Build C++ project with makefile (without Cmake) and run tests using Jenkins - c++

I am trying to build my makefile C++ project using Jenkins.
See project structure below. Project is on a bitbucket repository and job profile is set Freestyle Project.
Project is successfully built on Jenkins server however it looks like it just uploads the project from repository to its workspace and says "Finshed with success" but does not run a makefile.
Console output:
Checking out Revision 6720229e2d82a9e958f69afabe361c65d1647398 (refs/remotes/origin/master)
> git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
> git checkout -f 6720229e2d82a9e958f69afabe361c65d1647398
Commit message: "My commit"
> git rev-list --no-walk 084977a421fc8fb064297f64407e2d137a1b32a1 # timeout=10
Finished: SUCCESS
On my local however both test and main projects are built successfully with make.
Basically there are two questions:
How to build my project (including the test one) with Makefile on Jenkins? (i.e. how to run a make command on Jenkins). I do not want to use a Cmake. Is it possible?
If both projects built successfully, how to run the test project and see test results in console/write to file in Jenkins?
My project structure:
|+src/ <-- source files main project
|+include/ <-- header files main project
|+bin/ <-- binaries main project
|+test/ <-- test project
| |+bin/ <-- test binaries
| |+gtest/ <-- gtest headers
| |+lib/ <-- gtest binaries
| |-test.cpp <-- test source
My Makefile:
# Compiler options and variables def
CPPFLAGS= -c -Wall
INC_DIR = include
TST += \
VPATH += test/
SRC += \
BIN = bin
TSTBIN = test/bin
# build
all: program test
OBJ = $(patsubst %.cpp, $(BIN)/%.o, $(SRC))
TSTOBJ = $(patsubst %.cpp, $(TSTBIN)/%.o, $(TST))
program: $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(GFLAGS) $? -o $#
test: $(TSTOBJ) $(TESTLIB) $(BIN)/file1.o $(BIN)/file2.o
$(CC) $(GFLAGS) $(TESTLIB) $(BIN)/file1.o $(BIN)/file2.o $< -o $#
$(BIN)/%.o: src/%.cpp
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(INC_DIR) $< -o $#
$(TSTBIN)/%.o: test/%.cpp
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(INC_DIR_TEST) -I$(INC_DIR) $< -o $#
rm *.o *.exe bin/*.o test/bin/*.o
As I understand, this type of project has to be marked as pipeline rather than freestyle project that will allow to choose a build tool and run shell command from Jenkinsfile file that facilitates considerably the CI process.
However I cannot find any examples of building C++ project with make and GNU build tools.
This is a Jenkinsfile example from official documentation
pipeline {
agent { docker 'maven:3.3.3' }
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
sh 'mvn --version'
I am wondering now how this should be modified in order to build a simplest C++ project with makefile. Am I on a right way?
Second question is still actual: how to run my gtests and record results in Jenkins after the make command works?
I have used a batchfile as it can be ran from java code in Jenkinsfile. Now my testing Jenkinsfile looks like:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
echo 'building..'
bat 'batchfile.cmd'
Batchfile code:
PATH = "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin"
There are still some bugs but at least make command is ran and the commands from makefile are called.
So general conclusion:
As it looks like there is no any make plugin for jenkins, the pipeline stages can run a batchfile (or shell script for UNIX), and this batchfile can call make. Of course make has to be installed on a server and the path to environment variable has to be specified.
Maybe there are some better approaches or I am wrong, please correct me.


