Perl deferred interpolation of string - regex

I have a situation where there is a triage script that takes in a message, compares it against a list of regex's and the first one that matches sets the bucket. Some example code would look like this.
my $message = 'some message: I am bob';
my #buckets = (
regex => '^some message:(.*)',
bucket => '"remote report: $1"',
# more pairs
foreach my $e (#buckets) {
if ($message =~ /$e->{regex}/i) {
print eval "$e->{bucket}";
This code will give remote report: I am bob. I keep looking at this and feel like there has to be a better way to do this then it is done now. especially with the double quoting ('""') in the bucket. Is there a better way for this to be handled?

Perl resolves the interpolation when that expression is evaluated. For that, it is sufficient to use a subroutine, no eval needed:
bucket => sub { "remote report: $1" },
print $e->{bucket}->();
Note that you effectively eval your regexes as well. You can use pre-compiled regex objects in your hash, with the qr// operator:
regex => qr/^some message:(.*)/i,
if ($message =~ /$e->{regex}/) {

You could use sprintf-style format strings:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $message = 'some message: I am bob';
my #buckets = (
regex => qr/^some message:(.*)/,
bucket => 'remote report: %s',
# more pairs
foreach my $e (#buckets) {
if (my #matches = ($message =~ /$e->{regex}/ig)) {
printf($e->{bucket}, #matches);


Twitch TMI, extract all users

I'm trying to extract all the user names from the source (, but so far I'm only able to get like the first "name".
Goal is to get all the names into an array, and then just remove the "viewers", "admins", "staff", etc. names.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #listusers = userlist();
sub userlist {
my $url = "";
my $array = get($url);
my #array2;
my $time = 0;
while ($time != 2){
my $mylist = (join "",grep(/"\s*(.*?)\s*"/, $array[$time])) =~ /"\s*(.*?)\s*"/;
print $1;
return #array2;
print #listusers;
I assume that you get the page with get from LWP::Simple. Please always show relevant includes.
Since this is valid JSON, use a module for that
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Data::Dump qw(dd);
use LWP::Simple;
use JSON;
my $data_json = get($url);
my $data = JSON->new->decode($data_json);
#dd $data;
my #names = #{ $data->{chatters}{moderators} }; # get "moderators"
say "#names";
# my #all_names = map { #$_ } values %{$data->{chatters}}; # or get all names
This prints the line: cliccer cuda hnlbot nixi93 scorpy0 somppe
I print "names" of moderators as an example of getting one category out; the commented out line gets all names in one array. Once you have a hashref there are various ways to extract what you need.
Your code seems to be trying to parse that JSON string. It is very easy with a module.
One can view complex data structures with Data::Dumper or such. I use Data::Dump.
Here JSON is used, which delegates to JSON::XS if installed or to the "pure Perl" (and slower) JSON::PP otherwise. Another option is Cpanel::JSON::XS.
For convenience, the structure printed by dd $data is
_links => {},
chatter_count => 15,
chatters => {
admins => [],
global_mods => [],
moderators => [
staff => [],
viewers => [
I recommend that you use
for this, as it contains a JSON decoder as well as an HTTP user agent and makes the code much more concise
I assume you want the names of all the different categories of chatters so that's what the map statement does: simply flattening all of the categories—admins, global_mods, moderators, staff, and viewers—into a single list
If anything goes wrong with the HTTP transfer then the subroutine will simply return an empty list, so you may want to add some proper error handling
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my #list_users = chatters();
say for #list_users;
sub chatters {
my $url = '';
return unless my $data = Mojo::UserAgent->new->get($url)->res->json;
map { #$_ } values %{ $data->{chatters} };

