I've searched all over including here at StackOverFlow and I cannot seem to find the solution I am needing help with. Here is my issue.
Lets say in File1.txt I have the following (no spaces between each line)
File2.txt will have the same information, however, I am needing to add a 1 right before the .pdf for each one (within file2.txt)
I can easily update file2.txt using a RegEx statement, however it's only updating the contents based on that RegEx statement.
File2.txt will have a lot more data in it than file1.txt (more of the exact type of information). I am only needing to update file2.txt adding in the 1 right before .pdf BASED on what is in file1.txt
Here is the code I am using but as you can see it does not read file1.txt at all, I'm just using a RegEx statement to update file2.txt adding in the 1 before .pdf (the code below works to add in the 1 before .pdf, but I'm not iterating through file1.txt)
set-location c:\temp
$File = "C:\Temp\file1.txt"
$FileZ = "C:\Temp\file2.txt"
$File2 = (Get-ChildItem $fileZ) | Select -ExpandProperty BaseName
$regex01 = '(\\Serv02\LOC6\Client\726C30\\d{1,6}\\d{1,10})(.pdf)$'
get-content $fileZ | % { $_ -replace $regex01, '${1}1${2}' -join "`r`n" } | out-file -Encoding default "c:\Temp\$File2.txt"
start-sleep -Seconds 2
$NewMRC = Get-ChildItem "$file2.txt" | Select -ExpandProperty Name
Get-ChildItem $NewMRC | rename-item -NewName {$_.Name -replace ".txt",".MRC2"}
If file1.txt had another line that didn't match up to the RegEx as shown above, file2.txt would not be updated with that line
I hope I have explained this well enough. I'm not new to PowerShell but I am far from an expert. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
I've modified your code as follows. The approach is read the content of File1.txt and store it in a variable. Then iterate on each line of File2.txt to check it against the regex as well as if that line is present in file1 content. If yes then replace it with whatever you want. Output this to a .tmp file in append mode. Once all the lines in File2.txt are processed, then replace it with .tmp file.
set-location c:\temp
$File = "file1.txt"
$FileZ = "file2.txt"
# PS2
$File1 = get-content $File | Out-String
# PS3
# $File1 = get-content $File -Raw
$File2 = (Get-ChildItem $fileZ) | Select -ExpandProperty BaseName
if( test-path "$File2.tmp" ) { remove-item "$File2.tmp" }
$regex01 = '(\\\\Serv02\\LOC6\\Client\\726C30\\\d{1,6}\\\d{1,10})(.pdf)$'
get-content $fileZ |% {
$line = $_
$find = $line -replace '\\','\\'
if ( ($line -match $regex01) -AND ( $File1 -match $find ) ) {
$line -replace $regex01,'${1}1${2}' -join "`r`n"
} else {
} | out-file "$File2.tmp" -append
remove-item "$File2.txt"
rename-item "$File2.tmp" "$File2.txt"
#start-sleep -Seconds 2
#$NewMRC = Get-ChildItem "$file2.txt" | Select -ExpandProperty Name
#Get-ChildItem $NewMRC | rename-item -NewName {$_.Name -replace ".txt",".MRC2"}
The last 3 lines of your code doesn't seem to be related to your problem statement. So I've commented those lines.
$find = $line -replace '\\','\\': We are replacing single backslash \ with double backslash \\. But in the first parameter to -replace it must be escaped and in second param it must NOT be. So, even though they look same, they are interpreted differently.
One way to do this: Retrieve file content of first file into an array, then retrieve content of second file. For each line in second file: If first file's content has a line matching the current line, output modified line; otherwise, just output the current line.
$pattern = '(\\{2}(?:[^\\]+\\)+)([^\\\.]+)(\.pdf)'
$file1Content = Get-Content "file1.txt"
Get-Content "file2.txt" | ForEach-Object {
if ( $file1Content -contains $_ ) {
$_ | Select-String $pattern | ForEach-Object {
"{0}{1}1{2}" -f
else {
First match group ($_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value) is \\servername\sharename\path, second match group is filename without extension, and third match group is the file extension.
