Tuple Concatenation in Chapel - tuples

Let's say I'm generating tuples and I want to concatenate them as they come. How do I do this? The following does element-wise addition:
if ts = ("foo", "cat"), t = ("bar", "dog")
ts += t gives ts = ("foobar", "catdog"),
but what I really want is ts = (("foo","cat"),("bar","dog")).
So I guess the first question is "does Chapel support tuple concatention?", then "is there a binary operator/function for it?", then "if not, what is a good way to do it?", and lastly "make my life easier if you know a better way of living".
Please address the questions in order.
I appreciate the help!!

the first question is "does Chapel support tuple concatention?"
I believe the answer here is "no" for the following reason: (1) A Chapel variable has a single static type that cannot change over its lifetime, and (2) a tuple's type is defined as its static number of elements as well as the type of each element. Thus, given your variable ts
ts = ("foo", "cat")
its type is 2*string ("a 2-tuple of strings") and this would prevent it from ever being able to store the value (("foo","cat"),("bar","dog")) since its type is 2*(2*string) ("a 2-tuple of 2-tuples of strings"). So while these two tuples have the same number of elements (2), they differ in their element types ("string" vs. "2-tuple of string") and therefore aren't the same type (aren't compatible).
"is there a binary operator/function for it?"
Due to the above, no.
then "if not, what is a good way to do it?"
A few things come to mind, but may or may not be helpful depending on your specific situation. Rather than trying to re-assign ts, you could create a new tuple that was a tuple-of-tuples:
const ts2 = (ts, t);
and you could even do this recursively in a routine, though that would likely end up blowing up your code size if the tuple grew to any significant length (because each call to the function would generate a tuple of a different type and unique code for it).
From what I'm seeing in your question, I think you may want to use a list of tuples or a 1D array (vector) of tuples. Here's a list-based approach:
use List;
var listOfTups: list(2*string);
listOfTups.append(("foo", "cat"));
listOfTups.append(("bar", "dog"));
And here's an array-based approach:
var arrOfTups: [1..0] 2*string;
arrOfTups.push_back(("foo", "cat"));
arrOfTups.push_back(("bar", "dog"));
Of the two, I would recommend the array-based approach because arrays are much more first-class and powerful in Chapel (they enjoy syntactic support, permit data parallelism, support promotion of scalar functions and operators, etc.) whereas lists are just a convenience library.
and lastly "make my life easier if you know a better way of living".
One other related thing I can think of to mention if you're not aware of it is that "varargs" functions in Chapel effectively convert those arguments to tuples. So given:
proc myFunc(x...) {
myFunc(("foo", "cat"), ("bar", "dog"));
the output is:


How to append two lists in Haskell and store the result into first?

I'm currently trying to write a code which requires concatenation of two lists. But I want to store this result into the first list (just like strcat() in C). Is there any way to do this ?
Yes, it is possible to do what you want. You need to create a mutable variable, such as a state variable, or use STM, and store the value in it.
However, this is not a good idea. For one thing, it is complicated. But more that that, it is better by far to accept the general design of Haskell as an immutable language, and use mutable data only when absolutely required.
The term 'immutable' means that once a variable is assigned then it doesn't change again. Immutable variables, more accurately called values, have some important benefits. Some languages like F# and Rust have variables which are immutable by default, and you have to specify that the variable is mutable if you want it to be so. Haskell just takes it further.
A Haskell version of strcatwould look like this:
strcat :: String -> String -> String
strcat s1 s2 = s1 ++ s2
The values of s1 and s2 come in at the top, and the concatenated value comes out at the bottom, but only as an input for some other function. Nothing is stored. Functions in Haskell are better thought of as having data flowing through them.
Every language has its own idioms, and when you use the language things are easier if you stick to those idioms. What is true of a language like C or Python is doubly true of Haskell.
That is not possible, because all values are immutable in Haskell.

