Documentation for admin services in WSO2 - wso2

Is there full description for all methods of admin services with input and output parameters available at one place?

You can find admin services in

These admin service APIs are SOAP APIs, and most of the methods are self-descriptive.

As Abimaran Kugathasan said... these Admin service API are SOAP services, you could access but can't see the WSDL, but IS does provide you an option in /repository/conf/carbon.xml file to enable it by setting element "HideAdminServiceWSDLs" to false.


WSO2 AM API DOCS - Is there a way to use swagger as API Documentation in DevPortal?

The company that i work for is developing an API to allow an integration with our applications. We're using WSO2 AM as our gateway. I hava to document the API and they want me to use WSO2 devportal to do so. But the problem is that they also wanna use Swagger to create this documentation. Is there a way to add Swagger in the API Docs?
One workaround would be, you can add document type of Markdown and add the swagger content as code.
So it can be viewed from Devportal as shown below:

Sharepoint 2013/2016 and Custom Web Api with custom database.

How do I authenticate to a Custom Web Api from a SharePoint 2013/2016 single page app? I've seen a couple examples of using session which i really don't want to use, I'm thinking maybe a custom security token service or would it be better to add the web api as a provider hosted app (high trust) since this is on premises?
I found a solution finally, this one actually makes sense:

Automatically add users to API Manager

I am looking for a way to automatically add users to WSO2 API Manager. I have a basic install with the H2 database, but someday I might move to postgres or something like that. What is the best way to add users from say a script?
In Carbon products (APIM, IS), All user store operations can be exposed via web services. External application can use these web services to add/delete/update/get in to user store users and groups. Please note, H2 is not recommended for products`
REST web service according to the SCIM provisioning specification.
SOAP based Web service. You can find more detail from here

WSO2 Identity Server Web Services Documentation

I am doing a comparison between some Identity Management tools, one of which is the WSO2 Identity Server. I have found a number of wsdl files regarding WSO2 IS web services.
Is there any kind of documentation regarding operations in the wsdl files? Because i can't seam to find any.
Yes. Identity Server contains many web service APIs.. These APIs mainly support for identity and entitlement management functions. You can find web service API such as UserAdmin, RemoteUserStoreManagerService , EntitlementService and so on. But there are some web service APIs for server management functions.. All the UI that you see in WSO2IS server, calls backend web service APIs to get the operation done.. Unfortunately there is no any good document on explaining all these web service APIs. But if you are looking some specific function, You can find them.. As an example, if you want to use WSO2IS as authorization server, You must look about EntitlementService API. More detail on it can be found here. Like that, You can search for some specific topic about WSO2IS in the internet..and get some details about these service.
But, If you like to list and see all WSDL of WSO2IS, You go through this question that is asked in SO. Actually by looking at the WSDL, You can even get some idea about the functions.

Custom Webservice for wso2 identity server

I need to extend org.wso2.carbon.user.mgt.stub.UserAdminStub to contain an additional method which allows me to obtain the AD attributes of other users.
Is it possible to create a custom webservice for Identity Server 4.5. We are not using any other wso2 products. Wso2 IS only will ship with the solution distribution.
There is a separate API for user management functions which is called as "RemoteUserStoreManagerService" service. This service exposes all user management function as a web service.... "UserAdmin" is also user management web service that has been implemented specially for WSO2 Carbon UI.
You have methods in the "RemoteUserStoreManagerService" to retrieve AD attributes (user attributes)
Please find the java client from here. There is a readme file also there