Regex to split path value C:\Users\goudarsh\Desktop\Perl_test_scripts\rtl2gds

I need the perl regex to split the following value
$path = 'C:\Users\goudarsh\Desktop\Perl_test_scripts\sample';
i tried following code seems not working
my #var = split(/\\/,$path);
print #var;
if(grep /rtl2gds/, #var){
print $path;
i am not getting where i am doing wrong.
even i tried following
my #var = split(//\/,$path);
print #var;
if(grep /rtl2gds/, #var){
print $path;
Instead of relying on manual splitting, I recommend using File::Spec
use File::Spec;
my ($volume, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($path);
my #components = File::Spec->splitdir($dir);
push #components, $file;
Now #components is your desired array with a safer and more portable implementation.
Your example works fine... have you actually run it?
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $path = 'C:\Users\goudarsh\Desktop\Perl_test_scripts\sample';
my #var = split(/\\/, $path);
print Dumper(\#var);
$VAR1 = [
Because the Path::File docs are a bit convoluted, here is an example:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.020;
use Path::Class; # Exports file() by default
my $path = file('/Users/7stud/perl_programs/');
say $path->basename; # =>
say $path->dir; # => /Users/7stud/perl_programs
say $path->volume; # => ""
my #components = $path->components;
for my $component (#components) {
say "-->$component<--";
On Windows, a module will load automatically that understands Window's style paths. To examine a Window's style path on a Unix system:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.020;
use Path::Class qw{ foreign_file };
my $path = foreign_file('Win32', 'C:\Users\goudarsh\Desktop\Perl_test_scripts\sample');
say $path->basename; # => sample
say $path->dir; # => C:\Users\goudarsh\Desktop\Perl_test_scripts
say $path->volume; # => C:
my #components = $path->components;
for my $component (#components) {
say "-->$component<--";

Perl taint mode with domain name input for CGI resulting in “Insecure dependency in eval”

Given the following in a CGI script with Perl and taint mode I have not been able to get past the following.
tail /etc/httpd/logs/error_log
/usr/local/share/perl5/Net/DNS/ line 906 (#1)
(F) You tried to do something that the tainting mechanism didn't like.
The tainting mechanism is turned on when you're running setuid or
setgid, or when you specify -T to turn it on explicitly. The
tainting mechanism labels all data that's derived directly or indirectly
from the user, who is considered to be unworthy of your trust. If any
such data is used in a "dangerous" operation, you get this error. See
perlsec for more information.
[Mon Jan 6 16:24:21 2014] dig.cgi: Insecure dependency in eval while running with -T switch at /usr/local/share/perl5/Net/DNS/ line 906.
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Net::DNS::Dig;
use CGI;
$ENV{"PATH"} = ""; # Latest attempted fix
my $q = CGI->new;
my $domain = $q->param('domain');
if ( $domain =~ /(^\w+)\.(\w+\.?\w+\.?\w+)$/ ) {
$domain = "$1\.$2";
else {
warn("TAINTED DATA SENT BY $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}: $domain: $!");
$domain = ""; # successful match did not occur
my $dig = new Net::DNS::Dig(
Timeout => 15, # default
Class => 'IN', # default
PeerAddr => $domain,
PeerPort => 53, # default
Proto => 'UDP', # default
Recursion => 1, # default
my #result = $dig->for( $domain, 'NS' )->to_text->rdata();
#result = sort #result;
print #result;
I normally use Data::Validate::Domain to do checking for a “valid” domain name, but could not deploy it in a way in which the tainted variable error would not occur.
I read that in order to untaint a variable you have to pass it through a regex with capture groups and then join the capture groups to sanitize it. So I deployed $domain =~ /(^\w+)\.(\w+\.?\w+\.?\w+)$/. As shown here it is not the best regex for the purpose of untainting a domain name and covering all possible domains but it meets my needs. Unfortunately my script is still producing tainted failures and I can not figure out how.
Regexp-Common does not provide a domain regex and modules don’t seem to work with untainting variable so I am at a loss now.
How to get this thing to pass taint checking?
$domain is not tainted
I verified that your $domain is not tainted. This is the only variable you use that could be tainted, in my opinion.
perl -T <(cat <<'EOF'
use Scalar::Util qw(tainted);
sub p_t($) {
if (tainted $_[0]) {
print "Tainted\n";
} else {
print "Not tainted\n";
my $domain = shift;
if ($domain =~ /(^\w+)\.(\w+\.?\w+\.?\w+)$/) {
$domain = "$1\.$2";
} else {
$domain = "";
) abc.def
It prints
Not tainted
What Net::DNS::Dig does
See Net::DNS::Dig line 906. It is the beginning of to_text method.
sub to_text {
my $self = shift;
my $d = Data::Dumper->new([$self],['tobj']);
my $tobj;
eval $d->Dump; # line 906
From new definition I know that $self is just hashref containing values from new parameters and several other filled in the constructor. The evaled code produced by $d->Dump is setting $tobj to a deep copy of $self (Deepcopy(1)), with correctly set self-references (Purity(1)) and basic pretty-printing (Indent(1)).
Where is the problem, how to debug
From what I found out about &Net::DNS::Dig::to_text, it is clear that the problem is at least one tainted item inside $self. So you have a straightforward way to debug your problem further: after constructing the $dig object in your script, check which of its items is tainted. You can dump the whole structure to stdout using print Data::Dumper::Dump($dig);, which is roughly the same as the evaled code, and check suspicious items using &Scalar::Util::tainted.
I have no idea how far this is from making Net::DNS::Dig work in taint mode. I do not use it, I was just curious and wanted to find out, where the problem is. As you managed to solve your problem otherwise, I leave it at this stage, allowing others to continue debugging the issue.
As resolution to this question if anyone comes across it in the future it was indeed the module I was using which caused the taint checks to fail. Teaching me an important lesson on trusting modules in a CGI environment. I switched to Net::DNS as I figured it would not encounter this issue and sure enough it does not. My code is provided below for reference in case anyone wants to accomplish the same thing I set out to do which is: locate the nameservers defined for a domain within its own zone file.
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Net::DNS;
use CGI;
$ENV{"PATH"} = ""; // Latest attempted fix
my $q = CGI->new;
my $domain = $q->param('domain');
my #result;
if ( $domain =~ /(^\w+)\.(\w+\.?\w+\.?\w+)$/ ) {
$domain = "$1\.$2";
else {
warn("TAINTED DATA SENT BY $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}: $domain: $!");
$domain = ""; # successful match did not occur
my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($domain));
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(
nameservers => [($ip)],
my $query = $res->query($domain, "NS");
if ($query) {
foreach my $rr (grep { $_->type eq 'NS' } $query->answer) {
push(#result, $rr->nsdname);
else {
warn "query failed: ", $res->errorstring, "\n";
#result = sort #result;
print #result;
Thanks for the comments assisting me in this matter, and SO for teaching more then any other resource I have come across.

