mscorlib MissingManifestRessource exception when using WebRTC.Initialize - visual-studio-2017

Here is my code from my new C# Windows Universal Project:
public MainPage()
//Initialization of WebRTC worker threads, etc
}catch(Exception e)
I just installed WebRTC with Nuget with
Install-Package WebRTC -Version
and added the line
When I start the app, after some seconds I receive the message, that I shall start the new debugger in new Visual Studio
When I start it, I receive the exception:
If you click on it, it will be bigger.
I am new to Visual Studio 2017 and webRTC. Can you help me with this exception? Is it Visual Studio problem or a WebRTC problem?
starting with Debug x64
"WebRTC": ""
Visual Studio 2017 15.4.1
Edit: I updated Visual Studio to 15.5.6 and have still the crash problem without showing me the exception. I asked my question at microsoft feedback.
Edit: If I use English language in Visual Studio, I don't even receive the exception. Visual Studio just stops, wants to start new debugger in new instance of Visual Studio, but can't do it. Only German version shows devenv.exe: Assert failure.
Edit. It is a webRTC problem. Install-Package WebRTC -Version bad webRTC package.

WebRtc from NuGet is bad and causes the crash.

I received more information in Release Mode
Unhandled exception at 0x749608F2 in VideoConference1.exe: Microsoft
C++ exception: Platform::NullReferenceException ^ at memory location
0x0D92F41C. HRESULT:0x80004003 Ungültiger Zeiger WinRT information:
deviceId is a required parameter.
My WebCam didn't work -


c++ mfc project upgrade from vs2015 to vs2019 breaks application

I decided to migrate to visual studio 2019 for my mfc c++ application from visual studio 2015.
I have installed all the required SDKs and chose target platform Windows 10, version 10.0.18362.0 and toolset visual studio 2019 (v142). Previously in visual studio 2015 I had Windows 8.1 and v140.
Everything compiles and I can debug the application, however I get strange behaviour for CSingleLock and CCriticalSection where static CCriticalSection objects are null or invalid causing null reference crashes. Static variables seem to have a mind of their own having random values in child frames. The application will open one child frame, but I cannot open multiple child frames simultaneously as the treecontrol in the main frame is misbehaving and will not change on click, the clicks are registered but the treecontrol is unable to get a handle to the ParentFrame (GetParentFrame) to open a new frame. Nothing untoward shows up in the output windows.
In visual studio 2019 I then changed toolset to v140 (Visual studio 2015) and all works as expected.
Has anyone got anything similar happen to them, is there anything I need to do different in code between the two toolsets or does anyone have any suggestions ?
I realise this post does not have much details as I am just fielding atm, if anyone needs more infro please let me know.

ImageWatch in Visual Studio 2013 : exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation

I currently work with OpenCV C++ in Visual Studion 2013 (Community). I have installed the plugin ImageWatch into Visual Studio, which is useful debugging aid.
After a recent upgrade of Windows 10 (I was already was working with Win 10 and it was fine), I started to receive the following error : "exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" when opening ImageWatch from 'View/Other Windows/Image Watch'
I have tried un-/re-installing ImageWatch and updated VS 2013 to the latest .Net Version (5.0) for 2013. I also, as suggested on other posts, where the same error has been generated for different reasons, shortened the length/removed some of the lengthy less used System Environmental Variables. All to no avail.
Part of the symptoms I received from Win 10 update were some missing .dll messages for MSVCP110.dll and MSVCR110.dll, generated directly after start up (of my PC). A quick search indicated that I was missing some crucial Visual C++ Redistributable x64 and x86 updates for Visual Studio 2012. (see
These can be download here:
After installing these updates for x64 and x86 and a reboot, the dll messages disappeared at start. Following a reinstallation of ImageWatch plugin, I no logner recieved the "exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" and Image Watch was opening and running fine.

Afx Unsupported in Windows 10/ Visual Studio 2015

I retargeted an MFC solution from Visual Studio 2013 to Visual Studio 2015, but when I built it I received an error telling me the compiler could not find afxdisp.h normally found under VC->atlmfc->include . -- Of course I copied the file from the VS 2013 location, but I was wondering why it was missing? Does anyone know?
My mistake, MFC is an addon in VS, and I did not have all of it (only had ATL). I relaunched installer went to custom install and clicked MFC classes. I also installed the Multibyte MFC library from the Visual Studio Website. It is not available in the custom options.

Throwing std::exception crashes Visual Studio 2013 IDE

I've just filed a bug report to Microsoft, on my system throwing any exception with std::exception or those that inherit it crashes the Visual Studio 2013 IDE. Have anyone else seen this problem or is it a quirk on my system that enables the bug? I can also mention that my Visual Studio 2012 on the same system have not such issues.
The following minimalist example crashes my Visual Studio 2013 IDE:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv [])
throw std::exception("Crashtest");
catch (...)
std::cerr << "Error" << std::endl; // never reached
return 0; // never reached
Anyone have a suggestion for a work-around until they have fixed this, it's quite annoying at the moment.
Intel has posted a workaround for this bug here:
I just created a new C++ Console application, with precompiled header, and then pasted your code. I was not able to recreate the issue. I'm able to place a breakpoint on std::cerr << and hit it without fault.
Have you tried re-installing Visual Studio 2013? I'm guessing you have a corrupt installation or a misconfigured debugger. Make sure to remove previous versions of Visual Studio. Even though they work side-by-side I've seen issues previously with native debugging.
Make sure you have enabled C++ exception handling with option /EHsc.
I did some further investigation on this bug this weekend. First I uninstalled Windows 7 and upgraded to Windows 8.1 Enterprise (64-bit). Then I installed Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 (v12.0.21005 REL). I ran the program below with no problems and I thought that I had fixed the problem. However, when I installed Intel C++ Studio XE 2013 (included SP1 with update 1) the bug came back. So there seem (at least on my system) to be an issue with how Visual Studio 2013 and Intel C++ Studio 2013 works together.
I've been stuck in this problem for 3 days until I discovered that the problem was in try-catch blocks. Viewing this article:, I realized the importance of not leaving a "catch" empty. Remove the try catch block and check, please.
Well, this problem happened to me while developing a simple sequential workflow SharePoint 2013 in Visual Studio 2013 in "OnTaskChanged" methods.
I hope the answer may help someone else.

VS Express 2010 KernelBase.dll _com_error DirectX11SDK

yesterday i tried to reinstall VS2010 Express after an reset of my system.
I installed VS2010 Express the Windows SDK 7.1 and the x64 Compilers as well as the DirectX SDK(June 2010).
At first i got an Error that he couldn't find Winmm.lib. I fixed this by adding the windows sdk directory to the Library Directorys.
Now Tutorial00 creates a window but whenever i start Tutorial01 the window appears and the closes and i get this error message:
"First-chance exception at 0x000007fefd239e5d (KernelBase.dll) in Tutorial01.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: _com_error at memory location 0x001feca0.."
I think it's a problem with the DirectX SDK, because Tutorial00 doesn't use any DirectX features.
Any Suggestions how to solve the problem?