Using switch case for bitwise enums - c++

I have implemented my own typesafe bitwise enum operators following this article:
Here is the enum I am talking about:
enum class OutputStream : unsigned int
None = 0,
// Using bitshift operator (always one bit set to 1)
Console = 1 << 0,
File = 1 << 1,
Other = 1 << 2
In case you wonder, it's for a logging function.
I want to use the enum in a switch statement such as
case OutputStream::Console:
//Do this
case OutputStream::File:
//Do that
Note that there shouldn't be a break; in between the case statements since more than one case can be true.
However, this doesn't seem to work. More precisely, when I use OutputStream::Console | OutputStream::File neither case is executed.
My only solution to this problem was this awkward looking if statement:
if((stream & OutputStream::Console) != OutputStream::None) { /*Do this*/ }
if((stream & OutputStream::File) != OutputStream::None) { /*Do that*/ }
But for me, this defeats the point of a need enum based solution. What am I doing wrong?

As other said in comments, switch is not the best way, but it is still possible to do:
for (int bit = 1; bit <= (int) OutputStream::LAST; bit <<= 1)
switch((OutputStream) (bit & stream))
case OutputStream::Console:
//Do this
case OutputStream::File:
//Do that
// etc...
// no default case no case 0!
So basically you will iterate over all individual bits, for each test if it is present in the stream variable and jump to the appropriate case, or jump nowhere if it is 0.
But in my opinion the individual ifs are better. At least you have better control over in which order are the bits evaluated.


Convert a boring list of switch statements to something shorter and pleasing to look at?

I have a switch statement that runs like this
switch (abc) {
case FILE_0:
lf = m_a->olf[0];
kf = m_a->pkf[0];
case FILE_1:
lf = m_a->olf[1];
kf = m_a->pkf[1];
LOG_ERR << "Wrong type to check";
return 0;
This happens about 30 times and i end up with 30 cases in this single switch.
Any way to shorten it in C++ 11 ? E.g. using templates.
Your code ain't that big to be sure about the intent, though, from what I can see in the snippet, you actually want to convert the symbolic value into an index. (Can I assume this is an enum?)
What I would do is to move that code into a separate function:
auto fileEnumToIndex(FileEnum file) {
switch (file) {
case FILE_0: return 0;
case FILE_1: return 1;
default: __builtin_unreachable();
Your code than changes to:
auto index = fileEnumToIndex(abc);
lf = m_a->olf[index];
kf = m_a->pkf[index];
If the FileEnum is a real enum, you can change the code in the function fileEnumToIndex to a simple static_cast
To cover the default case, you could return a std::optional and use the std::nullopt case to do some error handling. However, when FileEnum is an actual enum, I would assume error handling when you determine that value.
You can create a map of abc and the indice and use that for determining the indice.
// somewhere, maybe outside functions
static const std::unordered_map<abc_type, int> table = {
{FILE_0, 0},
{FILE_1, 1},
// inside function
auto idx_itr = table.find(abc);
if (idx_itr != table.end()) {
lf = m_a->olf[*idx_itr];
kf = m_a->pkf[*idx_itr];
} else {
// default case

