ifstream read every files that start with - c++

I have multiple files that start with employee_
Examples :
What I want is to read the content of every file. I tried something like this:
string fname, lname;
ifstream file("employee_" + *);
while(file>>fname>>lname) {
// Do something here that is gonna be repeated for every file
I have an error at "employee_" + *. When I think about it, it makes sense that it doesn't work. I guess I will need a loop or something, I just don't know how to do it.

Enumerate the available files using the OS specific API and store the names inside a container such as vector of strings std::vector<std::string> v;. Iterate over a container:
for (auto el : v) {
std::ifstream file(el);
// the code
If you know for sure there are existing files with range based hard coded values you can utilize the std::to_string function inside a for loop:
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4000; i++) {
std::ifstream file("employee_" + std::to_string(i) + ".txt");
// the code
As pointed out in the comments the alternative to OS API is a file system support in the C++17 standard and the Boost Filesystem Library.


Write vector values into multiple files at once in C++

I have the data in my vector. I am trying to write each vector value, say vector_name[0] into "examplezero.h" , vector_name[1] into "exampleone.h" and so on. The below code shows how I have created the files.
int co = 80;
string name ="example";
std::ofstream output_file[80];
for (int i = 0; i < co; i++)
output_file[i].open(name + std::to_string(i) + ".h");
I am trying to iterate over my vector and trying to write to my files.
std::vector<string> rowname; //This has all the values
for (auto i = rowname.begin(); i != rowname.end(); ++i)
std::ostream_iterator<std::string> \
output_iterator(output_file[80], "\n");
std::copy(rowname.begin(), rowname.end(), output_iterator);
When I am trying to write to the files it is crashing. Can you let me know what's wrong? I know the basics of C++ and trying to learn the advanced concepts.
Your program is likely crashing because you wrote this code:
std::ostream_iterator<std::string> \
output_iterator(output_file[80], "\n");
...and output_file[80] is one element past the end of the array. You declared it as:
std::ofstream output_file[80];
The first element of that array is output_file[0] and the last element of that array is output_file[79].
There are more things wrong
As #walnut pointed out, if your code is really as you posted it, then it appears to close each file immediately after opening it, without writing anything to the file.
for (int i = 0; i < co; i++)
output_file[i].open(name + std::to_string(i) + ".h");
output_file[i].close(); // Leaving so soon?
Writing to an ofstream that has been closed does not crash the program, but sets an error condition on the ofstream (badbit). So this will appear to be a silent failure to you.
To fix
To fix your problem you'll have to write to your file after you open it, but before you close it.
You'll also have to decide exactly which output_file you actually want to write to and provide the correct array index. It's not obviously clear from your sample code what your intent was. You'll have to decide which file(s) (of the 80 that you opened) you want to write each element of your rowname vector into.
The std::copy as you have written it will write all strings in the rowname vector to the same stream. If your intent was to write each element to its own file, then you'll have to set it up substantially differently.
Something more along the lines of:
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
int main() {
std::vector<std::string> rowname = { "alpha", "bravo", "charlie" }; // example data
std::string name = "example"; // base filename
for (size_t i = 0; i < rowname.size(); ++i) {
std::ofstream output_file;
std::string filename = name + std::to_string(i) + ".h"; // e.g.: "example0.h"
output_file << rowname[i]; // write the string to the file
output_file.close(); // if you want
This writes the text alpha into example0.h, bravo into example1.h, and charlie into example2.h.

how can I make the code read different files?

how can I make the code read different files
like i want to read job_1 then job_2 and on
It really depends on what you are trying to do, but the simple way is the one suggested by #drescherjm which is store it in a std::string:
for(int i=0;i<loop_control;i++) {
std::string path = "My/Path/job_" + std::to_string(i) + ".txt";
ifstream infile(path);
Something like that should work.

