Currently trying to figure out how to solve this problem.
Right now I am trying to create mex functions for a C++ library which talks to a microcontroller over serial ports on a Windows 10 PC so that I can call functions in that library in matlab. I am currently working through how to persist an instance of my class through multiple matlab mexFunction calls.
So far the only thing I could come up with is to write a wrapper around the class, declare a global extern unique pointer to my class instance, and include it in my mexFunction() files.
Can anyone tell me if this might work, and if so, how exactly does matlab/C++ handle the mexFunction files and their method calls? The scope of my class instance is what I'm unsure of.
A concrete example might be...
What would happen if I declared an extern unique pointer to an object in a .cpp file and included it in my mexFunction files? Would the pointer stay in scope throughout the matlab script that calls multiple different mexFunctions that manipulate that object?
If I need to rephrase the question or provide more information, please let me know.
Yes, you can do this. If the MEX-files all link to the same shared library (DLL), then they all have access to global variables defined in it. You would need to define your global object in the shared library, not in one of the MEX-files.
MEX-files stay loaded in memory after first execution, until you call clear functions (or clear all). The global object will be destructed when the shared object is cleared from memory. To prevent undesired clearing of your state, you can lock one of the MEX-files in memory using mexLock. I would recommend having one ‘initialize` MEX-file, that constructs the object and locks itself in memory. With a special parameter you can make it unlock itself and destroy the object.
Here is an example:
libXYZ.dylib / / XYZ.dll -- a shared library, contains a std::shared_ptr<XYZ>.
XYZ_set.mex... -- a MEX-file that initializes the XYZ object, and locks itself in memory. Links to the libXYZ shared library.
XYZ_get.mex... -- another MEX-file that links to the libXYZ shared library and accesses the XYZ object created by the other MEX-file.
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
struct XYZ {
XYZ(double a);
double get();
double a_;
extern std::unique_ptr<XYZ> XYZ_data;
#include "XYZ_lib.h"
std::unique_ptr<XYZ> XYZ_data;
XYZ::XYZ(double a) : a_(a) {
std::cout << "Constructing XYZ with " << a_ << '\n';
XYZ::~XYZ() {
std::cout << "Destructing XYZ, value was " << a_ << '\n';
double XYZ::get() {
return a_;
#include "XYZ_lib.h"
#include <mex.h>
/// \brief An output stream buffer for MEX-files.
/// Creating an object of this class replaces the stream buffer in `std::cout` with the newly
/// created object. This buffer will be used as long as the object exists. When the object
/// is destroyed (which happens automatically when it goes out of scope), the original
/// stream buffer is replaced.
/// Create an object of this class at the beginning of any MEX-file that uses `std::cout` to
/// print information to the *MATLAB* terminal.
class streambuf : public std::streambuf {
streambuf() {
stdoutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf( this );
~streambuf() {
std::cout.rdbuf( stdoutbuf );
virtual std::streamsize xsputn( const char* s, std::streamsize n ) override {
mexPrintf( "%.*s", n, s );
return n;
virtual int overflow( int c = EOF ) override {
if( c != EOF ) {
mexPrintf( "%.1s", &c );
return 1;
std::streambuf* stdoutbuf;
void mexFunction( int, mxArray*[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) {
streambuf buf; // Allows std::cout to work in MEX-files
// Always do lots of testing for correct input in MEX-files!
if (nrhs!=1) {
mexErrMsgTxt("Requires 1 input");
if (mxIsChar(prhs[0])) {
// Assume it's "-unlock" or something like that. Unlock MEX-file
std::cout << "XYZ can now be cleared from memory\n";
} else {
// Here we create new data
if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[0]) || mxIsEmpty(prhs[0])) {
mexErrMsgTxt("Expected double input");
double a = *mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
XYZ_data = std::unique_ptr<XYZ>(new XYZ(a));
// If the MEX-file is not locked, lock it
if (!mexIsLocked()) {
(Sorry for the streambuf class here, it's noise, but I wanted to use it so you can see the constructor and destructor in the shared library being called.)
