How to properly implement a cross-platform spinlock in c++ - c++

Essentially, my question is:
What does an "good" implementation of a spinlock look like in c++ which works on the "usual" CPU/OS/Compiler combinations (x86 & arm, Windows & Linux, msvc & clang & g++ (maybe also icc) ).
As I wrote in the answer to a different question, it is fairly easy to write a working spinlock in c++11. However, as pointed out (in the comments as well as in e.g. spinlock-vs-stdmutextry-lock), such an implementation comes with some performance problems in case of congestion, which imho can only be solved by using platform specific instructions (intrinsics / os primitives / assembly?).
I'm not looking for a super optimized version (I expect that would only make sense if you have very precise knowledge about the exact platform and workload and need every last bit of efficiency) but something that lives around the mythical 20/80 tradeoff point i.e. I want to avoid the most important pitfalls in most cases while still keeping the solution as simple and understandable as possible.
In general, I'd expect the result to look something like thist:
#include <atomic>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <Windows.h>
#define YIELD_CPU YieldProcessor();
#elif defined(...)
#define YIELD_CPU ...
class SpinLock {
std::atomic_flag locked = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
void lock() {
while (locked.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
void unlock() {
But I don't know
if a YIELD_CPU macro inside the loop is all that's needed or if there are any other problematic aspects (e.g. can/should we indicate if we expect the test_and_set to succeed most of the time)
what the appropriate mapping for YIELD_CPU on the different CPU/OS/Compiler combinations is (and if possible I'd like to avoid dragging in a heavy weight header like Windows.h)
Note: I'm also interested in answers that only cover a subset of the mentioned platforms, but might not mark them as the accepted answer and/or merge them into a separate community answer.


How to make functions with conditional implementations for different platforms. without linking the other implementation [duplicate]

I'm having a bit of a go at developing a platform abstraction library for an application I'm writing, and struggling to come up with a neat way of separating my platform independent code from the platform specific code.
As I see it there are two basic approaches possible: platform independent classes with platform specific delegates, or platform independent classes with platform specific derived classes. Are there any inherent advantages/disadvantages to either approach? And in either case, what's the best mechanism to set up the delegation/inheritance relationship such that the process is transparent to a user of the platform independent classes?
I'd be grateful for any suggestions as to a neat architecture to employ, or even just some examples of what people have done in the past and the pros/cons of the given approach.
EDIT: in response to those suggesting Qt and similar, yes I'm purposely looking to "reinvent the wheel" as I'm not just concerned with developing the app, I'm also interested in the intellectual challenge of rolling my own platform abstraction library. Thanks for the suggestion though!
I'm using platform neutral header files, keeping any platform specific code in the source files (using the PIMPL idiom where neccessary). Each platform neutral header has one platform specific source file per platform, with extensions such as *.win32.cpp, *.posix.cpp. The platform specific ones are only compiled on the relevent platforms.
I also use boost libraries (filesystem, threads) to reduce the amount of platform specific code I have to maintain.
It's platform independent classes declarations with platform specific definitions.
Pros: Works fairly well, doesn't rely on the preprocessor - no #ifdef MyPlatform, keeps platform specific code readily identifiable, allows compiler specific features to be used in platform specific source files, doesn't pollute the global namespace by #including platform headers.
Cons: It's difficult to use inheritance with pimpled classes, sometimes the PIMPL structs need their own headers so they can be referenced from other platform specific source files.
Another way is to have platform independent conventions, but substitute platform specific source code at compile time.
That is to say that if you imagine a component, Foo, that has to be platform specific (like sockets or GUI elements), but has these public members:
class Foo {
void write(const char* str);
void close();
Every module that has to use a Foo, obviously has #include "Foo.h", but in a platform specific make file you might have -IWin32, which means that the compiler looks in .\Win32 and finds a Windows specific Foo.h which contains the class, with the same interface, but maybe Windows specific private members etc.
So there is never any file which contains Foo as written above, but only sets of platform specific files which are only used when selected by a platform specific make file.
Have a look at ACE. It has a pretty good abstraction using templates and inheritance.