I want to create a text file in cpp using ofstream

I want to create a file qbc.txt. I know how to create it, but I want to create a program that, if a file already exists with the same name, it would rename it to qbc(1).txt.
In C++17, boost's filesystem library was standardized as std::filesystem
It comes with a convenient std::filesystem::exists function.
It accepts a std::filesystem::path object, but fortunately those can be constructed with a std::string, making our program trivially easy:
std::string prefix = "qbc";
std::string extension = ".txt";
std::filesystem::path filename{prefix + extension};
int i = 0;
while (std::filesystem::exists(filename)){
filename = prefix + "(" + std::to_string(++i) + ")" + extension;
// now filename is "qbc(1)" or "qbc(2)" etc.
Unfortunately no compiler has full support for it at the time of this writing!
Here is a simple solution. The file_exists() function came from #Raviprakash in his response. I've added how to change the filename and try again until success. I've done an approach similar to this before in Python.
If you know that your program is the only one that will create or remove these files, then you can cache the last created one and simply create the next one instead of looping over all of the created ones every time. But this kind of optimization would only make sense if you plan to make hundreds of thousands of files this way.
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
bool file_exists(const std::string &filename) {
std::ifstream in(filename);
return in.good();
std::ofstream& open_new(std::ofstream &out, std::string prefix,
std::string suffix)
std::string filename = prefix + suffix;
unsigned int index = 0;
while (file_exists(filename)) {
filename = prefix + "(" + std::to_string(index) + ")" + suffix;
out.rdbuf()->open(filename, std::ios_base::out);
return out;
int main() {
std::string prefix = "qbc";
std::string suffix = ".txt";
std::ofstream out;
open_new(out, prefix, suffix);
out << "hello world!\n";
return 0;
I know the program needs some improvements but the general idea is here:
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
inline bool file_exists(const std::string& name)
ifstream f(name.c_str());
return f.good();
int main()
string filename, name;
name = "qbc";
filename = name;
int counter = 1;
while (file_exists(filename+".txt")) {
string str = to_string(counter);
filename = name+ "(" + str + ")";
filename += ".txt";
ofstream out(filename.c_str());
return 0;
I don't think this can be entirely solved using just the standard libraries. You can certainly keep picking a new file name until you find one that's unused and then create the new file (as the other answers have shown).
But there's an inherent race condition in that approach. What if another process creates a file between the time your program decides the name is available and the time it actually creates the file? Imagine two copies of your program both trying to write out files.
What you need is an atomic way to check for the file's existence and also to create the file. The normal way to do that is to first just try to create the file and then see if you succeeded or not. Unfortunately, I don't think the standard C++ or C libraries give you enough tools to do that. (I'd be happy to be proven wrong about that.)
Operating systems often provide APIs for doing just that. For example, Windows has GetTempFileName, which just keeps trying to create a new file until it succeeds. The key is that, once it succeeds, it keeps the file open so that it knows no other process can steal the name that's been selected.
If you tell us which OS you're using, we might be able to provide a more detailed answer.

C++ Read in file element by element, but executing functions every line

I have a file that I need to read in. Each line of the file is exceedingly long, so I'd rather not read each line to a temporary string and then manipulate those strings (unless this isn't actually inefficient - I could be wrong). Each line of the file contains a string of triplets - two numbers and a complex number, separated by a colon (as opposed to a comma, which is used in the complex number). My current code goes something like this:
while (states.eof() == 0)
std::istringstream complexString;
getline(states, tmp_str, ':');
tmp_triplet.row() = stoi(tmp_str);
getline(states, tmp_str, ':');
tmp_triplet.col() = stoi(tmp_str);
getline(states, tmp_str, ':');
complexString.str (tmp_str);
complexString >> tmp_triplet.value();
// Then something useful done with the triplet before moving onto the next one
tmp_triplet is a variable that stores these three numbers. I want some way to run a function every line (specifically, the triplets in every line are pushed into a vector, and each line in the file denotes a different vector). I'm sure there's an easy way to go about this, but I just want a way to check whether the end of the line has been reached, and to run a function when this is the case.
When trying to plan stuff out, abstraction can be your best friend. If you break down what you want to do by abstract functionality, you can more easily decide what data types should be used and how different data types should be planned out, and often you can find some functions almost write themselves. And typically, your code will be more modular (almost by definition), which will make it easy to reuse, maintain, and adapt if future changes are needed.
For example, it sounds like you want to parse a file. So that should be a function.
To do that function, you want to read in the file lines then process the file lines. So you can make two functions, one for each of those actions, and just call the functions.
To read in file lines you just want to take a file stream, and return a collection of strings for each line.
To process file lines you want to take a collection of strings and for each one parse the string into a triplet value. So you can create a method that takes a string and breaks it into a triplet, and just use that method here.
To process a string you just need to take a string and assign the first part as the row, the second part as the column, and the third part as the value.
struct TripletValue
int Row;
int Col;
int Val;
std::vector<TripletValue> ParseFile(std::istream& inputStream)
std::vector<std::string> fileLines = ReadFileLines(inputStream);
std::vector<TripletValue> parsedValues = GetValuesFromData(fileLines);
return parsedValues;
std::vector<std::string> ReadFileLines(std::istream& inputStream)
std::vector<std::string> fileLines;
while (!inputStream.eof())
std::string fileLine;
getline(inputStream, fileLine);
return fileLines;
std::vector<TripletValue> GetValuesFromData(std::vector<std::string> data)
std::vector<TripletValue> values;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
TripletValue parsedValue = ParseLine(data[i]);
return values;
TripletValue ParseLine(std::string fileLine)
std::stringstream sstream;
sstream << fileLine;
TripletValue parsedValue;
std::string strValue;
sstream >> strValue;
parsedValue.Row = stoi(strValue);
sstream >> strValue;
parsedValue.Col = stoi(strValue);
sstream >> strValue;
parsedValue.Val = stoi(strValue);
return parsedValue;