Why does this switch Statement not return anything when switching compilers from G++ to MSVC? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Function with missing return value, behavior at runtime
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I was helping a friend with one of his C++ assignments and we found the following code snippet would throw exceptions in MSVC, but when compiling with G++, the exact same code would work fine. The exceptions were return because this function called getValue() wasn't returning anything.
string getValue(int value) {
ostringstream convert;
string rtnValue;
switch (value) {
case 11:
rtnValue = "J";
case 12:
rtnValue = "Q";
case 13:
rtnValue = "K";
case 14:
rtnValue = "A";
// if the value is a a number, we assume it is 2..10
convert << value; // use a stream to convert the number
rtnValue = convert.str(); // into a string
if (value < 2 || value > 10)
rtnValue = "ERROR" + rtnValue + "ERROR";
return rtnValue;
This program turns integers into strings. For the numbers 11-14 it uses switch statement (I know this isn't the best implementation but it's an introductory class).
We found that this could easily be solved by adding another return statement at the end.
string getValue(int value) {
ostringstream convert;
string rtnValue;
switch (value) {
case 11:
rtnValue = "J";
case 12:
rtnValue = "Q";
case 13:
rtnValue = "K";
case 14:
rtnValue = "A";
// if the value is a a number, we assume it is 2..10
convert << value; // use a stream to convert the number
rtnValue = convert.str(); // into a string
if (value < 2 || value > 10)
rtnValue = "ERROR" + rtnValue + "ERROR";
return rtnValue;
return rtnValue;
And this now fixes it for MSVC (and I assume G++ if I checked).
Why did that fix work? Does MSVC and G++ treat parentheses differently with respect to switch statements?
In the first example, the return rtnValue is in the wrong place, and will only ever work when the default case is hit.
In the second example, you have added the return rtnValue in the correct place (and the other can be safely removed).
As to why it worked on GCC and not on MSVC, I don't know, without the return being in the correct place, it's not valid C++ (not all paths have a return value), so you should have got a compilation error on any C++ compiler.
I would suggest the problem is actually the way the braces {} are being used, and your friend thought that the closing brace of the default case, actually closed the switch statement, but it doesn't.
Also, there is no need to have braces on any of the case statements. Braces CAN be used in this way to introduce scoping (for example, temporary variables for a particular case), but in your example, just leads to confusion.
this is the problem
convert << value; // use a stream to convert the number
rtnValue = convert.str(); // into a string
if (value < 2 || value > 10)
rtnValue = "ERROR" + rtnValue + "ERROR";
return rtnValue;
your return statement is in the wrong block, i.e , switch block.
what happens is that, when a case is satisfied it breaks out of the switch that is why it didn't return anything (because it is now out of switch statement).
In order to fix it you have to move your return statement to out of the switch statement to the end of the function.
This correction will we equivalent to the second code that you have provided.
But even in the second code remove the inner return statement.
Return value
Your return statement in the first sample applies to the default case only since the execution of the switch block ends with a break statement in every other case.
In a non-default case, you leave the return value of your function uninitialized. MSVC does warn about that while debugging (see for details) but GCC does not. This problem might be detected during compile time but you cannot rely on that.
The return statement added to the second sample is correct. You can remove the original one which becomes superfluous.
Notice that the braces inside the switch block are not necessary and introduce confusion here. They would be only useful if you created a local variable just to be used in a single case. Anyway, the braces should be indented more than the braces of the switch block. This part
return rtnValue;
demonstrates the misleading indentation clearly. The indentation used in the second example is one of the good solutions to this problem.

