Make/Cmake subdirectory linking to external library fails - c++

I'm currently having trouble in the following setup:
My main project has a subdirector that is a library. This library depends on a system library "triangle" (installed from source). The main project does use a file from the subdirectory.
Cmake of the main project (and the library) work fine.
Building the library works just fine.
(Either in it's own directory or after cmake in the main directory with
make subdir_lib compiles without problems)
This is where the problems starts.
Building the main project with make project fails. It happens during linking:
subdir/libsubdir_lib.a(Test.cpp.o): In function `Test::run()':
/home/mimre/workspace/tmp/cmake-problem/subdir/files/Test.cpp:34: undefined reference to `triangle_context_create'
/home/mimre/workspace/tmp/cmake-problem/subdir/files/Test.cpp:35: undefined reference to `triangle_context_options'
/home/mimre/workspace/tmp/cmake-problem/subdir/files/Test.cpp:42: undefined reference to `triangle_mesh_create'
/home/mimre/workspace/tmp/cmake-problem/subdir/files/Test.cpp:50: undefined reference to `triangle_context_destroy'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/cmake_problem.dir/build.make:95: recipe for target 'cmake_problem' failed
make[3]: *** [cmake_problem] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:67: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/cmake_problem.dir/all' failed
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/cmake_problem.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:79: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/cmake_problem.dir/rule' failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/cmake_problem.dir/rule] Error 2
Makefile:118: recipe for target 'cmake_problem' failed
make: *** [cmake_problem] Error 2
To avoid having a wall of code in here, I uploaded a minimal example onto github:
Also, this is the library I'm using, installed with cmake & sudo make install:
I've tried the solutions from various similar threads but to no avail.
Thanks in advance for any help!

I would have written this as a comment but I don't have enough reputation for that. Is this a situation where you need to use this Triangle (, rather than the original Triangle ( If you can use the latter, I know from experience that its is very easy to link to. I just put it in a subdirectory in my code with this CMakeLists.txt.
## This only works for linux. Use an if statement to handle all architectures.
triangle.h triangle.c
ADD_LIBRARY( my_local_name_for_triangle_library STATIC ${FILES_SOURCE} )
And then I can link to the triangle library I have created like this:
However, some of the #define macros are missing in triangle.h, so you need to copy them from triangle.c to triangle.h.

It seems that you tried to link a library that doesn't exist (where CMake can find it).
You either need to create a find_library, or when you link to triangle, give a full path with name.
Alternatively, you can leave the source in a sub directory which you can call then link to the name.


Undefined reference using external library with CMake and Conan

I am trying to develop a program that communicates with a PCSC USB reader using Conan and CMake with the LibLogicalAccess library. I followed the instructions of building and installing the library which seemed to have gone fine. I created a small simple console project with a "main.cpp" file. Following the C++ guide on the wiki of the library I tried to call a function from the library which resulted in a "Undefined reference to function. I know there are a lot of topics covering this but I have read as many as I could but could not seem to find the right solution.
I don't have much experience with Ubuntu/CMake/Conan/C++ so it might as well be a very simple fix.
OS: Kubuntu 18.04
Lang: C++
Related software: LibLogicalAccess
CMake 3.17.1,
Conan 1.25.0
#include <iostream>
#include <logicalaccess/dynlibrary/librarymanager.hpp>
#include <logicalaccess/readerproviders/readerconfiguration.hpp>
#include <logicalaccess/cards/chip.hpp>
int main()
std::cout << "Program started\n";
// Reader configuration object to store reader provider and reader unit selection.
std::shared_ptr<logicalaccess::ReaderConfiguration> readerConfig(new logicalaccess::ReaderConfiguration());
// Set PCSC ReaderProvider by calling the Library Manager which will load the function from the corresponding plug-in
std::cout << "after..\n";
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-I /usr/include/PCSC")
add_executable(project main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(project PUBLIC CONAN_PKG::LogicalAccess)
When I try to build the program using cmake --build . this is the output:
[100%] Linking CXX executable bin/project
CMakeFiles/project.dir/main.cpp.o: In function `main':
main.cpp:(.text+0x140): undefined reference to `logicalaccess::LibraryManager::getReaderProvider(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/project.dir/build.make:191: recipe for target 'bin/project' failed
make[2]: *** [bin/project] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:95: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/project.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/project.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:103: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
The weird part is that the first line of code: std::shared_ptr<logicalaccess::ReaderConfiguration> readerConfig(...) works fine and the second line of code gives an undefined reference.
I have tried other functions in the same file which give the same result. The file compiles and runs fine when I remove the last "setReaderProvider" line of code. Also tried a lot of different little adjustments regarding the conanfile.txt and CMakeLists.txt.
Your error says:
main.cpp:(.text+0x140): undefined reference to `logicalaccess::LibraryManager::getReaderProvider(std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::allocator > const&)'
It occurs because your CMake is using libstdc++11 to link, however, Conan is configured to use libstdc++ due backward compatibility.
You need to update your default libcxx:
conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default
Please, read this section in Conan docs How to Manage GCC ABI to get more information.
Also, it's explained on step 5 of Getting Started.
Now when building again, you will need that your local packages won't be available, because it's a new package, using different settings, so you will need to install, or build from sources. The link to libstdc++11 is automatically managed by Conan, it passes the definitions to CMake.

