How do I make a VTK program launch in a maximized window? - c++

In VTK, I'm aware of making a "full-screen" window as well as adjusting the window size:
However, I want to get the application to start in a maximized window. I've searched high and low but cannot find any information on how to do this. Any suggestions?

This will do the trick:


Desktop creating a desktop window?

I'm writing a desktop. I already know the basics of Qt and GTK+ through Python but I don't understand how to display the finished Desktop. How do you make it the root window of a Window Manager, or is there a method for displaying the desktop I'm not familiar with?
You don't make it the root window. X has one root window which you can't change. There are a number of ways to do what you want
X Root window
The old way was that the desktop was just the standard X root window. Icons were just individual borderless windows.
Desktop Window
Now most systems open a large window, and mark it as being a desktop window. Most window managers then know never to raise it above any other windows. The X root window is still behind it, but it is hidden. This means you can do anything you want on this window, draw to it, include icons or widgets or anything else your toolkit can do.
If you are using Gtk+ then the relevant information is found in the GdkWindowTypeHint enum, specifically the GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DESKTOP. The documentation can be found here: GdkWindow
However, there is a newer way that desktops like Gnome3 or Unity use, which is called the Compositor Overlay Window. When a compositor is running there is an overlay window which covers all the windows on the system. It is then up to the compositor to draw the actual contents of the windows on this overlay. However, the overlay can draw whatever it wishes on this overlay window. For example, in Gnome3 when you enter the window selector and the windows arrange themselves into a grid the windows aren't really moving and shrinking, the compositor has just decided to draw them that way. In reality, the windows are still in the same position they were before, but hidden under this overlay.
This is a very advanced way to do things, and certainly not for the novice developer. You probably want to be focusing on the second method.

Open a fullscreen window on 2nd monitor with SFML?

Is there a way to open a full screen window with SFML on a 2nd monitor?
I'm afraid the answer is no. Here's a quote from a different part of that site:
SFML doesn't explicitely manage multiple monitors. As a consequence, you won't be able to choose which monitor a window appears on, and you won't be able to create more than one fullscreen window. This should be improved in a future version.

Handling maximized windows using SDL

We recently ported Bitfighter from GLUT to SDL. There were numerous benefits to doing this, but a few drawbacks as well, especially in the area of window management.
Bitfighter runs in a fixed-aspect-ratio window (800x600 pixels). Users can make their window any size they want, but we capture the resize event and make adjustments to the requested size to ensure the window keeps the correct proportions (using SDL_SetVideoMode).
(The following problem applies to Windows, but has not yet been tested on other platforms. What I describe below refers specifically to Windows, though I am looking for a platform-independent solution.)
Ordinarily, this works great, except when users maximze their window by double clicking on the title bar or using the maximize button. In that case, the window resize event is called with the a window size approximating the screen size (minus some pixels for window ornamentation). Unfortunately, when the window is maximized, SDL_SetVideoMode has no effect (unlike GLUT which was able to resize a maximized window). Furthermore, subsequent calls to SDL_GetVideoInfo report the size we requested, not the actual current size of the window, so it is hard to tell if the attempted resizing worked.
I am looking for a platform independent way to do any of the following (in descending order of preference):
Resize a window after it's been maximized
Detect when a window has been maximized so that, knowing I can't resize it, I can at least adjust the video to be centered
Prevent a window from being maximized (block double clicks on window title bar, use of the maximize button, and dragging the window to the top of the screen)
Bitfighter is written in C++, and we're using the latest official release of SDL.
Migrate to SDL 2.0 (which it seems you already have)
SDL 2.0 provides a better API to window management (it actually provides one). While there are still many bugs in Windows management in SDL 2.0 (especially on the Linux side), it has vastly improved since the 1.2 days.
I assume, that you use OpenGL with SDL, because you used GLUT before. I don't know any solutions for that problem, exept point 2. If you want the Video to have a specific size, just leave the SDL-Window like it is, and call
glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
with the right size with the right proportions.
With that solutions you will still have a black border in your window, but It only shows as much, as you want. (with the first 2 arguments you can also set the position of the Viewport in the window ;) )

Is it possible to make a window withouth a top in GLUT?

When you make a window in glut using glutCreateWindow it puts a top to the window? What if I want to do some OpenGL rendering without a window top?
This probably doesn't make much sense without a picture:
Essentially I want to remove this from the window.
Use GLUT_BORDERLESS and GLUT_CAPTIONLESS as additional parameters to the glutInitDisplayMode() to get rid of window border and caption as follow:
At least it works pretty good with freeglut 2.8.1 on Windows.
The proper terminology for what you want is "undecorated window" or "borderless window". Unfortunately, I can't find any GLUT calls which let you control window decorations.
The closest I was able to find was glutFullScreen which, on X11 platforms, is often implemented by maximizing an undecorated window... but it'll re-decorate it if you un-maximize it.
This forum thread seems to confirm my conclusions.

Windows not drawing above OpenGL windows

I have an application with an OpenGL window as a child window of the main window.
When I display a dialog box above the OpenGL window, it doesn't get drawn. It's like it's not getting WM_PAINT messages. If I can guess the title bar position of the dialog box, I can drag it and it's still responsive.
I realise this might be a vague question, but I was wondering if anyone else has seen this sort of behaviour before and knew of a solution?
I wondered if the Pixel Format Descriptor would make a difference - I had PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW, but changing to PDF_DRAW_TO_BITMAP didn't make any difference. I'm not sure what else I should be looking at?
Bugger. Should have given all the details. I was running Windows in a virtual machine on Mac OS X using Parallels. I upgrade from Parallels 3 to 4 and now everything is working fine. I suspect a Parallels video driver issue.
Thanks to all those who answered with suggestions.
Is your opengl window constantly rendering. It is possible that the 3D hardware is simply rendering into an overlay that is overdrawing your dialog box. If you position the dialog box so it overlaps your main window, can you see some of it?
Try to pause rendering into the main display to see if it effects the results.
You will also need to make sure that your window style ensures the results are clipped... |= WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN ;
You should check though all the items mentioned in this MSDN article, as it covers a lot of the basics for getting opengl rendering in a window correctly.
You may need to switch overlay off. It can be done via forcing back buffer presenting method to copy instead of swap.
Use wglChoosePixelFormatARB and one of parameters should be
This may seems stupid but are you sure your OpenGL window is not flagged "topmost" ?
Does the dialog box disappear also behind borders of your window or just behind the OpenGL rendering rectangle ?