CloudFormation, CodeDeploy, ELB & Auto-Scaling Group - amazon-web-services

I am trying to build a stack with an ELB, an Auto-Scaling Group and a Pipeline (with CodeBuild and CodeDeploy).
I can't understand how it is supposed to work:
the auto-scaling group is starting two instances and wait X minutes before starting to check the instances state
the CodeDeploy application deployment group is waiting for the Auto-Scaling group to be created and ready
the pipeline takes about 10 minutes to start deploying the application
My issue is when I create the stack, it looks like there is a loop: AG requires an application from CodeDeploy and CodeDeploy requires an AG stabilized. To be clear, when the application is ready to deploy, my Auto-Scaling group is already starting to terminate instances and starting new ones, so the CodeDeployment is trying to deploy to instances already terminated or terminating.
I don't really want to configure HealthCheckGracePeriod and PauseTime to be ~10-15 minutes... it is way too long.
Are there any best practices for CloudFormation + ELB + AG + CodeDeploy via a Pipeline?
What should be the steps to achieve that?
Thank you!

This stopping/staring the instances is most probably linked to the Deployment Type: in-place vs. blue/green.
I have tried both in my setup, and I will try to summarize how they work.
Let's say that for this example, you have an Autoscaling group which at the time of deploying the application has 2 running instances and the deployment configuration is OneAtATime. Traffic is controlled by the Elastic Load Balancer. Then:
In-place deployment:
CodeDeploy gets notified of a new revision available.
It tells the ELB to stop directing traffic to 1st instance.
Once traffic to one instance is stopped, it starts the deployment process: Stop the application, download bundle etc.
If the deployment is successful (validate service hook returned 0), it tells ELB to resume traffic to that instance.
At this point, 1 instance is running the old code and 1 is running the new code.
Right after the ELB stops traffic to the 2nd instance, and repeats the deployment process there.
Important note:
With ELB enabled, the time it takes to block traffic to instance before deployment, and time it takes to allow traffic after it are directly dependent on your health check: time = Healthy threshold * Interval.
Blue/green deployment:
CodeDeploy gets notified of a new revision available.
It copies your Autoscaling Group: the same configuration of the group (including scaling policies, scheduled actions etc.) and the same number of instances (using same AMI as your original AG) there were there at the start of deployment - in our case 2.
At this point, there is no traffic going to the new AG.
CodeDeploy performs all the usual installation steps to one machine.
If successful, it deploys to the second machine too.
It directs traffic from the instances in your old AG to the new AG.
Once traffic is completely re-routed, it deletes the old AG and terminates all its instances (after a period specified in Deployment Settings - this option is only available if you select Blue/Green)
Now ELB is serving only the new AG.
From experience:
Blue/green deployment is a bit slower, since you need to wait for the
machines to boot up, but you get a much safer and fail-proof deployment.
In general I would stick with Blue/green, with load balancer
enabled and the Deployment Configuration: AllAtOnce (if it fails,
customers won't be affected since the instances won't be receiving
traffic. But it will be 2x as fast since you deploy in parallel
rather than sequentially).
If your health checks and validate
service are throughout enough, you can probably delete the original
AG with minimal waiting time (5 minutes at the time of writing the


How to execute a shell script as a result of an aws auto-scale event

I got the following setup with AWS code deploy:
Currently we have our EC2 application servers connected to an auto-scaling group, but there is a missing step: once a new server is fired up, we don't automatically deploy the latest code on it from our git repo
I was going over this tutorial:
Basically i want to run a bunch of commands as soon as an instance is launched but before it's hooked up to the load balancer.
The above tutorial describes things in general, but I couldn't answer the following questions:
Where do I save the script on the ec2 instance?
How is that script executed once the instance is scaled in but before its connected to the load balancer?
I think you do not need to life cycle hook, the life cycle is useful when you want to perform an action in different stats like stop, start and terminate but you just to pull the latest code and some other commands.
To answer your Question I will suggest below approach, as there are many many more approaches for the same task.
You do not need to save the script or command, place them on s3 or you can run commands just put them in the user data in your launch configuration. You can run them as bash script or you can pull your scripts from aws s3.
This can be the simplest example to handle pull code case. So this will run whenever a new instance launch in this auto-scaling group.
Another example can be to run a complex script, place them on s3 and pull them during scaling up.
I assume you already set permission for s3 and bitbucket. You can run any complex during this time.
The second steps are a bit tricky, you can use a different approach, the instance will never receive traffic until its healthy so start your application once your code updated and all the required scripts done execution than at the end you can run your application.
Another approach can be
a):Health Check Grace Period
Frequently, an Auto Scaling instance that has just come into service
needs to warm up before it can pass the health check. Amazon EC2
Auto Scaling waits until the health check grace period ends before
checking the health status of the instance.
b)Custom Health Checks
If you have your own health check system, you can send the instance's
health information directly from your system to Amazon EC2 Auto
Use the following set-instance-health command to set the health state
of the specified instance to Unhealthy.
aws autoscaling set-instance-health --instance-id i-123abc45d --health-status healthy
You can get instance-id using curl call, the script that we place in the userdata.
If you have custom health checks, you can send the information from your health checks to Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling so that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling can use this information. For example, if you determine that an instance is not functioning as expected, you can set the health status of the instance to Unhealthy. The next time that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling performs a health check on the instance, it will determine that the instance is unhealthy and then launch a replacement instance.
c)Instance Warmup
With step scaling policies, you can specify the number of seconds that
it takes for a newly launched instance to warm up. Until its specified
warm-up time has expired, an instance is not counted toward the
aggregated metrics of the Auto Scaling group. While scaling out, AWS
also does not consider instances that are warming up as part of the
current capacity of the group. Therefore, multiple alarm breaches that
fall in the range of the same step adjustment result in a single
scaling activity. This ensures that we don't add more instances than
you need.
Again, the second step is not that big deal, you can control the flow using your script and start the application at the end so then it will mark healthy,
You can also try as-enter-exit-standby but I think custom health checks for warm up can do this job.

