Create tiled clones in Inkscape - inkscape

I have a circle and want to create six tiled clones (wedges/triangles) around the circle, each rotated by 60 degree. So I tried it as following:
Select the triangle.
Shift the triangle's center to the circles center.
While having only the triangle selected go to:
Edit / Clone / Create_Tiled_Clones
In tab "Symmetry" select: P1_simple_translation
In tab "Shift" change: Shift_X: Per_column: -100%
In tab "Rotation" change: Angle: Per_column: 60°
In the lower (light gray) window of "Create_Tiled_Clones" change:
Rows, columns 1 x 6
(because 6 columns (triangles) times 60 degree creates an evenly arranged circle)
However as you can see in the image it does not clone the triangles around the intended center.
Does someone see the problem? Thanks in advance!
Desired output:
(Which I was able to achieve with a little workaround by: Object/Transform/Rotate/Angle: 60° However in case i am having not only 6 items like in my case, but 100 items, this way would be very uncomfortable ... )

You can change the rotation center of an object before you use the tiled clones dialog. Just select the object, then click a second time on it to enter rotation mode. Grab the center and move it to the place where you want it.
In the tiled clones dialog, make sure the object doesn't move in x or y direction, but stays in place with only rotation. You can achieve this by moving by -100% y/x per row/column.
However, if all you want to create is a star (as the images suggest), use the star tool for it.


How can I emulate this color loop effect?

The title of this question isn't great at explaining what I want to do, so have this gif of the effect I want to emulate: (quality of the gif is shite, ik, please bear with me)
I think I need to use the LoopOut() expression for well, the loop, but I don't know how to animate the colors like that. Do I assign different colors in a shape? I'm fairly new to motion graphics, so I'm not familiar with technical terms and all that. Any help/guidance is appreciated!
I would recommend the following:
Create the square shape you are looking for, as a shape layer with a stroke and no fill
Duplicate the shape layer, for example, 4 times
Apply the Trim Paths effect to these layers and distribute it as you wish (for example, if using 4 layers first one from 0 to 25, second one from 25 to 50, third 50 to 75 and fourth one 75 to 100%.
Set a different color for each layer
Create a new Null Object and assign the Slider Control effect to it
Set the Trim Paths Offset property to be driven by the Slider property of the Slider Control (using the pick whip from each layer)
Animating the Slider property of the Slider control in the Null Object, driving the color of all the sides.
Use masks to fix the possible glitches on the vertices and to make it look nice
you can then alt-click on the stopwatch of the Slider property inside the Slider Control of the Null Object and type LoopOut(). Make sure that the first and last keyframes are correct so once the looping is activated the end is the same as the beginning and you should be good to go!
I think this should more or less point you in a possible way of solving it, let me know if you need more help!
In Illustrator, draw a square with a stroke, no fill, and rotate it 45 degrees. And on a separate layer, draw 6 triangles in the desired colours. Example below:
Save as an AI file. Import this artwork into After Effects, setting Import Kind to Composition.
Set the composition length to 4 seconds.
Set the track matte for the triangles layer to the Alpha Matte of the square layer. (#1 in the above)
Open the rotation property of triangles, set a key frame on frame 1, then go to 4 seconds, and set a key frame of 1 rotation. (#2 in the above)
Precompose these layers, then apply a CC Light Burst 2.5 effect for the glow.
Result is as below.

Inkscape: enlarge figure without creating distortions

(a) what I have, (b) what I get, (c) what I want
I have a simple vector graphic in Inkscape, which consists of a rectangle, filled points and stars. Since the axis ranges are not really nice (the height equals approximatly 3 times the width of the picture) for a publication, I want to rescale the picture. However, I do not have the raw data, such that I can plot it again. How can I rescale my graphic (see figure (a)), such that the x-range is more wide (see figure (c)) without getting distortions (see figure (b))? In the end I want to create a PDF file out of it.
Any ideas on that?
Thanks for your help.
You can try to do it in 2 steps, using the Object -> Transform tool (Shift-Ctrl-M).
First, select everything, and with the transform tool select the Scale tab, and scale horizontally by, say, 300%. All figures will be distorted.
Now, unselect the rectangle, and scale horizontally again by 33.3%, but first click on Apply to each object separately. This will undo the distortion (but not the translation) of each object.
Note that 300% followed by 33.3% should leave the individual objects with the same size.
Documentation here.