I have more than 10000 text files that I want to replace the string searchResult with a regex in that specific text file using Notepad++ or PowerShell. For example here is one of the text files:
searchresult : [{"name": myRegexMatch .....}
After substitution:
myRegexMatch : [{"name": myRegexMatch .....}
The regex match is different in every file. I just want to replace searchResult in every single file with the regex in that file.
This should kind of get you started
$regex = '(?<=searchresult\s:\s\[{"name":\s).*(?=})'
Get-ChildItem $pathToFiles -Recurse | Where-Object { -not $_.PSIsContainer } |
ForEach-Object {
$text = (Get-Content $_ -Raw)
$value = [regex]::Match($text, $regex).Groups[1].Value
$text -replace "searchresult",$value | Set-Content -path $_
I have the following script which I try to run on various html files
$files = $args[0];
$string1 = $args[1];
$string2 = $args[2];
Write-Host "Replace $string1 with $string2 in $files";
gci -r -include "$files" |
foreach-object { $a = $_.fullname; ( get-content $a ) |
foreach-object {
$_ -replace "%string1" , "$string2" |
set-content $a
in an attempt to edit this line found in all the files.
I call the script from powershell like this (it's called replace.ps1)
./replace *.html sampleTest myNewTest
but instead of changing sampleTest.html to myNewTest.html
it deletes everything in the doc except for the last line,
leaving all of the files like so:
in fact, no matter what arguments I pass in this seems to happen.
Can anyone explain this/help me understand why it's happening?
Your loop structure is to blame here. You need to have the Set-Content located outside the loop. Your code is overwriting the file at every pass.
foreach-object { $a = $_.fullname; ( get-content $a ) |
foreach-object {
$_ -replace "$string1" , "$string2" |
} | set-content $a
It also might have been a typo but you had "%string1" before which, while syntactically correct, what not what you intended.
Could also have used Add-Content but that would mean you have to erase the file first. set-content $a used at the end of the pipe is more intuitive.
Your example is not one that uses regex. You could have used $_.replace($string1,$string2) with the same results.
For every file in a directory I wish to remove lines that match a regular expression (beginning with |B for example) using powershell.
I think I can do this via Get-ChildItem on the directory, foreach-object, get-content and some sort of if -match but I'm really struggling to fit it all together.
Any help would be massively appreciated. This is the first time I've ever written a powershell script.
Something like the below should get you in the right direction
$files = Get-ChildItem "C:\your\dir"
foreach ($file in $files) {
$c = Get-Content $file.fullname | where { $_ -notmatch "^\|B" }
$c | Set-Content $file.fullname
I looked into doing this for one file and I really like the solution powershell offers:
Get-Content test.txt | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "foo", "bar" } | Set-Content test2.txt
Is there a way I can do this to get the content of a list of files, perform the same search and replace, and produce a second set of files?
This accomplishes what I want:
(Get-Content *.txt) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "foo", "bar" } | Set-Content *.txt
Give this a try --
dir *.txt | % {[IO.File]::ReadAllText($_).Replace('bar', 'test') | sc $_}
I use the below pipeline to read a file and replace a line in it and save it to another file, but found that the string in target file is not replaced, it's still the old one.
original line is : name-1a2b3c4d
new line should be: name-6a5e4r3h
(Get-Content "test1.xml") | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace '^name-.*$', "name-6a5e4r3h"} | Set-Content "test2.xml"
Anything missing there?
One thing you're missing is that the -replace operator works just fine on an array, which means you don't need that foreach-object loop at all:
(Get-Content "test1.xml") -replace '^name-.*$', 'name-6a5e4r3h' | Set-Content test2.xml
You're not changing the $_ variable.
You might try:
$lines = Get-Content $file
$len = $lines.count
$lines[$i] = $lines[$i] -replace $bad, $good
$lines > $outfile