Simplification of derivative of square using sympy - sympy

I'm trying to use sympy to generate equations for non-linear least squares fitting. My goal is to make this quite complex but for the moment, here's a simple case (but not too simple!). It's basically fitting a two dimensional sinusoid to data. Here's the sympy code:
from sympy import *
S, l, m = symbols('S l m', real=True)
u, v = symbols('u v', real=True)
Vobs = symbols('Vobs', complex=True)
Vres = Vobs - S * exp(- 1j * 2 * pi * (u*l+v*m))
axes = [S, l, m]
grad = derive_by_array(J, axes)
hess = derive_by_array(grad, axes)
One element of the grad term looks like:
- 2.0*I*pi*S*u*(-S*exp(-2.0*I*pi*(l*u + m*v)) + Vobs)*exp(2.0*I*pi*(l*u + m*v)) + 2.0*I*pi*S*u*(-S*exp(2.0*I*pi*(l*u + m*v)) + conjugate(Vobs))*exp(-2.0*I*pi*(l*u + m*v))
What I'd like is to replace the expanded term (-S*exp(-2.0*I*pi*(l*u + m*v)) + Vobs) by Vres and contract the two conjugate terms into the more compact equivalent is:
4.0*pi*S*u*im(Vres*exp(2.0*I*pi*(l*u + m*v)))
I cannot see how to do this with sympy. This problem is bad for the first derivative (grad) but get really out of hand with the second derivative (hess).

First of all, let's not use 1j in SymPy, it's a float and floats are bad for symbolic math. SymPy's imaginary unit is I. So,
Vres = Vobs - S * exp(- I * 2 * pi * (u*l+v*m))
To replace the expression Vres by a symbol, we first need to create such a symbol. I'm going to call it Vres0, but its name will be Vres, so it prints as "Vres" in formulas.
Vres0 = symbols('Vres')
g1 = grad[1].subs(Vres, Vres0).conjugate().subs(Vres, Vres0).conjugate()
The conjugate-substitute-conjugate back is needed because subs doesn't quite recognize the possibility of replacing the conjugate of an expression with the conjugate of the symbol.
Now g1 is
-2*I*pi*S*Vres*u*exp(2*I*pi*(l*u + m*v)) + 2*I*pi*S*u*exp(-2*I*pi*(l*u + m*v))*conjugate(Vres)
and we want to fold the sum of conjugate terms. I use a custom transformation rule for this: the rule fold_conjugates applies to every sum (Add) of two terms (len(f.args) == 2) where the second is a conjugate of the first (f.args[1] == f.args[0].conjugate()). The transformation it performs: replace the sum by twice the real part of first argument (2*re(f.args[0])). Like so:
from sympy.core.rules import Transform
fold_conjugates = Transform(lambda f: 2*re(f.args[0]),
lambda f: isinstance(f, Add) and len(f.args) == 2 and f.args[1] == f.args[0].conjugate())
g = g1.xreplace(fold_conjugates)
Final result: 4*pi*S*u*im(Vres*exp(2*I*pi*(l*u + m*v))).


Problems when substituting a matrix in a polynomial

Example: let
M = Matrix([[1,2],[3,4]]) # and
p = Poly(x**3 + x + 1) # then
gives the error :
TypeError: cannot add <class'sympy.matrices.immutable.ImmutableDenseMatrix'> and <class 'sympy.core.numbers.One'>
which is very plausible since the two first terms become matrices but the last term (the constant term) is not a matrix but a scalar. To remediate to this situation I changed the polynomial to
p = Poly(x**3 + x + x**0) # then
the same error persists. Am I obliged to type the expression by hand, replacing x by M? In this example the polynomial has only three terms but in reality I encounter (multivariate polynomials with) dozens of terms.
So I think the question is mainly revolving around the concept of Matrix polynomial:
(where P is a polynomial, and A is a matrix)
I think this is saying that the free term is a number, and it cannot be added with the rest which is a matrix, effectively the addition operation is undefined between those two types.
TypeError: cannot add <class'sympy.matrices.immutable.ImmutableDenseMatrix'> and <class 'sympy.core.numbers.One'>
However, this can be circumvented by defining a function that evaluates the matrix polynomial for a specific matrix. The difference here is that we're using matrix exponentiation, so we correctly compute the free term of the matrix polynomial a_0 * I where I=A^0 is the identity matrix of the required shape:
from sympy import *
x = symbols('x')
M = Matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])
p = Poly(x**3 + x + 1)
def eval_poly_matrix(P,A):
res = zeros(*A.shape)
for t in enumerate(P.all_coeffs()[::-1]):
i, a_i = t
res += a_i * (A**i)
return res
In this example the polynomial has only three terms but in reality I encounter (multivariate polynomials with) dozens of terms.
The function eval_poly_matrix above can be extended to work for multivariate polynomials by using the .monoms() method to extract monomials with nonzero coefficients, like so:
from sympy import *
x,y = symbols('x y')
M = Matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])
p = poly( x**3 * y + x * y**2 + y )
def eval_poly_matrix(P,*M):
res = zeros(*M[0].shape)
for m in P.monoms():
term = eye(*M[0].shape)
for j in enumerate(m):
i,e = j
term *= M[i]**e
res += term
return res
Note: Some sanity checks, edge cases handling and optimizations are possible:
The number of variables present in the polynomial relates to the number of matrices passed as parameters (the former should never be greater than the latter, and if it's lower than some logic needs to be present to handle that, I've only handled the case when the two are equal)
All matrices need to be square as per the definition of the matrix polynomial
A discussion about a multivariate version of the Horner's rule features in the comments of this question. This might be useful to minimize the number of matrix multiplications.
Handle the fact that in a Matrix polynomial x*y is different from y*x because matrix multiplication is non-commutative . Apparently poly functions in sympy do not support non-commutative variables, but you can define symbols with commutative=False and there seems to be a way forward there
About the 4th point above, there is support for Matrix expressions in SymPy, and that can help here:
from sympy import *
from sympy.matrices import MatrixSymbol
A = Matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])
B = Matrix([[2,3],[3,4]])
X = MatrixSymbol('X',2,2)
Y = MatrixSymbol('Y',2,2)
I = eye(X.rows)
p = X**2 * Y + Y * X ** 2 + X ** 3 - I
p = p.subs({X: A, Y: B}).doit()
For more developments on this feature follow #18555