#include "XYZ_lib.h"
#include <mex.h>
void mexFunction( int, mxArray* plhs[], int, const mxArray* [] ) {
if (XYZ_data) {
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(XYZ_data->get());
} else {
mexErrMsgTxt("XYZ not initialized!");
In a shell (I'm using MacOS, hence the dylib extension, adjust as necessary):
g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -fpic XYZ_lib.cpp -shared -o libXYZ.dylib
mex XYZ_set.cpp libXYZ.dylib
mex XYZ_get.cpp libXYZ.dylib
>> XYZ_get
Error using XYZ_get
XYZ not initialized!
>> XYZ_set(4)
Constructing XYZ with 4
>> XYZ_set(6)
Constructing XYZ with 6
Destructing XYZ, value was 4
>> XYZ_get
ans =
>> clear all
>> XYZ_set -unlock
XYZ can now be cleared from memory
>> clear all
Destructing XYZ, value was 6
As you can see, XYZ_get accesses the value in an object that was newed by XYZ_set. clear all typically clears everything from memory, but here the locked MEX-file stays. XYZ_set -unlock calls it with a string argument, which causes it to unlock itself. clear all now clears that MEX-file from memory also, and now the XYZ object is destroyed.
I need to mention here that C++ doesn't have a consistent ABI, and these MEX-files will only load if the shared library was compiled with the same compiler.
An alternative, and often simpler, is to create only one single MEX-file (statically linked with your C++ code), and a bunch of M-files that call the MEX-file. The M-files provide the nice interface (can do input checking also), and the MEX-file sits in a private/ directory where nobody can mess with it. The MEX-file can still do the locking thing, so it can hold on to objects that are preserved from call to call.
I've searched endlessly on SE for a logical explanation for why this is happening. It is probably something very simple that I've overlooked, however I cannot spot it and would really appreciate some assistance with this.
Last week I implemented a class to read the output of a system call from a .ini file and then find and store the required information into custom objects that are then stored in a vector inside a Config class. It is a Singleton config class storing a unique_ptr for each instance of my custom class that is created.
The thing is, when I implemented this last week on my laptop, I had zero issues reading and writing to my member vector and was able to get it working exactly how I needed it. Since pulling to my desktop computer, this vector, and any STL container that I use as a member of my class, throws a segmentation fault when I try to do anything on it, even get it's size.
I've tried to shorten the code below to only include sections that actually use this vector. I have replaced my config with A, and custom class with T, and no matter where I try to use my member container, or any other test STL containers that I add to the class, I get a segfault.
For the record, I am using Qt with C++11.
Update: This example breaks on line 50 of c.cpp when debugging, and anywhere that tries to call the vector.