qmake generates unnecessary dependency chains in generated makefile

I have the following command involving qmake:
cd HmiLogging/ && ( test -e Makefile ||\
top_srcdir=C:/Users/mureadr/Desktop/A/HMI_FORGF/ -Wall CONFIG+=release\
CONFIG+=qnx_build_release_with_symbols CONFIG+=rtc_build -o Makefile ) &&\
C:/Users/mureadr/Downloads/make-4.2.1/Release/make_msvc.net2003 -f Makefile
qmakegenerates the file Makefile and then regular make is called on that makefile.
The qmake-generated makefile has some entries like so:
deploy_al2hmi-mappings: deploy_fonts
#echo Copying application data... && $(MKDIR)\
&& $(COPY_DIR) $(wildcard C:/Users/mureadr/Desktop/A/HMI_FORGF/src/fordhmi/al2hmi-mappings/*)\
deploy_data: deploy_al2hmi-mappings
#echo Copying application data... && $(MKDIR)\
&& $(COPY_DIR) $(wildcard C:/Users/mureadr/Desktop/A/HMI_FORGF/src/fordhmi/data/*)\
deploy_qml: deploy_data
#echo Copying application data... && $(MKDIR)\
"C:/Users/mureadr/Desktop/A/HMI_FORGF/src/../lib/armle-v7/release/qml" &&\
$(COPY_DIR) $(wildcard C:/Users/mureadr/Desktop/A/HMI_FORGF/src/fordhmi/qml/*)\
You can see that each target depends on the one above it however, examining the recipes you'll also see that the directories created and used are unique to each target!
The generated makefile is chaining those targets, as dependencies, when none actually exists and making it unable to do them in parallel! Why?
I've grep-ed all *.pro and *.pri files - the files that qmake uses to generate makefiles - but deploy_qml doesn't appear in any of them so I'm guessing that these are tasks "internal" to qmake.
Is there any way to tell qmake to NOT dependency-chain them when there is no good reason?

How to configure and setup google test framework in linux

I'm a newbie to g test and Here is what I am trying to do (On a Linux server from console):
1) Create a small project in C++ ( with a header file containing a function prototype, a cpp file with a function in it and another cpp file with main calling the function already defined in the header file )
2) Configure g test to write unit tests and test the function created in the step 1
3) Create another small project with a couple of unit tests (different scenarios to test the function created under the project in step 1)
Can anyone please tell how to configure g test and the projects created with an example?
Thanks in advance
First of all, get the most updated version of GoogleTest from the Subversion repository (you need Subversion installed):
cd ~
svn checkout googletest-read-only
Then, build the library (you need cmake installed):
mv googletest-read-only googletest
mkdir googletest/lib
cd googletest/lib
cmake ..
At this point:
compiled libraries are in the ~/googletest/lib directory
include files are in the ~/googletest/include directory
To use googletest:
Include the header in your files:
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
Export the library path:
export GOOGLETESTDIR=~/googletest
Compile with
g++ ... -I$GOOGLETESTDIR/include -L$GOOGLETESTDIR/lib -lgtest -lpthread
Please find the tutorial
one correction at the makefile (test/src/Makefile). The order of the library path is not correct!!.
It would be like:
CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -g -L/opt/gtest/lib -lgtest -lgtest_main -lpthread
INCS = -I./ -I../../src -I/opt/gtest/include
OBJS = ../../src/Addition.o Addition_Test.o ../../src/Multiply.o Multiply_Test.o
testAll: $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(INCS) -o testAll Main_TestAll.cpp $(OBJS) $(CXXFLAGS)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $# $(INCS)
rm testAll *.o testAll.xml
After a small research here is what I found out:
If your project library contains files like:
1) callMain.cpp which calls the function to do some operations
2) reverse.cpp which contains the logic of reversing a number and
3) header.h containing the declaration of function prototypes
And if you have unit test case scenario scripts like unitTest1.cpp and unitTest2.cpp to be tested via gtest then, this can be achieved as follows:
g++ -I<gtest include directory location> -L<gtest directory location> < location> reverse.cpp unitTest1.cpp unitTest2.cpp -lgtest -lpthread -o test_try
This compiles and produces an executable like test_try which when executed gives the desired result. Please correct me if I'm wrong anywhere. Happy coding :)
New answer
Today I read the Google Test FAQ. It's not recommend to install a pre-compiled copy of Google Test(for example, into /usr/local). You can find the answer in the FAQ.
So, recommend this answer and this blog article.
Old answer
Following the CMake document of FindGTest.
The code below works for me.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
# Add gtest environment
find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
# add gtest include directory: way 1
# add gtest include directory: way 2
#include_directories(${GTest_SOURCE_DIRS}/include ${GTest_SOURCE_DIR})
# Build tests
aux_source_directory(. DIR_SRCS)
add_executable(fooTest ${DIR_SRCS})
# parameter `gtest` should at the front of `pthread`
target_link_libraries(fooTest gtest pthread)
# Take all gtest cases as one Cmake test case
add_test(AllFooTest fooTest)
And then, you can using command:
cmake ., generate Makefile
make, build gtest routine
./fooTest, run gtest routine
make test, run cmake test, it's another way you can run the gtest

