I have a list of I/O functions to run in a game, but need to collect the value from a function somewhere in the middle of the do
(defn setup-steps [game-state]
(do (io/clear-screen)
(initial-setup) ;; value to be collected
(io/print-board game-state)))
Is there a smart way to return the value from somewhere in the middle of a do?
Down the line, I am using the return value of setup-steps to update an atom, like so:
(defn game-loop [game]
(while (:game-in-progress? #game)
;; Here is where I am using the results
(->> (s-io/setup-steps #game) (state/updater game))
(while (:game-in-progress? #game)
(->> (m-io/turn-steps #game) (state/updater game)))
(->> (eg-io/end-game-steps #game) (state/updater game)))
(defn updater
"Updates the game state.
This is the only place where the game atom is modified."
[game update-params]
(swap! game merge update-params))
I'm sure you could write a macro for this, but I don't really understand macros yet.
And maybe I am thinking about this the wrong way... Is it more idiomatic to dow the swap!ing inside setup-steps?
Any reason you can't assign the result in a let and return it at the end of the function?
(defn setup-steps [game-state]
(let [v (initial-setup)] ;; value to be collected
(io/print-board game-state)
EDIT: Got rid of the redundant do that Ryan Asensio mentioned.
Fundamentally the only way to do this is with let, as clartaq shows. But if you find this distasteful there are a number of ways you could wrap this up in a macro to make it prettier to look at and also more clear about what you're doing. Here is the simplest one, which I like to call returning:
(defmacro returning [x & more]
`(let [x# ~x]
(do ~#more)
(defn foo []
(returning (z)
The do in returning is of course superfluous, but I think it's still useful to emphasize that more is evaluated only for side effects.
I am programming something that doesn't have side-effects, but my code is not very readable.
Consider the following piece of code:
(let [csv_data (if header_row (cons header_row data_rows) data_rows)]
I'm trying to use csv_data in a block of code. What is a clean way of conditioning on the presence of a header_row? I've looked at if-let, but couldn't see how that could help here.
I have run into similar situations with functional for-loops as well where I'm binding the result to a local variable, and the code looks like a pile of expressions.
Do I really have to create a separate helper function in so many cases?
What am I missing here?
Use the cond->> macro
(let [csv_data (cond->> data_rows
header_row (cons header-row)]
It works like the regular ->> macro, but before each threading form a test expression has to be placed that determines whether the threading form will be used.
There is also cond->. Read more about threading macros here: Official threading macros guide
First, don't use underscore, prefer dashes.
Second, there is nothing wrong with a little helper function; after all, this seems to be a requirement for handling your particular data format.
Third, if you can change your data so that you can skip those decisions and have a uniform representation for all corner cases, this is even better. A header row contains a different kind of data (column names?), so you might prefer to keep them separate:
(let [csv {:header header :rows rows}]
Or maybe at some point you could have "headers" and "rows" be of the same type: sequences of rows. Then you can concat them directly.
The ensure-x idiom is a very common way to normalize your data:
(defn ensure-list [data]
(and data (list data)))
For example:
user=> (ensure-list "something")
user=> (ensure-list ())
user=> (ensure-list nil)
And thus:
(let [csv (concat (ensure-list header) rows)]
i would propose an utility macro. Something like this:
(defmacro update-when [check val-to-update f & params]
`(if-let [x# ~check]
(~f x# ~val-to-update ~#params)
user> (let [header-row :header
data-rows [:data1 :data2]]
(let [csv-data (update-when header-row data-rows cons)]
;;=> (:header :data1 :data2)
user> (let [header-row nil
data-rows [:data1 :data2]]
(let [csv-data (update-when header-row data-rows cons)]
;;=> [:data1 :data2]
it is quite universal, and lets you fulfill more complex tasks then just simple consing. Like for example you want to reverse some coll if check is trueish, and concat another list...
