Set sqlite3 timeout to > 5 seconds in flask-sqlalchemy - flask

Spent the last 20 hours to solve this problem, no luck. I saw a "database is locked" first in my production server when > 100 people tried to register all at once (within 10 seconds), and tried recreating it using JMeter. When I run JMeter, every time it goes beyond 5 seconds I get the "database is locked" error. So, I think I successfully recreated the problem (at least after 20 hours !!!)
Almost everyone including this piece of documentation on sqlite3 recommends that the problem stems from the 5 seconds timeout.
I tried the following:
1- I don't know the equivalent of this in flask-sqlalchemy:
engine = create_engine(..., connect_args={"options": "-c statement_timeout=1000"})
which was accepted as the correct answer here:
Configure query/command timeout with sqlalchemy create_engine?
2- This configuration doesn't have any effect:
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
db.engine.execute("PRAGMA busy_timeout=15000;")
3- This configuration, will give the following error:
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_POOL_TIMEOUT'] = 15
TypeError: Invalid argument(s) 'pool_timeout' sent to create_engine(), using configuration SQLiteDialect_pysqlite/NullPool/Engine.


Nextjs export timeout configuration

I am building a website with NextJS that takes some time to build. It has to create a big dictionary, so when I run next dev it takes around 2 minutes to build.
The issue is, when I run next export to get a static version of the website there is a timeout problem, because the build takes (as I said before), 2 minutes, whihc exceeds the 60 seconds limit pre-configured in next.
In the NEXT documentation: it explains that you can increase the timeout limit, whose default is 60 seconds: "Increase the timeout by changing the staticPageGenerationTimeout configuration option (default 60 in seconds)."
However it does not specify WHERE you can set that configuration option. In next.config.json? in package.json?
I could not find this information anywhere, and my blind tries of putting this parameter in some of the files mentioned before did not work out at all. So, Does anybody know how to set the timeout of next export? Thank you in advance.
They were a bit more clear in the basic-features/data-fetching part of the docs that it should be placed in the next.config.js
I added this to mine and it worked (got rid of the Error: Collecting page data for /path/[pk] is still timing out after 2 attempts. See more info here build error):
// next.config.js
module.exports = {
// time in seconds of no pages generating during static
// generation before timing out
staticPageGenerationTimeout: 1000,

phpseclib with laravel unstable connection to switch

I am using phpseclib to conect with cisco switch.
$ssh = new SSH2('',22);
$ssh->login('lemi', 'a');
Sometimes it connects very fast few times in a row (when i reload a page), but sometimes i get error message "Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded" also few times in a row. I am doing that in laravel. I do not want to prolong execution time. I can't figure out where is the problem. I think that it has some problems with sockets... I am getting error on this line (3031) of code in SSH2.php :
$raw = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $this->decrypt_block_size);
Any sugestions?

How to debug "could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer"

I'm running a django-celery application on Ubuntu-12.04.
When I run a celery task from my web interface, I get the following error, taken form postgresql-9.3 logfile (maximum level of log):
2013-11-12 13:57:01 GMT tss_usr 8113 LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
tss_usr is the postgresql user of the django application database and (in this example) 8113 is the pid of the process who killed the connection, I guess.
Have you got any idea on why this happens or at least how to debug this issue?
To make things work again I need to restart postgresql which is extremely uncomfortable.
I know this is an older post, but I just found it because I had the same error today in my postgres logs. I narrowed it down to a PDO select statement. I'm using Zend Framework 1.10.3 on Ubuntu Precise.
The following pdo statement generated an error if $opinion is a long text string. The column opinion is type Text in my postgres table. The query succeeds if $opinion is under a certain number of characters. 1000 characters works fine. 2000 characters fails with "could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer".
$select = $this->db->select()
->from( 'datauserstopics' )
->where("opinion = ?",trim($opinion))
->where("datatopicsid = ?",trim($tid))
->where("datausersid= ?",$datausersid);
$stmt = $this->db->query($select);
I circumvented the problem by using:
->where("substr(opinion,1,100) = ?",trim(substr($opinion,1,100)))
This is not a perfect solution, but for my purposes, the select statement using substr() suffices.
Note that I have no problem inserting long strings into the same table/column. The disconnect problem only appears for me on the PDO select with relatively long text strings.
I'm getting it in 2017 with 9.4, I have no text fields, don't know what a PDO is. My select statement is about 50 bytes long, I'm trying to fetch an int4 and a double precision. I suspect the error message can mean multiple things.
I've since found which indicates it could be a problem with the client configuration. My client is libpg and PQconnectdb() is giving me a CONNECTION_OK return. It works at least partly.
For me, restarting the hypervisor where both the Postgres and the application using it helped. I've seen stack traces in dmesg before, though.