Building multiple targets off same source tree with different preprocessor macros

My knowledge of make and autotools (which I'm not yet using for this project) is rudimentary at best despite plenty of googling and experimenting over a long period of time. I have a source hierarchy like below that I'm trying to find way to build has seamlessly as possible.
The application is made up of a main application with source in various subfolders under app/src. These are built with the respective Makefile in the root of that folder.
Then I have multiple other utilities that reside different folders under app/tools that each have their own Makefile.
The problem for me is that some of these tools depend on source files inside the app/src source folder, but with a preprocess macro EXTERNAL_TOOL enabled. So the object files generated from compiling the main app and the varous utilities are not compatible.
Currently to build each portion of the project I'm having to clean the source tree in between. This is painful and certainly not what I want in the end. What would be the best way to go about solving this? Ideas I've had that I've no been able to put into practice are:
Separate build directory for each portion of the project
When building the external tools, tagging their object files in the main app source tree somehow (util.file1.o?)
I'm not too sure I have the time and patience needed to master make / autotools. Might one of the other build tools (scons? cmake?) make this kind of task easier to accomplish? If so which one?
UPDATE: This is what I've got now
SOURCES := util1.cpp util2.cpp util3.cpp \
../../src/module1/file1.cpp \
../../src/module1/file2.cpp \
../../src/module1/file3.cpp \
../../src/module2/file4.cpp \
../../src/module3/file5.cpp \
../../src/module3/file6.cpp \
../../src/module4/file7.cpp \
../../src/module4/file8.cpp \
../../src/module3/file9.cpp \
../../src/module4/file10.cpp \
../../src/module5/file11.cpp \
../../src/module3/file12.cpp \
../../src/module1/file13.cpp \
../../src/module3/file14.cpp \
OBJECTS = $(join $(addsuffix .util/, $(dir $(SOURCES))), $(notdir $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)))
.PHONY: all mkdir
all: util
util: $(OBJECTS)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) -o util
$(OBJECTS): | mkdir
$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) -o $# $(patsubst %.o,%.cpp,$(subst .util/,,$#))
#mkdir -p $(sort $(dir $(OBJECTS)))
-#rm -f $(OBJECTS) util
-#rmdir $(sort $(dir $(OBJECTS))) 2>/dev/null
I came about this after extensive googling SO browsing. This seems to work, but this part doesn't really seem particular nice (feels like a bit of a hack):
$(OBJECTS): | mkdir
$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) -o $# $(patsubst %.o,%.cpp,$(subst .util/,,$#))
In particular I'm not too keen on the fact I'm creating the list of objects from sources earlier on and adding the suffix, only to do the reverse down here. I couldn't seem to get it working any other way.
CMake has add_definitions and remove_definitions commands. You can use them to define macros for different parts of your project:
# building tools #
add_subdirectory($TOOL1$ $BUILD_DIR$)
add_subdirectory($TOOL2$ $BUILD_DIR$)
# building main app #
This can be done with SCons rather painlessly. You will definitely need a build directory hierarchy for the objects built with different preprocessor macros. In SCons terms, creating build directories like this is called variant_dir. I would recomend the following SCons Hierarchical build structure:
To be able to build the same source files with different preprocessor macros, you will need to build the same file with several different Environments. These env's could be setup in the src/module SConscript scripts, or from the root SConstruct and passed down. I prefer the second option, since it will make the src/module SCons scripts modular, and unaware (agnostic) of the preprocessor macros.
Here is the root build script, which creates the different env's and orchestrates the sub-directory build scripts:
defines1 = ['MACRO1']
defines2 = ['MACRO2']
env1 = Environment(CPPDEFINES = defines1)
env2 = Environment(CPPDEFINES = defines2)
includePaths = [
env1.Append(CPPPATH = includePaths)
env2.Append(CPPPATH = includePaths)
# Build different versions of the module libs
variant_dir = '#build/target1/modules',
exports = {'env':env1},
variant_dir = '#build/target2/modules',
exports = {'env':env2},
# Build main with env1
variant_dir = '#build/main',
exports = {'env':env2},
# Build tools with env2
variant_dir = '#build/utils',
exports = {'env':env2},
This is the build script for main
sourceFiles = ['main.cpp']
# If you want to modify the env here, Clone() it first, otherwise
# the changes will be visible to all other SConscripts
env.Program(target = 'main', source = sourceFiles)
This is the build script for the module libs, it will be called twice, each time with a different env
module1SourceFiles = ['file1.cpp']
module2SourceFiles = ['file2.cpp']
module3SourceFiles = ['file3.cpp']
# If you want to modify the env here, Clone() it first, otherwise
# the changes will be visible to all other SConscripts
env.Library(target = 'module1', source = module1SourceFiles)
env.Library(target = 'module2', source = module2SourceFiles)
env.Library(target = 'module3', source = module3SourceFiles)

