Dynamically Expanding An Array of Pointers [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
Initializing a pointer in a separate function in C
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am attempting to build a dictionary using C++.
The dictionary must be dynamically created and updated at all times.
For example, say I have 5 words in my dictionary and I want to add another word, I must create a new dictionary with room for 6 words, copy the old words and add the new word to the new dictionary.
In my main function, I created a lexicon** (pointer to an array of pointers, since each word has a char pointer to it).
I have created a newStr function to receive the new word and to add it to the dictionary and to resort it alphabetically.
The program runs once, but when I want to add another word I get an access violation warning:
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xDDDDDDDD.
I don't understand what I am doing wrong. Thanks for the help!
Here's my code:
#define MAX 80
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
void newStr(char** lexicon, int& lexiconSize, char word[])
// create the new updated lexicon
char** updated = new char*[++lexiconSize];
// copy the words from the old to the updated lexicon
for (int i = 0; i < lexiconSize; i++)
updated[i] = new char[MAX];
if (i < lexiconSize - 1)
strcpy_s(updated[i], MAX, lexicon[i]);
// add the new word to the end of the updatedLexicon
strcpy_s(updated[i], MAX, word);
// deallocate the memory of the worlds of the old lexicon
for (int i = 0; i < lexiconSize - 1; i++)
delete[] lexicon[i];
// deallocate the memory of the old lexicon
delete[] lexicon;
// point the lexicon pointer to the updatedLexicon
lexicon = updated;
// now sort the lexicon including the new word
if (lexiconSize > 1)
for (int i = 1; i < lexiconSize; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < lexiconSize; j++)
if (strcmp(lexicon[j - 1], lexicon[j]) > 0)
char t[MAX];
strcpy_s(t, MAX, lexicon[j - 1]);
strcpy_s(lexicon[j - 1], MAX, lexicon[j]);
strcpy_s(lexicon[j], MAX, t);
// deallocate the memory created for the updated lexicon
for (int i = 0; i < lexiconSize; i++)
delete[] updated[i];
delete[] updated;
int main()
int lexiconSize = 3;
char** lexicon;
char word[MAX] = {};
// initialize lexicon for testing:
lexicon = new char*[lexiconSize];
lexicon[0] = new char[MAX];
strcpy_s(lexicon[0], MAX, "maybe");
lexicon[1] = new char[MAX];
strcpy_s(lexicon[1], MAX, "this");
lexicon[2] = new char[MAX];
strcpy_s(lexicon[2], MAX, "works");
cout << "enter the word to add" << endl;
cin >> word;
newStr(lexicon, lexiconSize, word);
// menu system that allows to add/delete/print the words
// delete the lexicon at the end of the program
for (int i = 0; i < lexiconSize; i++)
{ // delete the internal words
if (lexicon[i])
delete[] lexicon[i];
if (lexicon)
delete[] lexicon;
return 0;

Your problem is that lexicon is passed to newStr() by value.
The assignment lexicon = updated is therefore not visible to the caller.
Since the function releases all dynamically allocated memory referenced by lexicon[i], all subsequent uses of lexicon in main() therefore have undefined behaviour.
Incidentally, all the memory allocated inside newStr() is leaked - no variable refers to it after the function returns, so it cannot be released in code.
Instead of trying to use pointers and operator new directly, look up standard containers (std::vector) and std::string (to manage string data).

This is not a C++ code: it's C with some bit of syntax sugar.
Do not deallocate something inside function, if you have created it
in another place.
Use smart pointers.
Do you really think, that your implementation will be more effective
and potable, than std::vector/std::map?


Unlimited Object Creation in C++

While learning the dynamic object creation in C++ i have encountered a doubt . Here is my code.
And my question is , when the limiting condition in the loop is same as that of the no of objects created it works fine. But what happens when the loop works for more than the size given , it seems printing the values entered , but we have created only 4 objects and changed the condition of loop to more than 4
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class item{
int number;
void get_num(int num){
number = num
void show_num(){
cout<<"Number is "<<number<<endl;
const int size=4;
int main() {
item *itemObj = new item[size];
item *d = itemObj; //copy the address of itemObj inorder to access its member functions later
int tempNum;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
cout<<"Enter the Number"<<endl;
//to print the numbers entered
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
delete itemObj;
return 0;
Your code isn't working fine at all. Because you change the value of the pointer that you requested from the new operator. When you call the delete for the itemObj at the last line, it doesn't have its original value.
So, instead of modifying the itemObj, you should modify the copy of it which is the pointer d here. Therefore, the problem isn't about the iteration amount of the loop. It's actually the violation on the heap memory.
Also, if you're creating a dynamic array, you should call delete [] instead of delete.