Debug points to this line in stl_vector.h
// [] capacity
/** Returns the number of elements in the %vector. */
size() const _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT
/*-> this line */ { return size_type(this->_M_impl._M_finish - this->_M_impl._M_start); }
#include "c.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
C *c = C::getInstance();
delete c;
return 0;
t.h - Class stores information from file
#include <string>
class T
bool Active();
std::string getA();
void setA(std::string);
std::string a;
#include "t.h"
bool T::Active()
if(a == "")
return false;
return true;
std::string T::getA()
return this->a;
void T::setA(std::string newa)
this->a = newa;
c.h - Class stores T objects and parses file for information
#include "t.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
class C
static C* getInstance();
static C* instance;
static bool init;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>> t_list;
void readLines(const std::string&);
#include "c.h"
bool C::init = false;
C* C::instance = nullptr;
system("echo this is a test command > a.ini");
C* C::getInstance()
instance = new C;
init = true;
return instance;
void C::readLines(const std::string &path)
T* new_t;
std::ifstream file(path.c_str());
qDebug() << "Unable to open " << path.c_str();
std::ofstream o("test.txt");
std::string line;
while(std::getline(file, line))
// Split string before searching
std::stringstream ss(line);
std::string seg;
std::vector<std::string> split;
std::string left, right;
// Search patterns
size_t find_a = line.find("a");
size_t del = line.find(':');
if(find_a != std::string::npos)
o << "test_Size: " << t_list.size() << std::endl;
T* temp = new_t;
std::unique_ptr<T> move_t(temp);
o << "test: " << t_list.size() << std::endl;
std::string n;
// Check if previous ahas any null elements
// Split string to find a
n = line.substr(line.find("a "));
n = n.substr(n.find(" ", +2));
// Add last a
T* t = new_t;
std::unique_ptr<T> move_t(t);
o << "a: " << t_list.back().get()->getA() << std::endl;
o << t_list.size() << std::endl;
UPDATE after code change:
I see two things now: One is that new_t in C::readlines is never initialized, so this could break when new_t->Active() is called a bit later in the function. However, I believe that the main problem you're running into is in C::C(), where it says
At this point in the execution, C::instance is not yet initialized -- you're only just constructing the object that would later be assigned to it. Because of this, this in the readlines call is invalid, and any attempt to access object members will cause UB. This latter problem can be fixed by just calling
in which case the currently constructed object (that will later be instance) is used for this. I have no idea what you want to happen for the first, though, so all I can say is: If you want to have a vector<unique_ptr<T>>, you will have to create objects of type T with either new T() or (arguably preferrably) std::make_unique<T>() and put them in there.
I'll also say that this is a rather ugly way to implement a singleton in C++. I mean, singletons are never really pretty, but if you're going to do it in C++, the usual way is something like the accepted answer of C++ Singleton design pattern .
Old answer:
The problem (if it is the only one, which I cannot verify because you didn't provide an MCVE) is in the lines
T move_t = new_T;
std::unique_ptr<Adapter> ptr_t(&move_t); // <-- particularly this one
You're passing a pointer to a local object into a std::unique_ptr, but the whole purpose of std::unique_ptr is to handle objects allocated with new to avoid memory leaks. Not only will the pointer you pass into it be invalid once the scope surrounding this declaration is left, even if that weren't the case the unique_ptr would attempt to delete an object that's not on the heap at the end of its lifecycle. Both problems cause undefined behavior.
To me, it looks as though you really want to use a std::vector<T> instead of std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>>, but that's a design issue you'll have to answer yourself.
Answering my own question here. I am trying to call a member variable from within the constructor of the object that holds it, so the vector I am trying to access is not yet instantiated and doesn't exist in memory. That is what causes the Segmentation fault to occur, I am trying to access memory that is not allocated yet, hence any call acting on any member of my C class was causing this issue.
I fixed this problem by adding a public function to the class that then calls the private readLines() function. I call that public function from the object that will take ownership of it, and since this occurs after it has been instantiated, the memory is accessible and the problem disappears.
I am currently working on a plugin-library, where one should be able to not only import C-Linkage symbols, but all imported things.
Thus far it works, though the problem is, that gcc screws member-function calls up.
If I export the following:
static member_function(Class* c)
{ c->method();}
it works fine an I can access the class-members. But if I do the following:
void (Class ::*p)() = import("Class::method");
i get the right pointer and also am able to call the function and the passed arguments, but the this pointer is pointing into nirvana. I think gcc is taking it from the wrong position of the stack or something like that.
It works just fine with MSVC.
I am using mingw-w64 5.1.
Does anyone have an idea what the error could be?
