Cannot find the option of LDAP Authentication in Review Board - review-board

Cannot find the option of LDAP Authentication after upgrading to 3.0.2. Currently, there are only two options understand the Authentication Method in the user Admin page. They are Standard registration and Legacy Authentication Module.
System: RedHat
May I ask how to solve the problem? Thank you so much!

The reason is Djblets also need to be upgrade. You may find more information in /apache2/logs/error_log


Authlib vs OAuthlib: Are these libraries the same?

I am a beginner in the world of the OAuth2.0 and OpenID Protocols. I would like to implement a custom server - provider for multiple applications. So, to use it for Single Sign-On (SSO). I would like to work with python. Till now I have found four packages, for an OAuth2.0 and an OpenID Connect server implementation, in Python: pyoidc, django-oidc-provider, Django OAuth Toolkit (DOT) by OAuthlib and Authlib. I tried to read and understand pyoidc, but it was not so helpful and easy, basic things were missing. I have tried django-oidc-provider and I was really satisfied, and the whole implementation was really easy. So, after those trials, I am left with Django OAuth Toolkit (by OAuthlib) and Authlib. Has anyone tried them? Are these packages the same? Is Authlib an updated version of the OAuthlib library? The only information I know till now, is that Flask-OAuthlib is deprecated, and Authlib is was its new version.
*Every answer or advice or personal experience would be really helpful and always appreciated!
Thank you again for your help.
After some research, I concluded to work generally with JWTs. As before, I would like to work with a GraphQL API, so I am searching for solutions about JWT authentication on it. I maybe use Passport.js (passport-jwt) or something else for Python. All the libraries mentioned above possibly will be not used.
I will just redirect the user to my main application, authenticate them with JWT, and then return the JWT back to the application. In the future and after deployment, I might also implement an OAuth2.0 provider for my website. Although those packages did not really help me, I would recommend Django OAuth Toolkit (DOT) and django-oidc-provider to others. But, also I learned that django-oidc-provider only supports the implementation of a small and simple OAuth2.0 provider. Django OAuth Toolkit comes with lots of options for implementing an advanced OAuth2.0 Authentication Server (AS), including Authorization Code flow with PKCE (Proof Key with Code Exchange), which is the most secure flow. It is also scalable and has great documentation with lots of customizations if you want.
*I sent an email to the support of Authlib, and of course no one has answered to me after a week.

WSO2 Enterprise Store 1.0.0 : modify login process in Identity Server

I am working with Enterprise Store V1.0.0. For now, i use a users store linked to my LDAP for authentication, which is working fine.
However, all my web applications used a tool for auto login, i mean that a user is automatically logged in the app thanks to this tool. I would like to modify ES to integrate this tool.
After sometimes spent in the code, i think that the entry point should be in the Identity Server. I tried to get the code, modify it and use it with ES, without success. My problem is that i don't know where i can get the good version of the code. I found that the .jar file is generated with the pom.xml in product-es\modules\p2-profile-gen\, but i don't know where is the code i need.
If someone could help, it would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

how to setup user authentication in django

I've been using Django to make this Web Service and I'm wondering how to make the user authentication work. I heard that there's a built-in method to do it in Django, but I can't find it. Does anyone have some experience in how to do this?
The tutorial on is fairly good for explaining this.

Sitecore Xpress login failing

I am new to SiteCore and I have instaled the free edition of Sitecore express on my machine
with that I am able to see the sitemap
but when I click on Edit Site it is taking me to a login page where the credentials which I gave during download are not working
can anyone help me in this regard
Thanks in advance
In your site's Right side you will find a 'Who am I' heading under that there have some predefined users which can be used to login.
I had the same issue, I reinstalled and used the MS express DB as the configuration (requires you have installed MS sql DB). I renamed some tables, check the DB connection string and such and and I could login.
I used the standard name password login: admin b

Is it possible to integrate Kerberos authentication into Jetty 6?

We currently have an application that runs an embedded jetty 6.1.14 server to which we need to add authentication via Kerberos. I'm new to Kerberos, which makes the task about 100x harder that maybe it should be. I've scoured the internet and have found conflicting reports as to whether or not it is even possible but nothing much to provides guidance as to how to proceed.
I've managed to have the server basically be able to authenticate the users via kerberos but can't find away to have the client automatically send its kerberos ticket: I have to use the from auth-method, though there are hints that this may be using filters, which are very poorly documented.
My question - and I apologize for it being a bit vague, I've not been this exasperated in quite a long time - is to request some guidance for plugging in kerberos authentication without login forms in Jetty 6? Or am I just out of luck? Has anyone added this type of authentication to jetty 6?
If Jetty supports Servlet Filters (JSR-53), then this open source project might be what you are looking for.
You have to prepare your domain environment first. Make sure that your server if part of your domain (joined it). Then you have to create an machine account and assign an SPN. If you have done that, create a keytab for that account. From now on a client will be able to search for the host in the domain and create a ticket for. Then comes Jetty into play.