WaitFor Delay not working in Azure SQL DW - azure-sqldw

I am trying to run this simple code in SSMS connected to Azure SQL DW
and it fails. I have tried some different variation but none of them seems to be working.
PRINT 'Hello ';
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'
PRINT 'Another';
Msg 103010, Level 16, State 1, Line 47
Parse error at line: 2, column: 16: Incorrect syntax near ';'.

A bloody workaround until we have that simple built-in function:
1- Create a Proc Named "spWait" as follows:
CREATE PROC spWait #Seconds INT
2- Call this between your commands
--Do this
EXEC spWait 3
--Do that

Correct. At the moment the WAITFOR statement isn't supported in Azure SQL DW. Note on the documentation for this statement near the top it says whether this statement "applies to" Azure SQL DW.
Please vote for this feature suggestion to help Microsoft prioritize this enhancement.
It may not help you much, but you can connect to the master database under a separate connection and run the WAITFOR statement.


Redshift UNLOAD to S3 using PL/SQL loop variable

Is it possible to use the Redshift UNLOAD command in a stored procedure loop to:
UNLOAD query dependent on a variable
Define the S3 path dependent on a variable
I have been experimenting with a contrived example but don't seem to be able to get it to work..
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
shoe_record RECORD;
FOR shoe_record IN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM shoes' LOOP
UNLOAD('SELECT * FROM shoes JOIN shoetypes ON shoetypes.shoetype = ''' || shoe_record.shoetype || '''')
TO 's3://some-bucket/prefix/' || shoe_record.shoetype;
You can use the EXECUTE command to run any string as a command.
So, you can put the UNLOAD command into a string (varchar), modify the value of interest and then EXECUTE the command.
See: Supported PL/pgSQL Statements - Amazon Redshift

SQL not returning when executed on top of a large data set

I have below sql which is getting stuck in oracle database for more than 2 hours. This stuck happens only when it is executed via the C++ application. Interestingly, at the same time when it was stuck I can execute it through sql developer manually and it returns within seconds. My table has millions of rows and about 100 columns. Can someone please point out how can I overcome this issue?
select *
INNER JOIN ( (select max(concat(DATE ,concat('',to_char(INDEX, '0000000000')))) AS UNIQUE_ID
WHERE ((DATE < '2018/01/29')
OR (DATE = '2018/01/29' AND INDEX <= 100000))
AND EXISTS ( select ID
where DATE = '2018/01/29'
AND INDEX > 100000
group by ID ) SELECTED_SET )
ON SELECTED_SET.UNIQUE_ID = concat(DATE, concat('',to_char(INDEX, '0000000000')))
WHERE (FIELD_1 = 1 AND FIELD_2 = 1 AND FIELD_3='SomeString');
db file sequential read is present on the session.
SELECT p3, count(*) FROM v$session_wait WHERE event='db file sequential read' GROUP BY p3;
| P3 | COUNT(*) |
| 1 | 2 |
"I can execute it through sql developer manually and it returns within seconds"
Clearly the problem is not intrinsic to the query. So it must be a problem with your application.
Perhaps you have a slow network connection between your C++ application and the database. To check this you should talk to your network admin team. They are likely to be resistant to the suggestion that the network is the problem. So you may need to download and install Wireshark, and investigate it yourself.
Or your C++ is just very inefficient in handling the data. Is the code instrumented? Do you know what it's been doing for those two hours?
"the session is shown as 'buffer busy wait'"
Buffer busy waits indicate contention for blocks between sessions. If your application has many sessions running this query then you may have a problem. Buffer busy waits can indicate that there are sessions waiting on a full table scan to complete; but as the query returned results when you ran it in SQL Developer I think we can discount this. Perhaps there are other sessions updating MY_TABLE. How many sessions are reading or writing to it?
Also, what is the output of this query?
SELECT p3, count(*)
FROM v$session_wait
WHERE event='buffer busy wait'
Worked with our DBA and he disabled the plan directives at system level using
alter system set "_optimizer_dsdir_usage_control"=0;
As per him, SQL plan directives were created as cardinality mis-estimates after executing the sql. After that timing was greatly improved and the problem is solved.

