ng build gives an error because of regExp - regex

i have regExp in constants:
export const Constants = {
REGEX: /\+/gi,
but when i run ng build i get an error:
ERROR in app\app.module.ts(58,21): Error during template compile of 'AppModule'
Expression form not supported in 'Constants'
'Constants' contains the error at app\configuration\constants.ts.
npm build script:
ng build --prod --output-hashing none --sourcemaps=true
any ideas?

The regex literals are not supported by AOT. See the list of supported syntax.
In order to make it work transform your regex to something supported e.g. string:
const before = /\+/gi, // before, could be the same as below
const after = { re: '\\+', flags: 'gi' }
const canBeUsedAs = new RegExp(, after.flags);
By this you can still pass the meaning of the RegExp and create one on the fly whenever you need them in the runtime


Cannot get Maven Archetype requiredProperty validationRegex to work

I have an archetype and I am trying to add a new requiredProperty which should only allow one of two possible values: "hibernate" and "hibernate-reactive". In the archetype-metadata.xml, I have defined the property as shown below:
<requiredProperty key="quarkus_orm_selection">
In jshell and in other Java programs, I have verified that the regular expression works properly, but in the archetype when I test using a value like hibernate-ree the archetype proceeds without an error!
I proved out the regex as follows in JShell:
jshell> String[] examples = {"hibernate", "hibernate-reactive", "hibernate-re", "hibernate-ree", "testing", "reactive"}
examples ==> String[6] { "hibernate", "hibernate-reactive", "h ... ", "testing", "reactive" }
jshell> Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("^(hibernate|hibernate-reactive)$")
regex ==> ^(hibernate|hibernate-reactive)$
jshell> Arrays.asList(examples).stream().filter(i -> regex.matcher(i).matches()).forEach(System.out::println)
Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?
I am using Maven Archetype Plugin version 3.2.0
As far as I can tell maven archetypes only validates reg-ex's if you pass in the property in interactive mode.
I created a archetype-post-generate.groovy script (see below)
String ormSelector = request.getProperties().get("quarkus_orm_selection")
def pattern = "^(hibernate|hibernate-reactive)\$" // the \$ is important!
final match = ormSelector.matches(pattern)
if (!match) {
println "[ERROR] ormSelector: $ormSelector is not valid"
println "[ERROR] please provide an ormSelector that follows this pattern: '$pattern'"
throw new RuntimeException("OrmSelector: $ormSelector is not valid")

Problems with Ember, PostCSS, SASS and #apply

I'm trying to use TailwindCSS in my ember app and I ended up using this add-on to do this. But unfortunately some other add-ons require to include their 'scss' files to app styles. So I tried to add 'postcss-sass' to make it work. But it doesn't want to work with "#apply" command. Is it possible to use postcss and sass and #apply command at the moment?
My ember-cli-build.js:
postcssOptions: {
compile: {
extension: 'scss',
enabled: true,
parser: require('postcss-scss'),
plugins: [
module: require('#csstools/postcss-sass'),
options: {
includePaths: ['node_modules']
...isProduction ? [purgeCSS] : []
And I'm getting an error: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Invalid mapping: {"generated":{"line":53,"column":-1},"source":"../../out-338-broccoli_merge_trees_full_application/app/styles/app.scss","original":{"line":52,"column":25},"name":null}
This is precisely where #apply appeared the first time.
It turned out the problem was with a missing semicolon in "app.scss". It worked fine when it was a plain css, and stopped working when I converted it to SASS.

WebStorm Marking Files as Invalid when using Require

I' using the latest release version of webstorm (9.03) and most of my JavaScript files show up as invalid. I'm showing the code below.
'use strict';
function SpeakerDetailsController (speaker, CONFIG, $sce, $scope) {
this.speaker = speaker;
this.showSessions = CONFIG.showSessions === 'True';
$scope.someSafeContent = $sce.trustAsHtml("<i>Hello</i> <b>World!</b>");
SpeakerDetailsController.$inject = ['speaker', 'CONFIG', '$sce', '$scope'];
export default SpeakerDetailsController;
Please make sure to set JavaScript Language Version to 'ECMAScript 6' (or 'JSX Harmony') in Settings/Languages&Frameworks/JavaScript to get ES6 syntax correctly recognized.

how to test with parameterized regex (e.g. /${user}/) on puppet?

I need to get a user's home directory. I decided to get it with parsing a ::getent_passwd string (which is a custom fact build as
concatenation of the contents of the /etc/passwd)
and extract the relevant information with the help of the regex.
When I test the ::getent with fixed string ("adam"), extraction works:
if "$::getent_passwd" =~ /\|adam:x:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]*:([^:]*):/ {
$user_home = $1
notify{"This works":}
But when I build a regex with the $user variable, nothing gets matched:
if "$::getent_passwd" =~ /\|${user}:x:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]*:([^:]*):/ {
$user_home = $1
} else {
fail{"this fails":}
Client and server use Puppet 3.7.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit. Puppetserver uses puppetdb.
It seems, using normal variables in puppet regex is not possible:
There is workaround proposed in the link above :
<% if /(^|\s+)#{string2}(\s+|$)/.match(string1) then %>yes<% else %>no<% end %>
$testre = template('regex.erb')
if $testre == "yes\n" { notify{"success!": } }
An answer five years later, but now there's an easy way.
For others landing here... Try the regexp constructor to build a regexp from a string :
if("abcd" =~ Regexp("${myvar}") { (...) }

R: Countrycode package not supporting regex as the origin

I have a list of countries that i need to convert into standardized format (iso3c). Some have long names, others have 2 or 3 digit codes, and others do not display the whole country name like "Africa" instead of "South Africa". Ive done some research and come up to use countrycode package in R. However, when i tried to use "regex" R doesnt seem to recognize it. Im getting the error below:
> countrycode(data,"regex","iso3c", warn = TRUE)
Error in countrycode(data, "regex", "iso3c", :
Origin code not supported
Any other option I need to do?
You can view the README for the countrycode package here, or you can pull up the help file in R by entering this into your R console ?countrycode::countrycode.
"regex" is not a valid 'origin' value (2nd argument in the countrycode() function). You must use one of "cowc", "cown", "eurostat", "fao", "fips105", "imf", "ioc", "iso2c", "iso3c", "iso3n", "p4_ccode", "p4_scode", "un", "wb", "wb_api2c", "wb_api3c", "wvs", "", "" (using latest version 0.19).
If you use either of the following 'origin' values, regex matching will be performed automatically: "" or ""
If you're using a custom dictionary with the new (as of version 0.19) custom_dict argument, you must set the origin_regex argument to TRUE for regex matching to occur.
In your example, this should do what you want:
countrycode(data, origin = "", destination = "iso3c", warn = TRUE)