I might go for a policy-type thing:
template<typename Platform>
struct PlatDetails : private Platform {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") + getName();
// For any serious compatibility functions, these would
// of course have to be in different headers, and the implementations
// would call some platform-specific functions to get precise
// version numbers. Using PImpl would be a smart idea for these
// classes if they need any platform-specific members, since as
// Joe Gauterin says, you want to avoid your application code indirectly
// including POSIX or Windows system headers, containing useless definitions.
struct Windows {
std::string getName() const { return "Windows"; }
struct Linux {
std::string getName() const { return "Linux"; }
#ifdef WIN32
typedef PlatDetails<Windows> PlatformDetails;
typedef PlatDetails<Linux> PlatformDetails;
int main() {
std::cout << PlatformDetails().getName() << "\n";
There's not a whole lot to choose though between doing this, and doing regular simulated dynamic binding with CRTP, so that the generic thing is the base and the specific thing the derived class:
template<typename Platform>
struct PlatDetails {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") +
struct Windows : PlatDetails<Windows> {
std::string getName() const { return "Windows"; }
struct Linux : PlatDetails<Linux> {
std::string getName() const { return "Linux"; }
#ifdef WIN32
typedef Windows PlatformDetails;
typedef Linux PlatformDetails;
int main() {
std::cout << PlatformDetails().getName() << "\n";
Basically in the latter version, getName must be public (although I think you can use friend) and so must be the inheritance, whereas in the former, the inheritance can be private and/or the interface functions can be protected, if desired. So the adaptor can be a firewall between the interface the platform has to implement, and the interface your application code uses. Furthermore you can have multiple policies in the former (i.e. multiple platform-dependent facets used by the same platform-independent class), but not for the latter.
The advantage of either of them over versions with delegates or non-template-using inheritance, is that you don't need any virtual functions. Arguably this isn't a whole lot of advantage, considering how scary both policy-based design and CRTP are at first contact.
In practice, though, I agree with quamrana that normally you can just have different implementations of the same thing on different platforms:
// Or just set the include path with -I or whatever
#ifdef WIN32
#include "windows/platform.h"
#include "linux/platform.h"
struct PlatformDetails {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") +
// windows/platform.h
namespace porting {
std::string getName() { return "Windows"; }
// linux/platform.h
namespace porting {
std::string getName() { return "Linux"; }
If you like to use a full-blown c++ framework available for many platforms and permissive copylefted, use Qt.
So... you don't want to simply use Qt? For real work using C++, I'd very highly recommend it. It's an absolutely excellent cross-platform toolkit. I just wrote a few plugins to get it working on the Kindle, and now the Palm Pre. Qt makes everything easy and fun. Downright rejuvenating, even. Well, until your first encounter with QModelIndex, but they've supposedly realized they over-engineered it and they're replacing it ;)
As an academic exercise though, this is an interesting problem. As a wheel re-inventor myself, I've even done it a few times now. :)
Short answer: I'd go with PIMPL. (Qt sources have examples a-plenty)
I've used base classes and platform specific derived classes in the past, but it usually ends up a bit messier than I had in mind. I've also done part of an implementation using some degree of function pointers for platform specific bits, and I was even less happy with that.
Both times I ended up with a very strong feeling that I was over-architecting and had lost my way.
I found using private implementation classes (PIMPL) with different platforms specific bits in different files easiest to write AND debug. However... don't be too afraid of an #ifdef or two, if it's just a few lines and very clear what's going on. I hate cluttered or nested #ifdef logic, but one or two here and there can really help avoid code duplication.
With PIMPL, you're not constantly refactoring your design as you discover new bits that require different implementations between platforms. That way be dragons.
At the implementation level, hidden from the application... there's nothing wrong with a few platform specific derived classes either. If two platform implementations are fairly well defined and share almost no data members, they'd be a good candidate for that. Just do it after realizing that, not before out of some idea that everything needs to fit your selected pattern.
If anything, the biggest gripe I have about coding today is how easily people seem to get lost in idealism. PIMPL is a pattern, having platform specific derived classes is another pattern. Using function pointers is a pattern. There's nothing that says they're mutually exclusive.
However, as a general guideline... start with PIMPL.
There're also the big boys, such as Qt4 (complete framework + GUI),GTK+ (gui-only afaik), and Boost (framework only, no GUI), all 3 support most platforms, GTK+ is C, Qt4/Boost are C++ and for the most part template based.
