...
auto g = overload<fa, overload<fb, overload<fc, ...>>>();
I'm thinking maybe use SFINAE with std::result_of_t or something like that, but haven't figured out how.
You don't need anything too fancy: just inherit from all the arguments and use using-declarations to bring in operator() from the base classes. However, in the variadic case, you can't have a pack expansion in a using-declaration, so you have to use a recursive approach, like so:
template <class... Ts>
struct overload {}; // only used for empty pack
template <class T>
struct overload<T> : private T {
using T::operator();
template <class T1, class T2, class... Ts>
struct overload<T1, T2, Ts...> : private T1, overload<T2, Ts...> {
using T1::operator();
using overload<T2, Ts...>::operator();
Brian's answer is better, IMHO, but since I worked on it, here's mine:
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
template <typename... Fns>
struct overload;
template <typename Fn, typename... Fns>
struct overload<Fn, Fns...>
template <typename... T>
std::result_of_t<Fn(T...)> operator()(T && ... args) const {
return Fn()(std::forward<T>(args)...);
using next = overload<Fns...>;
template <typename... T>
std::result_of_t<next(T...)> operator()(T && ... args) const {
return next()(std::forward<T>(args)...);
this can be done using template specialization:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
template <typename...Args>
struct overload{
template <> struct overload<int>{
int operator()(int x) const { return x + 1; }
template <> struct overload< std::string>{
std::string operator()(const std::string& s) const { return s + s; }
template <typename...Args >
auto f(Args...arg){
overload<Args...> func;
return func(arg...);
int main()
std::cout << f(3) << std::endl << f(std::string("Hello"));
Note: two answers by #Brian and #md5i more general and elegant and perfect and better than this.

How to support multiple construction signatures in a factory design?

I'm working with the following (simplified) factory design to create objects of some inheritance hierarchy, shouldn't be anything special:
// class to create
class Class
Class(Type type, Foo foo);
// Simple creator class.
// Used in practice to do some runtime checks about whether or not construction is allowed.
class Creator
Class* create( Type type, Foo foo ) const
return new Class( type, foo );
class Factory
// fill object creator map on construction
_map[ "name" ] = new Creator<Class>;
Class* create( const std::string& name, Type type, Foo foo )
// fowards to map entry
return _map[name]->create( type, foo );
std::map<std::string, Creator*> _map;
// client code
int main()
Factory f;
factory.create(name, type, foo);
Now I run into problems once I want to create subclasses which have a different constructor signature because the factory imposes a fixed signature on the entire inheritance hierarchy. I.e. for the following class I have no way of specifying the new 3rd parameter via the factory construction without imposing this extended signature on all other class of my hierarchy again.
class ExtClass : public Class
Class(Type type, Foo foo, NewMember nm)
: Class(type, foo),
NewMember _nm;
Is there a way to make this work with my current design without making pricinpal changes? I'm thinking of using templates or bind objects to make varying argument calls possible.
Or would you in this case suggest a different solution than the factory design?
This answer is different enough to my first solution and it includes what you might consider "principal changes" that I have made it a separate answer:
In my opinion, it is superior to my earlier solution, but it depends what your exact requirements are. The features here are:
Creator id is unique.
CreateObject supports implicit conversion of parameters.
The same limitation that the constructors must take const& parameters exists. It might not matter, but this solution only requires C++11. It would, of course, be a bit simpler with the new C++17 tuple features.
#include <boost/functional/factory.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
// Just for debugging.
