Extracting Sitecore Analytic Data - sitecore

I'm new to Sitecore concepts, and I'm searching almost five days for an answer. I couldn't find what I'm looking for.
I'm trying to access Sitecore analytic data from a web service. I found a web service of Sitecore with using this document. I want to extract data that are about this. I believe this is a public demo site.
I want to access Web Api, then extract data and use it at my own project. Any idea?

When working with Sitecore 9, the API you want to use to connect to analytics data is known as xConnect. A secure connection is required using trusted certificates, so you cannot connect to an existing instance that somebody else setup like the Habitat demo you linked to.
xConnect is an abstraction API that allows you to collect and search all data in the xDB. The architecture fully supports both vertical and horizontal scaling of xConnect services separate from your Sitecore installations.
You can read more about xConnect here in the official developer documentation: https://doc.sitecore.net/developers/xp/xconnect/
There is an xConnect tutorial available here: https://doc.sitecore.net/developers/xp/getting-started/#tutorials-xconnect
I also have a small tutorial you can use on GitHub to start learning the concepts: https://github.com/jst-cyr/XConnectTutorial


Is there a service that allows to access multiple API's using unified interface and one login?

Some time ago I was browsing the web, when I found a service that allowed to access multiple API's using single, unified interface and single login.
I remember that I browsed the catalog of API's and check OCR services to see what features they offer.
I don't remember if it was a free service or paid one. I didn't bookmark it and now I can't find it. I have found only API's catalog on Programmable Web.
Is anyone knows the name of this service?
Well, after getting one vote down I decided to google more. No results. I reviewed bookmarks and... bingo!
It's called mashape.com and what I have had in mind was this catalogue.
Disclaimer: I have no connection to this service. I just liked the idea.
I have just found API search:
It does not allow to access mutiple API's using single credentials, but might be usefull for API's discovery.

Sitecore web service extension

my requirement is to sync third party e-commerce systems(IFS) products into sitecore. Is there a way that i can extend sitecore web service with new method where i can get the products and create them in sitecore? or is there a better way to do this.
I want to create that as sitecore module, so that we can install it on any sitecore website we have to integrate with that e-commerce systems(IFS).
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
You could potentially use the Item Web API (PDF link) that Sitecore comes with, or even roll your own web service that you write and call the native Sitecore API. If you roll your own, you could expose it as a WCF service, or a Web API or any other approach. The service you found and referenced is quite old and not really designed to be extended.
Another approach to what you are trying to do (merge/integration another system into Sitecore) would be to write your own item data provider. Here are some links on that topic:
Integrating External Data Sources
An introduction to Sitecore data providers
The Black Art of Sitecore Custom Data Providers
Please take a look on the Sitecore Commerce Connect product. It has been designed for such kind of tasks, see chapter 2.1.7 Product Synchronization:
Product Synchronization
Connect has its own product data model and a
Product Synchronization service layer for exchanging product data with
one or more external systems. The responsibility of the Product
Synchronization service layer is to manage two-way synchronization of
essential product data. The goal is to synchronize only the data that
is needed to satisfy the most common e-commerce scenarios. In
particular cases, the model can be extended. For more information on
the default scenarios that are supported, see the developer guide.
You should consider using a Custom Data Provider, it's for fit for the task at hand and will allow you to also manage the external data in a similar way to native Sitecore Items, inc caching and publishing.
There is more information in the Integrating External Data
with Sitecore document on SDN and and Nick Wesselmans article on The Black Art of Sitecore Custom Data Providers is a go to reference.
Also these blog posts provide more details on read-only data providers, which is most likely what you will want to use for external data:
A simple read-only Sitecore data provider
Custom data providers in Sitecore

Connect to CRM with only webservies

Can someone please point me to the direction where there is a example on how to connect and retrieve data from Microsoft Dynamic online 2011 with only the web services, such as Discovery and Organization, and not using any of the SDK that Microsoft provided. It would also be nice if I dont need to add System.ServiceModel.
I looked at the Soap example it still used Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples.
The reason i am avoiding any SDK or namespace is I am trying to build a SQL CLR that can connect to CRM online and retrieve the data i needed for the reports. The reports are based on my local database and CRM data.
Thank you for all the help
Most data can be fetched (and relationships are well represented) via the oData/REST web services. You don't need any particular SDKs or custom code, just anything that can read data in XML or JSON format from a URI.
[Your Organization Root URL]/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc is where you'll find the fun stuff. Documentation is on MSDN at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg334767.aspx

Amazon Web Store Inventory as RSS/Data feed

I have been reviewing the setup of a current Amazon Web Store implementation to figure out some of the systems capabilities. The end goal is to pull a feed that i can reuse and transform for Channel Adviser. The documentation on Amazon Web Store is a little sparse and I'm wondering if anyone here has a little experience with this specific product scenario (pull inventory from Web Store Account).
The current goal is to pull down the inventory for the store in a feed via RSS or any other suitable format. I have been looking at the RSS web feeds for Tags # amazon.com page but I dont think it's available for the web store product or feasible to pull an entire store's inventory this way.
-my research has led me to the amazon product advertising API but looking at the WSDL for the service, the only relevant service calls I see are ItemSearch, ItemLookup and SimilarityLookup; none of these seem to explicitly support Web Store and they dont really seem entirely appropriate for pulling the Web Store's entire inventory (although they do appear to accept a merchant ID). Does anyone know of a common or appropriate way to get access to this data?
Thanks in advance for any specific guidance you can provide
After a couple of contacts with Amazon Seller support, it appears that the most appropriate solution is to set up an Amazon Marketplace Web Services account and use those apis. The 'Inventory' api seems to be exactly what we were after (although the support email suggested the Reports section).
Response from Amazon Seller Support
We checked and we have a different program that fits your needs called MWS (Market Place Web Service), you would have to sign up for an account first which is for free. Please visit this link to find out more information:
Click on reports and then on Amazon MWS Developer Guide (PDF) and you will be able to get more information related to your concern.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM -- Do people build websites with it?

Forgive my ignorance, but do people build websites with Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
I have a potential client who says that is the technology they will use for a new web project, for which I would be doing the HTML templating. I want to learn all I can as I am new to this particular system, but I can't seem to find anything related to web building and CRM. Is it more likely the client is using another piece of technology that they are neglecting to tell us about?
Any experience or insight about this process is greatly appreciated!
You can't build website using MSCRM, but you can build ASP.Net website using CRM content easily. The API provided by MSCRM is a set of web services, that can be queried in a website to populate pages content.
Also, you can directly query the Database if you want ReadOnly content, and only for read-only content, because it is not supported to update/create data using SQL connections.
Note that it's required to have the external connector license to use any data in the CRM, thru the API and even thru direct SQL queries.
I have built a website using .NET, utilising the CRM4 API and database. All the website did was to submit queries to CRM using the CRM web services and metadata web services, and get data back. This company was already using CRM for their back end, so it's much easier for the front end to use the same database as well since it's a simple one.
The alternative would be to create an intermediate connector between the 2 systems -- backend and front end, which is not as efficient (for our case anyway).