I am searching for a script that echo out the current listeners.
but the script must look at two moint points of one server.
So it adds up.
Thanks in advance
We have two ec2 servers. One has the rabbitmq on it. Second one is a new one for storage purposes. Both of these are Amazon Linux 2.
On the second one we just purchased /dev/nvme1n1 70G 104M 70G 1% /data
Where we would love to push our rabbitmq queues and data. Basically we would like to RABBITMQ_MNESIA_DIR setup on the first rabbitmq server to be directly connecting and saving queues in /data remote mentioned.
Currently that is /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia and our config file for rabbitmq is just default /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf
I wonder if somebody has been doing this before, or can point us in the right direction on how to set RABBITMQ_MNESIA_DIR to be directly connecting to remote ec2 and store and work with queues from there. Thank you
At the end of the day #Parsifal was right.
We ended up making one instance bigger and changed RABBITMQ_MNESIA_DIR
This was bit tricky, because after restarting service rabbitmq-server restart
First off was needed to make sure we had current right to the /data/mnesia we mounted, I managed it with chmod 755 -R /data though read/write should be sufficient based on docs.
Then we were looking for why it always produces the error like this "broker forced connection closure with reason 'shutdown'" & Error on AMQP connection so it was after the start.
So I figured and checked the ownership of the current mnesia dir and the new one. And turned out the user and group was root root compared to original one.
Switched it to drwxr-xr-x 4 rabbitmq rabbitmq 97 Dec 16 14:57 mnesia and this started working.
Maybe it will save you some headaches, I didn't realize there was a different user group for rabbitmq, since I didn't create it.
Only thing to add, is once you are shifting the current working mnesia you might consider copying the directory to the new one since there is a lot of stuff that was currently being used and ran from. I tried it without it and even the password to admin didn't work :D
So I am wondering if anyone on here knows if the intro file that is in icecast has to be a audio file, as what I want to do is have it load a script that then loads the intro mp3.
I am wondering if this can be done and if anyone has done this before?
TL;DR - no
Icecast documentation on this topic
An optional value which will specify the file those contents will be
sent to new listeners when they connect but before the normal stream
is sent. Make sure the format of the file specified matches the
streaming format. The specified file[name] is appended to [the] webroot [path] before
being opened.
There are some tricks you could possibly play:
Replace the file from time to time
Trigger the replacement based on a url-auth request. This may not be 100% reliable in situations where many clients connect in close succession.
Patch the Icecast source code
Pay one of the companies that have patched Icecast in similar ways for hosting.
I am trying to set up Geoserver as a backend to our MVC app. Geoserver works great...except it only lets me do one thing at a time. If I am processing a shapefile, the REST interface and GUI lock up until the job is done processing.
I know that there is the option to Cluster a geoserver configuration, but that would only be load balancing, so instead of only one read/write operation, I would have two instead...but we need to scale this up to at least 20 concurrent tasks at one time.
All of the references I've seen on the internet talk about locking down the number of concurrent connections, but only 1 is allowed the whole time.
Obviously GeoServer is used in production environments that have more than 1 request at the same time. I am just stumped about how to make it happen.
A few weeks ago, my colleague sent this email to the Geoserver Development team, the problem was described as a configuration lock...and that by changing a variable we could release it. The only place I saw this variable was in the source code on GitHub.
Is there a way to specify in one of the config files of Geoserver to turn these locks off so I can do concurrent read/writes? If anybody out there has encountered this before PLEASE HELP!!! Thanks!
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 7:34 PM, Sean Winstead wrote:
We are using GeoServer 2.5 RC2. When uploading a shape file via the REST
API, the server does not respond to other requests until after the shape
file has been processed.
For example, if I start a file upload and then click on the Layers menu
item in the web app, the response for the Layers page is not received until
after the file upload and processing have completed.
I researched the issue but did not find a suitable cause/answer. I did
install the control flow extension and created an controlflow.properties
file in the data directory, but this did not appear to have any effect.
How do I diagnose the cause of this behavior?
Simple, it's the configuration lock. Our configuration subsystem is not
able to handle correct concurrent writes,
or reads during writes, so there is a whole instance read/write lock that
is taken every time you use the rest
api and the user interface, nothing can be done while the lock is in place
If you want, you can disable it using the system variable
but of course we cannot predict what will happen to the configuration if
you do that.
-DGeoServerConfigurationLock.enabled=true is referring to a startup parameter given to the java command when GeoServer is first started. Looking at GeoServer's bin/startup.sh and bin\startup.bat the approved way to do this is via an environment variable named JAVA_OPTS. You will see lines like
if [ -z "$JAVA_OPTS" ]; then
export JAVA_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
in startup.sh and
if "%JAVA_OPTS%" == "" (set JAVA_OPTS=-XX:MaxPermSize=128m)
in startup.bat. You will need to make those
... JAVA_OPTS="-DGeoServerConfigurationLock.enabled=true -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
or define that JAVA_OPTS environment variable similarly before GeoServer is started.
The development team's response of "of course we cannot predict what will happen to the configuration if you do that", however, suggests to me that there may be concurrency issues lurking; which may be likely to surface more frequently as you scale up. Maybe you want to think about disconnecting the backend processing of those shape files from the REST requests to do so using some queueing mechanism instead of disabling GeoServer's configuration lock.
Thank You, I figured it out. We didn't even need to do this because we were only using one login for the REST interface (admin) instead of making a new user for each repository, now the locking issue doesn't happen.
I am writing a small application to get the various diagnostic parameter of Apache Webserver like time of the start of the server, Worker mode or Prefork mode, server version and many more. I have found few API for getting info about these parameter. But I colud not find nay API for the getting start time of the WebServer. Is there any such kind of API?
If there is no API then there are different approaches like getting the start time using "ps" command in linux/unix and go for similar API in windows.There can be other approach that I could see is to have the time of the APache WebServer in any Variable or file.
Please enlighten me with your valuable comments, approaches.
Try to have a look at the Apache' the mod_status
I run all my Django sites as SCGI daemons. I won't get into the fundamentals of why I do this but this means that when a site is running, there is a set of processes running from the following command:
/websites/website-name/manage.py runfcgi method=threaded host= port=3036 protocol=scgi
All is fine until I want to roll out a new release from the VCS (Bazaar in my case). I made an alias script called up that does the following:
alias up='bzr up; killall manage.py'
It is this generic for one simple reason: I'm lazy. I want one command that I can use under any site to update it. I'm logged into the server most of the time anyway, so, I just hop into the root of the right site and call up. Site updates from BZR and restarts.
The first downside of this is it kills all the manage.py processes on the machine. Currently 6 sites and growing rapidly. The second (and potentially worse -- at least for end-users) is it's a severely non-graceful restart. If somebody was uploading an image or doing something else with a long connection time, their request would just die on the vine.
So what I'm looking for is suggestions for a single method that:
Is generic for lazy people like me (eg I can run it from any site root without having to remember which command I need to call; 'up' is perfect in name.
Only kills the current site. I'm only updating the current site, so only this one should die.
Does the restart in a graceful manner. If possible, it should wait until there are no more active connections. I've no idea how feasible this is.
Instead of killing everything with manage.py in the name, could you write a script for each site that only kills manage.py processes from that site? (Edit: just write the scripts and put them in the root of each site (which you cd to anyway) and run those – still only one command to remember)
I don't know enough about SCGI or Bazaar to suggest much more than that... My method (I'm lazy too) uses Mercurial and Fabric for deployment: http://stevelosh.com/blog/entry/2009/1/15/deploying-site-fabric-and-mercurial/ – maybe it will give you an idea you can use?