Django: Gracefully restart nginx + fastcgi sites to reflect code changes?

Common situation: I have a client on my server who may update some of the code in his python project. He can ssh into his shell and pull from his repository and all is fine -- but the code is stored in memory (as far as I know) so I need to actually kill the fastcgi process and restart it to have the code change.
I know I can gracefully restart fcgi but I don't want to have to manually do this. I want my client to update the code, and within 5 minutes or whatever, to have the new code running under the fcgi process.
First off, if uptime is important to you, I'd suggest making the client do it. It can be as simple as giving him a command called deploy-code. Using your method, if there is an error in their code, your method requires a 10 minute turnaround (read: downtime) for fixing it, assuming he gets it correct.
That said, if you actually want to do this, you should create a daemon which will look for files modified within the last 5 minutes. If it detects one, it will execute the reboot command.
Code might look something like:
import os, time
CODE_DIR = '/tmp/foo'
while True:
if restarted = True:
restarted = False
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(CODE_DIR):
if restarted=True:
for filename in files:
if restared=True:
updated_on = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(root, filename))
current_time = time.time()
if current_time - updated_on <= 6 * 60: # 6 min
# 6 min could offer false negatives, but that's better
# than false positives
restarted = True
print "We should execute the restart command here."

Debugging livelock in Django/Postgresql

I run a moderately popular web app on Django with Apache2, mod_python, and PostgreSQL 8.3 with the postgresql_psycopg2 database backend. I'm experiencing occasional livelock, identifiable when an apache2 process continually consumes 99% of CPU for several minutes or more.
I did an strace -ppid on the apache2 process, and found that it was continually repeating these system calls:
sendto(25, "Q\0\0\0SSELECT (1) AS \"a\" FROM \"account_profile\" WHERE \"account_profile\".\"id\" = 66201 \0", 84, 0, NULL, 0) = 84
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
poll([{fd=25, events=POLLIN|POLLERR, revents=POLLIN}], 1, -1) = 1
recvfrom(25, "E\0\0\0\210SERROR\0C25P02\0Mcurrent transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block\0Fpostgres.c\0L906\0Rexec_simple_query\0\0Z\0\0\0\5E", 16384, 0, NULL, NULL) = 143
This exact fragment repeats continually in the trace, and was running for over 10 minutes before I finally killed the apache2 process. (Note: I edited this to replace my previous strace fragment with a new one that shows full the full string contents rather than truncated.)
My interpretation of the above is that django is attempting to do an existence check on my table account_profile, but at some earlier point (before I started the trace) something went wrong (SQL parse error? referential integrity or uniqueness constraint violation? who knows?), and now Postgresql is returning the error "current transaction is aborted". For some reason, instead of raising an Exception and giving up, it just keeps retrying.
One possibility is that this is being triggered in a call to Profile.objects.get_or_create. This is the model class that maps to the account_profile table. Perhaps there is something in get_or_create that is designed to catch too broad a set of exceptions and retry? From the web server logs, it appears that this livelock might have occurred as a result of a double-click on the POST button in my site's registration form.
This condition has occurred a couple of times over the past few days on the live site, and results in a significant slowdown until I intervene, so pretty much anything other than infinite deadlock would be an improvement! :)
This turned out to be entirely my fault. I found the spot where the select (1) as 'a' statement seemed to originate (in django/models/ and hacked it to log a traceback, which pointed clearly at my code.
I had some code that makes up a unique email "key" for each Profile. These keys are randomly generated, so because there is some possibility of overlap, I run it in a try/except within a while loop. My assumption was that the database's unique constraint would cause the save to fail if the key was not unique, and I'd be able to try again.
Unfortunately, in Postgresql you cannot simply try again after an integrity error. You have to issue a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command (even if you're in autocommit mode, apparently) before you can try again. So I had an infinite loop of failing save attempts where I was ignoring the error message.
Now I look for a more specific exception (django.db.IntegrityError) and run a limited number of attempts so that the loop is not infinite.
Thanks to everyone for viewing/answering.
Your analysis sounds pretty good. Clearly it's not picking up the fact that the transaction is aborted. I suggest you report this as a bug to the django project...