SAS Data integration studio

Long time reader first-time questioner.
Using SAS Data Integration studio, when you create a summary transformation in the table options advanced tab you can add a where statement to your code automatically. Unfortunately, it adds some code that makes this resolve incorrectly. Putting the following in the where text box:
%let _INPUT_options = %nrquote(WHERE = %(TESTFIELD = %"TESTVALUE%"%));
In the code, used
proc tabulate data = &_INPUT (&_INPUT_options)
But resolves to
ERROR: Syntax error while parsing WHERE clause. ERROR 22-322: Syntax
error, expecting one of the following: a name, a quoted string, a
numeric constant, a datetime constant,
a missing value, (, *, +, -, :, INPUT, NOT, PUT, ^, ~.
My question is this: Is there a way to add a function to the where statement box that would allow this quotation mark to be properly added here?
Note that all functions get the preceding % when added to the where statement automatically and I have no control over that. This seems like something that should be relatively easy to fix but I haven't found a simple way yet.
The % are simply escaping the " and () characters; they're perfectly harmless, really. The bigger problem is the %NRQUOTE "quotes" (which are nonprinting characters that tell SAS this is macro-quoted); they mess up the WHERE processing.
Use %UNQUOTE( ... ) to remove these.
data have;
%let _INPUT_options = %nrquote(WHERE = %(TESTFIELD = %"TESTVALUE%"%));
%put &=_input_options;
data want;
set have(%unquote(&_INPUT_options.));
Thank you all for your responses. Long story short, I ended up creating a SAS Troubleshooting ticket. The analyst told me that they have now documented the issue, which should now be resolved in a future iteration of DI.
The temporary solution was to create a new transformation, with a slight alteration, adding an UNQOUTE (as mentioned above by Joe) to the source code before the input options:
proc tabulate data = &_INPUT (%unquote(&_INPUT_options)) %unquote(&procOptions);
For those interested you will need to create the transformation in a public subfolder of your project so others can use it. Not what I was hoping for, but a workable solution while waiting for the version update.

Joining inputs for a complicated output

Im new in azure analytics. Im using analytics to get feedbacks from users. There are about 50 events that im sending to azure in a second and im trying to get a combined result from two inputs but couldnt get a working output. My problem is in sql query for output.
Now I'm sending in the inputs.
I need to join them with sequentialId and ItemId and calculate the difference between two ordered sequential.
For example: I send 10 Recommandations events and after that (like after 2 sec) i send 3 ShownLog event. So what i need to do is i have to get sum of first 3 (because i send 3 shownlog event) event's similaristyValue ordered by "orderid" from "Recommandations". I also need to get the sum of similarityValues from "ShownLog". At the end i need an input like (for every sequential ID):
sequentialID Difference
168 1.21
What i ve done so far is. I save all the inputs my azure sql and i ve managed to write the sql i want. You may find the mssql query for it:
declare #sumofSimValue float;
declare #totalItemCount int;
declare #seqId float;
#sumofSimValue = sum(b.[similarityValue]),
#totalItemCount = count(*),
#seqId = a.sequentialId
from EventHubShownLog a inner join EventHubResult b on a.sequentialId=b.sequentialId and a.ItemId=b.ItemId group by a.sequentialId
--select #sumofSimValue,#totalItemCount,#seqId
SELECT #seqId, SUM([similarityValue])-#sumofSimValue
SELECT TOP(#totalItemCount) [similarityValue]
FROM [EventHubResult] where sequentialId=#seqId order by orderId
) AS T
But it gives lots of error in analytics. Also it lacks the logic of azure analytcs. I hope i could tell the problem.
Can you tell me how can i do such a job for my system? How can i use the time windows or how can i join them properly?
For every shown log, you have to select sum of similarity value. Is that the intention? Why not just join and select sum? It would only select as many rows as there are shown logs.
One thing to decide is the maximum time difference between recommendation events and shown log events, with that you can use Azure Stream analytics join, https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn835026.aspx

SubSonic Bug with TOP keyword?

The TOP keyword in the generated SQL wraps the number in brackets (I persume for SQL compact support), however this errors on my SQL 2000 server as it doesn't expect the brackets.
Example C# Code:
var doc = Logic.Document.All().FirstOrDefault(d=> d.Guid == Request.QueryString["guid"]);
Produces the following SQL error:
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '('.
as it generates the following SQL:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (1) .....'
If I execute the same SQL manually without the brackets the SQL executes just fine.
Is this a bug?
After futher digging around the SubSonic SourceCode I answered a resolution here:
SubSonic3: Method "FirstOrDefault" throws exception with SQL Server 2000