How to correctly import freenect2 using cmake?

I have to use a kinect2 (ubuntu 16.04 LTS). So I installed several things :
OpenNi (
OpenNi2 (
libfreenect, (because I used the first kinect before) (
libfreenect2 (
PrimeSese (with the corresponding part of
OpenCV (
When I was using the first kinect I was able to import the libfreenect tools without an problem, but now way with libfreenect !
You can find my CMake here. There isn't any problem with the others libs in the CMake.
What I changed to install libfreenect2:
I clone the repository in my folder ~/sofware. (I put all my libs here)
Instead of
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/freenect2
I did
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/software/libfreenect2/freenect2
With my Cmake when I compile I got this:
CMakeFiles/Kinect2CaptureYM.dir/app/Kinect2CaptureYM.cpp.o: In function `Kinect2CaptureYM::Kinect2CaptureYM()':
Kinect2CaptureYM.cpp:(.text._ZN16Kinect2CaptureYMC1Ev[_ZN16Kinect2CaptureYMC1Ev]+0x108): undefined reference to `libfreenect2::Freenect2::Freenect2(void*)'
Kinect2CaptureYM.cpp:(.text._ZN16Kinect2CaptureYMC1Ev[_ZN16Kinect2CaptureYMC1Ev]+0x427): undefined reference to `libfreenect2::Freenect2::~Freenect2()'
CMakeFiles/Kinect2CaptureYM.dir/app/Kinect2CaptureYM.cpp.o: In function `Kinect2CaptureYM::~Kinect2CaptureYM()':
Kinect2CaptureYM.cpp:(.text._ZN16Kinect2CaptureYMD1Ev[_ZN16Kinect2CaptureYMD1Ev]+0xb8): undefined reference to `libfreenect2::Freenect2::~Freenect2()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/Kinect2CaptureYM.dir/build.make:156: recipe for target 'Kinect2CaptureYM' failed
make[2]: *** [Kinect2CaptureYM] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:190: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/Kinect2CaptureYM.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Kinect2CaptureYM.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
So my make isn't able to link the the freenec2 lib. But I don't understand why as I put this in my makefile:
Does someone know how to link it correctly ? I'm really stuck beacause of that :/
If you need anything else just ask, thx!
PS : The most important things in my code are (enough to make the make crash):
the include : #include <libfreenect2/libfreenect2.hpp>
the declaration : libfreenect2::Freenect2 freenect2;