You might also want to take a look at poco:
The POCO C++ Libraries (POCO stands for POrtable COmponents) are open source C++ class libraries that simplify and accelerate the development of network-centric, portable applications in C++. The libraries integrate perfectly with the C++ Standard Library and fill many of the functional gaps left open by it. Their modular and efficient design and implementation makes the POCO C++ Libraries extremely well suited for embedded development, an area where the C++ programming language is becoming increasingly popular, due to its suitability for both low-level (device I/O, interrupt handlers, etc.) and high-level object-oriented development. Of course, the POCO C++ Libraries are also ready for enterprise-level challenges.

How can I use boost::thread::timed_join with nanoseconds enabled in boost::date_time?

Here is some C++ code illustrating my problem with a minimal expample:
// uncomment the next line, to make it hang up:
//#define BOOST_DATE_TIME_POSIX_TIME_STD_CONFIG //needed for nanosecond support of boost
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
void foo()
int main(int noParameters, char **parameterArray)
boost::thread MyThread(&foo);
if ( MyThread.timed_join( boost::posix_time::seconds(1) ) )
std::cerr<<"\nTimed out!\n";
As long as I don't turn on the nanosecond support everthing works as expected, but as soon as I uncomment the #define needed for the nanosecond support in boost::posix_time the program doesn't get past the if-statement any more, just as if I had called join() instead of timed_join().
Now I've already figured out, that this happens because BOOST_DATE_TIME_POSIX_TIME_STD_CONFIG changes the actual data representation of the timestamps from a single 64bit integer to 64+32 bit. A lot boost stuff is completely implemented inside the headers but the thread methods are not and because of that they cannot adapt to the new data format without compiling them again with the apropriate options. Since the code is meant to run on an external server, compiling my own version of boost is not an option and neither is turning off the nanosecond support.
Therefore my question is as follows: Is there a way to pass on a value (on the order of seconds) to timed_join() without using the incompatible 96bit posix_time methods and without modifying the standard boost packages?
I'm running on Ubuntu 12.04 with boost 1.46.1.
Unfortunately I don't think your problem can be cleanly solved as written. Since the library you're linking against was compiled without nanosecond support, by definition you violate the one-definition rule if you happen to enable nanosecond support for any piece that's already compiled into the library binary. In this case, you're enabling it across the function calls to timed_join.
The obvious solution is to decide which is less painful to give up: Building your own boost, or removing nanosecond times.
The less obvious "hack" that may or may not totally work is to write your own timed_join wrapper that takes a thread object and an int representing seconds or ms or whatever. Then this function is implemented in a source file with nothing else and that does not enable nanosecond times for the specific purpose of calling into the compiled boost binary. Again I want to stress that if at any point you fail to completely segregate such usages you'll violate the one definition rule and run into undefined behavior.

Safe cross platform coroutines

All coroutine implementations I've encountered use assembly or inspect the contents of jmp_buf. The problem with this is it inherently not cross platform.
I think the following implementation doesn't go off into undefined behavior or rely on implementation details. But I've never encountered a coroutine written like this.
Is there some inherent flaw is using long jump with threads?
Is there some hidden gotcha in this code?
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <thread>
class Coroutine
Coroutine( void ) :
m_done( false ),
m_thread( [&](){ this->start(); } )
{ }
~Coroutine( void )
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( m_mutex );
m_done = true;
void start( void )
if( setjmp( m_resume ) == 0 )
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( m_mutex );
m_condition.wait( lock, [&](){ return m_done; } );
longjmp( m_yield, 1 );
void resume( void )
if( setjmp( m_yield ) == 0 )
longjmp( m_resume, 1 );
void yield( void )
if( setjmp( m_resume ) == 0 )
longjmp( m_yield, 1 );
virtual void routine( void ) = 0;
jmp_buf m_resume;
jmp_buf m_yield;
bool m_done;
std::mutex m_mutex;
std::condition_variable m_condition;
std::thread m_thread;
UPDATE 2013-05-13 These days there is Boost Coroutine (built on Boost Context, which is not implemented on all target platforms yet, but likely to be supported on all major platforms sooner rather than later).
I don't know whether stackless coroutines fit the bill for your intended use, but I suggest you have a look at them here:
Boost Asio: The Proactor Design Pattern: Concurrency Without Threads
Asio also has a co-procedure 'emulation' model based on a single (IIRC) simple preprocessor macro, combined with some amount of cunningly designed template facilities that come things eerily close to compiler support for _stack-less co procedures.