user> (let [header-row :header
data-rows [:data1 :data2]]
(let [csv-data (update-when header-row data-rows
(fn [h d & params] (apply concat (reverse d) params))
[1 2 3] ['a 'b 'c])]
;;=> (:data2 :data1 1 2 3 a b c)
as noticed by #amalloy , this macro should be a function:
(defn update-when [check val-to-update f & params]
(if check
(apply f check val-to-update params)
After thinking about the "cost" of a one-line helper function in the namespace I've came up with a local function instead:
(let [merge_header_fn (fn [header_row data_rows]
(if header_row
(cons header_row data_rows)
csv_data (merge_header_fn header_row data_rows) ]
<use csv_data>
Unless someone can suggest a more elegant way of handling this, I will keep this as an answer.
I have this small game world state, something like the following:
(defn odds [percentage]
(< (rand-int 100) percentage))
(defn world []
{:entities []})
(defn make-bird []
{:pos [(rand-int 100) (rand-int 100)]
:age 0
:dir (vec/dir (rand (. Math PI)))})
(defn generate-entities [entities]
(if (odds 10)
(conj entities (make-bird))
(defn update-entity [entity]
(-> entity
(update :pos (partial vec/add (:dir entity)))
(update :age inc)))
(defn update-entities [entities]
(vec (map update-entity entities)))
(defn old? [{age :age}]
(> age 10))
(defn prune-entities [entities]
(vec (filter #(not (old? %)) entities)))
(defn update-world [world]
(-> world
(update :entities generate-entities)
(update :entities update-entities)
(update :entities prune-entities)))
So update-world goes through three steps. First there's a 1/10 chance of generating a new bird entity, which flies in a random direction. Then it updates all birds, updating their position and incrementing their age. Then it prunes all old birds.
I use this same technique for generating particles systems. You can do fun stuff like (iterate update-world (world)) to get a lazy list of world states which you can consume at whatever frame rate you want.
However, I now have a game world with autonomous entities which roam around and do stuff, kind of like the birds. But I want to get a textual representation of what happened when evaluating update-world. For example, update-world would ideally return a tuple of the new world state and a vector of strings - ["A bird was born at [12, 8].", "A bird died of old age at [1, 2]."].
But then I really can't use (iterate update-world (world)) anymore. I can't really see how to do this.
Is this something you'd use with-out-string for?
If you want to enhance only your top-level function (update-world) in your case you can just create a wrapper function that you can use in iterate. A simple example:
(defn increment [n]
(inc n))
(defn logging-increment [[_ n]]
(let [new-n (increment n)]
[(format "Old: %s New: %s" n new-n) new-n]))
(take 3 (iterate logging-increment [nil 0]))
;; => ([nil 0] ["Old: 0 New: 1" 1] ["Old: 1 New: 2" 2])
In case you want to do it while collecting data at multiple level and you don't want to modify the signatures of your existing functions (e.g. you want to use it only for debugging), then using dynamic scope seems like a reasonable option.
Alternatively you can consider using some tracing tools, like clojure/tools.trace. You could turn on and off logging of your function calls by simply changing defn to deftrace or using trace-ns or trace-vars.
There are two potential issues with using with-out-str
It returns a string, not a vector. If you need to use a vector, you'll need to use something else.
Only the string is returned. If you are using with-out-str to wrap a side-effect (e.g., swap!), this might be fine.
For debugging purposes, I usually just use println. You can use with-out if you want control over where the output goes. You could even implement a custom stream that collects the output into a vector of strings if you wanted. You could get similar results with a dynamically bound vector that you accumulate (via set!) the output string (or wrap the vector in an atom and use swap!).
If the accumulated vector is part of the computation per se, and you want to remain pure, you might consider using a monad.
What about using clojure.data/diff to generate the string representation of changes? You could do something like this:
(defn update-world [[world mutations]]
(let [new-world (-> world
(update :entities generate-entities)
(update :entities update-entities)
(update :entities prune-entities))]
[new-world (mutations (clojure.data/diff world new-world))]))
Then you could do something like (iterate update-world [(world) []]) to get the ball rolling.