Grouping different scale bounding boxes

I've created an openCV application for human detection on images.
I run my algorithm on the same image over different scales, and when detections are made, at the end I have information about the bounding box position and at which scale it was taken from. Then I want to transform that rectangle to the original scale, given that position and size will vary.
I've wrapped my head around this and I've gotten nowhere. This should be rather simple, but at the moment I am clueless.
Help anyone?
Ok, got the answer elsewhere
"What you should do is store the scale where you are at for each detection. Then transforming should be rather easy right. Imagine you have the following.
X and Y coordinates (center of bounding box) at scale 1/2 of the original. This means that you should multiply with the inverse of the scale to get the location in the original, which would be 2X, 2Y (again for the bounxing box center).
So first transform the center of the bounding box, than calculate the width and height of your bounding box in the original, again by multiplying with the inverse. Then from the center, your box will be +-width_double/2 and +-height_double/2."

Mathematical Issue: Triangle, Pyramid, Rotation, Translation, Zoom

Another tricky question. What you can see here is my physical pyramid built with 3 leds which form a triangle in 1 plane and another led in the mid center, about 18mm above the other 3. The 4th one makes the triangle to a pyramid. (You may can see it better if you look on the right triangle. This one is rotated about the horizontal achsis, and you can see a diode on a stick very well).
The second picture shows my running program. The left box shows the raw picture of the leds (photo with ir-filter). The picture in the center shows that my program found the points and is also able to tell which point is which, based on some conditions (like C is always where the both lines with maximal distance betweens diodes intersect; and the both longest lengths are always a and b). But dont care about this, i know the points are 100% correctly found.
Then on the right picture are some calculated values, like the height between C and c and so on. I would be able to calculate more, but i didnt bother to care for now, cause I am stuck.
I want to calculate the pyramids rotation and translation in the 3 dimensional space.
The yellow points are the leds after rotation arround an axis throught the center of the triangle in camera z- direction. So now i do not have to worry about this, when calculating the other 2. The Rotation arround the horizontal axis, and the rotation arround the vertical axis. I could easily calculate this with the lengths of the distance from the center of the triangle to the 4th diode (as you can see the 4th diode moves on the image plane with rotation), or the lengths of the both axes.
But my problem is the unknown depth.
It affects all lengths (a,b,c, and also the lengths from the center to the 4th diode if we call this d and e). I know the measurments of the real pyramid, with a tolerance of +-5% or so, but they get also affected by the zoom. So how do i deal with this?
I thought of an equation with a ratio between something with the lengths of the horizontal axis, the length of the vertical axis, the angles alpha, beta and gamma, and the lengths d and e.
Alpha, beta and gamma only get affected by rotation arround the axes (which i want to know. i want to know the rotation and the zoom), where a rotation arround one axis has the opposite effect than a rotation arround the other. So if you rotate arround both axes in the same angle, the ratio between the length of the axes is the same as before.
The zoom (real: how close it is to the camera; what i want to know in 1st place: multiplication factor 2x, 3x,0.5, 0,4322344,.....) does not affect the angles, but all the lengths: a,b,c,d,e,hc (vertical length of axis), hx (i have not calculated it yet, but it would be easy. the name hx can vary, i just thought of something random right now; it is the length of the horizontal axis) in the same way (i guess).
You see i have thought of many, but i think i am too dumb.
So, is there any math genius out there wo can give me the right equations, for either the rotation OR/AND the zoomfactor?
(i also thought about using Posit/Downhill- Simplex, and so on, but this would be the nicest, since i already know so much, like all Points, and so on and so on)
Please, please, i need your help really bad! I am writing this in C++ and with help of OpenCV if you need to know, but i think its more a mathematical problem.
Thanks in advance!
Ah, and Alpha seems to be always the same as Beta!
Edit: Had to delete the second picture
Have a look to Boost Geometry or here also
Have a look at SolvePnP() in OpenCV. Even if you don't use it directly, the documentation has citations for the methods used.