automake and project dependencies

I have a project that I want to build using automake. The project consists of different components or modules, and there are inter module dependencies which require the project to be built in a specific order.
For example:
project dir/
module1 (core C shared lib)
module2 (C++ shared lib wrapper around module 1)
module3 (C++ application with dependency on module2)
module4 (C library with dependency on module1)
module5 (C application with dependency on module4)
I am relatively new to automake, but I (just about) know how to use it to successfully build a single project.
I would like to have a 'master' project file (if that's possible), which specifies the build order of the projects modules, runs unit tests and fails the entire build process if either:
One of the modules fails to build
One of the modules fails a unit test
How would I go about writing such a 'master project' file (or invoking any other mechanism) to build projects that have a lot of inter-modular dependencies?
If you're using autotools, then you might as well use automake. The top level can provide a list of subdirectories that are descended in order, e.g:
SUBDIRS = module1 module2 module3 module4 module5
The subdirectory can add targets for tests, invoked with 'make check', which will force the build if necessary:
check_PROGRAMS = t_module1
t_module1_SOURCES = t_module1.c
t_module1_LDADD = ./
There's a lot to learn, and best current practice can be difficult to determine, but if you're using autotools, you'll be used to this situation.
info automake provides the reference documentation - but it makes a poor tutorial. One of the best guides I've come across can be found here.
I've encountered the same issue and found that a pure autotools solution is very hard to get running, because the configure script e.g. for module4 depends on the installation of module1.
A hand-rolled Makefile and configure script for this situation is fairly easy to generate. I've pasted below the rapidSTORM project Makefile. It is used for out-of-tree build (source directory and a build directory).
TARGETS=any_iterator libb64 readsif cs_units dStorm-doc simparm andorcamd rapidSTORM plugin-andorsif fitter master
# Project dependencies: Any project whose configure run depends upon other projects has a line here
andorcamd.prerequisites-installed : $(addsuffix .installed-stamp,libb64 simparm cs_units)
rapidSTORM.prerequisites-installed : $(addsuffix .installed-stamp,simparm cs_units libb64 any_iterator)
plugin-andorsif.prerequisites-installed : $(addsuffix .installed-stamp,rapidSTORM readsif)
master.prerequisites-installed fitter.prerequisites-installed : $(addsuffix .installed-stamp,rapidSTORM)
# [Autoconf substitutions snipped here]
# The .options files control configuration of subdirectories. They are used in %.configured-stamp
vpath %.options $(srcdir)/options:$(builddir)
RULES = all check install installcheck dist distcheck
# All standard rules have a simple template: Execute them for each
# subdirectory after configuring it and installing all prerequisite
# packages, and re-execute them whenever
# the source files changed. install and distcheck are special and
# treated further below.
define recursive_rule_template
$(1) : $(foreach target,$(TARGETS),$(target).$(1)ed-stamp)
define standard_rule_template
%.$(1)ed-stamp : %.source-change-stamp %.configured-stamp %.prerequisites-installed
make -j 4 -C $$* $(1) && touch $$#
$(foreach rule,$(RULES),$(eval $(call recursive_rule_template,$(rule))))
$(foreach rule,$(filter-out install distcheck,$(RULES)),$(eval $(call standard_rule_template,$(rule))))
%.installed-stamp : %.alled-stamp
make -C $* install && touch $#
# This rule is probably the most complex. It collects option files named after a
# number of options and generates configure flags from them; this rule could be
# shortened considerably when you don't need project-specific configure/CFLAGS
# configuration.
%.configured-stamp : $(foreach i, all $(host_config) $(tag) $(host_config)-$(tag), global-$i.options) \
$(foreach i, all $(host_config) $(tag) $(host_config)-$(tag),%-$i.options) | %.prerequisites-installed
prefix="$(prefix)"; abs_builddir=$(abs_builddir); \
for i in $(filter %.options,$^); do . ./$$i; done; \
mkdir -p $* && cd $* \
&& /bin/sh ../$(srcdir)/$*/configure --build=$(build_alias) --host=$(host_alias) --target=$(target_alias) --config-cache $$OPTIONS \
LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" $(if $(CC),CC=$(CC),) $(if $(CXX),CXX=$(CXX),) \
touch $#
# The source change stamp is updated whenever a file in the source directory changes.
# It is used to prevent non-necessary sub-make invocations.
%.source-change-stamp : always-renew
{ test -e $# && find $(srcdir)/$* -newer $# -and -not -ipath '*/.svn*' -and -not -path '*/.libs*' | wc -l | grep -q '^0$$'; } \
|| touch $#
%.prerequisites-installed :
%.distchecked-stamp : %.source-change-stamp %.configured-stamp %.prerequisites-installed
DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS=`./$*/config.status --config | sed -e "s/'--prefix=[^']*' //"` \
$(MAKE) -j 4 -C $* distcheck && touch $#
Makefile : $(srcdir)/ config.status
./config.status $#
installcheck : dejagnu-tests-ran-stamp
dejagnu-tests-ran-stamp : $(foreach target,$(TARGETS),$(target).installed-stamp) testsuite.configured-stamp
make -C testsuite check
touch $#
always-renew :
clean :
rm -rf *-stamp $(foreach target,$(TARGETS),$(target)/*.la $(target)/config.cache) deploy
realclean : clean
rm -rf $(TARGETS)
%.options :
touch $#
world : $(foreach target,$(TARGETS),$(foreach rule,$(RULES),$(target).$(rule)ed-stamp))
.PHONY : always-renew