Simple example:
#include <iostream>
namespace space {
class __declspec(dllexport) SomeExportThingy
int i = 42;
virtual void __declspec(dllexport) Method(int*) const
using namespace std;
cout << "Calling Method" << endl;
cout << pi << endl;
cout << *pi << endl;
cout << this << endl;
cout << this->i << endl;
namespace space {
class SomeExportThingy
///dummy to have some data in the address
int dummy[20];
int main()
auto h = LoadLibrary("plugin.dll");
auto p = GetProcAddress(h, "_ZNK5space16SomeExportThingy6MethodEPi");
typedef void (space::SomeExportThingy::*mptr)(int*) const;
///used because posix passed void*
auto fp = *reinterpret_cast<mptr*>(&p);
space::SomeExportThingy st;
int value = 22;
cout << "ValueLoc: " << &value << endl;
cout << "StLoc: " << &st << endl;
Now what happens is, that the function is called and the pointer to pi is passed correctly. However, the this pointer is completly screwed up.
Again: it works with MSVC, which get's the this pointer correctly, but gcc get's this wrong.
I have no idea why this happens, and removing the virtual from the method doesn't change that either.
I have no idea what causes this, so maybe someone has an idea what the ABI is doing here.
Here are the pointers I am getting:
0x00400000 == GetModuleHandleA(NULL)
0x61840000 == GetModuleHandleA("plugin.dll")
0x0029fcc4 == _&st
0x00ddcd60 == this
I wasn't able to find any relation between the values
This is not going to work with GCC:
typedef void (space::SomeExportThingy::*mptr)(int*) const;
///used because posix passed void*
auto fp = *reinterpret_cast<mptr*>(&p);
The representation of a pointer-to-member is twice the size of a normal function pointer (or a void*) so you are reading two words from a memory location that only contains one word. The second word (which tells the compiler how to adjust the this pointer for the call) is garbage, it is just whatever happens to be after p on the stack.
In C++, pointer to member functions (PMFs) are implemented using a wide pointer of sorts to handle all the possible call mechanisms; the PMF needs to store information about how to adjust the ‘this’ pointer,
p is a void* so it's a memory location on the stack that occupies sizeof(void*) bytes.
&p is a pointer to that memory location.
reinterpret_cast<mptr*>(&p) is a pointer to 2*sizeof(void*) bytes at the same address.
*reinterpret_cast<mptr*>(&p) reads 2*sizeof(void*) bytes from a memory location that is only sizeof(void*) bytes in size.
Bad things happen.
For linux, the functions for dynamic function loading are: dlopen(), dlsym(), and dlclose(). Please reference: dlopen() man page.
Consider that C++ method names are 'mangled' and and they have an invisible '*this' parameter passed before all the others. Together both issues makes trying to directly access C++ objects not trivial when using dynamic linking.
The easiest solution I've found is to use 'C' function(s) that expose access to the C++ object instance.
Secondly, memory management of C++ objects is not trivial when the code to instantiate is within an .so library object, though the referencing code is from the user's app.
For the long answer as to why avoiding Pointer to C++ Member Methods is difficult, please reference: ISO CPP Reference, Pointers to Methods.
/** File: MyClass.h **/
// Explicitly ensure 'MyClassLoaderFunc' is NOT name mangled.
extern 'C' MyClass* MyClassLoaderFunc(p1, p2 ,p3, etc );
extern 'C' MyClass* MyClassDestroyerFunc(MyClass* p);
// Create function pointer typedef named 'LoaderFuncPtr'
typedef MyClass*(MyClassLoaderFunc* LoaderFuncPtr)(p1,p2,p3,etc);
// Define MyClass
class MyClass
/** methods & members for the class go here **/
char dummy[25];
int method( const char *data);
/** File: MyClass.cpp **/
#include "MyClass.h"
MyClass* MyLoaderFunc(p1, p2 ,p3, etc) {
MyClass* newInstance = new MyClass::CreateInstance( p1, p2, p3, etc);
/** Do something with newInstance **/
return newInstance;
MyClass::method(const char* data)
/** File: MyProgram.cpp **/
#include "MyClass.h"
// Dynamically load in the library containing the object's code.
void *myClassLibrary = dlopen("path/to/",RTLD_LOCAL);
// Dynamically resolve the unmangled 'C' function name that
// provides the bootstrap access to the MyClass*
LoaderFuncPtr loaderPtr = dlsym(myClassLibrary,"MyClassLoaderFunc");
DestroyFuncPtr destroyerPtr = dlsym(myClassLibrary,"MyClassDestroyerFunc");
// Use dynamic function to retrieve an instance of MyClass.
