VS2017 Property sheet ordering - c++

So, I have a project in VS2017, and VS2017 has recently received an update. I have then added all the wxWidgets modules as projects to my initial solution and have dealt with build order so they're built in the proper order.
However, I always get this error:
C:\Programs\Visual Studio 2017\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.Cpp.Common.props(144,5): warning
MSB4211: The property "WindowsTargetPlatformVersion" is being set to a value for the first time, but it was already consumed at
"C:\Programs\Visual Studio 2017\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.Cpp.WindowsSDK.props (29,5)".
I've found this thread and the article linked in it: link
but it doesn't tell me how to fix it. From what I can tell, the properties for individual project are not evaluated in an order they should be evaluated.
How do I define the property sheet ordering? What exactly do I need to change?
Also not that I cannot change the project files or anything connected to wxWidgets since it's a submodule in my repository and any changes done cannot be saved to the repo.

Disclaimer: I haven't got a clue about your issue ,just trying to help you (the OP) !
In the IDE ,under menu View ,select other windows.
There select Property Manager ,which let you manipulate property sheets in your projects.
Right-click on a property-sheet. Some sheets have a menu which let you move the sheet up or down.
I suggest to play around with that. It might just solve your issue.
I could be completely wrong of course.

I had the same problem, with a different library though.
The cause for me was that in the project that I converted, the configuration that I was compiling with was not present in the props file
For example, in the vcxproj file I had
<ProjectConfiguration Include="DLL Release|x64">
<Configuration>DLL Release</Configuration>
but in the props file I only had:
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
I just added a similar entry for 'DLL Release|x64' and that fixed it.
Definitely the warning message is not very helpful in this case.


Altering a compile property for items matching "substr" in an itemlist

I have a VS2019 C++ project environment where a plug-in adds CPP items to the build list. Unfortunately these items inherit the global CPP build settings.
Specifically the precompiled header setting.
I have to manually alter the settings for these items and I think there must be a way to add a few lines to the project to filter for these items.
The items all have the substring _xxx added so if I had file blah.blob the plug in inserts blah_xxx.cpp and adds it to the ClCompile itemlist.
I want to do something like
<Clcompile Condition="%(ClCompile)" contains "_xxx" >
%(ClCompile.PreCompiledHeaders)="NotUsing" </ClCompile>
I think if I stick this late enough in the project it will have the desired effect. I suppose I could also alter the properties, but I think most props files are injected before the project behavior, so this item change needs to be in the project, or injected as a task that occurs prior to ClCompile.
I think I will eventually stumble on the answer, but figure the MSBUILD gurus could provide some direction. I have the Inside the Microsoft Build Engine book, and while a terrific resource, I'm always struggling a bit to get to the solution I want.

VS2017 property sheet replacement issue

Some time ago I wrote a point cloud drop sampling code, directly call someone else's library "Library111" and property sheet.However, since the property sheet was not working well, the library was deleted and a new library named "Library_original" was copied.
During this period of time, the code of point cloud drop sampling was suddenly needed, so I changed the property sheet contained in the project to the property sheet in "Library_original", but I was warned that a file in the library "Library111" could not be found. I checked the included directory and library directory in the property sheet, and the path has been updated
According to the error message, you should check if the path is right.
If the file from D:\Library111\pcldebug_vs2017.props exists and there is no spelling errors under the path.
You should use this under the vcxproj file:
<Import Project="D:\Library111\pcldebug_vs2017.props"/>
After that, close VS, restart your project to test again.
The right way use to
<Import Project="D:\Library_original\pcldebug_vs2017.props"/>