The sample HTTP Server 4 is an example of the technique.
The author of Boost Asio (Kohlhoff) explains the mechanism and the sample on his Blog here: A potted guide to stackless coroutines
Be sure to look for the other posts in that series!
There is a C++ standard proposal for coroutine support - N3708 which is written by Oliver Kowalke (who is an author of Boost.Coroutine) and Goodspeed.
I suppose this would be the ultimate clean solution eventually (if it happens…)
Because we don't have stack exchange support from C++ compiler, coroutines currently need low level (usually assembly level, or setjmp/longjmp) hack, and that's out of abstraction range of C++. Then the implementations are fragile, and need help from compiler to be robust.
For example, it's really hard to set stack size of a coroutine context, and if you overflow the stack, your program will be corrupted silently. Or crash if you're lucky. Segmented stack seems can help this, but again, this needs compiler level support.
If once it becomes standard, compiler writers will take care. But before that day, Boost.Coroutine would be the only practical solution in C++ to me.
In C, there's libtask written by Russ Cox (who is a member of Go team). libtask works pretty well, but doesn't seem to be maintained anymore.
P.S. If someone know how to support standard proposal, please let me know. I really support this proposal.
There is no generalized cross-platform way of implementing co-routines. Although some implementations can fudge co-routines using setjmp/longjmp, such practices are not standards-compliant. If routine1 uses setjmp() to create jmp_buf1, and then calls routine2() which uses setjmp() to create jmp_buf2, any longjmp() to jmp_buf1 will invalidate jmp_buf2 (if it hasn't been invalidated already).
I've done my share of co-routine implementations on a wide variety of CPUs; I've always used at least some assembly code. It often doesn't take much (e.g. four instructions for a task-switch on the 8x51) but using assembly code can help ensure that a compiler won't apply creative optimizations that would break everything.
I don't believe you can fully implement co-routines with long jump. Co-routines are natively supported in WinAPI, they are called fibers. See for example, CreateFiber(). I don't think other operating systems have native co-routine support. If you look at SystemC library, for which co-routines are central part, they are implemented in assembly for each supported platform, except Windows. GBL library also uses co-routines for event-driven simulation based on Windows fibers. It's very easy to make hard to debug errors trying to implement co-routines and event-driven design, so I suggest using existing libraries, which are already thoroughly tested and have higher level abstractions to deal with this concept.

Over reliance on macros

I feel, every time I read a C or C++ program, that half or more of it is just macros. I understand that macros can be cool but they are hard to track, debug, etc. Not to mention that most programming languages do not even define something like macros (although Perl6 will have something of the sort).
I personally always have found a way to write my code without using macros, whether it be with templates, multiple inheritance, etc. I have even felt I am not a good programmer because all the pros use macros and I try to avoid them as much as I can.
The question is, are there problems which cannot be solved without macros? Are macros ultimately a good/bad practice? When should I consider using a macro?
Yes, here's one. When you need to add tracing code to your program in such a way that one configuration contains it and the other completely omits you have to use macros.
Something like:
#define LOG( x ) DoLog( x )
#define LOG( x )
now you use it this way:
LOG( L"Calling blahblahblah with " + getSomeStringHardToCompute() );
and in the configuration with WITH_LOGGING you have that code and otherwise it is completely omitted - not even present in the binary, and therefore
it doesn't help others analyze your program
you get a smaller binary
the program doesn't waste time fo logging at all
the compiler can produce better optimized code.
You've been looking at some bad C++ code. The places I use macros are limited to:
header guards
very occasional conditional compilation
a general exception throwing macro
a general debugging/logging output macro
I don't think those four can be avoided.
Straight from Scott Myer's Effective C++ -> 1
Given the availability of consts and inlines, your need for the preprocessor is reduced, but it's not completely eliminated. The day is far from near when you can abandon #include, and #ifdef/#ifndef continue to play important roles in controlling compilation. It's not yet time to retire the preprocessor, but you should definitely plan to start giving it longer and more frequent vacations.
Debug behaviour may be controlled with constant flags or debug functions. So here is my list of unavoidables:
Multiple inclusion protection.