Haskell - Why is Alternative implemented for List

I have read some of this post Meaning of Alternative (it's long)
What lead me to that post was learning about Alternative in general. The post gives a good answer to why it is implemented the way it is for List.
My question is:
Why is Alternative implemented for List at all?
Is there perhaps an algorithm that uses Alternative and a List might be passed to it so define it to hold generality?
I thought because Alternative by default defines some and many, that may be part of it but What are some and many useful for contains the comment:
To clarify, the definitions of some and many for the most basic types such as [] and Maybe just loop. So although the definition of some and many for them is valid, it has no meaning.
In the "What are some and many useful for" link above, Will gives an answer to the OP that may contain the answer to my question, but at this point in my Haskelling, the forest is a bit thick to see the trees.
There's something of a convention in the Haskell library ecology that if a thing can be an instance of a class, then it should be an instance of the class. I suspect the honest answer to "why is [] an Alternative?" is "because it can be".
...okay, but why does that convention exist? The short answer there is that instances are sort of the one part of Haskell that succumbs only to whole-program analysis. They are global, and if there are two parts of the program that both try to make a particular class/type pairing, that conflict prevents the program from working right. To deal with that, there's a rule of thumb that any instance you write should live in the same module either as the class it's associated with or as the type it's associated with.
Since instances are expected to live in specific modules, it's polite to define those instances whenever you can -- since it's not really reasonable for another library to try to fix up the fact that you haven't provided the instance.
Alternative is useful when viewing [] as the nondeterminism-monad. In that case, <|> represents a choice between two programs and empty represents "no valid choice". This is the same interpretation as for e.g. parsers.
some and many does indeed not make sense for lists, since they try iterating through all possible lists of elements from the given options greedily, starting from the infinite list of just the first option. The list monad isn't lazy enough to do even that, since it might always need to abort if it was given an empty list. There is however one case when both terminates: When given an empty list.
Prelude Control.Applicative> many []
Prelude Control.Applicative> some []
If some and many were defined as lazy (in the regex sense), meaning they prefer short lists, you would get out results, but not very useful, since it starts by generating all the infinite number of lists with just the first option:
Prelude Control.Applicative> some' v = liftA2 (:) v (many' v); many' v = pure [] <|> some' v
Prelude Control.Applicative> take 100 . show $ (some' [1,2])
Edit: I believe the some and many functions corresponds to a star-semiring while <|> and empty corresponds to plus and zero in a semiring. So mathematically (I think), it would make sense to split those operations out into a separate typeclass, but it would also be kind of silly, since they can be implemented in terms of the other operators in Alternative.
Consider a function like this:
fallback :: Alternative f => a -> (a -> f b) -> (a -> f e) -> f (Either e b)
fallback x f g = (Right <$> f x) <|> (Left <$> g x)
Not spectacularly meaningful, but you can imagine it being used in, say, a parser: try one thing, falling back to another if that doesn't work.
Does this function have a meaning when f ~ []? Sure, why not. If you think of a list's "effects" as being a search through some space, this function seems to represent some kind of biased choice, where you prefer the first option to the second, and while you're willing to try either, you also tag which way you went.
Could a function like this be part of some algorithm which is polymorphic in the Alternative it computes in? Again I don't see why not. It doesn't seem unreasonable for [] to have an Alternative instance, since there is an implementation that satisfies the Alternative laws.
As to the answer linked to by Will Ness that you pointed out: it covers that some and many don't "just loop" for lists. They loop for non-empty lists. For empty lists, they immediately return a value. How useful is this? Probably not very, I must admit. But that functionality comes along with (<|>) and empty, which can be useful.

Haskell - Tuples and Lists as built-in types: how are they actually declared?

