How to troubleshoot the installation for DSX Local? - data-science-experience

The installation for DSX-Local keeps failing on step 32.
I tried with new installations both for RHEL 7.4 and CentOS
It seems the error is somehow related to the network - not %100 sure. The cloudant and redis pods show a imagepullback status.
I tried multiple things - but always fails on step 32. I believe maybe it has to do with the network between the nodes (inside VirtualBox on a host-only network), but not sure.
How to troubleshoot this problem?

Before answer the question, I think you need to provide more information about the installation you have - 1 node or 3/9 node? What is the version? What architecture?
The cluster will have its own docker registry setup, Tag the image with localhost:5000/ and then push, then it will pushing to that registry. Back to your question, if you see pods are "imagepullback", then probably not able to pull from the registry.
You can use curl http://:5000/v2/_catalog to see if you can query the registry to make sure it is working properly


How to get a local Cloud Foundry Instance?

I’m looking to learn about Cloud Foundry and I’m trying to get a development instance of it set up on my local Windows 10 PC. But I’m not having any luck.
I’m finding a lot of information about PCF Dev which was deprecated a while ago. I also looked at the replacement for PCF Dev, CF Dev ( Its git page mentions that its repository is no longer receiving updates. I still went ahead and tried installing it using the instructions in the README:
cf install-plugin -r CF-Community cfdev
But the link it uses to download the plugin is broken:
Starting download of plugin binary from repository CF-Community...
Get "": dial tcp: lookup no such host
Can anyone recommend a way to get a development instance of Cloud Foundry set up on my local machine so I can play around with it?
Yes, steer clear of pcf-dev and cf-dev, they may still work but are definitely not getting updates so will be way out of date by now.
My understanding, although I haven't tried this process in a while, is that the way to run locally is with VirtualBox. You can run one locally using bosh-deployment & cf-deployment and Virtualbox.
For instructions installing Bosh in VirtualBox using bosh-deployment, see the Install Section to install Bosh.
With Bosh installed, follow the deployment guide to get CF installed. You can skip to step 4, since you're installing into VirtualBox. Be sure to read the entire document before you begin, however pay specific attention to this section which has specific instructions for running locally.

AWS Docker Interpreter with Pycharm

I'm having difficulty to set this up correctly, and burning through AWS server time while I try to make it work. I have segmentation code that is heavily memory intensive that I'd like to temporarily spin up an AWS server with 192GB of ram. I understand that this is possible using docker, but the instructions on pycharm are non-existent with respect to the docker instructions necessary to tie it together (it references existing code as opposed to showing how to assemble it from scratch). What would the docker run command on the server look like to enable a connection to the 2375 port?
EDIT: I am using Pycharm Professional
UPD: Checking PyCharm options I found that there is an option to use Docker Machines. This seem to be exactly what you need. With Docker Machines you can make Docker spin up an EC2 instance for you with proper security out-of-the-box. Read official documentation on how to get started here and AWS driver options to learn how to set EC2 instance type, AMI, and other options here .
Original post:
To enable this feature you have to run Docker daemon with '-H' option:
sudo dockerd -H tcp://
You may read more on that in the Docker docs: .
Beware though, for EC2 you may also need to open that port using security group .
I also want to add that what you want to achieve isn't good from security perspective. Exposing docker socket like that is like an invitation for bad guys to throw a party at your EC2 instance. But since you mentioned that this is temporary...

Generating CentOS image for Openstack Ironic Boot Failure

I am trying to create a custom CentOS image to be used as an image for Openstack Ironic. I am following the guide here: I created the image, and deploy it on my baremetal server. On the ironic side it seems that it has successfully 'dd' the image into the server. But when the server boots up, it can't find any of the partitions with the error /dev/disk/by-uuid/XXXX does not exist. I am able to boot it to rescue mode, but I am clueless on what to do to debug it.
I also used the same procedure to deploy custom Ubuntu Image, and it seems to work perfectly fine. Does anyone have any suggestions to solve this?
Okay, after much tinkering, I have found the problem. This is more of a CentOS7 problem than an openstack problem.
I have found the kickstart script that generates the CentOS cloud build ( Turns out that they included the dracut-config-generic package which my custom CentOS image did not include. After some google searching work, I found this link ( stated that:
On RHEL-7 the hostonly mode is the default mode. Generic "non-hostonly" images are created, if the dracut-config-generic rpm is installed. The rescue kernel entry in the bootloader menu is also a generic image.
Without dracut-config-generic, the images can only run in the virtualised environment I set up. So after adding this package, I can successfully deploy it through openstack ironic successfully.
Hope this helps anyone that was trying on this.

Hyperledger Fabric v0.6, how to add more peer on the network without vagrant and docker?

I have installed Fabric v0.6 on my VM ubuntu 16.04 and it works fine for peer, membersrvc, API, chaincode. I'm doing everything the same with this VM as with another VM on the same server. Let's call them VM1 and VM2. I don't use vagrant or docker.
My project is connecting 4 peers together. I got some advice from different users. Some said that without using vagrant or pulling the image from docker, it will not work. Some said that it works, but my project does not with any VR environment. It's real implementation.
They said that I need to modify some lines in Core.Yaml and membersrvc.yaml to let the peers discover each other and send acknowledgment message. Some said that I have to do the above step and port mapping in different servers to make it work.
When I try to edit both files, Sometime I don't understand about it at all. And some tips has no operation and step.
Thx for helping us to solve the problem.
Hyperledger Fabric has come a long way since the v0.6 release. If you are still working with v0.6 it is highly recommended that you upgrade to the most current release. There are a number of on-going efforts to develop supported approaches to deploying Hyperledger Fabric to multiple nodes, and for v1.0 and beyond, our deployments are all Docker based and can support kubernetes and swarm.

Update Parse-Server-Example

I thought it would be a topic to find easily on the web, but I couldnt find a solution..
I deployed the parse-server-example on AWS Elastic Beanstalk according to the original documentation and it works perfectly. Can anyone give me a hint how to update this server to the newest version? I try to use the parse-dashboard and I get the error "server version too low".
I cloned the parse server with eb cli already. But I do not know how / which files to update.
Thanks for any hint!
In package.json, you update the version next to 'parse-server'. I think by default this is '~2.0'?
Parse Dashboard requires Parse-Server to be '>=2.1.4', HOWEVER, currently I'm having issues when changing the parse-server version, it breaks my AWS server instance. Currently have an issue open on GitHub (, so keep an eye on that.
But yeah, that's where you update your Parse-Server version, I believe!
Once you've done this locally on your machine, you obviously need to deploy the updates to AWS via the Beanstalk Dashboard, as this will install/update any node modules from package.json.