First, I have no experience with CS and Clojure is my first language, so pardon if the following problem has a solution, that is immediately apparent for a programmer.
The summary of the question is as follows: one needs to create atoms at will with unknown yet symbols at unknown times. My approach revolves around a) storing temporarily the names of the atoms as strings in an atom itself; b) changing those strings to symbols with a function; c) using a function to add and create new atoms. The problem pertains to step "c": calling the function does not create new atoms, but using its body does create them.
All steps taken in the REPL are below (comments follow code blocks):
user=> (def atom-pool
#_=> (atom ["a1" "a2"]))
'atom-pool is the atom that stores intermediate to-be atoms as strings.
user=> (defn atom-symbols []
#_=> (mapv symbol (deref atom-pool)))
user=> (defmacro populate-atoms []
#_=> (let [qs (vec (remove #(resolve %) (atom-symbols)))]
#_=> `(do ~#(for [s qs]
#_=> `(def ~s (atom #{}))))))
'populate-atoms is the macro, that defines those atoms. Note, the purpose of (remove #(resolve %) (atom-symbols)) is to create only yet non-existing atoms. 'atom-symbols reads 'atom-pool and turns its content to symbols.
user=> (for [s ['a1 'a2 'a-new]]
#_=> (resolve s))
(nil nil nil)
Here it is confirmed that there are no 'a1', 'a2', 'a-new' atoms as of yet.
user=> (defn new-atom [a]
#_=> (do
#_=> (swap! atom-pool conj a)
#_=> (populate-atoms)))
'new-atom is the function, that first adds new to-be atom as string to `atom-pool. Then 'populate-atoms creates all the atoms from 'atom-symbols function.
user=> (for [s ['a1 'a2 'a-new]]
#_=> (resolve s))
(#'user/a1 #'user/a2 nil)
Here we see that 'a1 'a2 were created as clojure.lang.Var$Unbound just by defining a function, why?
user=> (new-atom "a-new")
user=> (for [s ['a1 'a2 'a-new]]
#_=> (resolve s))
(#'user/a1 #'user/a2 nil)
Calling (new-atom "a-new") did not create the 'a-new atom!
user=> (do
#_=> (swap! atom-pool conj "a-new")
#_=> (populate-atoms))
user=> (for [s ['a1 'a2 'a-new]]
#_=> (resolve s))
(#'user/a1 #'user/a2 #'user/a-new)
Here we see that resorting explicitly to 'new-atom's body did create the 'a-new atom. 'a-new is a type of clojure.lang.Atom, but 'a1 and 'a2 were skipped due to already being present in the namespace as clojure.lang.Var$Unbound.
Appreciate any help how to make it work!
EDIT: Note, this is an example. In my project the 'atom-pool is actually a collection of maps (atom with maps). Those maps have keys {:name val}. If a new map is added, then I create a corresponding atom for this map by parsing its :name key.
"The summary of the question is as follows: one needs to create atoms at will with unknown yet symbols at unknown times. "
This sounds like a solution looking for a problem. I would generally suggest you try another way of achieving whatever the actual functionality is without generating vars at runtime, but if you must, you should use intern and leave out the macro stuff.
You cannot solve this with macros since macros are expanded at compile time, meaning that in
(defn new-atom [a]
(swap! atom-pool conj a)
populate-atoms is expanded only once; when the (defn new-atom ...) form is compiled, but you're attempting to change its expansion when new-atom is called (which necessarily happens later).
