Removing text shadow/blur from chart.js charts - chart.js

There is a mild shadow/blur effect on the text in the chart. I haven't figured out how to remove that. Does anyone know how to do so? I'm using version 2.7.1. Thanks!

Does it do the same cross-browser?
Are you able to change the font? Perhaps its not a good screen display font.
Are you using a mac?
Take a look at font-smoothing on MDN. Note it is not standard.
Could be something to do with font aliasing.
* {
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;


how to change apache superset's chart's background color?

Per How to Change Apache Superset Template from the Superset User Interface? , I was able to change the CSS template for Superset dashboard. But the charts inside the dashboard are not affected. e.g. most of the charts have white colored background(e.g. Piechart) and some people dislike it. How to change the chart background color? I mean change it for all charts or for one chart.
Disclaimer: This should work, but is a bit hacky and could have long-term support implications:
I've been fiddling with a "dark mode" dashboard just to kick the tires on this. Here's a screenshot just for fun:
So... what did I do?
Click "Edit Dashboard" in the top right of your screenshot
When in edit mode, the top right menu has an option to "Edit CSS"
Use your browser's inspector to hack away! That said, here are a couple of key ingredients:
.dashboard-component{ background: whatever} - sets the main background of each viz card, but you'll still see many components still have white backgrounds within these wrappers.
.slice_container svg{
background-color: transparent !important;
} - this overrides the white background of the components I ran into (including Pie charts!).
If viz components use SVG you can get pretty clever with inspecting/overriding various bits. A couple of gotchas with the above:
If a viz component contains multiple SVG elements, this may have side effects.
If a viz uses canvas instead of svg you will run into more trouble
In the worst case scenario, you may need to check out the superset-ui-plugins repo and make tweaks. This dev process isn't super straightforward, but some of us are working to improve that.
Easiest solution for me is using dark reader extension.

cocos2d-x label text char spacing

I use cocos2d:::Label and I need to control the spacing of adjustment characters in the text. I use cocos2d-x 3.0 and the font of the label is TTF. Is it possible to achieve, or I should use another thing instead of cocos2d:::Label?
I figured out that bitmap fonts can be created with appropriate inter-character spacing. There is a good online tool for that. And it can customize even more settings, and it is very handy.

Raphael Text Glow

Does anyone have an idea of how to get a glow to show up on text? I thought it would be pretty easy to do so but nothing is rendering on the fiddle.
It looks to me as though Raphael simply does not support text glow. Check out the first lines of the glow function:
if (this.type == "text") {
return null;
It might be worth your while to investigate the use of print with a Cufonized font -- it'll return a path representing the text you give it instead of a tspan, and glow can be applied to paths.
Or you could settle for creating a simple drop shadow.
I've staged both of these alternatives by way of demonstration here.
You could create a rectangle behind the text and make that glow. I think that should look just fine. Use getBBox() to find out the size of the rectangle you need.
Something like this:
Or maybe use some other primitive, e.g. line.

GTK 3 transparent label with text placed over image

i need to create GTK GUI with image and transparent label (darker) that is placed over the image. The first problem is overlapping. I tried Gtk::Table and Gtk::Fixed container but it behaves strangely. The second problem is transparency. I would like to use CSS styles or transparent background image. Is there anybody who can help me posting some sources or examples? Thanks
You could subclass GtkWidget, or GtkDrawingArea since I think it will be faster than the altenatives. But you could use GtkOverlay, plus GtkImage and GtkLabel to acomplish what you're looking for.
gtk3-demo app that comes with Gtk+-3.0 give some examples of how to use GtkOverlay.
Maybe you could give a look to clutter-gtk ? You can do nice things with it.

Win32 RichEdit align paragraph vertically

I need to align paragraph vertically (top, center, bottom) in a RichEdit.
I googled it and found nothing about this issue. Does anybody know a workaround
to achive this. I use C++ Builder 2010, are there any VCL or Windows API way solution?
I don't think TRichEdit supports Vertical Text Alignment. For example take this tiny RTF document:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1250\deff0\deflang1048{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc\lang9\f0\fs22\vertalc Text\par}
When this is put into TRichEdit the "Text" is only aligned horizontally. Open the document with WordPad and it looks absolutely the same. Open it up with Ms Word and the "Text" is centered both vertically and horizontally in the page. Since TRichEdit doesn't support the \vertalc, there's no need for any kind of API to set that attribute.