Macros are the only way of symbol stringification. assert macro, compact realization of const string & stringify(enum category value);
const char* stringify(enum category value)
#define c(x) case x: return #x;
switch(value) {
default: return "UNKNOWN";
#undef c // the most important part
Macros, of course, are also useful when you want to generate code during preprocessing. While this can be avoided using templates (see this SO question and discussion - Are C++ Templates just Macros in disguise?), you can use macros if it makes the life of your users easier - see how the 'googletest' project ( uses macros effectively. You obviously don't want to use macros to generate code that needs debugging, use templates instead.
I think that C++'s templates and inline functions make macros pretty much avoidable.
The ubiquitousness of macros is probably due to the fact that there are many C++ programmers that used to be C programmers. Such people will probably be proficient at using macros (because it sometimes really is the best or only solution in pure C) and might not see any point in learning the more complicated C++ features if they already know how to solve the problem. At least in the open source world, there are many C converts, so you naturally meet C paradigms. I don't think that you're a bad programmer if you avoid such a feature, many people do, just like GOTOs.
C (and therefore C++) is an extremely flexible programming language. This is great, because everyone can develop his own distinct style and solve most problems in several different ways. This, however, can also be considered a problem. In my opinion not a problem that should be solved by the language but by establishing conventions.
There are many features in C++ that can be safely ignored. Maybe there are weird special occasions where such a feature would really be the best approach, but in most cases, you can live without:
Friend classes
And more.
IMO, a senior C++ programmer should be able to at least read them all fluently - yet I expect a good programmer to consider carefully when and if to use an infamous feature.
There are many problems that I can't solve without macros.
For instance, serialization/deserialization of some structs
#define STRUCT_DESCRIPTION structname(MyStruct) member(int,a) member(double,b) member(long, c)
#include "declare_serializable_struct.h" // declares struct itself and generates serialization/deserializaton code
( BOOST_PP_SEQUENCE may also be used)
Another example - dispatching a messages using message map, i.e. generating switch like this:
case msg1: on_msg1(msg); break;
case msg2: on_msg2(msg); break;
and generate handler method declarations on_msgX(msg) in the same time using some message description table ("map")
Personally, I try to avoiod macros when possible, but I didn't succeed in this way.
However, lambdas in c++0x allows to inline arbitrary code into "user-or-library-defined languge statements" such a foreach loops, so macro realm lose a significant part :)
Macros are a solution for conditional compiling (by ifdef and ifndef). Here is the examples:
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define BEGIN extern "C" {
#define END }
#define NULL (0);
#define BEGIN
#define END
#define NULL ((void*)0);
void my_function(char* str);
void my_function(char* str)
if(str != NULL)
But inline functions and templates replaces other usages of macros in C++.
I tend to avoid using macros as much as possible because of their obvious safety / debugging issues, however there are times when macros offer something that no other facility within the language does as elegantly, in which case I prefer to use a macro just because it makes my life (and those of my fellow developers) easier.
For example, I have created an Enum class, which wraps an enum in a struct (scope) and adds some functionality:
possibility of iteration (which implies an order of the values)
conversion to / from string (handy to read/write to a file, write to logs)
In order to create the enum, I use a macro which will automatically generate the converter (to and from) and the vector for iteration.
Of course I could do without one, after all the macro is only for code generation. But doing without one would mean violating DRY, and in my little own preferences "DRY" > "Don't use macros". Because once debugged the macro is safe, whereas a DRY violation is a nightmare for maintenance.
Now, I am all for ditching this macro as soon as I find how not to violate DRY. Ideas are obviously welcome... and an external script is NOT better ;)
My 2 cents.
I try to avoid macros too, but to expand on the debugging, I have not found a way to print file name, function name, and line number when debugging.
I typically have a header file called DebugLog.h with the following Macro
#define DEBUG(debugMessage) \
printf("%s | %s [%d] - %s\n", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION___, debugMessage);
will output something like:
main.cpp | foo(void)[20] - Test
You can adjust the macro for C++, and other debugging statements. It's also possible to modify the macro to send the resulting string to a logger.