#JoostDiepenmaat is right about why populate-atoms is not behaving as expected. You simply cannot do this using macros, and it is generally best to avoid generating vars at runtime. A better solution would be to define your atom-pool as a map of keywords to atoms:
(def atom-pool
(atom {:a1 (atom #{}) :a2 (atom #{})}))
Then you don't need atom-symbols or populate-atoms because you're not dealing with vars at compile-time, but typical data structures at run-time. Your new-atom function could look like this:
(defn new-atom [kw]
(swap! atom-pool assoc kw (atom #{})))
EDIT: If you don't want your new-atom function to override existing atoms which might contain actual data instead of just #{}, you can check first to see if the atom exists in the atom-pool:
(defn new-atom [kw]
(when-not (kw #atom-pool)
(swap! atom-pool assoc kw (atom #{}))))
I've already submitted one answer to this question, and I think that that answer is better, but here is a radically different approach based on eval:
(def atom-pool (atom ["a1" "a2"]))
(defn new-atom! [name]
(load-string (format "(def %s (atom #{}))" name)))
(defn populate-atoms! []
(doseq [x atom-pool]
(new-atom x)))
format builds up a string where %s is substituted with the name you're passing in. load-string reads the resulting string (def "name" (atom #{})) in as a data structure and evals it (this is equivalent to (eval (read-string "(def ...)
Of course, then we're stuck with the problem of only defining atoms that don't already exist. We could change the our new-atom! function to make it so that we only create an atom if it doesn't already exist:
(defn new-atom! [name]
(when-not (resolve (symbol name))
(load-string (format "(def %s (atom #{}))" name name))))
The Clojure community seems to be against using eval in most cases, as it is usually not needed (macros or functions will do what you want in 99% of cases*), and eval can be potentially unsafe, especially if user input is involved -- see Brian Carper's answer to this question.
*After attempting to solve this particular problem using macros, I came to the conclusion that it either cannot be done without relying on eval, or my macro-writing skills just aren't good enough to get the job done with a macro!
At any rate, I still think my other answer is a better solution here -- generally when you're getting way down into the nuts & bolts of writing macros or using eval, there is probably a simpler approach that doesn't involve metaprogramming.
I have an incoming lazy stream lines from a file I'm reading with tail-seq (to contrib - now!) and I want to process those lines one after one with several "listener-functions" that takes action depending on re-seq-hits (or other things) in the lines.
I tried the following:
(defn info-listener [logstr]
(if (re-seq #"INFO" logstr) (println "Got an INFO-statement")))
(defn debug-listener [logstr]
(if (re-seq #"DEBUG" logstr) (println "Got a DEBUG-statement")))
(doseq [line (tail-seq "/var/log/any/java.log")]
(do (info-listener logstr)
(debug-listener logstr)))
and it works as expected. However, there is a LOT of code-duplication and other sins in the code, and it's boring to update the code.
One important step seems to be to apply many functions to one argument, ie
(listen-line line '(info-listener debug-listener))
and use that instead of the boring and error prone do-statement.
I've tried the following seemingly clever approach:
(defn listen-line [logstr listener-collection]
(map #(% logstr) listener-collection))
but this only renders
(nil) (nil)
there is lazyiness or first class functions biting me for sure, but where do I put the apply?
I'm also open to a radically different approach to the problem, but this seems to be a quite sane way to start with. Macros/multi methods seems to be overkill/wrong for now.
Making a single function out of a group of functions to be called with the same argument can be done with the core function juxt:
=>(def juxted-fn (juxt identity str (partial / 100)))
=>(juxted-fn 50)
[50 "50" 2]
Combining juxt with partial can be very useful:
(defn listener [re message logstr]
(if (re-seq re logstr) (println message)))
(def juxted-listener
(apply juxt (map (fn [[re message]] (partial listner re message))
[[#"INFO","Got INFO"],
[#"DEBUG", "Got DEBUG"]]))
(doseq [logstr ["INFO statement", "OTHER statement", "DEBUG statement"]]
(juxted-listener logstr))
You need to change
(listen-line line '(info-listener debug-listener))
(listen-line line [info-listener debug-listener])
In the first version, listen-line ends up using the symbols info-listener and debug-listener themselves as functions because of the quoting. Symbols implement clojure.lang.IFn (the interface behind Clojure function invocation) like keywords do, i.e. they look themselves up in a map-like argument (actually a clojure.lang.ILookup) and return nil if applied to something which is not a map.
