How to set up Reverse Proxy for Shiny on AWS EC2? - amazon-web-services

I have a Shiny server running on Amazon EC2 and I am routing all traffic from port 443 to 3838 via ELB and crated a domain entry in Route53. Now we have to set up authentication for the Shiny Apps since I am running a free version and not the pro it is not supported.
Hence I was thinking of setting up a reverse proxy to force the users to authenticate themselves before viewing the reports.
Could you please help achieve it ?
Currently using Ubuntu 14.04 soon will upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04.
Thanks and regards,
Kunal Ghosh


IIS 10 server hosted on AWS will not serve aspx

Have an app that has been running for years using on-premise and virtual systems. It's an ASP.NET application. Stood up a VM on AWS running server 2019 configured identical to another VM running on different provider. The instance of IIS running on AWS VM will not serve up the site. The non AWS server was running server 2016 so i created a new VM on AWS using server 2016. Get the same identical problem.
If i load a dummy html page (typical hello world) the page comes up fine, so i know it's not a DNS issue or anything like that.
when I looked at the logs in IIS i see a 302 status code. for the life of me I can't figure out why this thing won't serve up the site. I check all the extensibility, etc. I have configured the IIS on both systems identically. AWS says it's an IIS issue. How is that possible if it is configured exactly the same?
If it was an application issue wouldn't we see a 500 error?
Looking for any ideas.
thanks.. FYI this is critical at this point. Trying to migrate a customer on AWS.
Turns out that AWS has https turned off by default, so you have to add a rule to the lightsail firewall to allow https traffic to get through. who would have thunk it?

About hosting Kaa on commercial web host company

I wonder if that is possible to host kaa server on a commercial web hosting company. For example, if I have a web hosted on godaddy called Can I install kaa server on my host website and collect data from endpoints? I know this is possible to port to AWS, but how about any Linux based servers? Thanks.
Yes it is possible. I installed it on an Ubuntu 16.04 with public IP address. But make sure you do have the necessary ports for Kaa server open on your hosting site, or else communication is blocked.

ionic server running in aws instance - how to access from windows PC browser

I have installed Ionic in my AWS Linux instance. The 'ionic address' option gives 3 addresses - (1)Eth0(2)docker ip (3)localhost.
I have tried selecting each of these options and have tried connecting from my windows browser. But none of it works and ofcourse ping of all these IPs fail.
I have enabled the port 8100 in AWS instance and have tried connecting through the AWS public ip as well.
What am I doing wrongly - can someone pls help me here.

Deploying website using ftploy to digitalocean

I cannot connect with digitalocean server when iam trying to deploy website using ftploy.Server connection showing failed.I have used ssh while making droplet.Help me to sove this.
Thanks in advance
If digital ocean is setup to use SFTP, then on ftploy try setting the port to 22.

WSO2 API Manager change in hostname not reflecting

I am trying Wso2 API Manager in EC2 Ubuntu instance. When i run the ./, the host name is set to the Private IP of the EC2 machine. To change that Private IP to my elastic IP i changed
https:// <-- elastic_IP --
inside PRODUCT_HOME/repository/conf/carbox.xml.
This didn't solve my issue. So i replaced all ${carbon.local.ip} present inside PRODUCT_HOME/repository/conf/ to my elastic IP, but still when i started the server i am getting 'CarbonUIServiceComponent Mgt Console URL with my private IP'
can someone help me solve this issue of changing the Private_IP to elastic_IP ?
Thanks for trying out API Manager on EC2.
This seems to be a bug in API Manager 1.0.0. Created an issue ( to track the progress. Fix will be available on API Manager 1.0.1 release (scheduled to happen by mid of September 2012).