Changing output directory in VS2010 project doesn't work

I have combined several projects into one solution. I created empty solution and added these projects and here is a blue print of how it looks like:
Project1 - directory
Project2 - directory
Debug - directory
Main.sln - file
Now I want to direct the executable and dll from both projects to \debug folder shown up of the solution file. I go into project properites >> Configuration Properities >> General >> 'Output Directory' and change the output directory to $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\ which is default for a new project.
The problem is that it has no effect on where the output file is created, it is still created in the old destination. The old path for `Output Directory' was .\Debug\ not that it matters.
Could this be because the SolutionDir & Configuration may not be defined? Where can I see their definition or values? I also want to create a new configuration which would be 'Release with Debug' how can I create that using environment variable? Thanks!
My project is MFC/Visual C++.
Where are these identifiers like SolutionDir defined in the scrip? I look up for in .vcxproj file but there is mention of it. I create a new dummy VS2010 project just to look at it's .vcxproj file but these project settings identified are not defined in any place that I can see!
This is most likely caused by specific settings overriding global settings, namely Linker's "output" setting. This happens often as a result of conversion from earlier Visual Studio.
What you need is to go through every setting, paying attention to those whose values are written in bold, and reset to default (select it from dropdown) every setting with 'debug' or 'release', and others as necessary.
There could also be specific settings on files. I usually resolve this by opening project in notepad and removing any excessive settings. Just be careful. Using multiline replace in Notepad++ or any other capable editor helps.
I think I had a similar problem.
What I ended up doing was editing the vcxproj file directly. Find this section and edit it like this for each of your configurations:
<OutDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">$(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\</OutDir>
<OutDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">$(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\</OutDir>
I had a similar problem with the Intermediate Directory setting in one of my VS2010 projects. No matter what I set it to, it would always use the default value of $(SolutionDir)$Configuration. Oddly, other projects in the same solution with the same settings worked just fine.
After playing around, I stumbled upon a solution.
Click on the setting in the propery page dialog.
Click on the down arrow button in the right-hand side of the edit box.
Select "inherit from parent or project defaults".
Click "Apply".
Click on the setting and change it to your desired value.
I don't know why this works, but it does. It seems like the macros were not being properly evaluated for whatever reason. Then, after you apply the inherited values, it seems to reset itself and start evaluating the macros properly.