MyClass* myClassPtr = loadPtr(p1,p2,p3,etc);
// Do something with MyClass
// Cleanup of object should happen within original .cpp file
myClassPtr = NULL;
// Release resources
return 0;
Hope this helps..
I also suggest a factory paradigm as an more robust solution, that I'll leave to the reader to explore.
As Jonathan pointed out, pointer-to-members are bigger than normal function pointers.
The simplest solution is to reserve and initialize the extra space.
typedef void (space::SomeExportThingy::*mptr)(int*) const;
union {
mptr fp;
struct {
FARPROC function;
size_t offset;
} combFp;
combFp.function = p;
combFp.offset = 0;
auto fp = combFp.fp;
I'm writing this error handler for some code I'm working in, in C++. I would like to be able to make some sort of reference to whatever I have on the stack, without it being explicitly passed to me. Specifically, let's say I want to print the names of the functions on the call stack, in order. This is trivial in managed runtime environments like the JVM, probably not so trivial with 'simple' compiled code. Can I do this?
Assume for simplicity that I compile my code with debugging information and no optimization.
I want to write something that is either platform-independent or multi-platform. Much prefer the former.
If you think I'm trying to reinvent the wheel, just link to the source of the relevant wheel and I'll look there.
I can't believe how much you need to bend over backwards to do this... almost makes me pine for another language which shall not be mentioned.
There is a way to get a back-trace in C++, though it is not portable. I cannot speak for Windows, but on Unix-like systems there is a backtrace API that consists primarily of the following functions:
int backtrace(void** array, int size);
char** backtrace_symbols(void* const* array, int size);
void backtrace_symbols_fd(void* const* array, int size, int fd);
You can find up to date documentation and examples on GNU website here. There are other sources, like this manual page for OS X, etc.
Keep in mind that there are a few problems with getting backtrace using this API. Firstly, there no file names and no line numbers. Secondly, you cannot even get backtrace in certain situations like if the frame pointer is omitted entirely (default behavior of recent GCC compilers for x86_64 platforms). Or maybe the binary doesn't have any debug symbols whatsoever. On some systems, you also have to specify -rdynamic flag when compiling your binary (which has other, possible undesirable, effects).
Unfortunately, there is no built-in way of doing this with the standard C++. You can construct a system of classes to help you build a stack tracer utility, but you would need to put a special macro in each of the methods that you would like to trace.
I've seen it done (and even implemented parts of it) using the strategy outlined below:
Define your own class that stores the information about a stack frame. At the minimum, each node should contain the name of the function being called, file name / line number info being close second.
Stack frame nodes are stored in a linked list, which is reused if it exists, or created if it does not exist
A stack frame is created and added to the list by instantiating a special object. Object's constructor adds the frame node to the list; object's destructor deletes the node from the list.
The same constructor/destructor pair are responsible for creating the list of frames in thread local storage, and deleting the list that it creates
The construction of the special object is handled by a macro. The macro uses special preprocessor tokens to pass function identification and location information to the frame creator object.
Here is a rather skeletal proof-of-concept implementation of this approach:
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
struct stack_frame {
const char *funName;
const char *fileName;
int line;
stack_frame(const char* func, const char* file, int ln)
: funName(func), fileName(file), line(ln) {}
thread_local list<stack_frame> *frames = 0;
struct entry_exit {
bool delFrames;
entry_exit(const char* func, const char* file, int ln) {
if (!frames) {
frames = new list<stack_frame>();
delFrames = true;
} else {
delFrames = false;
frames->push_back(stack_frame(func, file, ln));
~entry_exit() {
frames ->pop_back();
if (delFrames) {
delete frames;
frames = 0;
void show_stack() {
for (list<stack_frame>::const_iterator i = frames->begin() ; i != frames->end() ; ++i) {
cerr << i->funName << " - " << i->fileName << " (" << i->line << ")" << endl;
#define FUNCTION_ENTRY entry_exit _entry_exit_(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
void foo() {
void bar() {
void baz() {
int main() {
return 0;
The above code compiles with C++11 and prints this:
baz - prog.cpp (52)
bar - prog.cpp (48)
foo - prog.cpp (44)
Functions that do not have that macro would be invisible on the stack. Performance-critical functions should not have such macros.
