visual studio 2017 won't let me sign in - visual-studio-2017

I am trying to sign in to my VSO through VS 2017, but it keeps asking me for my password every time I press enter. After about 6 goes it shows;
Sorry we ran into a problem. An error has occurred and we can no longer retrieve information for your account. Please re-enter your credentials.
I have an office 365 account and, had, changed the primary address earlier but I have put this back now. I have tried both email address I had used in there. When I enter the wrong password in it shows the incorrect password message, I even changed the password through visual studio and that worked too.
I can login to VSO ok through the browser but it won't let me through VS.

In my case it was due to not having permissions to access a private Nuget feed.


Coldfusion 11 (Multi-instance) - Administrator password reset not working

I'm trying to reset the CFAdmin password on a CF11 Enterprise server that has multiple CF instances running on the same server. The admin password on one of the instances is unknown, so we're trying to recover/change to a known password.
I've tried using the passwordreset.bat provided by Adobe, but after restarting the instance with lost admin password, that didn't work.
I also tried disabling the password all together to access the admin console per adobe. This gets me into the admin console temporarily, but I'm not able to actually change the password since I don't know the old password. Leaving the old PW blank, fails too. This is not a viable long-term option, we must have a password.
I even tried editing the file to type a password and set encryption=false, but that didn't work either.
I think I've exhausted all the standard ways to reset the password to no avail. Is there something else that I should do because it's a multi-instance setup? Is there some way to point it to the specific instance I want to change?

Bitbucket/Atlassian login fails in Visual Studio 2017 when pushing to git repo

I'm trying to push my commits to my Bitbucket repository from Visual Studio 2017, and a window opens where it asks for my credentials. I'm pretty sure they're correct and I'm able to log in via browser. How do I fix this?
Atlassian (company which develops Bitbucket) has changed their authentication some time ago, and so you must enter your email address now instead of your account name to log in. You may need to log into your Bitbucket account via browser and create/update to an Atlassian account.
Additionally, if your repository is configured to log in with your username, and the authentication window appears with your account name already typed into the first input field, you'll need to remove it from your git config (in your repository's .git\config file) like so:
change to
Next time you try to push, the authentication window shows up with both fields empty, enter your email address and password, and it should work.
As of today (Jul 21, 2022), when you try to push changes to git remote from the "Git changes" window in Visual Studio, it opens up a login screen which does not have OAuth.
So instead, if you open up the Terminal (CTRL + </kbd>) and try to push it from there using git push`, it will open up a different login screen which has OAuth.
Not sure why this is the behavior, but that's how it is in the current date, and I'm guessing its going to be changed in the future.
Bitbucket now has a feature called App Passwords for authentication purposes. You can create a new App Password and use that to login to bitbucket to commit your changes. Your username will remain the same
Similar issue is mentioned here as well.

"Permission Denied" when trying to login in Visual Studio

So I recently got VS on a new computer (have been using it for over 1 year) and I used it without logging in for 30 days after which it asked me to log in. When I tried, this happened:
Tried reinstalling, tweaking IE settings and making it the default browser, deleting cache, deleting some files, making sure it's not blocked by the firewall, but nothing worked.
What can I do? I really need to make it work fast.
I updated my default IE9 to an IE11, turned all settings all the way down and I was able to log in!
Don't know if this will help everyone, but it did for me
Have you tried running this as admin?
Couldn't log in, but I went to MSDN account and took the Visual Studio key and entered it. It's still not logged in, but it works.

'Your credentials did not work' in MS Azure

I just created an Azure VM using the Windows 8.1 image in the Marketplace. During the creation process I provided a username and password.
After the VM has been created I press connect and try and login via MSTSC - using the credentials that I just entered (with a slash to remove the domain).
But I keep getting 'Your credentials did not work'. What have I done wrong? This procedure has worked for me in the past.
Furthermore, when I review the users of the VM through the portal, I only see 'Subscription admins' containing my Microsoft ID. I can't login using my Microsoft ID either.
First of all, I don't know why someone downvoted this question. It was legitimate, it also happened to me and I reached this post while trying to find a solution.
Currently I found it. I created a Windows 8.1 VM in Azure and, after providing a username and password, I was getting the 'Your credentials did not work' message when giving them.
I tried some variants and I finally got sucessfull by adding the machine name as the domain (as the user I created is local, it makes sense).
e.g. if your machine is, try logging using "xpto\username" as your username.
It worked with me.
After installing Domain in the server, you need to login with domain name.
That will resolve the issue

what is the proper way to change a users password in TFS 2013

I don't see a way through the website administration pages. If I am wrong, please correct me. Most of the searches I found, include ones on this site, said that TFS doesn't have anything built in to change the password.
I have users set up in their own group in Windows and those users have access to certain projects.
A user forgot his password so I was trying to reset it for him. I didn't find anything on the TFS administration webpages and the only place I know to change it is his user in Windows.
When I right click on the user and click change password, I get this message:
If I do it this way, will it update the TFS info? Is this the proper way to change the user's password in TFS 2013?
TFS doesn't have anything built in to change the password.
Correct. Per the TFS Authentication and Access page, there are no authentication options 'local' to TFS itself. A standard implementation of Basic authentication uses Windows user accounts, so changing their Windows user credentials will work correctly in TFS.
This does not "update" TFS; TFS simply queries the respective authority in workgroup/domain environments, and authentication will be successful as long as the user's Windows credentials are entered correctly.