.NET Core 2.0 Console App - Can you create appsettings.json transformations - console-application

I have a .NET Core 2.0 console app with an appsettings.json. I tried to create a appsettings.staging.json file, but it doesn't get "nested" like it would in a ASPNET Core web app.
I can't seem to figure out how/if Core 2.0 console applications have support for appsettings.json transformations.
Any thoughts?


Windows 10 IoT embedded, trying to get a console app debugging/deployed using Visual Stuido 2019

I've been trying to get a 'console application' to deploy and debug on my embedded Win10 device but I just can't seem to figure it out.
I can get an application to deploy, which requires a 'SquareLogo' screen to come up and I can't figure how to have this 'window' hide or be a headless app.
I can set in the property pages of my app "Property Pages - Configuration Properties - Linker - System - SubSystem" to 'Console (SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE) and the console window will display on the embedded device but the app screen comes up and the console window will not take any input, from the keyboard.
So in summation I want to debug (Remote Machine) to my embedded Win10 device with a console application.
I'm writing my app in C++.
I won't think it would be this hard but I just can't get the applications main window to not display at startup.
Any help would be appreciated.
For Windows IoT Core, you can debug console app using Remote Console App Debugging in Visual Studio. You need to start visual studio debugger on Windows IoT Core in Device Portal.
Please refer to this document.
Debug your app using Remote Console App Debugging
BTW, IoT Core is a UWP centric OS and UWP apps are its primary app type.Since that , traditional UI app can not work on Windows IoT Core, it means Windows IoT Core does not support MFC or ATL APIs.If you want to run a headless app on Windows IoT Core, we recommend you to use Background Applications.

New ASP.NET Core Web Application. Framework dropdown is disabled

I want to create a ASP.NET Core Web Application based on .NET Famework, but the dropdown-list for choosing framework is disabled. Why is that? Is it possible to enable it somehow and choose .Net Framework here?
So there are actually 2 templates...
Clicking new projects then go to the Web in the tree view refer to the image
Using the template with in that .Net Core tree item will result in the screen you had.

Native HTML5 compiler for qt platform

I am making an application using qt on a Linux based OS for a touch device. I am currently using Qt web view to host an HTML 5 + AngularJS application. Are there any compilers to compile a web app for qt platform, like how ionic converts angular app into native code for ios and android.

Which Platform of Unity is best for Facebook Canvas App

I want to deploy my Unity3D game on Facebook as canvas App. There are two platforms in unity version 5:
WebGL (Preview)
I have no idea about both of these builds. I am using Parse to store my user data. And Facebook Unity SDK for social gaming. I have built for IOS platform and now for Canvas App deployment I want to know:
which one of these would be best for Canvas App?
I want to know if there are any issues regarding Parse API or Facebook Unity SDK for
WebPlayer/WebGL build?
I have built for WebPlayer and i can not run it on Google Chrome.
does it have to do anything with Canvas App too?
I have built for WebGL and tried to run it on Google Chrome and got this alert:
( I am using Google Chrome Version 44.0.2403.107 (64-bit) )
Any suggestion/help is highly appreciated.
I will suggest you to not build your game in webplayer, because chrome is dropping support for unity webplayer(Google Chrome version 42 and later has disabled all NPAPI plugins), and other browser will also drop the support sooner or later. The best way forward is to use webGL. WebGL in unity is still getting evolved, but this is the future. I also have developed game for webGL, I didn't face much problems except data storage. Parse does not support webgl yet, you have to look for other services. In my case I have build my own php server and it is working fine. Anyways you have to choose what is best in your case. You should use webGL , but thats my opinion.
The error message is more or less self-explanatory: Chrome doesn't support running Unity WebGL when it is run from a local file on disk, because of Chrome security. This is not a real problem, as in production it will always be run from a webserver (http://).
During development, your options are:
Start chrome with access to local files: chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files
Host a local webserver (Apacha/WAMP, IIS, etc)
Use firefox
You are correct. Building the unity for the web is the way to go. You select web from the build settings and you can upload it to the facebook canvas. The thing with chrome is that it no longer supports NPAPI and that is what the Unity web players uses. You can manually enable it and try out your game in chrome. But for the majority of chrome users unity web player no longer works.

Sync framework 2.1 and 2.0

I have this type of architecture- Tablet application,Desktop Application,web application.. In tablet application its sync framework 2.1.Desktop 2.0 web 2.0 When syncing from Tab to Desktop i am upgrading metadata to 2.1, sync works fine between tab and desktop...Now when trying to sync between Desktop and Web it throws error as metadata of desktop app is upgraded. I cant upgrade web metadata as many desktop users are using 2.0 framework in their desktop. can anyone suggest me wat to do in this scenario.
unfortunately, you can't mix and match the metadata version. its either you upgrade everyone or you don't. (i think that's actually explicitly mentioned in the metadata upgrade docs.)