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <cxxabi.h>
// Tuple manipulation.
template <typename Signature>
struct signature_impl;
template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
struct signature_impl<ReturnType(Args...)>
using return_type = ReturnType;
using param_types = std::tuple<Args...>;
template <typename T>
using signature_t = signature_impl<T>;
template <std::size_t... Ints>
struct indices {};
template <std::size_t N, std::size_t... Ints>
struct build_indices : build_indices<N-1, N-1, Ints...> {};
template <std::size_t... Ints>
struct build_indices<0, Ints...> : indices<Ints...> {};
template <typename Tuple>
using make_tuple_indices = build_indices<std::tuple_size<typename std::remove_reference<Tuple>::type>::value>;
// The multiple-signature factory.
template <class AbstractProduct, typename IdentifierType, typename... ProductCreators>
class multifactory
using functions = boost::variant<boost::function<ProductCreators>...>;
std::map<IdentifierType, functions> associations_;
template <typename Signature>
struct dispatch_foo
template <typename CreateArgs, std::size_t... Indices>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<CreateArgs, typename signature_t<Signature>::param_types>::value, AbstractProduct>::type
static apply(boost::function<Signature> const &f, CreateArgs && t, indices<Indices...>)
return f(std::get<Indices>(std::forward<CreateArgs>(t))...);
template <typename CreateArgs, std::size_t... Indices>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<CreateArgs, typename signature_t<Signature>::param_types>::value, AbstractProduct>::type
static apply(boost::function<Signature> const &, CreateArgs &&, indices<Indices...>)
return nullptr;
template <typename... CreateArguments>
struct dispatcher : boost::static_visitor<AbstractProduct>
std::tuple<CreateArguments...> args;
dispatcher(CreateArguments const&... args) : args{std::forward_as_tuple(args...)} {}
template <typename Signature>
AbstractProduct operator()(boost::function<Signature> const &f) const
int status;
std::cout << "visitor: " << abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(Signature).name(), nullptr, 0, &status) << "\n";
return dispatch_foo<Signature>::apply(f, args, make_tuple_indices<std::tuple<CreateArguments...>>{});
template <typename ProductCreator>
bool Register(IdentifierType id, ProductCreator &&creator) {
return associations_.emplace(id, std::forward<ProductCreator>(creator)).second;
bool Unregister(const IdentifierType& id) {
return associations_.erase(id) == 1;
template <typename... Arguments>
AbstractProduct CreateObject(const IdentifierType& id, Arguments const& ... args) {
auto i = associations_.find(id);
if (i != associations_.end()) {
dispatcher<Arguments...> impl(args...);
return boost::apply_visitor(impl, i->second);
throw std::runtime_error("Creator not found.");
struct Arity {
virtual ~Arity() = default;
struct Nullary : Arity {};
struct Unary : Arity {
Unary() {} // Also has nullary ctor.
Unary(int) {}
int main(void)
multifactory<Arity*, int, Arity*(), Arity*(const int&)> factory;
factory.Register(0, boost::function<Arity*()>( boost::factory<Nullary*>() ));
factory.Register(1, boost::function<Arity*(const int&)>(boost::factory<Unary*>()) );
auto a = factory.CreateObject(0);
assert(typeid(*a) == typeid(Nullary));
auto b = factory.CreateObject(1, 2);
assert(typeid(*b) == typeid(Unary));
Apologies for the different naming conventions, but this is the C++14 solution that I currently use. The two main shortcomings are
when calling CreateObject, the type of the value passed as an
argument must be the same as the type registered. You can't pass in
a float and call a constructor registered with a double
Due to an implementation detail in boost::bind,
parameters must be const &.
A design limitation because I wanted to use boost::factory is that objects of that class must be wrapped in a boost::function (to disambiguate the function signature).
So it works but it could definitely be improved with more metaprogramming wisdom:
#include <boost/functional/factory.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
template <class AbstractProduct, typename IdentifierType, typename... ProductCreators>
class Factory
using AssociativeContainers = std::tuple<std::map<IdentifierType, boost::function<ProductCreators>>...>;
template <typename Product, typename... Arguments>
bool Register(const IdentifierType& id, boost::function<Product(Arguments...)> creator) {
auto &foo = std::get<std::map<IdentifierType, boost::function<AbstractProduct(const Arguments&...)>>>(associations_);
return foo.emplace(id, creator).second;
// This function left as an exercise to the reader...