I've started working at a telecom company. The product code base is about 20 years old, and has to support many legacy products, while also trying to avoid duplicate code. the language used is C++03. I find lots of contstructs similar to the following
// Common code
#if defined(PRODUCT_A) || defined(PRODUCT_B)
// Code for Product A or Product B
#elif defined(PRODUCT_C)
// Code for product C
// Common code
Horrible stuff, I agree. So far, we haven't been able to find a better solution. At least with this approach, we can understand what the code is supposed to do by simple code-reading.
The question is, are there problems which cannot be solved without macros?
are macros ultimately a good/back practice? When should I consider to use a macro?
In languages which don't support or honor the inline keyword, macros are a great way to re-use code, but at the same time avoid the overhead of a function call in any code that is tightly looped enough for that to make a huge difference.
Your rant about code being littered with macros is probably justified. There are indeed hard to debug and in some cases to read. But they do come in useful in the very small number of cases where optimisation like this is truly warranted.
Note that as of C99, C can now do explicit inline functions using the inline keyword, which reduces the need for macros and even has advantages over using macros.
Programming language macros are good for what all macros are good for: avoiding typing the same things over and over again. So if you find yourself writing same pieces of code in many places, why not make a macro out of it? Especially if you're writing a library, using macros can make life easier for someone trying to use that library. Take a look at almost any GUI toolkit (Qt being one example). They all make extensive use of macros.

Cross platform C++ code architecture

I'm having a bit of a go at developing a platform abstraction library for an application I'm writing, and struggling to come up with a neat way of separating my platform independent code from the platform specific code.
As I see it there are two basic approaches possible: platform independent classes with platform specific delegates, or platform independent classes with platform specific derived classes. Are there any inherent advantages/disadvantages to either approach? And in either case, what's the best mechanism to set up the delegation/inheritance relationship such that the process is transparent to a user of the platform independent classes?
I'd be grateful for any suggestions as to a neat architecture to employ, or even just some examples of what people have done in the past and the pros/cons of the given approach.
EDIT: in response to those suggesting Qt and similar, yes I'm purposely looking to "reinvent the wheel" as I'm not just concerned with developing the app, I'm also interested in the intellectual challenge of rolling my own platform abstraction library. Thanks for the suggestion though!
I'm using platform neutral header files, keeping any platform specific code in the source files (using the PIMPL idiom where neccessary). Each platform neutral header has one platform specific source file per platform, with extensions such as *.win32.cpp, *.posix.cpp. The platform specific ones are only compiled on the relevent platforms.
I also use boost libraries (filesystem, threads) to reduce the amount of platform specific code I have to maintain.
It's platform independent classes declarations with platform specific definitions.
Pros: Works fairly well, doesn't rely on the preprocessor - no #ifdef MyPlatform, keeps platform specific code readily identifiable, allows compiler specific features to be used in platform specific source files, doesn't pollute the global namespace by #including platform headers.
Cons: It's difficult to use inheritance with pimpled classes, sometimes the PIMPL structs need their own headers so they can be referenced from other platform specific source files.
Another way is to have platform independent conventions, but substitute platform specific source code at compile time.
That is to say that if you imagine a component, Foo, that has to be platform specific (like sockets or GUI elements), but has these public members:
class Foo {
void write(const char* str);
void close();
Every module that has to use a Foo, obviously has #include "Foo.h", but in a platform specific make file you might have -IWin32, which means that the compiler looks in .\Win32 and finds a Windows specific Foo.h which contains the class, with the same interface, but maybe Windows specific private members etc.
So there is never any file which contains Foo as written above, but only sets of platform specific files which are only used when selected by a platform specific make file.
Have a look at ACE. It has a pretty good abstraction using templates and inheritance.
I might go for a policy-type thing:
template<typename Platform>
struct PlatDetails : private Platform {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") + getName();
// For any serious compatibility functions, these would
// of course have to be in different headers, and the implementations
// would call some platform-specific functions to get precise
// version numbers. Using PImpl would be a smart idea for these
// classes if they need any platform-specific members, since as
// Joe Gauterin says, you want to avoid your application code indirectly
// including POSIX or Windows system headers, containing useless definitions.