How to solve an algebraic equation in formal power series?

Motivation. It is well known that generating function for Catalan numbers satisfies quadratic equation. I would like to have first several coefficients of a function, implicitly defined by an algebraic equation (not necessarily a quadratic one!).
import sympy as sp
sp.init_printing() # math as latex
from IPython.display import display
z = sp.Symbol('z')
F = sp.Function('F')(z)
equation = 1 + z * F**2 - F
solution = sp.solve(equation, F)[0]
Question. The approach where we explicitly solve the equation and then expand it as power series, works only for low-degree equations. How to obtain first coefficients of formal power series for more complicated algebraic equations?
Since algebraic and differential framework may behave differently, I posted another question.
Sympy: how to solve differential equation in formal power series?
I don't know a built-in way, but plugging in a polynomial for F and equating the coefficients works well enough. Although one should not try to find all coefficients at once from a large nonlinear system; those will give SymPy trouble. I take iterative approach, first equating the free term to zero and solving for c0, then equating 2nd and solving for c1, etc.
This assumes a regular algebraic equation, in which the coefficient of z**k in the equation involves the k-th Taylor coefficient of F, and does not involve higher-order coefficients.
from sympy import *
z = Symbol('z')
d = 10 # how many coefficients to find
c = list(symbols('c:{}'.format(d))) # undetermined coefficients
for k in range(d):
F = sum([c[n]*z**n for n in range(k+1)]) # up to z**k inclusive
equation = 1 + z * F**2 - F
coeff_eqn = Poly(series(equation, z, n=k+1).removeO(), z).coeff_monomial(z**k)
c[k] = solve(coeff_eqn, c[k])[0]
sol = sum([c[n]*z**n for n in range(d)]) # solution
print(series(sol + z**d, z, n=d)) # add z**d to get SymPy to print as a series
This prints
1 + z + 2*z**2 + 5*z**3 + 14*z**4 + 42*z**5 + 132*z**6 + 429*z**7 + 1430*z**8 + 4862*z**9 + O(z**10)

