Django Cassandra engine timeout when creating data using models - django

I have a Django app running in a docker swarm. I'm trying to connect it with cassandra using django-cassandra-engine.
Following the guides, I've configured installed apps and connection settings, and running the first step works great ( sync_cassandra). It created the keyspace and my models.
However, whenever I try to create data using the models or a raw query, there's simply a timeout while connecting without any other errors.
Swarm is running on AWS with a custom VPC. Docker flow proxy is used as reverse proxy for the setup (not that it should affect the connection in any way)
I've tried deploying cassandra both as a standalone and as a docker image.
I am also able to ping the servers both ways.
I am even able to manually connect to the django app container, install cassandra and connect to the cassandra cluster using cqlsh
I've been banging my head off for the past few days around this...
Has anyone encountered something similar? Any ideas as to where I can start digging
Feel free to ask for any information you think may be relevant.


AWS Glue Development Endpoint Not Working properly

I am trying to use a development Endpoint to interactively run and edit ETL scripts but there seems to some issues in the development endpoint just after creating it as i am getting errors in scala/python REPL and also unable to do SSH tunnel to remote interpreter.
Let me explain what i did exactly - I created a development endpoint in the AWS console with all the default configurations. While creating the development endpoint i only provided three things 'Development endpoint name' and 'IAM Role' and my 'pub ssh key'. This is how it looks after creation
Then Right After creating the endpoint i am connecting to the spark/python REPL, I am able to connect to them successfully but within couple of minutes of connecting, the REPL starts throwing errors without writing a single line of code. This is happening in all the REPL present in the development endpoints.
Also When I am trying to do SSH tunneling to remote interpreter to connect my Local Zeppelin Notebook it is throwing - "bind: Cannot assign requested address".
Couple of things that are working though -
Able to do ssh to the endpoint.
Created a Sagemaker notebook in the AWS glue that is attached to this development endpoint and this notebook seems to be working fine, although surely it is adding an additional cost and i don't want to continue using it.
Can anyone please help what am i doing wrong? Am I missing any important steps that is needed to be done on the machine right after creating the development endpoint?
Thanks in Advance!
Not very sure about this error but if you are using it smaller datasets then probably you would like to use Docker implementation as it will not add any additional cost and you can go on with your developments.
You can refer this blog on how to set it up

Changing an AWS RDS MySQL instance to Postgres

What is the best way to go about this? I have a mobile app a project team developed whereby they setup the database as a MySQL instance. However, with this new project I have with my own developers, we believe Postgres would better suit or needs - but I want everything on one DB instance (data between the mobile app and the new project will be shared). What is the best way to accomplish this?
You will need to create a new RDS instance to switch the engine type to Postgres.
Whilst transitioning you will need to have both running, to migrate the DB across you will want to keep the data synchronised between both. Luckily AWS has the database migration service.
You should try to migrate your existing application to use this first, then remove the DMS setup and shutdown the MySQL database.

Meteor Framework on AWS

I have an application developed in Meteor Framework.
We are planning to move it to AWS withmulti AZ deployment
need Master Slave configuration for the Mongo DB
My question is how to achieve this, i believe mongo db comes bundled in with the Framework itself,
never worked on it so any help will be appriciated.
Welcome to Stack Overflow.
Mongo is bundled into the development environment, but not the server.
It is normal to host the database either on a different server of your own, or using a database service (there are many around, such as, Mongolab etc) So Mongo can be set up for load balancing and scaling independently of the app itself.

AWS Server setup with JIRA, Docker

I have an Amazon EC2 instance that I'd like to use as a development server for client projects as well as run JIRA. I have a domain pointed to the EC2 server IP. I'm new to docker so unsure if my approach is correct.
I'd like to have a JIRA container installed (with another jiradb MYSQL container) running at as well as the potential to host client staging websites at which point to the client's docker containers.
I've been trying to use This JIRA docker image using the provided command
docker run --detach --publish 8080:8080 cptactionhank/atlassian-jira:latest
but the container always stops running mid setup (set up takes a while in-between steps). When I run the container again it goes back to the start of setup.
Once I have JIRA set up how would I run it under a subdomain? And how could I then have point to a separate docker container?
Thanks in advance!
As you probably know there's two considerations for getting Jira setup, whether as server or container:
You need to enter a license key early in the setup process (and it requires an Internet connection for verification), even if it's an evaluation
By default Jira will use its built-in (H2, IIRC) database, unless you configure an external one
So, in the case of 2) you probably want to make sure you have your external database ready and set up.
See Connecting Jira applications to external databases for preparatory steps for a variety of databases.
You didn't mention at what stage your first setup run fails, however once you've gotten past step 1) or any further successful setup, one of the first things I did, so as not to lose all work I'd done, was to commit the container!
docker commit -a 'My Name' -m 'Jira configured and set up' <container ID> myrepo/myjira:mytag
That way you don't lose all your previous work and you save your container into a new image in one fell swoop.

Is there an easy way to test Openshift Autoscaling?

I'm migrating a Django application to Redhat Openshift Online. The application is subject to spikes in demand, so I want to use the Openshift Autoscaling functionality.
To test this, I use Apache JMeter to put a lot of load on the server, to see whether the new gears launch I expect. But I'm encountering bugs with the server scaling up, like my deployment scripts not working as expected, or migrations not occurring correctly on the database. Is there a more convenient way to test the auto-scaling than sending a bunch of requests at the server until haproxy launches a new gear?
You can scale applications up or down using both the web console and the rhc command line tool. You can read more about how to do it here:
Can you provide more details about what scripts/migrations are not working correctly on the newly created gears? You can also feel free to send questions/issues to