Makefile for Unit Tests in C++

I'm struggling to write Makefiles that properly build my unit tests. As an example, suppose the file structure looks like this
So, to build the executable test_all, I'd need to build test_foo.o which in turn depends on test_foo.cpp but also on src/foo.o.
What is the best practice in this case? One Makefile in the parent folder? One Makefile per folder? If so, how do I manage the dependencies across folders?
Common practice is a Makefile per directory. That's what I would have suggested before I read "Recursive Make Considered Harmfull" ( Now I'd recommend one Makefile. Also check out the automatic dependency generation - now you don't even need to work out what your tests depends on. All you need is some targets.
The common practice is one Makefile for each folder. Here is a simple script for the root folder:
#SUBDIRS = src tests
make -C ./src
make -C ./tests
make -C ./src install
make -C ./src uninstall
make -C ./src clean
make -C ./tests test
The corresponding for the src folder will look like this:
bin_PROGRAMS = progName
progName_SOURCES = foo.cpp main.cpp
LDADD = lib-to-link
progName_LDADD = ../libs/ for tests will look similar:
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I../src
bin_PROGRAMS = tests
tests_SOURCES = test_foo.cpp test_all.cpp
Use automake to generate files from the .am files. The configure script will use the .in files to produce the Makefiles. (For small projects you would like to directly hand-code the Makefiles).