Runge Kutta in Fortran

I'm trying to implement the Runge Kutta method in Fortran and am facing a convergence problem. I don't know how much of the code I should show, so I'll describe the problem in detail, and please guide me as to what I should add/remove to/from the post to make it answerable.
I have a 6-dimensional vector of position and velocity of a ball, and a corresponding system of diff. eqs. that describe the equations of motions, from which I want to calculate the trajectory of the ball, and compare results for different orders of the RK method.
Let's focus on 3rd order RK. The model I use is implemented as follows:
k1 = h * f(vec_old,omega,phi)
k2 = h * f(vec_old + 0.5d0 * k1,omega,phi)
k3 = h * f(vec_old + 2d0 * k2 - k1,omega,phi)
vec = vec_old + (k1 + 4d0 * k2 + k3) / 6d0
Where f is the function that constitutes the equations of motion (or equivalently the RHS of my system of diff. eqs). Note that f is time independent, therefore has only 1 argument. h takes the role of a small time step dt.
If we wish to calculate the trajectory of the ball for a finite time total_time, and allow for a total error of epsilon, then we need to ensure each step takes a proportional fraction of the error. For the first step, I then did the following:
vec1 = solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec_old,h/2d0,omega,phi)
do while (maxval((/(abs(vec1(i) - vec2(i)),i=1,6)/)) > eps * h / (tot_time - current_time))
h = h / 2d0
vec1 = solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec_old,h/2d0,omega,phi)
end do
vec = (8d0/7d0) * vec2 - (1d0/7d0) * vec1
Where solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi) is the function that calculates the single RK step described above. 3 denotes the RK order we are using, vec_old is the current state of the position-velocity vector, h, h/2d0 both represent the time step being used, and omega,phi are just some extra parameters for f. Finally, for the first step we set current_time = 0d0.
The point is that if we use a 3rd order RK, we should have an error in $O(h^3)$, and thus fall off faster than linearly in h. Therefore, we should expect the while loop to eventually come to a halt for small enough h.
My problem is that the loop doesn't converge, and not even close - the ratio
maxval(...) / eps * (...)
remains pretty much constant, all the way until eps * h / (tot_time - current_time)) becomes zero due to finite precision.
For completeness, this is my definition for f:
function f(vec_old,omega,phi) result(vec)
real(8),intent(in) :: vec_old(6),omega,phi
real(8) :: vec(6)
real(8) :: v,Fv
v = sqrt(vec_old(4)**2+vec_old(5)**2+vec_old(6)**2)
Fv = 0.0039d0 + 0.0058d0 / (1d0 + exp((v-35d0)/5d0))
vec(1) = vec_old(4)
vec(2) = vec_old(5)
vec(3) = vec_old(6)
vec(4) = -Fv * v * vec_old(4) + 4.1d-4 * omega * (vec_old(6)*sin(phi) - vec_old(5)*cos(phi))
vec(5) = -Fv * v * vec_old(5) + 4.1d-4 * omega * vec_old(4)*cos(phi)
vec(6) = -Fv * v * vec_old(6) - 4.1d-4 * omega * vec_old(4)*sin(phi) - 9.8d0
end function f
Does anyone have any idea as to why the while loop doesn't converge?
If anything else is needed (output, other pieces of code etc.) please tell me and I'll add it. Also, if trimming is required, I'll cut whatever would be considered unnecessary. Thanks!
To compute the step error using the half step method, you need to compute the approximation at t+h in both cases, which means two steps with step size h/2. As it is now you compare the approximation at t+h to the approximation at t+h/2 which gives you an error of size f(vec(t+h/2))*h/2.
Thus change to a 3-step procedure
vec1 = solve(3,vec_old,h,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec_old,h/2d0,omega,phi)
vec2 = solve(3,vec2 ,h/2d0,omega,phi)
in both locations, the difference of vec2-vec1 should then be of order h^4.

Simplify algebraic equation in CAS

I want to be able to simplify the ellipse equation:
sqrt((x + c)^2 + y^2) + sqrt((x - c)^2 + y^2) = 2a
into its canonical form:
x^2/a^2 + y^2/(a^2 - c^2) = 1
using CAS. I actually want to know how to do that in sympy, but any other CAS will do.
If it is not possible to do that in one call, then may be by transforming the original equation using operations like "get square of the both sides; move non-radicals (e.g. by enumerating them manually) to the right side; get square of the both sides again; simplify"
unrad will do most of the heavy lifting for you in SymPy:
>>> l # your original expression with the 2a subtracted from the lhs
-2*a + sqrt(y**2 + (-c + x)**2) + sqrt(y**2 + (c + x)**2)
>>> unrad(_)
(-a**4 + a**2*c**2 + a**2*x**2 + a**2*y**2 - c**2*x**2, [], [])
>>> neg_i, dep = _[0].as_independent(x,y)
>>> xpart, ypart = [dep.coeff(i**2) for i in (x,y)]
>>> Eq(-x**2*cancel(xpart/neg_i)-y**2*cancel(ypart/neg_i), neg_i/neg_i)
y**2/(a**2 - c**2) + x**2/a**2 == 1
Subtract the doubled second sqrt from both sides.
Multiply respective sides of the new equation and the original one.
Reduce LHS applying (m+n)(m-n) = m^2 - n^2.
You'll get (if i did it right): -4xc = 4a(a - sqrt(something))
Then: -xc/a = a - sqrt(something)
and: sqrt(something) = a + xc/a
Square both sides and see what happens.
I did it wrong. Should be: 4xc = 4a(a - sqrt(something))
so sqrt(something) = a - xc/a.

Finding Y given X on a Cubic Bezier Curve?