In chapter 2 of "A gentle introduction to Haskell", user-defined types are explained and then the notion that built-in types are, apart from a special syntax, no more different than user-defined ones:
Earlier we introduced several "built-in" types such as lists, tuples, integers, and characters. We have also shown how new user-defined types can be defined. Aside from special syntax, are the built-in types in any way more special than the user-defined ones? The answer is no. (The special syntax is for convenience and for consistency with historical convention, but has no semantic consequences.)
So you could define a tuple like to the following:
data (a,b) = (a,b)
data (a,b,c) = (a,b,c)
data (a,b,c,d) = (a,b,c,d)
Which sure you cannot because that would require an infinite number of declarations. So how are these types actually implemented? Especially regarding the fact that only against a type declaration you can pattern-match?
Since GHC is open source, we can just look at it:
The tuples are a lot less magical than you think:
From https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/master/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Tuple.hs
data (a,b) = (a,b)
data (a,b,c) = (a,b,c)
data (a,b,c,d) = (a,b,c,d)
data (a,b,c,d,e) = (a,b,c,d,e)
data (a,b,c,d,e,f) = (a,b,c,d,e,f)
data (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-- and so on...
So, tuples with different arities are just different data types, and tuples with very big number of arities is not supported.
Lists are also around there:
From https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/master/libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Types.hs#L101
data [] a = [] | a : [a]
But there is a little bit of magic (special syntax) for lists.
Note: I know that GitHub is not where GHC is developed, but searching "ghc source code" on Google did not yield the correct page, and GitHub was the easiest.
You defined three tuple types there, not one hence your argument with the infinite number of declarations doesn't cut. A standard confoming Haskell needs to support only a finite number of tuple types. Hence finitely many declarations.
In fact, you can define:
data Pair a b = Pair a b
and this is isomorphic to an ordinary 2-tuple.

Why would I ever want to use Maybe instead of a List?

Seeing as the Maybe type is isomorphic to the set of null and singleton lists, why would anyone ever want to use the Maybe type when I could just use lists to accomodate absence?
Because if you match a list against the patterns [] and [x] that's not an exhaustive match and you'll get a warning about that, forcing you to either add another case that'll never get called or to ignore the warning.
Matching a Maybe against Nothing and Just x however is exhaustive. So you'll only get a warning if you fail to match one of those cases.
If you choose your types such that they can only represent values that you may actually produce, you can rely on non-exhaustiveness warnings to tell you about bugs in your code where you forget to check for a given a case. If you choose more "permissive" types, you'll always have to think about whether a warning represents an actual bug or just an impossible case.
You should strive to have accurate types. Maybe expresses that there is exactly one value or that there is none. Many imperative languages represent the "none" case by the value null.
If you chose a list instead of Maybe, all your functions would be faced with the possibility that they get a list with more than one member. Probably many of them would only be defined for one value, and would have to fail on a pattern match. By using Maybe, you avoid a class of runtime errors entirely.
Building on existing (and correct) answers, I'll mention a typeclass based answer.
Different types convey different intentions - returning a Maybe a represents a computation with the possiblity of failing while [a] could represent non-determinism (or, in simpler terms, multiple possible return values).
This plays into the fact that different types have different instances for typeclasses - and these instances cater to the underlying essence the type conveys. Take Alternative and its operator (<|>) which represents what it means to combine (or choose) between arguments given.
Maybe a Combining computations that can fail just means taking the first that is not Nothing
[a] Combining two computations that each had multiple return values just means concatenating together all possible values.
Then, depending on which types your functions use, (<|>) would behave differently. Of course, you could argue that you don't need (<|>) or anything like that, but then you are missing out on one of Haskell's main strengths: it's many high-level combinator libraries.
As a general rule, we like our types to be as snug fitting and intuitive as possible. That way, we are not fighting the standard libraries and our code is more readable.
Lisp, Scheme, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, etc., manage to get along with just one type each, which you could represent in Haskell with a big sum type. Every function handling a JavaScript (or whatever) value must be prepared to receive a number, a string, a function, a piece of the document object model, etc., and throw an exception if it gets something unexpected. People who program in typed languages like Haskell prefer to limit the number of unexpected things that can occur. They also like to express ideas using types, making types useful (and machine-checked) documentation. The closer the types come to representing the intended meaning, the more useful they are.
Because there are an infinite number of possible lists, and a finite number of possible values for the Maybe type. It perfectly represents one thing or the absence of something without any other possibility.
Several answers have mentioned exhaustiveness as a factor here. I think it is a factor, but not the biggest one, because there is a way to consistently treat lists as if they were Maybes, which the listToMaybe function illustrates:
listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
listToMaybe [] = Nothing
listToMaybe (a:_) = Just a
That's an exhaustive pattern match, which rules out any straightforward errors.
The factor I'd highlight as bigger is that by using the type that more precisely models the behavior of your code, you eliminate potential behaviors that would be possible if you used a more general alternative. Say for example you have some context in your code where you uses a type of the form a -> [b], though the only correct alternatives (given your program's specification) are empty or singleton lists. Try as hard as you may to enforce the convention that this context should obey that rule, it's still possible that you'll mess up and:
Somehow a function used in that context will produce a list of two or more items;
And somehow a function that uses the results produced in that context will observe whether the lists have two or more items, and behave incorrectly in that case.
Example: some code that expects there to be no more than one value will blindly print the contents of the list and thus print multiple items when only one was supposed to be.
But if you use Maybe, then there really must be either one value or none, and the compiler enforces this.
Even though isomorphic, e.g. QuickCheck will run slower because of the increase in search space.