How can I create and deploy applications to an EC2 instance via the AWS API?

I'm looking to see if I can create an instance and deploy applications to athis instance dynamically via the API. I only want these instances to be created when my application needs them, or I request for them to be created.
I have two applications that I need to deploy to each created instance which require some set up and installation of dependencies prior to their launch. When I am finished with this application, I want to terminate the instance.
Am I able to do this? If so, could someone please point me to the right section of the documentation. I have searched on the documentation and found some information about creating images but I am unsure as to what exactly I will need to achieve this task.
Yes. Using an Autoscaling Group, you can create a launch configuration that will launch you instances. Using CodeDeploy, you would link your deployment group to the auto-scaling group.
See Integrating AWS CodeDeploy with Auto Scaling
AWS CodeDeploy supports Auto Scaling, an AWS service that can launch
Amazon EC2 instances automatically according to conditions you define.
These conditions can include limits exceeded in a specified time
interval for CPU utilization, disk reads or writes, or inbound or
outbound network traffic. Auto Scaling terminates the instances when
they are no longer needed. For more information, see What Is Auto
Assuming you set your desired/minimum instances to 0, then the default state of the ASG will be to have no instances.
When you application needs an instance spun up, it would simply change the desired instance value to 1. When your application is completed with the instance, it would set your desired count to 0 again, thereby terminating that instance.
To develop this setup, start by running your instance normally (manually) and get the application deployment working. When that works, then create your auto scaling group. Finally, update your deployment group to refer to the ASG so that your code is deployed when you have scaling events.

Capistrano - mark instances as pending during deployment to an ALB target group

I am deploying a Rails application to an autoscaled environment using custom tasks in my deploy files (basically I am using the Ruby aws sdk to select instances by tags matching my production environment and deploying to those instances)
Those instances are actually registered under target groups and my app distributes traffic to those TGs from an Application Load Balancer (ELBv2)
During my capistrano deployments, the deploy:restart task asks to restart the server (I am using Phusion Passenger) to use the new application. Since restarting can be quite long (up to 1min), I have added a custom restart wait option of 60 seconds to ensure my servers are restarted one by one so as to ensure continuous usage of my service.
However the only thing that is missing and makes the above delay useless, is that during this time my ALB keeps sending requests to those instances because they are not marked as "unhealthy" or "pending" in my target groups.
I have seen some libraries like unfortunately they are quite outdated and not made to work with ALBs and TGs
One last piece of info : my capistrano deploy task actually deploys to several machines matching different roles :
API servers (front facing, behind the ALB+TG as described above)
Workers ans schedulers (those are not behind any ALB no special precautions must be taken)
So my (sub-)question(s) is(are)
Is it possible to flag an instance behind a TG as "pending" manually ? If not, then would an deregister followed by an immediate register achieve the same thing ?
How can I, from a Capistrano task, do the above to the instances of the :api role, assuming the instances are all in the AWS cloud, with an IAM role, under one target group (actually it would be useful if I could get some tricks to support several TGs for the same instance)
I'm currently setting up autoscaling with lifeCycle hooks and will probably get to this later, but otherwise a possible solution (that I haven't validated yet) would be to
deregister a target (CLI).
(optionally) wait for target to be deregistered (CLI).
resume the passenger:restart command
(optionally) register the target again (CLI).
wait for target to be in service (CLI).
Proceed with same hooks on next instance
The speed of execution would depend on the server restart time / health check efficiency. Maybe a better solution, if there are enough servers in production, would be to skip the wait times and ensure you always have a "window" of x servers online
ie. suppose you have 5 servers, that take 30sec to restart, you could possibly deregister-restart-register a server every 15 sec to make sure thre are always 2 servers up at any time (assuming the health checks are frequent enough to mark an instance as healthy within 15 secs)