How can I prevent these memory leaks?

I met huge problem with memory leaks and I don't know where to put that "delete" to get rid of them. Below is part of my code, and there is a full one: https://pastebin.com/Wtk83nuH.
string* startowa(int& rozmiar)
rozmiar = 5;
string* tablica = new string[rozmiar];
for (int i = 0; i < rozmiar; i++)
tablica[i] = "text";
return tablica;
string* plusx(string* tab, int& rozmiar)
string tekst = "something";
string* tablica_3 = new string[rozmiar];
tablica_3[rozmiar - 1] = tekst;
for (int i = 0; i<rozmiar - 1; i++)
tablica_3[i] = tab[i];
return tablica_3;
string* minusx(string* tab, int& rozmiar)
string* tablica_3 = new string[rozmiar];
for (int i = 0; i < rozmiar; i++)
tablica_3[i] = tab[i];
return tablica_3;
int main()
int wybor = 1, rozmiar = 1;
string *tablica = startowa(rozmiar);
while (wybor != 55) {
cin >> wybor;
if (wybor == 1) {
tablica = plusx(tablica, rozmiar);
if (wybor == 6) wybor = 55;
else {
tablica = minusx(tablica, rozmiar);
// there were other "ifs" but its just a part of the code
for (int i = 0; i < rozmiar; i++)
cout << tablica[i] << endl;
delete[] tablica;
cin >> wybor;
return 0;
The memory leak is your least problem in that source code. In fact, you don't need heap allocations at all in your example.
Here are some fast improvements:
- use "std::string" instead of just string, I guess you are using "using namespace std"
- do not return a pointer to string, you can just declare a string and return it
- do not use a reference to an int as a function parameter if you are not returning it
- use const as much as you can
- replace "string *" with "const string&" if you are not returning it
- do not allocate string on heap (with new), instead declare it on stack
- use vectors
You can use this great site and Scott Meyers books for other C++ good practices.
To prevent memory leaks like that, avoid manual memory management. There are a lot of tools available to you.
For example, take your string array:
string* startowa(int& rozmiar) {
rozmiar = 5;
string* tablica = new string[rozmiar];
// ...
This should be replaced by std::vector. And since a vector keep track of it's size, you don't need to pass the size as reference:
std::vector<std::string> startowa() {
// ...
std::vector<std::string> tablica(5);
// ...
Then, your function that operates on the array should take the vector by reference to about copies, and return another vector. Since a vector already has a function that insert a new element, your plusx function becomes this:
void plusx(std::vector<std::string>& tab) {
std::string tekst = "something";
And your minusx function becomes that:
void minusx(std::vector<std::string>& tab) {
By the way, with a vector, you can completely remove your startowa function by replacing the call in your main by this:
// Was `string *tablica = startowa(rozmiar);`
std::vector<std::string> tablica(5, "text");
Since std::vector manages it's memory itself, you don't need to delete it anywhere.
If you don't want to use vector, you can alway use std::unique_ptr<std::string[]>. The only difference in you code would be to send tablica.get() to your functions, and use std::make_unique<std::string[]>(rozmiar) instead of new std::string[rozmiar]
The correct answer is use std::vector. For example:
vector<string> startowa(int& rozmiar)
rozmiar = 5;
vector<string> tablica(rozmiar);
for (int i = 0; i < rozmiar; i++)
tablica[i] = "text";
return tablica;
Note the return by value. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you're saving processing time by returning by reference. That vector goes out of scope and is destroyed at the end of the function. With a returned reference the best you can hope for is the caller receiving a load of garbage and crashing before any damage can be done.
A decent compiler will eliminate the copying when you return the vector by value, and if the compiler decides that it cannot, std::move will take care of that.
vector also knows how big it is, eliminating the need for rozmiar.
Now... What went wrong? Let's look at the code
int main()
int wybor = 1, rozmiar = 1;
string * tablica = startowa(rozmiar);
startowa allocated an array of strings and stored a pointer to the array in tablica.
while (wybor != 55)
cin >> wybor;
if (wybor == 1)
tablica = plusx(tablica, rozmiar);
plusx allocated a new array of strings, a pointer to which has been returned and written over the pointer returned by startowa. startowa's array is now effectively lost, leaked, as it is next to impossible to find again to delete[].
We would need to delete[] tablica; before making the assignment. Clearly we can't do this before calling plusx as tablica is a parameter, so we need to store a temp.
string * temp = plusx(tablica, rozmiar);
delete[] tablica;
tablica = temp;
But what if something unexpected happens and an exception is thrown? The code never hits the delete[] and BOTH allocations are lost. vector handles all this for you.
And back to the code
if (wybor == 6)
wybor = 55;
tablica = minusx(tablica, rozmiar);
Same problem and solution as above.
// there were other "ifs" but its just a part of the code
for (int i = 0; i < rozmiar; i++)
cout << tablica[i] << endl;
delete[] tablica;
One of an in-determinant number of allocations is released here. The rest are lost.
cin >> wybor;
return 0;