Tracking circular mouse movement in OpenGL

I am working on a simple mesh viewer implementation in C++ with basic functionality such as translation, rotation, scaling.
I'm stuck with with implementing the rotation of the object along z-axis using the mouse. What I want to implement is the following:
Click and drag the mouse vertically (almost vertical will do, as I use a simple threshold to filter slight deviations along the horizontal axis) to rotate the object along y-axis (this part is done).
Click and drag the mouse horizontally just as described above to rotate the object along x-axis (this part is done too).
For z-axis rotation, I want to detect a circular (or along an arc) mouse movement. I'm stuck with this part, and don't know how to implement this.
For the above two, i just use atan2() to determine the angle of movement. But how do I detect circular movements?
The only way to deal with this is to have a delay between the user starting to make the motion and the object rotating:
When user clicks and begins to move the mouse you need to determine if its going to become a straight line movement, or a circular one. This will require a certain amount of data to be collected before that judgement can be made.
The most extreme case would be requiring the user to make one complete circle first, then the rotation begins (in reality you could do much better than this). Just how small you are able to cut this period down to will depend on a) how precise you dictate your users actions must be, and b) how good you are with pattern recognition algorithms.
To get you started heres an outline of an extremely poor algorithm:
On user click store the x and y coordinates.
Every 1/10 of a second store the new coordinates and process_for_pattern.
in process_for_pattern you're looking for:
A period where the x coordinates and the y coordinates regularly both increase, both decrease, or one increases and one decreases. Over time if this pattern changes such that either the x or the y begins to reverse whilst the other continues as it was, then at that moment you can be fairly sure you've got a circle.
This algorithm would require the user to draw a quarter circle before it was detected, and it does not account for size, direction, or largely irregular movements.
If you really want to continue with this method you can get a much better algorithm, but you might want to reconsider your control method.
Perhaps, you should define a screen region (e.g. at window boundaries), which, when was clicked, will initiate arc movement - or use some other modifier, a button or whatever.
Then at a mouse click you capture the coordinates and center of rotation (mesh axis) in 2D screen space. This gets you a vector (mesh center, button down pos)
On every mouse move you calculate a new vector (mesh center, mouse pos) and the angle between the two vectors is the angle of rotation.
I don't think it works like that...
You could convert mouse wheel rotation to z-axis, or use quaternion camera orientation, which is able to rotate along every axis almost intuitively...
The opposite is true for quarternion camera: if one tries to rotate the mesh along a straight line, the mesh appears to rotate slightly around some other weird axis -- and to compensate that, one intuitively tries to follow some slightly curved trajectory.
It's not exactly what you want, but should come close enough.
Choose a circular region within which your movements numbered 1 and 2 work as described (in the picture this would be some region that is smaller than the red circle. However, when the user clicks outside the circular region, you save the initial click position (shown in green). This defines a point which has a certain angle relative to the x-axis of your screen (you can find this easily with some trig), and it also defines the radius of the circle on which the user is working (in red). The release of the mouse adds a second point (blue). You then find the angle this point has relative to the center of the screen and the x-axis (just like before). You then project that angle onto your circle with the radius determined by the first click. The dark red arc defines the amount of rotation of the model.
This should be enough to get you started.
That will not be a good input method, I think. Because you will always need some travel distance to discriminate between a line and a curve, which means some input delay. Here is an alternative:
Only vertical mouse having their line crossing the center of the screen are considered vertical. Same for horizontal. In other cases it's considered a rotation, and to calculate its amplitude, calculate the angle between the last mouse location and the current location relatively to the center of the screen.
Alternatively you could use the center of the selected mesh if your application works like that.
You can't detect the "circular, along an arc" mouse movement with anywhere near the precision needed for 3d model viewing. What you want is something like this:
You nominate an axis (x, y, or z) using either keyboard shortcuts or on-screen axis indicators that you can grab with the mouse.
This will be much more precise than trying to detect an "arc" gesture. Any "arc" recognition would necessarily involve a delay while you accumulate enough mouse samples to decide whether an arc gesture has begun or not. Gesture recognition like this is non-trivial (I've done some gesture work with the Wii-mote). Similarly, even your simple "vertical" and "horizontal" mouse movement detection will require a delay for the same reason. Any "simple threshold to filter slight deviations" will make it feel dampened and weird.
For 3d viewing you want 1:1 mouse responsiveness, and that means just explicitly nominating an axis with a shortcut key or UI etc. For x-axis rotation, just restrict it to mouse x, y-axis to mouse y if you like. For z you could similarly restrict to x or y mouse input, or just take the total 2d mouse distance travelled. It depends what feels nicest to you.
As an alternative, you could try coding up support for a 3D mouse like the 3dConnexion SpaceExplorer.