Perl Match Substring in a string ignore whitespace

I have a string
$str = "xxxxxx Code File(s) Name:Some_thing.c CodeFile(s) Version:27 Design Document:some_other_design.doc Module Design Document Version:43 somexxxxxxxxxx Compiler Version:9.5 Doc Type:Word xxxxxx";
where xxxxx represents any character. But i am only interested in extracting the values of each attribute.
ie I want to save
$fileName = Some_thing.c;
$fileVersion = 27;
$designDocName = some_other_design.doc;
$designDocVersion = 43;
$compilerVersion = 9.5;
Right now I feel like I have a messed up solution. Just wondering if there is a cleaner way to do this. This might also fail if i have multiple files with multiple versions.
First i remove all whitespaces, and next i split the string into 2 till i get all the values
$str =~ s/\s*//g;
($temp,$temp2) = split(/CodeFile\(s\)Name:/,$str,2);
($fileName,$temp) = split(/CodeFile\(s\)Version:/,$temp2,2);
($fileVersion,$temp2) = split(/DesignDocument:/,$temp,2);
($designDocName,$temp) = split(/DesignDocumentVersion:/,$temp2,2);
($designDocVersion,$temp2) = split(/some/,$temp,2);
($testedCompilerVersion,$temp) = split(/CompilerVersion:/,$temp2,2);
($testedCompilerVersion,$temp2) = split(/DocType:/,$temp,2);
Please lead me to a link or an efficient solution.
Thanks in advance.
PS: Please also check the comment below the question.
Perhaps the following will be helpful:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $str = "xxxxxx Code File(s) Name:Some_thing.c CodeFile(s) Version:27 Design Document:some_other_design.doc Module Design Document Version:43 somexxxxxxxxxx Compiler Version:9.5 Doc Type:Word xxxxxx";
my #labels = qw/fileName fileVersion designDocName designDocVersion compilerVersion docType/;
my ($i, %items) = 0;
$items{$labels[$i++]} = $1 while $str =~ /.+?:(\S+)\s+?/g;
print Dumper \%items
$VAR1 = {
'designDocName' => 'some_other_design.doc',
'fileName' => 'Some_thing.c',
'docType' => 'Word',
'designDocVersion' => '43',
'fileVersion' => '27',
'compilerVersion' => '9.5'
Although I would go with #Kenosis solution I still wanted to show you who your script could be simplified.
use v5.14;
use warnings;
my $str = "xxxxxx Code File(s) Name:Some_thing.c CodeFile(s) Version:27 Design Document:some_other_design.doc Module Design Document Version:43 somexxxxxxxxxx Compiler Version:9.5 Doc Type:Word xxxxxx";
my ($fileName,
$compilerVersion) = $str =~ /:(\S+)/g;
say "$fileName, $fileVersion, $designDocName, $designDocVersion, $compilerVersion";
#Some_thing.c, 27, some_other_design.doc, 43, 9.5
my ($fileName, $fileVersion, $designDocName, $designDocVersion, $compilerVersion) =
$str =~ /Code File\(s\) Name:(.*) CodeFile\(s\) Version:(.*) Design Document:(.*) Module Design Document Version:(.*) somexxxxxxxxxx Compiler Version:(.*) Doc Type:(.*) xxxxxx/;