C++ Multidimensional arrays generating segmentation faults?

I am writing a script which must copy some names into a multidimensional array, print the contents of the array and then deallocate the memory and terminate. The problem I am having is that when I run the script it only prints out the last name entered. Here is what I have done. Any help would be great! Thanks in advance!
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
void createArray(int n);
void addDetail(char*& name, char*& surname);
void printArray();
void clear();
char ***details;
int used;
int size;
int main()
char* tmpName = new char[20];
char* tmpSurName = new char[120];
strcpy(tmpName, "nameA");
strcpy(tmpSurName, "surnameA");
strcpy(tmpName, "nameB");
strcpy(tmpSurName, "surnameB");
strcpy(tmpName, "nameC");
strcpy(tmpSurName, "surnameC");
return 0;
void createArray(int n)
details= new char**[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
details[i] = new char*[2];
size = n;
used = 0;
void addDetail(char*& name, char*& surname)
if(occupation < size)
details[used][0] = name;
details[used][1] = surname;
cout << "Array Full " << endl;
void printArray()
for(int i=0; i<used; i++)
cout << details[i][0] << " " << details[i][1] << endl;
void clear()
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
delete [] details[i];
details[i] = 0;
delete [] details;
You didn't allocate memory for details[used][0] and details[used][1] so it's using whatever random address was in those locations.
Since this is C++ you can use string instead perhaps? std::string **details;. This should work with your existing code, except that it will leak memory.
Better still is to use a vector of vectors.
Something like:
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > details;
Then the createArray function can go away completely and addDetail becomes simpler:
std::vector<string> newName;
It is because each time, you are effectively storing the pointer tmpName and tmpSurName in the array details. Then in the next iteration, you overwrite the contents of the memory where tmpName and tmpSurName point to, so at the end you'll have a list that contains the last name/surname n times.
To solve it, you need to re-allocate tmpName and tmpSurName before each call to addDetail.
Btw, why do you need to use an (ewww) char***, and can't use e.g. the STL?
What it looks like is happening is that you are not adding the string to the array, you are adding a pointer to name and surname. Every instance is pointing at that variable, so when you ask the array what it contains it goes and asks name and surname, which will only contain the last value.
Also that array, are you sure its working how you want it to work? Arrays are... concrete things. Your essentially saying "I want 5 of these, they will be this big (based on the type you put in)" and the computer quietly goes "well I'll set aside space for those here and you can put them in when your ready". When your code puts those names in there, there really isn't any prep on where to store them. If you fill up that space and go beyond you go to bad places. So what you should do is have that last * of char*** be a pointer to a char[120] so that you know (for your purposes atleast) it never gets filled up. Do that in your createArray function after you have created the outer arrays.
You keep overwriting your temporary buffers rather than making new buffers for each entry in the array. As a result, only the last data written to the buffer survives.
Here's a rough guide on one way to fix it, though this sample may have some problems - I made no attempt to compile or test this.
This portion of main belongs in addDetail:
char* tmpName = new char[20];
char* tmpSurName = new char[120];
strcpy(tmpName, "nameA");
strcpy(tmpSurName, "surnameA");
So, your new addDetail would look something like:
void addDetail(char*& name, char*& surname)
if(occupation < size)
details[used][0] = new char[20];
details[used][1] = new char[120];
strcpy(details[used][0], name);
strcpy(details[used][1], surname);
cout << "Array Full " << endl;
And it would be called from main like:
addDetail("nameA", "surnameA");
You'd need to update clear to properly cleanup the allocations made in addDetail though.