Here is a demo on ideone.
It is not easy. The exact solution depends very much on the OS and Execution environment.
Printing the stack is usually not that difficult, but finding symbols can be quite tricky, since it usually means reading debug symbols.
An alternative is to use an intrusive approach and add some "where am I" type code to each function (presumably for "debug builds only"):
#ifdef DEBUG
struct StackEntry
const char *file;
const char *func;
int line;
StackEntry(const char *f, const char *fn, int ln) : file(f), func(fn), line(ln) {}
std::stack<StackEntry> call_stack;
class FuncEntry
FuncEntry(const char *file, const char *func, int line)
StackEntry se(file, func, line);
void DumpStack()
for(sp : call_stack)
cout << sp->file << ":" << sp->line << ": " << sp->func << "\n";
#define FUNC() FuncEntry(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
#define FUNC()
void somefunction()
... more code here.
I have used this technique in the past, but I just typed this code in, it may not compile, but I think it's clear enough . One major benefit is that you don't HAVE to put it in every function - just "important ones". [You could even have different types of FUNC macros that are enabled or disabled based on different levels of debugging].
I've been writing a shared library in C++, but I want to share some instance of a class through users of the library. I mean, a read-only object loaded just one time from the library and used by every process linked to the library.
As far as I know this can be made using const or static const, but it doesn't work as expected.
For example:
#include <iostream>
static const int x = 1;
int main()
std::cout << x << std:endl;
*(const_cast<int *>(&x)) = 2;
std::cout << x << std:endl;
return 0;
Using GCC 4.8.1 the code compiles well but, obviously, it fails at runtime because the x variable is read-only (it produces a segmentation fault on my Linux).
However, lets see this code:
#include <iostream>
struct A
A() : x(1) {}
int x;
static const A a;
int main()
std::cout << a.x << std:endl;
const_cast<A *>(&a)->x = 2;
std::cout << x << std:endl;
return 0;
The last code compiles and run well. The executable prints
I was able to modify the const data! So I guess the const modifier does NOT work properly with classes.
Then my questions are:
What do the const static modifiers do to an instance of a class?
How could I put an instance in a shared library to share it through different processes, loading once and sharing the same RAM memory?
The class I want to instantiate inherits from an abstract one.
I am using C++11 but codes shown before were tested without the C++11 support.
sorry if I made any english mistake
Static variables are not shared between processes. Each process gets its own data segment, which is where variables are placed. It doesn't matter whether they're const or not.
About the const_cast, you seem to be confused about what it's actually there for. It is able to remove the const attribute from any variable. The whole point of it is to get the compiler to allow writing to a const variable. You can use it on anything, and you do so at your own risk. If you strip the const from something that really isn't writable, you're into undefined behavior.
A const static variable has the usual meaning. It's static, and it's constant. The type doesn't matter; const static int or const static A. Means the same thing for both.
If you want to share the object between processes, then you will need to put it into POSIX shared memory and synchronize access to it. You use shm_open() for this. There are some tutorials on shared memory online, like this one for example.
Hi I'm currently working on a simulation program that tries to save the state (variables and objects) of the program to a binary file when requested so that it can resume the simulation if needed.
Just as a note: I know that this is not compatible across different CPU architectures and that is absolutely fine!
Everything seemed to be working fine until it came to writing an object that has virtual methods to a file and then trying to reading it back.
