Writing multiple page pdf from html template using weasy print and django - django

Hi am generating PDF's from html template containing a table which number of rows vary, problem is when the rows are in excess of certain number(12) the rest of the rows plus the footer are pushed further below and don't appear in the generated pdf.How can I make it dynamic so that extra info is pushed to new page each having atleast a certain number of rows, or is there a way weasy print to move data to another page if the current is full
So far I have page breaks on the template but it has worked.
{% for record in data %}
<td> {{ record.id}}</td>
<td> {{ record.date}}</td>
{% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:12 %}
<div style="page-break-after: always;"></div>
div style="page-break-before: always;"></div>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Removed the body tags from my template and it worked without using page breaks, weasyprint limits everything in the body tag to be one document in a page.
another answer that helped

I've thrown together a repo to try and reproduce your issue here, and was unable to.
There's a small syntax error in your question - you're missing the < off your second <div />, but apart from that, it all looks good.


Django 1.10 Print values in same line in Templates

i want in same line print two value look like "1. Question ...".
but first {{ }} after set new line. look like this,
"Question ..."
{% for q in question %}
<p> {{ forloop.counter }}. {{ q.question|safe }}</p>
{% endfor %}
How can i print two value in same line in template ?
I want this:
Based on your comment, you say that q.question is the content of a CKEditor. Often times, these output at least wrap the content inside a <p> tag. In this case, the result output generated by Django would a nested <p> tag inside the <p> from your template:
<p>1. <p>Question</p></p>
This is invalid HTML, but the browser tries to render it as best as it can. I think you can either include the number inside the CKEditor and exclude it from your template or change your field to store a simple CharField, and keep your HTML unchanged.
This depends on the flexibility you want in your application.

{% for blog in blogs.all %} is printed on html page

This is the part of code when I run it. I am getting {% for blog in blogs.all %} printed on html page. What should I do?
At least suggest what should I do to prevent it from displaying on html page Output
I tried Writing the entire code again and seeing if those are in h tags but nothing could solve it.
What I want to see Expectaion
But when i use that code again for blog i get error
coding part for that correct page was Code part
I presume somewhere in your views.py you did :
job = Jobs.get.all()
So if you did that, you only need to do in your template
{% for job in jobs %}
{{ job.summary }}
{% endfor %}
Hope it helps...

Repeating HTML blocks in Django

Not sure what technical term it is I'm looking for, but I have a set of HTML elements that are repeated and wondering if there is an easy way to do this.
Very simplified HTML, if I have the following:
<div class='container'>
{{ django.dataFromORM }}
I need to add to base.html in a certain section
<div id='main-container'>
all elements go here
So on run, I want to add the generated HTML the main-container. I've done this before by building in JS, but wondering if there is a way to smoothly do this in Django?
I looked at templates and partials, but not sure that's the proper way or not?
You can use include in template to include your repeated html file.
<div id='main-container'>
{% include "container.html" %}
if you want to repeat it several times you can add it inside a for loop
{% for element in elements %}
{% include "container.html" %}
{% endfor %}

Template NoReverseMatch exceptions, outside of Models

I am generating some Django template code on the fly, in order to display rows in tables that are not stored in
a Django database and do not have models. I know the database and I can introspect them if needed, but I don't want
to write code by hand.
For example, field PSOPRDEFN.OPRCLASS stores an optional reference to a particular row where PSCLASSDEFN.OPRID=PSOPRDEFN.OPRCLASS, essentially a foreign key relationship. If there is no relationship PSOPRDEFN.OPRCLASS has one ' ' (space character) in it.
I also have a page for a given PSCLASSDEFN row, where the url is:
Note that the ?P CLASSID regular expression does not allow for blanks which corresponds to gets stored in the PSCLASSDEFN table - I figure it's safer to limit what the user can put in the url request.
Back to my generated template: I want to hyperlink to the relation, if it exists. I feed my home-grown template generator a json "directive" indicating what I want put into the template (thanks for the inspiration, django-tables2):
"colname": "LANGUAGE_CD"
"urlname": "security:psclassdefn_detail",
"colname": "OPRCLASS",
"kwargs": [
"colname": "dbr",
"accessor": "dbr"
"colname": "CLASSID",
"accessor": "inst.OPRCLASS"
Some fairly trivial code generation then results in:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6 fieldlabel" title="LANGUAGE_CD" >Language Code</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 fieldvalue text-left _fv_LANGUAGE_CD">{{inst.LANGUAGE_CD}}</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6 fieldlabel" title="OPRCLASS" >Primary Permission List</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 fieldvalue _fv_OPRCLASS">
{% if inst.OPRCLASS|slugify %}
{% endif %}
My problem is that started getting random Template url resolution errors when displaying some of the PSOPRDEFN data. I eventually tracked it down to the blank OPRCLASS fields in some rows.
In order to avoid this I first added
{% if inst.OPRCLASS %}
<a ...></a>
{% endif %}
That didn't work because the field is not empty, it is blank (and therefore doesn't match the CLASSID regex). So, this is where I read the filter docs again and found that slugify strips out blanks and non-alpha.
{% if inst.OPRCLASS | slugify %}
<a ...></a>
{% endif %}
Works, as a workaround. The problem is that CLASSID only stores alphanum, but that's not always true for other fields. I wouldn't mind introspecting the table column definition at template generation runtime to see what to do, but I need to find an appropriate way to disable url reversal, for only some rows.
Questions. Is there a better filter, such as a |strip? I suppose I could always build my own filter.
Even better, is there a tag to selectively catch NoReverseMatch' exceptions at template generation time?
{% try NoReverseMatch %}
{% endtry %}
The reason I was so verbose in my description is because this is not something that can be worked around using Models. And neither can I custom-tune the template by hand. I find Django works quite well without models in most cases, but url reversing in templates can be quite brittle when a few rows of data do not match expectations. Hardening it would be very beneficial.
You can assign the result of the url tag to a variable.
{% url 'path.to.view' arg arg2 as the_url %}
{% if the_url %}
{% else %}
No link
{% endif %}
This syntax does not raise an exception if reversing the view fails.

Adding an if statement to django-cms template tag

I'm probably missing something very obvious but can't see anything in the documentation. I have a carousel with a and each will hold an image. However I've added 6 but I want to add an if statement so if an Image has not been added you don't see a blank space, where there is no content inside the .
Here is what i've tried so far:
{% if "Carousel 1" %}
{% placeholder "Carousel 1" %}
{% endif %}
Attempt 2:
{% placeholder "Carousel 1" as cara1 %}
{% if cara1 %}
{{ cara1 }}
{% endif %}
Not sure if there is something differnt i need to be doing for the django-cms template tags?
Any help would be much appreciated. Docs here - http://docs.django-cms.org/en/latest/advanced/templatetags.html#placeholder
Not to be rude, but your approach is way, way off :)
Placeholders hold Content Plugins. Content Plugins are responsible for how they render their contents.
My advice would be to create or find a carousel content type plugin. This plugin will hold multiple images or "CarouselImage" model instances that you can iterate over, and also specify a template with which to render itself.
In this template resides the conditional statement you're wanting to check for. Placeholders are just that - places held for content plugins.