Can't access spring bean inside redisson schedule task - redisson

I am using redisson task scheduler, it works well but now we require to use spring bean inside it. We have tried to Autowire bean, but it doesn't work. Issue might be due to Redisson class loader not sure.
Is it a limitation of it? Do we have any workaround to achieve this?
Thank you

In order solve issue to access spring beans inside redisson task. I have used redisson RemoteService which give facility to register the class and it is easily accessible from redissonClient whenever require.


How to use config immutant to implement quartz cluster?

I want to start several web-server, and every server has a quartz instance for avoiding the job being interrupted by restarting the server.
I found that immutant can config the single job .But when i run the server i found that the scheme use the not-cluster config.And i do not know how to config it.
Immutant has built-in support for singelton jobs, but it requires running your application in a WildFly cluster, and does not use Quartz's clustering functionality.
Quartz clustering requires a JDBC JobStore, and Immutant does not currently expose a way to set a JobStore for the scheduler instance. The clustering works by using the database to lock the job - it would not be difficult to implement something similar yourself, by scheduling the same job on every node in the cluster, and using an external store as a synchronization mechanism, allowing the job to run on only one node at a time.
If you truly need the clustering inplementation in Quartz, or need more control over scheduler creation than Immutant provides, please file an issue against Immutant to have those options exposed. In the interim, you could take a look at Quartzite, I believe it exposes more options for scheduler creation.

JMX monitoring/statistics in Akka application

Are there any built in JMX exposed monitoring/statistics that can be enabled in Akka (Java), besides the Cluster MBean? I have looked at Typesafe Console, but since it requires a license to be used with collecting data from multiple nodes, I was hoping to be able to achieve the same with plain JMX. I have checked the Akka documentation without any luck on this topic.
No - the Cluster JMX support is it.
There are a couple of projects aimed at collecting data from Akka. Both are at very early stages at this point but the code could be a starting point for you.
Eigengo Monitor -
Kamon -
Both are using AspectJ to get the data out of Akka.
Typesafe Console is free to use in non-Production environments, if that works for you.
Try this. I did a pull request with the necessary functionality to Kamon.
After the release of this version (after 0.5.1), all you will need to do to make jmx work - you need to add the module kamon-jmx to project and activate it autostart on configuration.

Best JMS implementation for AWS

I have a Java/Spring application running in the Amazon AWS cloud.
My server instances are using load balancing and runs the same image of a Linus OS, with a Tomcat application server.
They are also connected to S3 as a shared file system (s3fs), and an RDS database.
My concern is to be sure the state of the different applications is synchronized. Today, the point of synchronization is the database, but when memory caching is needed, out of sync problems appear.
The solution I would like to use is to put in place a messaging system between the applications. For specific reasons, I cannot use Amazon SQS service, then JMS seems to fit my needs. After some reading, HornetQ seems also a very good implementation of it. Once an application state change, it communicates the change to all other applications. Each application is producer and consumer of the same queue.
As we are in a dynamic system where servers and IPs are automatically created and deleted, the automatic discovery of instances seems to be the best solution to use.
But in AWS, broadcast is not possible!
For HornetQ, I saw a kind of work around which is using JGroups additionally. But for me, this is a second framework to investigate and learn. Twice the work. And no more an out-of-the-box solution.
What is your opinion? Does anyone already build a solution for similar needs?
Maybe other out-of-the-box solutions exists?
Thanks in advance for your answer!
In my experience you could try to use TCPGOSSIP, that is a HornetQ configuration.

Invocation Listener for EJB 3 / web service?

We have a system using EJB 3 Stateless bean which is also exposed as web service.
There's a integration request from other team that want our system to fire a notification to other system after invocation (by web services or other means). Since this is not totally related to our system I would prefer to have this feature loosely coupled with our own system instead of hard coding these features in to our system code.
Is there any feature on EJB or web services that can achieve what I desire? We would require a method level invocation listener so that when the EJB method/ web service get invoked, it can trigger a callback/message so we can do something according to it. I would expect it to be some kind of annotation/configuration for setting up JMS or something.
We are using JBoss as the application server. If there's any JBoss specific solution it's also welcomed.
I would suggest two options:
use JMS. When you mentioned loose coupling, JMS first crossed my mind - you can put a message on some queue/topic after method invocation and let the listener to perform futher actions. JMS messages can carry various kinds of objects - the only request is that class implements Serializable (ObjectMessage#setObject); other advantage is that you can (un)deploy your Stateless bean and other system independently. They can be on different JVMs.
use Interceptors. Technically, they would be invoked before your methods runs, but of course there is always some nice workaround :-) Here is the official documentation about Interceptors, but since you mentioned that you're using JBoss, there can be also found some interesting material on JBoss pages.

How I can check availability check for webservices for applications running in J2EE platforms?

How I can check availability check for webservices for applications running in J2EE platforms? Infrastructure guys think in just URL check, but I think not is enough could be better call inside the webservice a "dummy code". What do you think?
You have a lot of options but i think to actually check, you can create a dummy method and keep calling it to check if it is up and running, even i had a similar situation to tackle. Best is to do the above else you can check with ping or httpWebResponse and HttpWebRequest. Refer to this article which was posted earlier : How to check if a web service is up and running without using ping? and checking if the method of a webservice is connecting or not