Also note that you need to wrap the body of listen-line in dorun to ensure it actually gets executed (as map returns a lazy sequence). Better yet, switch to doseq:
(defn listen-line [logstr listener-collection]
(doseq [listener listener-collection]
(listener logstr)))
Given a list of names for variables, I want to set those variables to an expression.
I tried this:
(doall (for [x ["a" "b" "c"]] (def (symbol x) 666)))
...but this yields the error
java.lang.Exception: First argument to def must be a Symbol
Can anyone show me the right way to accomplish this, please?
Clojure's "intern" function is for this purpose:
(doseq [x ["a" "b" "c"]]
(intern *ns* (symbol x) 666))
(doall (for [x ["a" "b" "c"]] (eval `(def ~(symbol x) 666))))
In response to your comment:
There are no macros involved here. eval is a function that takes a list and returns the result of executing that list as code. ` and ~ are shortcuts to create a partially-quoted list.
` means the contents of the following lists shall be quoted unless preceded by a ~
~ the following list is a function call that shall be executed, not quoted.
So ``(def ~(symbol x) 666)is the list containing the symboldef, followed by the result of executingsymbol xfollowed by the number of the beast. I could as well have written(eval (list 'def (symbol x) 666))` to achieve the same effect.
Updated to take Stuart Sierra's comment (mentioning clojure.core/intern) into account.
Using eval here is fine, but it may be interesting to know that it is not necessary, regardless of whether the Vars are known to exist already. In fact, if they are known to exist, then I think the alter-var-root solution below is cleaner; if they might not exist, then I wouldn't insist on my alternative proposition being much cleaner, but it seems to make for the shortest code (if we disregard the overhead of three lines for a function definition), so I'll just post it for your consideration.
If the Var is known to exist:
(alter-var-root (resolve (symbol "foo")) (constantly new-value))
So you could do
(map #(-> %1 symbol resolve (alter-var-root %2))
["x" "y" "z"]
[value-for-x value-for-y value-for z]))
(If the same value was to be used for all Vars, you could use (repeat value) for the final argument to map or just put it in the anonymous function.)
If the Vars might need to be created, then you can actually write a function to do this (once again, I wouldn't necessarily claim this to be cleaner than eval, but anyway -- just for the interest of it):
(defn create-var
;; I used clojure.lang.Var/intern in the original answer,
;; but as Stuart Sierra has pointed out in a comment,
;; a Clojure built-in is available to accomplish the same
;; thing
([sym] (intern *ns* sym))
([sym val] (intern *ns* sym val)))
Note that if a Var turns out to have already been interned with the given name in the given namespace, then this changes nothing in the single argument case or just resets the Var to the given new value in the two argument case. With this, you can solve the original problem like so:
(dorun (map #(create-var (symbol %) 666) ["x" "y" "z"]))
Some additional examples:
user> (create-var 'bar (fn [_] :bar))
user> (bar :foo)
user> (create-var 'baz)
user> baz
; Evaluation aborted. ; java.lang.IllegalStateException:
; Var user/baz is unbound.
; It does exist, though!
;; if you really wanted to do things like this, you'd
;; actually use the clojure.contrib.with-ns/with-ns macro
user> (binding [*ns* (the-ns 'quux)]
(create-var 'foobar 5))
user> quux/foobar
Evaluation rules for normal function calls are to evaluate all the items of the list, and call the first item in the list as a function with the rest of the items in the list as parameters.
But you can't make any assumptions about the evaluation rules for special forms or macros. A special form or the code produced by a macro call could evaluate all the arguments, or never evaluate them, or evaluate them multiple times, or evaluate some arguments and not others. def is a special form, and it doesn't evaluate its first argument. If it did, it couldn't work. Evaluating the foo in (def foo 123) would result in a "no such var 'foo'" error most of the time (if foo was already defined, you probably wouldn't be defining it yourself).
I'm not sure what you're using this for, but it doesn't seem very idiomatic. Using def anywhere but at the toplevel of your program usually means you're doing something wrong.
(Note: doall + for = doseq.)