I need a method that allows me to find the Y-coordinate on a Cubic Bezier Curve, given an x-coordinate.
I've come across lots of places telling me to treat it as a cubic function then attempt to find the roots, which I understand. HOWEVER the equation for a Cubic Bezier curve is (for x-coords):
X(t) = (1-t)^3 * X0 + 3*(1-t)^2 * t * X1 + 3*(1-t) * t^2 * X2 + t^3 * X3
What confuses me is the addition of the (1-t) values. For instance, if I fill in the X values with some random numbers:
400 = (1-t)^3 * 100 + 3*(1-t)^2 * t * 600 + 3*(1-t) * t^2 * 800 + t^3 * 800
then rearrange it:
800t^3 + 3*(1-t)*800t^2 + 3*(1-t)^2*600t + (1-t)^3*100 -400 = 0
I still don't know the value of the (1-t) coefficients. How I am I supposed to solve the equation when (1-t) is still unknown?
There are three common ways of expressing a cubic bezier curve.
First x as a function of t
x(t) = sum( f_i(t) x_i )
= (1-t)^3 * x0 + 3*(1-t)^2 * t * x1 + 3*(1-t) * t^2 * x2 + t^3 * x3
Secondly y as a function of x
y(x) = sum( f_i(x) a_i )
= (1-x)^3 * y0 + 3*(1-x)^2 * x * y1 + 3*(1-x) * x^2 * y2 + x^3 * y3
These first two are mathematically the same, just using different names for the variables.
Judging by your description "find the Y-coordinate on a Cubic Bezier Curve, given an x-coordinate on it." I'm guessing that you've got a question using the second equation are are trying to rearrange the first equation to help you solve it, where as you should be using the second equation. If thats the case, then no rearranging or solving is required - just plug your x value in and you have the solution.
Its possible that you have an equation of the third kind case, which is the ugly and hard case.
This is both the x and y parameters are cubic Beziers of a third variable t.
x(t) = sum( f_i(t) x_i )
y(t) = sum( f_i(t) y_i )
If this is your case. Let me know and I can detail what you need to do to solve it.
I think this is a fair CS question, so I'm going to attempt to show how I solved this. Note that a given x may have more than 1 y value associated with it. In the case where I needed this, that was guaranteed not to be the case, so you'll have to figure out how to determine which one you want.
I iterated over t generating an array of x and y values. I did it at a fairly high resolution for my purposes. (I was looking to generate an 8-bit look-up table, so I used ~1000 points.) I just plugged t into the bezier equation for the next x and the next y coordinates to store in the array. Once I had the entire thing generated, I scanned through the array to find the 2 nearest x values. (Or if there was an exact match, used that.) I then did a linear interpolation on that very small line segment to get the y-value I needed.
Developing the expression further should get you rid of the (1 - t) factors
If you run:
expand(800*t^3 + 3*(1-t)*800*t^2 + 3*(1-t)^2*600*t + (1-t)^3*100 -400 = 0);
In either wxMaxima or Maple (you have to add the parameter t in this one though), you get:
100*t^3 - 900*t^2 + 1500*t - 300 = 0
Solve the new cubic equation for t (you can use the cubic equation formula for that), after you got t, you can find x doing:
x = (x4 - x0) * t (asuming x4 > x0)
Equation for Bezier curve (getting x value):
Bx = (-t^3 + 3*t^2 - 3*t + 1) * P0x +
(3*t^3 - 6*t^2 + 3*t) * P1x +
(-3*t^3 + 3*t^2) * P2x +
(t^3) * P3x
Rearrange in the form of a cubic of t
0 = (-P0x + 3*P1x - 3*P2x + P3x) * t^3+
(3*P0x - 6*P1x + 3*P2x) * t^2 +
(-3*P0x + 3*P1x) * t +
(P0x) * P3x - Bx
Solve this using the cubic formula to find values for t. There may be multiple real values of t (if your curve crosses the same x point twice). In my case I was dealing with a situation where there was only ever a single y value for any value of x. So I was able to just take the only real root as the value of t.
a = -P0x + 3.0 * P1x - 3.0 * P2x + P3x;
b = 3.0 * P0x - 6.0 * P1x + 3.0 * P2x;
c = -3.0 * P0x + 3.0 * P1x;
d = P0x;
t = CubicFormula(a, b, c, d);
Next put the value of t back into the Bezier curve for y
By = (1-t)^3 * P0x +
3t(1-t)^2 * P1x +
3t^2(1-t) * P2x +
t^3 * P3x
So I've been looking around for some sort of method to allow me to find the Y-coordinate on a Cubic Bezier Curve, given an x-coordinate on it.
Consider a cubic bezier curve between points (0, 0) and (0, 100), with control points at (0, 33) and (0, 66). There are an infinite number of Y's there for a given X. So there's no equation that's going to solve Y given X for an arbitrary cubic bezier.
For a robust solution, you'll likely want to start with De Casteljau's algorithm
Split the curve recursively until individual segments approximate a straight line. You can then detect whether and where these various line segments intercept your x or whether they are vertical line segments whose x corresponds to the x you're looking for (my example above).