struct Windows {
std::string getName() const { return "Windows"; }
struct Linux {
std::string getName() const { return "Linux"; }
#ifdef WIN32
typedef PlatDetails<Windows> PlatformDetails;
typedef PlatDetails<Linux> PlatformDetails;
int main() {
std::cout << PlatformDetails().getName() << "\n";
There's not a whole lot to choose though between doing this, and doing regular simulated dynamic binding with CRTP, so that the generic thing is the base and the specific thing the derived class:
template<typename Platform>
struct PlatDetails {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") +
struct Windows : PlatDetails<Windows> {
std::string getName() const { return "Windows"; }
struct Linux : PlatDetails<Linux> {
std::string getName() const { return "Linux"; }
#ifdef WIN32
typedef Windows PlatformDetails;
typedef Linux PlatformDetails;
int main() {
std::cout << PlatformDetails().getName() << "\n";
Basically in the latter version, getName must be public (although I think you can use friend) and so must be the inheritance, whereas in the former, the inheritance can be private and/or the interface functions can be protected, if desired. So the adaptor can be a firewall between the interface the platform has to implement, and the interface your application code uses. Furthermore you can have multiple policies in the former (i.e. multiple platform-dependent facets used by the same platform-independent class), but not for the latter.
The advantage of either of them over versions with delegates or non-template-using inheritance, is that you don't need any virtual functions. Arguably this isn't a whole lot of advantage, considering how scary both policy-based design and CRTP are at first contact.
In practice, though, I agree with quamrana that normally you can just have different implementations of the same thing on different platforms:
// Or just set the include path with -I or whatever
#ifdef WIN32
#include "windows/platform.h"
#include "linux/platform.h"
struct PlatformDetails {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") +
// windows/platform.h
namespace porting {
std::string getName() { return "Windows"; }
// linux/platform.h
namespace porting {
std::string getName() { return "Linux"; }
If you like to use a full-blown c++ framework available for many platforms and permissive copylefted, use Qt.
So... you don't want to simply use Qt? For real work using C++, I'd very highly recommend it. It's an absolutely excellent cross-platform toolkit. I just wrote a few plugins to get it working on the Kindle, and now the Palm Pre. Qt makes everything easy and fun. Downright rejuvenating, even. Well, until your first encounter with QModelIndex, but they've supposedly realized they over-engineered it and they're replacing it ;)
As an academic exercise though, this is an interesting problem. As a wheel re-inventor myself, I've even done it a few times now. :)
Short answer: I'd go with PIMPL. (Qt sources have examples a-plenty)
I've used base classes and platform specific derived classes in the past, but it usually ends up a bit messier than I had in mind. I've also done part of an implementation using some degree of function pointers for platform specific bits, and I was even less happy with that.
Both times I ended up with a very strong feeling that I was over-architecting and had lost my way.
I found using private implementation classes (PIMPL) with different platforms specific bits in different files easiest to write AND debug. However... don't be too afraid of an #ifdef or two, if it's just a few lines and very clear what's going on. I hate cluttered or nested #ifdef logic, but one or two here and there can really help avoid code duplication.
With PIMPL, you're not constantly refactoring your design as you discover new bits that require different implementations between platforms. That way be dragons.
At the implementation level, hidden from the application... there's nothing wrong with a few platform specific derived classes either. If two platform implementations are fairly well defined and share almost no data members, they'd be a good candidate for that. Just do it after realizing that, not before out of some idea that everything needs to fit your selected pattern.
If anything, the biggest gripe I have about coding today is how easily people seem to get lost in idealism. PIMPL is a pattern, having platform specific derived classes is another pattern. Using function pointers is a pattern. There's nothing that says they're mutually exclusive.
However, as a general guideline... start with PIMPL.
There're also the big boys, such as Qt4 (complete framework + GUI),GTK+ (gui-only afaik), and Boost (framework only, no GUI), all 3 support most platforms, GTK+ is C, Qt4/Boost are C++ and for the most part template based.
You might also want to take a look at poco:
The POCO C++ Libraries (POCO stands for POrtable COmponents) are open source C++ class libraries that simplify and accelerate the development of network-centric, portable applications in C++. The libraries integrate perfectly with the C++ Standard Library and fill many of the functional gaps left open by it. Their modular and efficient design and implementation makes the POCO C++ Libraries extremely well suited for embedded development, an area where the C++ programming language is becoming increasingly popular, due to its suitability for both low-level (device I/O, interrupt handlers, etc.) and high-level object-oriented development. Of course, the POCO C++ Libraries are also ready for enterprise-level challenges.