The following code illustrates this problem:
using namespace std;
class parent
int mValue;
virtual string getName() =0;
virtual size_t getSize() =0;
parent(int value) : mValue(value)
class bob : public parent
bob(int value) : parent(value)
string getName();
size_t getSize() { return sizeof(bob); }
string bob::getName()
string name("bob");
return name;
class sarah : public parent
sarah(int value) : parent(value)
string getName();
size_t getSize() { return sizeof(sarah); }
string sarah::getName()
string name("sarah");
return name;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "header.hpp"
int main()
sarah girl(1);
bob boy(2);
parent* child1 = &girl;
parent* child2 = &boy;
cout << "Created child called " << child1->getName() << endl;
cout << "Created child called " << child2->getName() << endl;
//save sarah and bob to a binary file
ofstream file("temp.bin", ios::binary | ios::trunc);
return 1;
//format <size><data><size><data>....
size_t tempSize=0;
//write child1
tempSize = child1->getSize();
file.write( (char*) &tempSize,sizeof(size_t));
file.write( (char*) child1,tempSize);
tempSize = child2->getSize();
file.write( (char*) &tempSize,sizeof(size_t));
file.write( (char*) child2,tempSize);
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "header.hpp"
int main()
//read sarah and bob from a binary file
ifstream file("temp.bin", ios::binary);
//format <size><data><size><data>....
size_t tempSize=0;
//get size of child1 (char*) &tempSize, sizeof(size_t));
//allocate memory for child1
parent* child1= (parent*) malloc(tempSize);
//read child 1 back (char*) child1,tempSize);
//get size of child2 (char*) &tempSize, sizeof(size_t));
//allocate memory for child2
parent* child2= (parent*) malloc(tempSize);
//read child 2 back (char*) child2,tempSize);
//Using virtual methods causes SEGFAULT
cout << "Recreated child" << child1->getName() << endl;
cout << "Recreated child" << child2->getName() << endl;
return 0;
And building and running as follows:
g++ -g write.cpp -o write ; ./write
g++ -g read.cpp -o read ; ./read
When I step through the read program in gdb I've noticed the problem appears to be the v-table pointer. When I recreate "sarah" (child1) in the read program the v-table pointer is the one that existed for the write program, not the read program. So presumably this v-table pointer for "sarah" in the write program points to an invalid region of memory which is causing the SEGFAULT.
I have two questions:
Is it possible to save the v-table pointer information to the binary file in the "write" program so that my objects are perfectly recreated in the "right" program without resorting to a library such as Boost::Serialization or POST++ to handle this for me?
If it isn't possible ... or if it's quite complicated then I will have to add a constructor and a "saveState()" method (that can act on a ifstream and ofstream object respectively) so that each class (in this case sarah and bob) handles saving and reading it's state from a binary file. The problem with this is that I have multiple classes that are derived from the class "parent" so I would need a way for the "read" program to work out which constructor to call from reading the binary file.
I came up with one way of working out which constructor to call. This would be
Giving each class that derives from "parent" a unique ID
In the "write" program add unique ID to the binary file
In the "read" program read each unique ID and then use a switch statement to call the relevant constructor.
This isn't very elegant though as every time I add a new class that derives from "parent" I have to give it an ID and add it to the switch statement in "read". Is there a better way of doing it?
Thanks for reading, I know my post is long!
Every time your program gets compiled it puts functions in different places in memory. Also, on some operating system configurations, functions might even move around every time you restart the program. It's a security feature called address space layout randomization. If you know for sure that you will be reading and writing an object from the exact same binary, you might be able to do what you want by putting your read and write functions in the same program instead of two different ones. However, even this is fraught with the problem that if you make a change and recompile, you can no longer read your old data files anymore.
Boost::Serialization was created specifically to avoid all these issues, including I'm sure some I'm not even aware of, is heavily peer reviewed and tested, and has an extremely liberal license as a bonus. Use of such a library is not something to be "resorted" to, it's a privilege.