What is std::set::equal_range for? - c++

Since std::set cannot contain duplicate elements and is always sorted, std::set::equal_range will always return the range that has either none or 1 element. Technically, yes, that's still a range, but what is the purpose of this algorithm? For std::set it seems pretty unnecessary.

I'm only guessing. But, like count(), it has some value when you're in a template and don't want to have to determine whether you're operating on a std::set or some other associative container.
Basically, it's for consistency. The function does perform as advertised, it's just that yes it has questionable use versus something like find() if you take it in isolation. It does potentially save you one manual iterator increment if you really do want a half-open range out of the box though. :P

All of the associative containers support equal_range, which means you can write generic code which accepts a set, multiset, map or multimap and it will do the right thing.

Consider std::multiset. Despite practically identical in interface, it can contain equal_ranges of higher lengths.


Why is there a "erase–remove idiom" for std::remove, std::remove_if with containers?

I was just looking into why the function std::remove_if wasn't working the way I expected, and learned about the C++ "erase-remove idiom" where I'm supposed to pass the result of remove or remove_if to erase to actually remove the items I want from a container.
This strikes me as quite unintuitive: this means remove and remove_if don't do what they say on the tin. It also makes for more verbose, less clear code.
Is there a justification for this? I figure there's some kind of trade-off with an upside balancing out the downsides I listed in the previous paragraph.
My first thought would be that there's some use-case for using remove or remove_if on their own, but since they leave the remaining items in a collection in an undefined state, I can't think of any possible use case for that.
This is a necessary function of the way the container/iterator/algorithm paradigm works. The basic concept of the model is as follows:
Containers contain and manage sequences of values.
Algorithms act on sequences of values.
Iterators represent moveable positions within a sequence of values.
Therefore, algorithms act on iterators, which represent locations within some sequence of values, usually provided by a container.
The problem is that removal of an item from a container doesn't fit that paradigm. The removal of an element from a container is not an act on a "sequence of values"; it fundamentally changes the nature of the sequence itself.
That is, "removal" ultimately finishes with a container operation, not an iterator operation. If algorithms only act on iterators, no pure algorithm can truly remove elements. Iterators don't know how to do that. Algorithms that only act on iterators can move values around within a sequence, but they cannot change the nature of the sequence such that the "removed" values no longer exist.
But while the removal of elements is a container operation... it's not a value agnostic operation. remove removes only values that compare equal to the given value. remove_if removes only values for which the predicate returns true. These are not container operations; they are algorithms that don't really care about the nature of the container.
Except for when it comes time to actually remove them from the container. From the perspective of the above paradigm, it is inherently two separate operations: an algorithm followed by a container operation.
That all being said, C++20 does give a number of containers non-member std::erase and std::erase_if specializations. These do the full job of erase-remove as a non-member function.
My first thought would be that there's some use-case for using remove or remove_if on their own, but since they leave the remaining items in a collection in an undefined state, I can't think of any possible use case for that.
There are uses for it. Multiple removal being the obvious one. You can perform a series of remove actions, so long as you pass the new end iterator to each subsequent removal (so that no operation examines removed elements). You can do a proper container erase at the end.
It should also be noted that the C++20 std::erase and std::erase_if functions only take containers, not sub-sections of containers. That is, they don't allow you to erase from some range within a container. Only the erase/remove idiom allows for that.
Also, not all containers can erase elements. std::array has a fixed size; truly erasing elements isn't allowed. But you can still std::remove with them, so long as you keep track of the new end iterator.
Many algorithms from the standard library operate on general iterators, which cannot be used to remove elements. erase is a method of the container and has access to more information, so it can be used to directly delete elements.

C++ feature, like std::set, which allows duplicates

I have an std::set, which stores std::pairs of two integers. The std::set is also sorted, by allowing me to pass a helping class. However, I have written many lines of code so far and now, at the last tests, "they" told me something, that actually means that I need to allow possible duplicates in the std::set. Of course this isn't done with std::set. Any alternative that will not make me change the whole-big project?
In short, I use the std::set as an ordered list with data an std::pair of two ints.
You can use std::multiset. That should work for what you are describing.
std::multiset is the answer, as suggested by WhozCraig.

C+11 Associative Container that keeps insertion order?

is there, in the c++ "Standard Library", any "Associative" (i.e. "Key-Value") Container/Data Structure, that has the ability, to preserve order, by order of insertion?
I have seen several topics on this, however, it seems, most before C++11.
Some suggest using "boost::multi_index", but, if at all possible, I would "rather" use standard containers/structures.
I see that C++11 has several, apparently, "unordered" associative containers :link.
Are any of these, by some way, "configurable", such that they are only sorted by insertion order?
You are mixing linear access with random. Not very good bed fellows.
Just use both a vector/list (i.e. order of insertion) along with a map using an index into the former.
No; such capability was apparently sacrificed in the name of performance.
The order of equivalent items is required to be preserved across operations including rehashes, but there's no way to specify the original order. You could, in theory, use std::rotate or the like to permute the objects into the desired order after each insertion. Obviously impractical, but it proves the lack of capability is a little arbitrary.
Your best bet is to keep the subsequences in inner containers. You may use an iterator adaptor to iterate over such a "deep" container as if it were a single sequence. Such a utility can probably be found in Boost.
In unordered maps too, there are not stored according to the order of insertion.
You can use vector to keep the track of the key!