bool Unregister(const IdentifierType& id) {
return associations_.erase(id) == 1;
template <typename... Arguments>
AbstractProduct CreateObject(const IdentifierType& id, Arguments&& ... args) const {
auto const &foo = std::get<std::map<IdentifierType, boost::function<AbstractProduct(const Arguments&...)>>>(associations_);
auto const i = foo.find(id);
if (i != foo.end()) {
return (i->second)(std::forward<Arguments...>(args)...);
throw std::runtime_error("Creator not found.");
AssociativeContainers associations_;
struct Arity {
virtual ~Arity() = default;
struct Nullary : Arity {};
struct Unary : Arity {
Unary() {}
Unary(double x) : x(x) {}
double x;
int main(void)
Factory<Arity*, int, Arity*(), Arity*(const double&)> factory;
factory.Register(0, boost::function<Arity*()>{boost::factory<Nullary*>()} );
factory.Register(1, boost::function<Arity*(const double&)>{boost::bind(boost::factory<Unary*>(), _1)});
auto x = factory.CreateObject(1, 2.0);
assert(typeid(*x) == typeid(Unary));
x = factory.CreateObject(0);
assert(typeid(*x) == typeid(Nullary));

Template tuple - calling a function on each element

My question is in the code:
template<typename... Ts>
struct TupleOfVectors {
std::tuple<std::vector<Ts>...> tuple;
void do_something_to_each_vec() {
//Question: I want to do this:
// "for each (N)": do_something_to_vec<N>()
template<size_t N>
void do_something_to_vec() {
auto &vec = std::get<N>(tuple);
//do something to vec
You can quite easily do that with some indices machinery. Given a meta-function gen_seq for generating compile-time integer sequences (encapsulated by the seq class template):
namespace detail
template<int... Is>
struct seq { };
template<int N, int... Is>
struct gen_seq : gen_seq<N - 1, N - 1, Is...> { };
template<int... Is>
struct gen_seq<0, Is...> : seq<Is...> { };
And the following function templates:
#include <tuple>
namespace detail
template<typename T, typename F, int... Is>
void for_each(T&& t, F f, seq<Is...>)
auto l = { (f(std::get<Is>(t)), 0)... };
template<typename... Ts, typename F>
void for_each_in_tuple(std::tuple<Ts...> const& t, F f)
detail::for_each(t, f, detail::gen_seq<sizeof...(Ts)>());
You can use the for_each_in_tuple function above this way:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
struct my_functor
template<typename T>
void operator () (T&& t)
std::cout << t << std::endl;
int main()
std::tuple<int, double, std::string> t(42, 3.14, "Hello World!");
for_each_in_tuple(t, my_functor());
Here is a live example.
In your concrete situation, this is how you could use it:
template<typename... Ts>
struct TupleOfVectors
std::tuple<std::vector<Ts>...> t;
void do_something_to_each_vec()
for_each_in_tuple(t, tuple_vector_functor());
struct tuple_vector_functor
template<typename T>
void operator () (T const &v)
// Do something on the argument vector...
And once again, here is a live example.
If you're using C++14 or later, you can replace the seq and gen_seq classes above with std::integer_sequence like so:
namespace detail
template<typename T, typename F, int... Is>
for_each(T&& t, F f, std::integer_sequence<int, Is...>)
auto l = { (f(std::get<Is>(t)), 0)... };
} // namespace detail
template<typename... Ts, typename F>
for_each_in_tuple(std::tuple<Ts...> const& t, F f)
detail::for_each(t, f, std::make_integer_sequence<int, sizeof...(Ts)>());
If you're using C++17 or later you can do this (from this comment below):
std::apply([](auto ...x){std::make_tuple(some_function(x)...);} , the_tuple);
In C++17 you can do this:
std::apply([](auto ...x){std::make_tuple(some_function(x)...);} , the_tuple);
given that some_function has suitable overloads for all the types in the tuple.
This already works in Clang++ 3.9, using std::experimental::apply.
In addition to the answer of #M. Alaggan, if you need to call a function on tuple elements in order of their appearanceā€  in the tuple, in C++17 you can also use a fold expression like this:
std::apply([](auto& ...x){(..., some_function(x));}, the_tuple);
(live example).
ā€ Because otherwise order of evaluation of function arguments is unspecified.