Nested redundant 'if' conditions

Is there a better (or cleaner) way to write the following code?
// code X1
else if(condition2)
// code X2
else if(conditionY)
// code Y1
else if(condition2)
// code Y2
I have a few more conditions, but I guess you get the point.
There are four approaches to this problem, none of which is universal:
Leave everything as is - There isn't much code duplication here. If computing condition1 and condition2 is tricky, compute them upfront and store them in bool variables
Make conditionX and conditionY produce a result that lets you unify condition1 and condition2 - This is not always possible, but in some situations you could prepare a variable that unifies the activities taken in the two branches, say, by using a function pointer or a lambda.
Put the processing logic into subclasses with virtual functions to eliminate conditional logic - This is possible only when your initial design missed an opportunity to subclass. Essentially, this approach pushes the decision on conditionX/conditionY into a place where a subclass is created, and then "reuses" that decision later on by calling a proper override of a virtual function in the interface.
Create a numeric combination representing all three conditions, and convert to switch - This trick unifies the conditionals, reducing the nesting.
Here is an example of the last approach:
int caseNumber = ((conditionX?1:0) << 3)
| ((conditionY?1:0) << 2)
| ((condition2?1:0) << 1)
| ((condition1?1:0) << 0);
switch (caseNumber) {
case 0x09:
case 0x0D:
case 0x0F: // code X1
case 0x0A:
case 0x0E: // code X2
case 0x05:
case 0x07: // code Y1
case 0x06: // code Y2
If your concern is with clean code in terms of viewing the source, my advice would be to segregate the blocks into their own sections, something like:
if (conditionX) processConditionX();
else if (conditionY) processConditionY();
and so on.
Then, in the sub-functions, you place the "meat":
void processConditionX (void) {
if(condition1) {
// code X1
} else if(condition2) {
// code X2
You can modify it to pass in and return parameters as necessary and I'd make the conditions and function names a little more descriptive, though I assume they're just examples here.
You can implement a state-machine instead:
#define COMBINATION(a,b,c,d) (((a)<<3)|((b)<<2)|((c)<<1)|((d)<<0))
switch (COMBINATION(conditionX,conditionY,condition1,condition2))
case COMBINATION(0,0,0,0): break;
case COMBINATION(0,0,0,1): break;
case COMBINATION(0,0,1,0): break;
case COMBINATION(0,0,1,1): break;
case COMBINATION(0,1,0,0): break;
case COMBINATION(0,1,0,1): CodeY2(); break;
case COMBINATION(0,1,1,0): CodeY1(); break;
case COMBINATION(0,1,1,1): CodeY1(); break;
case COMBINATION(1,0,0,0): break;
case COMBINATION(1,0,0,1): CodeX2(); break;
case COMBINATION(1,0,1,0): CodeX1(); break;
case COMBINATION(1,0,1,1): CodeX1(); break;
case COMBINATION(1,1,0,0): break;
case COMBINATION(1,1,0,1): CodeX2(); break;
case COMBINATION(1,1,1,0): CodeX1(); break;
case COMBINATION(1,1,1,1): CodeX1(); break;
This includes only one branch operation, so it is possibly a little more efficient (even though it also includes an additional runtime computation (at the switch line)).
As to being cleaner, I guess it's a matter of perspective, but the template above also gives you a convenient way to detect all unhandled branches within your code.
Please note that if any of the condition variables may have a value other than 1 or 0, then you should:
#define COMBINATION(a,b,c,d) (((a)?8:0)|((b)?4:0)|((c)?2:0)|((d)?1:0))
Update (attributed to #Jonathan Wakely in one of the comments below):
If you're using C++11, then you may replace the COMBINATION macro with a constexpr function:
constexpr int COMBINATION(bool a,bool b,bool c,bool d)
return ((int)a<<3) | ((int)b<<2) | ((int)c<<1) | ((int)d<<0);
I would provide the decision inside the first if as a parameter to a separated functions which then decides which code to execute, like:
Method1(Condition Parameters)
else if(conditionY)
Method1(Condition Parameters)
Another way would be to provide all needed info to a decision method (matrix), this method returns an integer which you use in a switch statement to decide which code to execute. In this way you separate the desicion logic which makes it readable and easy to unittest if needed:
DecisionMatrix(conditionX, conditionY, condition1, condition2)
// return a value according to the conditions for Example:
// CoditionX + Condition1 => return 1
// CoditionX + Condition2 => return 2
// CoditionY + Condition1 => return 3
// CoditionY + Condition2 => return 4
case 1: //run code X1
case 2: //run code X2
case 3: //run code Y1
case 4: //run code Y2
The best way here would be to use polymorphism (Only if the chunks of code are huge)
If they are small code snippets, creating classes would obviously be an overkill.
Therefore, if there is similarity in all codes, I'd suggest a seemingly easy but really difficult task.
Try to parametrize them as much as you can.
Create a function that takes those and call them in the conditions
Now the code would be in function blocks and "cleaner"
It is always difficult to create simple things.
if (conditionX) {
else if (conditionY) {
void method(ParameterType e) {
if (condition 1) {
// Code in terms of parameter e
} else if (condition2) {
// Code in terms of parameter e
The condition that you can parametrize should be kept outside.
Hope this helps.
I think this way can be another way for solving your code.
enum ConditionParentType
enum ConditionChildType
class ConditionHandler
explicit ConditionHandler(ConditionParentType p_type, ConditionChildType c_type)
: p_type_(p_type), c_type_(c_type) {};
void DoAction()
if(child_type == CONDITION_1)
else if(child_type == CONDITION_2)
const ConditionParentType p_type_;
const ConditionChildType c_type_;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ConditionParentType parent_type = GetParentType();
ConditionChildType child_type = GetChildType();
ConditionHandler handler(parent_type, child_type);
return 0;
If the combination of conditions means something then I'd write a set simple methods that return boolean values. You would end up with something like:
if (first-condition(conditionX, condition1)) {
// code X1
} else if (first-condition(conditionX, condition2)) {
// code X2
} else if (third-condition(conditionY, condition1)) {
// code Y1
} else if (fourth-condition(conditionY, condition2)) {
// code Y2
The names of the methods describe the conditions. Don't worry that the methods are only called once (the compiler will probably in-line them anyway), the important bit it that your code then becomes self documenting.
I'm quite surprised by the other suggested answers, which are mostly wrong if:
The two repeated conditions condition1 or condition2 are complex, in which case DRY comes into play, or
Any of the four conditions have side effects, or
Any of the conditions are slow (for example, find the minimum of a large array, or read a file), or
A boolean short-circuit is needed, as in: if (p == 0) {...} else if (p->foo == 42) {...}.
If none of these hold, as is the case 99.42% of the time, then leave the code as it is. Or, as a minor variation, change it so the nesting (that is, indentation) is only one level, not two.
Otherwise, you will need to use temporary variables as follows
const bool tstX = (conditionX);
const bool tstY = tstX || (conditionY);
const bool tst1 = tstY && (condition1);
const bool tst2 = tstY && !tst1 && (condition2);
the original code doesn't look to bad. Depending on the specific case it may or may not be more readable to do something like:
if(conditionX and condition1) {
// code X1
else if(conditionX and condition2) {
// code X2
else if(conditionY and condition1) {
// code Y1
else if(conditionY and condition2)
// code Y2