Associating and iterating in C++

I've got a situation where I want to use an associative container, and I chose to use a std::unordered_map, because it's perfectly feasible that this container could be used to hold millions or more of elements. But now I also need to iterate in order. I considered having the value types link to each other in a list, but now I'm going to have issues with memory management.
Should I change container, say to a std::map? Or just iterate once through my unordered_map, insert into a vector, and sort, then iterate? It's pretty unlikely that I will need to iterate in an ordered fashion repeatedly.
Well, you know the O() of the various operations of the two alternatives you've picked. You should pick based on that and do a cost/benefit analysis based on where you need the performance to happen and which container does best for THAT.
Of course, I couldn't possibly know enough to do that analysis for you.
You could use Boost.MultiIndex, specifying the unordered (hashed) index as well as an ordered one, on the same underlying object collection.
Possible issues with this - there is no natural mapping from an existing associative container model, and it might be overkill if you don't need the second index all the time.

Dynamically sorted STL containers

I'm fairly new to the STL, so I was wondering whether there are any dynamically sortable containers? At the moment my current thinking is to use a vector in conjunction with the various sort algorithms, but I'm not sure whether there's a more appropriate selection given the (presumably) linear complexity of inserting entries into a sorted vector.
To clarify "dynamically", I am looking for a container that I can modify the sorting order at runtime - e.g. sort it in an ascending order, then later re-sort in a descending order.
You'll want to look at std::map
std::map<keyType, valueType>
The map is sorted based on the < operator provided for keyType.
Also sorted on the < operator of the template argument, but does not allow duplicate elements.
which does the same thing as std::set but allows identical elements.
I highly reccomend "The C++ Standard Library" by Josuttis for more information. It is the most comprehensive overview of the std library, very readable, and chock full of obscure and not-so-obscure information.
Also, as mentioned by 17 of 26, Effective Stl by Meyers is worth a read.
If you know you're going to be sorting on a single value ascending and descending, then set is your friend. Use a reverse iterator when you want to "sort" in the opposite direction.
If your objects are complex and you're going to be sorting in many different ways based on the member fields within the objects, then you're probably better off with using a vector and sort. Try to do your inserts all at once, and then call sort once. If that isn't feasible, then deque may be a better option than the vector for large collections of objects.
I think that if you're interested in that level of optimization, you had better be profiling your code using actual data. (Which is probably the best advice anyone here can give: it may not matter that you call sort after each insert if you're only doing it once in a blue moon.)
It sounds like you want a multi-index container. This allows you to create a container and tell that container the various ways you may want to traverse the items in it. The container then keeps multiple lists of the items, and those lists are updated on each insert/delete.
If you really want to re-sort the container, you can call the std::sort function on any std::deque, std::vector, or even a simple C-style array. That function takes an optional third argument to determine how to sort the contents.
The stl provides no such container. You can define your own, backed by either a set/multiset or a vector, but you are going to have to re-sort every time the sorting function changes by either calling sort (for a vector) or by creating a new collection (for set/multiset).
If you just want to change from increasing sort order to decreasing sort order, you can use the reverse iterator on your container by calling rbegin() and rend() instead of begin() and end(). Both vector and set/multiset are reversible containers, so this would work for either.
std::set is basically a sorted container.
You should definitely use a set/map. Like hazzen says, you get O(log n) insert/find. You won't get this with a sorted vector; you can get O(log n) find using binary search, but insertion is O(n) because inserting (or deleting) an item may cause all existing items in the vector to be shifted.
It's not that simple. In my experience insert/delete is used less often than find. Advantage of sorted vector is that it takes less memory and is more cache-friendly. If happen to have version that is compatible with STL maps (like the one I linked before) it's easy to switch back and forth and use optimal container for every situation.
in theory an associative container (set, multiset, map, multimap) should be your best solution.
In practice it depends by the average number of the elements you are putting in.
for less than 100 elements a vector is probably the best solution due to:
- avoiding continuous allocation-deallocation
- cache friendly due to data locality
these advantages probably will outperform nevertheless continuous sorting.
Obviously it also depends on how many insertion-deletation you have to do. Are you going to do per-frame insertion/deletation?
More generally: are you talking about a performance-critical application?
remember to not prematurely optimize...
The answer is as always it depends.
set and multiset are appropriate for keeping items sorted but are generally optimised for a balanced set of add, remove and fetch. If you have manly lookup operations then a sorted vector may be more appropriate and then use lower_bound to lookup the element.
Also your second requirement of resorting in a different order at runtime will actually mean that set and multiset are not appropriate because the predicate cannot be modified a run time.
I would therefore recommend a sorted vector. But remember to pass the same predicate to lower_bound that you passed to the previous sort as the results will be undefined and most likely wrong if you pass the wrong predicate.
Set and multiset use an underlying binary tree; you can define the <= operator for your own use. These containers keep themselves sorted, so may not be the best choice if you are switching sort parameters. Vectors and lists are probably best if you are going to be resorting quite a bit; in general list has it's own sort (usually a mergesort) and you can use the stl binary search algorithm on vectors. If inserts will dominate, list outperforms vector.
STL maps and sets are both sorted containers.
I second Doug T's book recommendation - the Josuttis STL book is the best I've ever seen as both a learning and reference book.
Effective STL is also an excellent book for learning the inner details of STL and what you should and shouldn't do.
For "STL compatible" sorted vector see A. Alexandrescu's AssocVector from Loki.