Perl - Parse blocks from text file

First, I apologize if you feel this is a duplicate. I looked around and found some very similar questions, but I either got lost or it wasn't quite what I think I need and therefore couldn't come up with a proper implementation.
So I have a txt file that contains entries made by another script (I can edit the format for how these entries are generated if you can suggest a better way to format them):
SR4 Pool2
11/5/2012 13:45
Beginning Wifi_Main().
SR4 Pool2
11/8/2012 8:45
This message is a
multiline message.
SR4 Pool4
11/5/2012 14:45
Beginning Wifi_Main().
SR5 Pool2
11/5/2012 13:48
Beginning Wifi_Main().
And I made a perl script to parse the file:
use strict;
use warnings;
#use Dumper;
use CGI 'param','header';
use Template;
#use Config::Simple;
#Config::Simple->import_from('config.ini', \%cfg);
my $cgh = CGI->new;
my $logs = {};
my $key;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open LOG, "logs/Pool2.txt" or die $!;
while ( my $line = <LOG> ) {
print $logs;
close LOG;
My goal is to have a hash in the end that looks like this:
$logs = {
SR4 => {
Pool2 => {
time => '11/5/2012 13:45',
msg => 'Beginning Wifi_NDIS_Main().',
time => '11/8/2012 8:45',
msg => 'This message is a multiline message.',
Pool4 => {
time => '11/5/2012 13:45',
msg => 'Beginning Wifi_NDIS_Main().',
SR5 => {
Pool2 => {
time => '11/5/2012 13:45',
msg => 'Beginning Wifi_NDIS_Main().',
What would be the best way of going about this? Should I change the formatting of the generated logs to make it easier on myself? If you need anymore info, just ask. Thank you in advanced. :)
The format makes no sense. You used a hash at the third level, but you didn't specify keys for the values. I'm assuming it should be an array.
my %logs;
local $/ = ""; # "Paragraph mode"
while (<>) {
my #lines = split /\n/;
my ($x, $y) = split ' ', $lines[0];
my $time = $lines[1];
my $msg = join ' ', #lines[3..$#lines];
push #{ $logs{$x}{$y} }, {
time => $time,
msg => $msg,
Should I change the formatting of the generated logs
Your time stamps appear to be ambiguous. In most time zones, an hour of the year is repeated.
If you can possibly output it as XML, reading it in would be embarrasingly easy with XML::Simple
Although Karthik T idea of using XML makes sense, and I would also consider it, I'm not sure if this is the best route. The first problem is putting it in XML format in the first place.
The second is that XML format might not be so easily parsed. Sure, the XML::Simple module will read the whole thing in one swoop, you then have to parse the XML data structure itself.
If you can set the output however you want, make it in a format that's easy to parse. I like using prefix data identifiers. In the following example, each piece of data has it's own identifier. The ER: tells me when I hit the end of record:
DT: 11/5/2012 13:35
PL: Pool2
MG: Beginning Wifi_Main().
DT: 1/8/2012 8:45
PL: Pool2
MG: This message is a
MG: multiline message.
Parsing this output is straight forward:
my %hash;
while ( $line = <DATA> ) {
chomp $line;
if ( not $line eq "ER:" ) {
my ($key, $value) = split ( ": ", $line );
$hash{$key} .= "$value "; #Note trailing space!
else {
clean_up_hash ( \%hash ); #Remove trailing space on all values
create_entry ( \%log, \%hash );
%hash = ();
I like using classes whenever I start getting complex data structures, and I would probably create a Local::Log class and subclasses to store each layer of the log. However, it's not an absolute necessity and wasn't part of your question. Still, I would use a create_entry subroutine just to keep the logic of figuring out where in your log that entry belongs inside your loop.
NOTE: I append a space after each piece of data. I did this to make the code simpler since some of your messages may take more than one line. There are other ways to handle this, but I was trying to keep the loop as clean as possible and with as few if statements as possible.