Does case-switch work like this?

I came across a case-switch piece of code today and was a bit surprised to see how it worked. The code was:
switch (blah)
case a:
case b:
case c:
case d:
case e:
/* code here */
default :
To my surprise in the scenario where the variable was c, the path went inside the "code here" segment. I agree there is no break at the end of the c part of the case switch, but I would have imagined it to go through default instead. When you land at a case blah: line, doesn't it check if your current value matches the particular case and only then let you in the specific segment? Otherwise what's the point of having a case?
This is called case fall-through, and is a desirable behavior. It allows you to share code between cases.
An example of how to use case fall-through behavior:
case a:
case b:
case c:
If you enter the switch when blah == a, then you will execute function1(), function2(), and function3().
If you don't want to have this behavior, you can opt out of it by including break statements.
case a:
case b:
case c:
The way a switch statement works is that it will (more or less) execute a goto to jump to your case label, and keep running from that point. When the execution hits a break, it leaves the switch block.
That is the correct behavior, and it is referred to as "falling through". This lets you have multiple cases handled by the same code. In advanced situations, you may want to perform some code in one case, then fall through to another case.
Contrived example:
} // DO NOT BREAK, we still want to save
case CMD_SAVE:
} break;
} break;
This is called a fall-through.
It is exactly doing what you are seeing: several cases is going to execute same piece of code.
It is also convenient in doing extra processing for certain case, and some shared logic:
// psuedo code:
void stopServer() {
switch (serverStatus)
// fall-thru
serverStatus = STOPPED;
// ignored
This is a typical use of fall-through in switch-case. In case of STARTING and STARTED, we need to do deallocateResources and change the status to STOPPED, but STARTING need some extra cleanup. By the above way, you can clearly present the 'common logic' plus extra logic in STARTING.
STOPPED, STOPPING and default are similar, all of them fall thru to default logic (which is ignoring).
It is not always a good way to code like this but if it is well used it can present the logic better.
Luckily for us, C++ doesn't depend on your imagination :-)
Think of the switch labels as "goto" labels, and the switch(blah) simply "goes to" the corresponding label, and then the code just flows from there.
Actually the switch statement works the way you observed. It is designed so that you can combine several cases together until a break is encountered and it acts something like a sieve.
Here is a real-world example from one of my projects:
struct keystore_entry *new_keystore(p_rsd_t rsd, enum keystore_entry_type type, const void *value, size_t size) {
struct keystore_entry *e;
e = rsd_malloc(rsd, sizeof(struct keystore_entry));
if ( !e )
return NULL;
e->type = type;
switch (e->type) {
memcpy(&e->dblval, value, sizeof(double));
memcpy(&e->intval, value, sizeof(int));
if ( size == 0 ) {
/* calculate the size if it's zero */
size = strlen((const char *)value);
e->ptr = rsd_malloc(rsd, size);
e->size = size;
memcpy(e->ptr, value, size);
/* TO HERE */
return NULL;
return e;
The code for KE_STRING and KE_VOIDPTR cases is identical except for the calculation of size in case of string.