Undefined Reference but Library Linked

I'm currently trying to add the RaspiCam library found here:
To the Apriltags library found here:
I unzipped the RaspiCam library and built it separately, then just copied and pasted it into the AprilTags folder. My AprilTags folder looks like this now:
AprilTags build cmake CMakeLists.txt example LICENSE Makefile pod-build raspicam-0.1.6 README.txt src systems.txt tags
Inside the raspicam-0.1.6 folder is this:
build Changelog CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.txt.user dependencies README src utils
I add the library from raspicam to the top of my code in AprilTags as:
#include <raspicam/raspicam_cv.h>
and it detects it when I build. I know this because I purposefully wrote the library wrong, ex. raspicam_cvv.h, and it gave me an error because there is no library like that. So it definitely links. However, when I try to use the library in code with for example:
raspicam::RaspiCam_Cv Camera;
It gives this error:
CMakeFiles/apriltags_demo.dir/apriltags_demo.cpp.o: In function `main':
apriltags_demo.cpp:(.text.startup+0x2d4): undefined reference to `raspicam::RaspiCam_Cv::RaspiCam_Cv()'
apriltags_demo.cpp:(.text.startup+0x324): undefined reference to `raspicam::RaspiCam_Cv::~RaspiCam_Cv()'
apriltags_demo.cpp:(.text.startup+0x384): undefined reference to `raspicam::RaspiCam_Cv::~RaspiCam_Cv()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
example/CMakeFiles/apriltags_demo.dir/build.make:139: recipe for target 'bin/apriltags_demo' failed
make[3]: *** [bin/apriltags_demo] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:193: recipe for target 'example/CMakeFiles/apriltags_demo.dir/all' failed
make[2]: *** [example/CMakeFiles/apriltags_demo.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:127: recipe for target 'all' failed
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
Makefile:27: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
as an undefined reference. I did some research online and found a similar query here: library is linked but reference is undefined where the solution is to change the order in which you link. However, because both projects are built using CMake, I don't know how you would change the order of linking.
NOTE - I would make this a comment if I could, need more rep:
Have you tried "" over <> for your include? <> is for predefined directories while "" follows a relative path
This may seem like an excess check, but did you make sure you have both the .lib and corresponding .h file for the library in the same directory? Lot of people have the .lib but are missing the .h for the lib
I come across this problem when I forget to do either of these two, whether in cmake or in visual c++ through vstudio

undefined reference linking yaml-cpp program with mingw-w64 + cmake

I'm using mingw-w64 (4.8.0) + cmake to build shared libraries for yaml-cpp (0.5.1). The project has a few build targets in the CMakeLists.txt that comes with it: the main library yaml-cpp and some test programs e.g. parse, which links the library.
The library target yaml-cpp itself built without error but it is followed by this error when parse is built:
Linking CXX executable parse.exe
CMakeFiles\parse.dir/objects.a(parse.cpp.obj):parse.cpp:(.text+0x1a3): undefined reference to `YAML::Load(std::istream&)'
CMakeFiles\parse.dir/objects.a(parse.cpp.obj):parse.cpp:(.text+0x1b2): undefined reference to `YAML::operator<<(std::ostream&, YAML::Node const&)'
c:/work/mingw64-4.8/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.8.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: CMakeFiles\parse.dir/objects.a(parse.cpp.obj): bad reloc address 0x0 in section `.data'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
util\CMakeFiles\parse.dir\build.make:90: recipe for target 'util/parse.exe' failed
mingw32-make[3]: *** [util/parse.exe] Error 1
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:228: recipe for target 'util/CMakeFiles/parse.dir/all' failed
mingw32-make[2]: *** [util/CMakeFiles/parse.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:240: recipe for target 'util/CMakeFiles/parse.dir/rule' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [util/CMakeFiles/parse.dir/rule] Error 2
makefile:211: recipe for target 'parse' failed
mingw32-make: *** [parse] Error 2
I run into similar errors when I try to write small test programs using the library, and I don't know what is wrong. What might be the issue here?
Jesse Beder's comment points to the exact issue causing the error described in the question. A quick fix while this gets fixed in a follow-up release is to apply the patch ( to a clean copy of yaml-cpp 0.5.1. There is also a line that declares std::string node_data::empty_scalar in the source file src/node_data.cpp that should be commented out. After making these changes, the shared libraries and utilities build without error.

Project Compilation Error - cannot find -lwxmsw28

While compiling a project i get the following error as
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.6.2/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find lwxmsw28
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [dist/Debug/MinGW-Windows/libRegistration.dll] Error 1
make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2
make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2
I am using wxwidgets libraries however when i ran a command in cmd as
wx-config --libs
i could not see lwxmsw28 either let me know if it is downloadable from somewhere or any workaround to resolve this issue.
This is a linker error, rather than a compilation error.
"lwxmsw28" looks to me like a wxwidgets v2.8 microsoft windows library. Should the linker be looking for this? Since you are using mingw, I would think you should NOT be linking to msw libraries. However, I am not familiar with mingw, so maybe this is the name used for mingw libraries.
If this is the correct library, then the next question is: have you built the wxWidgets libraries? The libraries are NOT "downloadable from somewhere" - you must download the source and build the libraries yourself.
A simple test to find out if you have built the libraries - try to build one of the sample projects.