Reading in image files without specifying name

Are there any facilities in SDL or C++ that allow you to read image files in from a folder without specifying their name, like reading them in sequential order, etc.? If not are there any techniques you use to accomplish something along the same lines?
Doing something like this:
foo_ani[0] = LoadImage("Animations/foo1.png");
foo_ani[1] = LoadImage("Animations/foo2.png");
foo_ani[2] = LoadImage("Animations/foo3.png");
can become quite tedious, and a loop can't be used because the file name is specific each time.
The only way I could really think of is maybe having a string that you modify through each loop iterator and insert the loop number into the specific part of the string assuming that's how your files are labeled, and using that string as the LoadImage parameter. That seems like more work though than just doing the above.
Use boost::filesystem.
The tiny program shown here lists all files in the directory files/, matching the pattern fileN.type, where N is from 0 and upwards, unspecified.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
using namespace std;
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
fs::path dir ("./files");
string prefix = "file";
string suffix = "type";
int i = 0;
fs::path file;
do {
stringstream ss;
ss << prefix << i++ << "." << suffix;
file = fs::path(dir / fs::path(ss.str()));
if(fs::exists(file)) {
cout << file.leaf() << " exists." << endl;
} while(fs::exists(file));
return 0;
Link with -lboost_filesystem.
boost::filesystem also provides a simple directory iterator.
For this type of situation, you would typically get a list of the filenames in the directory (with opendir/readdir or FindFirstFile/FindNextFile as appropriate), and loop on each filename in the directory. Given each filename, you can call LoadImage() and append the result to your array.
This technique doesn't require that you know the filenames ahead of time.
How about loading all files in that directory automatically?
foo_ani = LoadImages("Animations/");
Just traverse the directory given and load all files inside that fit.
Another solution, if you have several animations with different prefix is to use regular expressions. I suggest you use boost for that or std::tr1::regex, like this:
foo_ani = LoadImageSet("Animations/", std::tr1::regex("foo*.png"));
Given that you are are currently hard coding the name of the frames, I'm going to assume you know / have control over the naming scheme of the files. I'm also assuming you want them sequentially since it seems to be frames in an animation. Finally I'm assuming you know how many frames there are since you seem to have an array big enough to accommodate them all ready and waiting.
Given the names of the files presented in the question, you can't just do FindFirst / FindNext because once you get past 10 frames, they're almost certainly going to come in out of order (given the naming scheme presented).
So I think that you're right that the best way to do it is in a loop, but wrong that it's more effort than doing it by hand.
char* fname = new char[50]; // buffer big enough to hold filenames
int numFrames = 8; // or however many, you seem to know what this value should be
for(int i = 0; i < numFrames; ++i)
sprint(fname, "Animations/foo%d.png",(i+1));
foo_ani[i] = LoadImage(fname);
delete[] fname;
That's about 6 lines of code. So for animations of more than 6 frames, I'd say that was easier.