Is It Possible To Do The Following In A Switch Statement - C++?

I am a programming student in my second OOP class, and I have a simple question that I have not been able to find the answer to on the internet, if it's out there, I apologize.
My question is this:
Is it possible have Boolean conditions in switch statements?
case >= someNum && <= someOtherNum
// Is this possible?
No this is not possible in C++. Switch statements only support integers and characters (they will be replaced by their ASCII values) for matches. If you need a complex boolean condition then you should use an if / else block
As others have said you can't implement this directly as you are trying to do because C++ syntax doesn't allow it. But you can do this:
switch( userInputtedInt )
// case 0-3 inclusve
case 0 :
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
// do something for cases 0, 1, 2 & 3
case 4 :
case 5 :
// do something for cases 4 & 5
No, this is usually the purview of the if statement:
if ((userInputtedInt >= someNum) && (userInputtedInt <= someOtherNum)) { ... }
Of course, you can incorporate that into a switch statement:
switch (x) {
case 1:
// handle 1
if ((x >= 2) && (x <= 20)) { ... }
It's not possible directly -- a C or C++ switch statement requires that each case is a constant, not a Boolean expression. If you have evenly distributed ranges, you can often get the same effect using integer division though. e.g. if you have inputs from 1 to 100, and want to work with 90-100 as one group, 80-89 as another group, and so on, you can divide your input by 10, and each result will represent a range.
Or you can perhaps do this
switch((userInputtedInt >= someNum) && (userInputtedInt <= someOtherNum))
case true:
//do something
case false:
//something else
But that's just down-right terrible programming that could be handled with if-else statements.
This isn't possible. The closest you can some, if the values are reasonably close together is
case someNum:
case someNum+1:
// ...
case someOtherNum:
C++ does not support that.
However, if you are not concerned with writing portable, standard code some compilers support this extended syntax:
case someNum...someOtherNum:
Those values must be constant.
If you fancy the preprocessor you could write some kind of macro that auto-expands to the number of case statement required. However that would require a lengthly file with pretty much all case statements (ex: #define CASE0 case 0: #define CASE1 case 1: ...)
You shouldn't go there but it's fun to do...for fun! ;)
The standard does not allow for this:
6.4.2 The switch statement [stmt.switch]
[...] Any statement within the switch statement can be labeled with one or more case labels as follows:
case constant-expression :
where the constant-expression shall be an integral constant expression (5.19).
Some C++ compilers still support range notations today, 8 years after this question was originally asked. It surprised me.
I learned Pascal in 2012, Pascal do have range notations.
So it encouraged me to try the similar syntax in C++, then it worked unexpectedly fabulously.
The compiler on my laptop is g++ (GCC) 6.4.0 (from Cygwin project) std=c++17
There is a working example, which I wrote in hurry.
In addition, the source code is attached as follow:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define ok(x) cout << "It works in range(" << x << ")" << endl
#define awry cout << "It does\'t work." << endl
int main() {
/*bool a, b, c, d, e, f, g;
switch(true) {
case (a): break; These does not work any more...
case (b and c): break;
char ch1 = 'b';
switch(ch1) {
case 'a' ... 'f': ok("a..f"); break;
case 'g' ... 'z': ok("g..z"); break;
default: awry;
int int1 = 10;
switch(int1) {
case 1 ... 10: ok("1..10"); break;
case 11 ... 20: ok("11..20"); break;
default: awry;
return 0;