Here's one approach which may work well in your case:
template<typename... Ts>
struct TupleOfVectors {
std::tuple<std::vector<Ts>...> tuple;
void do_something_to_each_vec()
// First template parameter is just a dummy.
template<size_t N>
void do_something_to_vec()
auto &vec = std::get<N>(tuple);
//do something to vec
// Anchor for the recursion
template <int>
void do_something_to_each_vec_helper() { }
// Execute the function for each template argument.
template <int,typename Arg,typename...Args>
void do_something_to_each_vec_helper()
The only thing that is a bit messy here is the extra dummy int template parameter to do_something_to_each_vec_helper. It is necessary to make the do_something_to_each_vec_helper still be a template when no arguments remain. If you had another template parameter you wanted to use, you could use it there instead.
If you are not particularly wedded to a solution in the form of generic
"for each" function template then you can use one like this:
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
template<typename... Ts>
struct TupleOfVectors
std::tuple<std::vector<Ts>...> tuple;
template<typename ...Args>
TupleOfVectors(Args... args)
: tuple(args...){}
void do_something_to_each_vec() {
template<size_t I = 0, class ...P>
typename std::enable_if<I == sizeof...(P)>::type
do_something_to_vec(std::tuple<P...> &) {}
template<size_t I = 0, class ...P>
typename std::enable_if<I < sizeof...(P)>::type
do_something_to_vec(std::tuple<P...> & parts) {
auto & part = std::get<I>(tuple);
// Doing something...
std::cout << "vector[" << I << "][0] = " << part[0] << std::endl;
do_something_to_vec<I + 1>(parts);
#endif // EOF
A test program, built with GCC 4.7.2 and clang 3.2:
#include "tuple_of_vectors.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
TupleOfVectors<int,int,int,int> vecs(vector<int>(1,1),
return 0;
The same style of recursion can be used in a generic "for_each"
function template without auxiliary indices apparatus:
#include <type_traits>
#include <tuple>
#include <cstddef>
template<size_t I = 0, typename Func, typename ...Ts>
typename std::enable_if<I == sizeof...(Ts)>::type
for_each_in_tuple(std::tuple<Ts...> &, Func) {}
template<size_t I = 0, typename Func, typename ...Ts>
typename std::enable_if<I < sizeof...(Ts)>::type
for_each_in_tuple(std::tuple<Ts...> & tpl, Func func)
for_each_in_tuple<I + 1>(tpl,func);
#endif //EOF
And a test program for that:
#include "for_each_in_tuple.h"
#include <iostream>
struct functor
template<typename T>
void operator () (T&& t)
std::cout << t << std::endl;
int main()
auto tpl = std::make_tuple(1,2.0,"Three");
return 0;
I was testing with tuples and metaprograming and found the current thread.
I think my work can inspire someone else although I like the solution of #Andy.
Anyway, just get fun!
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <functional>
template<std::size_t I = 0, typename Tuple, typename Func>
typename std::enable_if< I != std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value, void >::type
for_each(const Tuple& tuple, Func&& func)
for_each<I + 1>(tuple, func);
template<std::size_t I = 0, typename Tuple, typename Func>
typename std::enable_if< I == std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value, void >::type
for_each(const Tuple& tuple, Func&& func)
// do nothing
struct print
template<typename T>
void operator () (T&& t)
std::cout << t << std::endl;
template<typename... Params>
void test(Params&& ... params)
int sz = sizeof...(params);
std::tuple<Params...> values(std::forward<Params>(params)...);
for_each(values, print() );
class MyClass
MyClass(const std::string& text)
: m_text(text)
friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& stream, const MyClass& myClass)
stream << myClass.m_text;
return stream;
std::string m_text;
int main()
test(1, "hello", 3.f, 4, MyClass("I don't care") );
Boost mp11 has this functionality:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/mp11.hpp>
using namespace std;
using boost::mp11::tuple_for_each;
std::tuple t{string("abc"), 47 };
int main(){
tuple_for_each(t,[](const auto& x){
cout << x + x << endl;