AWS Autoscaling updating

You can create new Launch Configuration (updating AMI or whatever) and attach this with an existing Autoscaling Group. Per AWS Docs: After you change the launch configuration for an Auto Scaling group, any new instances are launched using the new configuration options, but existing instances are not affected.
How do you force this? Meaning relaunch all new instances now (with the new AMI). Do I have to delete the existing Autoscaling Group and create a new Autoscaling Group (with new Config)? Or I simple delete existing instances (one by one manually) and then ASG relaunch with new AMI. Any best practices/gotchas?
CloudFormation has the RollingUpdate flag (not sure of this outside of CF)
AWS has some OOTB solutions for this, CloudFormation (like you say), Elastic Beanstalk (built on top of CF), and CodeDeploy blue-green deployments (I've not tried this).
Personally for our SQS polling ASG, we do a "cold deploy" i.e. only "deploy" when there are no messages to process (and hence, due a scaling policy, no instances). It's been really effective.
A deploy can be done safely whilst there are messages, provided that you set scale-in-protection on the instance during message processing (and remove it and wait briefly before polling):
set desired-capacity to 0
wait a bit (for there to be no instances running)
set desired-capacity back to N.
Note: you can do this all in the console.
You can code a solution yourself that does this... but I probably wouldn't.
Be careful:
simple delete existing instances (one by one manually)
Whether you can do this, or depends on whether the instances are still handling requests/processing (usually you can't simply terminate an instance without dropping service).
I recommend Elastic Beanstalk which gives a rolling update feature for free and is very easy to get started. I've not tried the CodeDeploy blue-green but it looks interesting. If you want more advanced behavior (or are already using it) look into Cloud Formation... do not code your own solution for rolling deployments: just use CloudFormation.
if your issue is with "in flight" requests simply enable connection draining or increase de-registration delay of the ELB or "target groups" attached with the ASG. You can set a value up to one hour.
When you enable connection draining, you can specify a maximum time for the load balancer to keep connections alive before reporting the instance as de-registered. The maximum timeout value can be set between 1 and 3,600 seconds (the default is 300 seconds). When the maximum time limit is reached, the load balancer forcibly closes connections to the de-registering instance.
Then you can detached old instances.
If you detach an instance from an Auto Scaling group that has an attached load balancer, the instance is deregistered from the load balancer. If you detach an instance from an Auto Scaling group that has an attached target group, the instance is deregistered from the target group. If connection draining is enabled for your load balancer, Auto Scaling waits for in-flight requests to complete.
If you don't want to do any manual scaling I guess the best approach is to changing the termination policy to OldestInstance and leave the ASG as it is. When the scale-in activity happens ASG will automatically terminate the old instances.(in your case old launch config instances)
OldestInstance. Auto Scaling terminates the oldest instance in the group. This option is useful when you're upgrading the instances in the Auto Scaling group to a new EC2 instance type. You can gradually replace instances of the old type with instances of the new type.

Replace ECS container instances in terraform setup

We have a terraform deployment that creates an auto-scaling group for EC2 instances that we use as docker hosts in an ECS cluster. On the cluster there are tasks running. Replacing the tasks (e.g. with a newer version) works fine (by creating a new task definition revision and updating the service -- AWS will perform a rolling update). However, how can I easily replace the EC2 host instances with newer ones without any downtime?
I'd like to do this to e.g. have a change to the ASG launch configuration take effect, for example switching to a different EC2 instance type.
I've tried a few things, here's what I think gets closest to what I want:
Drain one instance. The tasks will be distributed to the remaining instances.
Once no tasks are running in that instance anymore, terminate it.
Wait for the ASG to spin up a new instance.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 until all instances are new.
This works almost. The problem is that:
It's manual and therefore error prone.
After this process one of the instances (the last one that was spun up) is running 0 (zero) tasks.
Is there a better, automated way of doing this? Also, is there a way to re-distribute the tasks in an ECS cluster (without creating a new task revision)?
Prior to making changes make sure you have the ASG spanned across multiple availability zones and so are the containers. This ensures High Availability when instances are down in one Zone.
You can configure an update policy of Autoscaling group with AutoScalingRollingUpgrade where you can set MinInstanceInService and MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent to a higher value to maintain slow and safe rolling upgrade.
You may go through this documentation to find further tweaks. To automate this process, you can use terraform to update the ASG launch configuration, this will update the ASG with a new version of launch configuration and trigger a rolling upgrade.