What's the OCaml naming convention for "constructors"?

An OCaml module usually contains at least one abstract type whose idiomatic name is t. Also, there's usually a function that constructs a value of that type.
What is the usual / idiomatic name for this?
The StdLib is not consistent here. For example:
There's Array.make and a deprecated function Array.create. So that function should be named make?
On the other hand, there's Buffer.create but not Buffer.make. So that function should be named create?
Some people find this way of module design makes OCaml programming easier, but this is not a mandatory OCaml programming style, and I do not think there is no official name for it. I personally call it "1-data-type-per-1-module" style. (I wrote a blog post about this but it is in Japanese. I hope some autotranslator gives some useful information to you ...)
Defining a module dedicated to one data type and fix the name of the type t has some values:
Nice namespacing
Module names explain about what its type and values are, therefore you do not need to repeat type names inside: Buffer.add_string instead of add_string_to_buffer, and Buffer.create instead of create_buffer. You can also avoid typing the same module names with local module open:
let f () =
let open Buffer in
let b = create 10 in (* instead of Buffer.create *)
add_string b "hello"; (* instead of Buffer.add_string *)
contents b (* instead of Buffer.contents *)
Easy ML functor application
If an ML functor takes an argument module with a data type, we have a convention that the type should be called t. Modules with data type t are easily applied to these functors without renaming of the type.
For Array.create and Array.make, I think this is to follow the distinction of String.create and String.make.
String.create is to create a string with uninitialized contents. The created string contains random bytes.
String.make is to create a string filled with the given char.
We had Array.create for long, to create an array whose contents are filled with the given value. This behavior corresponds with String.make rather than String.create. That's why it is now renamed to Array.make, and Array.create is obsolete.
We cannot have Array.create in OCaml with the same behaviour of String.create. Unlike strings, arrays cannot be created without initialization, since random bytes may not represent a valid OCaml value for the content in general, which leads to a program crash.
Following this, personally I use X.create for a function to create an X.t which does not require an initial value to fill it. I use X.make if it needs something to fill.
I had the same question when I picked up the language a long time ago. I never use make and I think few people do.
Nowadays I use create for heavy, often imperative or stateful values, e.g. a Unicode text segmenter. And I use v for, functional, lighter values in DSL/combinator based settings, e.g. the various constructors in Gg, for example for 2D vectors, or colors.
As camlspotter mentions in his answer the standard library distinguishes make and create for values that need an initial value to fill in. I think it's better to be regular here and always use create regardless. If your values support an optional initial fill value, add an optional argument to create rather than multiply the API entry points.