Setting Code Analysis settings in TFSBuild.proj

I am trying to set/override some settings in our TEST installation of TFS with regards to forcing Code Analysis and assosicated settings during the build process (regardless of the setting sin the project file)
We currently use in our TEST TFS installation:
Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate on our developer machines AND build server
Have TFS 2012 installed on one server (application and data layer)
Have TFS 2012 build service (controller and agent) installed on another server
We can compile sample .net 4.5 projects (class libraries (DLLs), web applications etc) as expected. This is solely to do with overriding associated Code Analysis settings (hopefully).
Scenario 1 - In our sample applications on our developer machines when you select the project settings (right click -> properties in solution explorer), go to the Code Analysis tab if I turn on the "Enable Code Analysis on build" and select a Rule set from the drop down is performs as exepcted, hence it will generate some warnings. This technical adds <RunCodeAnalysis>false</RunCodeAnalysis> to the *.csproj file if opened up in notepad. If the build is executed to compile the sample project/solution then Code Analysis is performed as expected. I do NOT want to do this on every project because a developer could turn it off (although I am looking to have check-in policies and/or private/gated checkins as well to force this anyway).
Scenario 2 - I can disable the "Enable Code Analysis on Build" checkbox and force code analysis in our TFSBuild.proj file (we (will) use the default upgradetemplate.xaml as our process definition because we will be upgrading from TFS 2008 on our LIVE TFS installation) by having:
This works and this is how we will force (lessons still to be learned :-)) Code Analysis on our builds.
The problem then comes when setting other assosicated Code Analysis settings. For example which default rule set(s) to apply/use or treat CA warnings as errors. Some of these settings can be set either in VS or all of them by editting *.csproj in notepad. If i edit the *.csproj then these values are used in the build as expected (as well as locally on the developer machine). This is not ideal as I want to do it centrally in TFSBuild.proj without having to edit every project file. I believe I can use settings such as in my TFSbuild.proj file:
But they don't appear to work or I am putting them in the wrong place? How do I fix/use them correctly?
FYI i build my solutions in TFSBuild.proj by:
<Project DefaultTargets="DesktopBuild" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" ToolsVersion="4.0">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\TeamBuild\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.targets" />
<SolutionToBuild Include="/some folder/some solution.sln" />
<ConfigurationToBuild Include="Debug|Any CPU">
<PlatformToBuild>Any CPU</PlatformToBuild>
On the build server I did find reference to the target file for Code Analysis at c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\CodeAnalysis but I dont want to change the default behaviour on the build server (although it does work when I do). The condition for example for CodeAnalysisTreatWarningsAsErrors must be getting evaluated as false. Its like my values are not read from TFSBuild.proj but are from the .csproj file.
Any questions feel free to ask and thanks in advance
I had what I think is a similar problem with Cruise Control not compiling using the CODE_ANALYSIS compilation symbol, even if "Enable Code Analysis on Build (defines CODE_ANALYSIS constant)" was checked in VS.Net.
It looks like whether it is check or not, CODE_ANALYSIS is actually not explicitly added to the list of compilation symbols in the csproj (even if it appears in the text box "Conditional compilation symbols"), only <RunCodeAnalysis>true</RunCodeAnalysis> is added.
When compiling through VS.Net, the CODE_ANALYSIS is automatically added, but not when using MSBuild, which is what Cruise Control uses.
I eventually changed in VS.Net the "Conditional compilation symbols" from "CODE_ANALYSIS;MySymbol" to "MySymbol;CODE_ANALYSIS". Doing that forced CODE_ANALYSIS to also appear in the csproj.
I remember having a similar problem - but not having the time to investigate it, I worked around it by calling FxCop directly using the exec task. I'll just give you the highlights, omitting the specification of some properties, I hope the names are clear.
I created an ItemGroup of the output dlls, FilesToAnalyze, and fed it to FxCop in a way similar to:
<FxCopErrorLinePattern>: error</FxCopErrorLinePattern>
<FxCopCommand>"$(FxCopPath)" /gac /rule:"$(FxCopRules)" /ruleset:="$(FxCopRuleSet)" #(FilesToAnalyze->'/file:"%(identity)"', ' ') /out:$(FullFxCopLog) /console | Find "$(FxCopErrorLinePattern)" > "$(FxCopLogFile)"</FxCopCommand>
<Exec Command="$(FxCopCommand)"
<Output TaskParameter="ExitCode" PropertyName="FxCopExitCode"/>
<ReadLinesFromFile File="$(FxCopLogFile)">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="AllErrorLines"/>
I could then determine the number of errors in the output using an extensionpack task:
<MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Framework.MsBuildHelper TaskAction="GetItemCount" InputItems1="#(AllErrorLines)">
<Output TaskParameter="ItemCount" PropertyName="FxErrorCount"/>
and create a failing build step for each error:
<BuildStep TeamFoundationServerUrl="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)"
Message="FxCop Failed: $(FxErrorCount) errors."/>
<BuildStep TeamFoundationServerUrl="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)"
By doing code analysis on the build server this way, we also avoided having to configure each project separately. We isolated all this in a separate .targets file, so adding code analysis to a solution was a matter of importing that file, and perhaps adjusting the behavior by setting appropriate properties.

How to delete dlldata.c during clean build in Visual Studio?

I will be creating a series of projects set up to build COM objects. I attempting to create a property sheet (.vsprops file) which will set up the builds for each project. One of the things I am doing with the properties file is customizing the location and names of the files created by the MIDL compiler. Here's the code I use for this:
RPCDIR is a macro defined before this section of the property file. This works great for compiling the code. When I build my project, these five files are created with the correct names in the location I specified in the RPCDIR macro. My problem is when I try to clean the build. The clean successfully deletes four of the files, but the DLL Data File does not get deleted. I'm especially confused that some are deleted and one is not - I would have thought that either they would all be deleted or none be deleted rather than a split like this.
Does anyone know how I can customize the clean build to correctly delete these files? Optimally any changes I need to make would be in the property sheet so that I can share it with other projects, but if that's not possible then I'd like to at least be able to do it in the project file. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
Not your problem, it is a bug in the build system. The dlldata.c file doesn't get deleted using a regular build either. There aren't enough diagnostics available in the msbuild .log files to see what target fumbles this. I'm guessing it has something to do with the <FilePatternsToDelete> item in the Microsoft.CppClean.targets file.
I recommend you report this problem at connect.microsoft.com