Returning array of dynamically allocated wchar_t* from a function

I have a function whose signature is as follows:
GetCustomers( wchar_t** Name,int *count);
In main method: Call to customer looks like this:
GetCustomers( Name,&count);
The body of the function is as follows: (since count of customers is unknown , I am trying to allocate meomry dynamically)
GetCustomers( wchar_t** Name,int *count)
//Logic to get customer count : Stored in int myCustomersCount
Names = new wchar_t*[myCustomersCount];
for (int i=0; i < myCustomersCount; i++ )
Names[i] = new wchar_t;
//Logic to get customer names in wchar_t* strName = "Name1";
Names[0] = strName;
*count = myCustomersCount;
I would think that this implementation would allow array Name to be passed back correctly to the Main() function with memory allocation on heap but it seems not to work. What is wrong here? myCustomersCount seems to be correct in caller.
PS: The code compile and executes but array received in Main is garbage.
You seem to be thinking in terms of C, not really C++. I'd use something like:
std::vector<std::string> GetCustomers();
or (probably preferred):
template <class outIt>
void GetCustomers(outIt output_iterator);
The latter you'd use something like:
std::vector<std::wstring> customers;
The third obvious possibility would be to just equip your customers class with a begin() and end() member functions that return iterators to the customers data.
Edit2: Here's some tested demo code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>
void GetCustomers(wchar_t ***names, int *count) {
static wchar_t *myCustomers[] = {
int myCustomersCount = 3;
wchar_t **temp = new wchar_t *[myCustomersCount];
*count = myCustomersCount;
for (int i=0; i<myCustomersCount; i++) {
temp[i] = new wchar_t[wcslen(myCustomers[i])+1];
wcscpy(temp[i], myCustomers[i]);
*names = temp;
int main() {
wchar_t **customers;
int count;
GetCustomers(&customers, &count);
for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
printf("%S\n", customers[i]);
return 0;
I'm really not sure what you're trying to do here; from what I understand about your code; you're trying to store some strings into an array of an array of character pointers.
GetCustomers(wchar_t **Name, int *count) {
Name = new wchar_t*[myCustomersCount];
for(int i = 0; i < myCustomersCount; i++) {
/* Get your customer name and store into strName */
Name[i] = strName;
*count = myCustomersCount;
In main, presumably you've got something like this
wchar_t *Name = NULL;
and then you say
GetCustomers( Name,&count);
This passes Name by value, but you want to pass it by reference:
GetCustomers( &Name,&count);
And presumably it's just a typo, but your parameter name is Name (singular) but you refer to it as Names (plural) in the function:
GetCustomers( wchar_t** Name,int *count)
//Logic to get customer count : Stored in int myCustomersCount
Names = new wchar_t*[myCustomersCount];
In any case, you want to assign to where Name is pointing, not to itself:
*Names = new wchar_t*[myCustomersCount];
Then for each element in Names you allocate one character, but then overwrite the first one with strName. The allocation is unnecessary (and in fact is a memory leak), and you should assign from strName to each element within the loop, as Suroot's answer does.
2 definite issue and 1 potential issue with your code. The main issue causing your problem first: Name itself is passed by value. That means when you you assign to it in the very first line of your function when you new the memory, you're assigning to the copy, not the original! You have three options: 1) keep the double pointer, make the caller responsible for allocating the memory, and add a third parameter for number of names that the array can hold (recommended) or 2) make Name a triple pointer (wchar_t*** Name) and then you can assign to it by dereferencing it: *Name = new wchar_t*[myCustomersCount]; or 3) just return the wchar_t** since you don't use the passed value for anything.
Then another definite issue: when you allocate memory for each name, you need to use the new[] operator there as well because otherwise you're only allocating room for a single wchar_t.
Finally, the potential issue. You don't show how exactly this code is getting each customer name. But if strName points to memory that is getting reused for each customer name as you put them all in your array, you're going to have to wstrcpy each name into the array. If it doesn't, then you don't need to allocate memory for each Names[i] as you can just store the result right into Names[i].
A final note: just from looking at this code it seems like you're going to have lots of problems with memory management as it seems very unclear who is responsible for allocating and deallocating memory which is likely going to lead to memory leaks. Try your best to keep the responsibility for allocating and deallocating the memory in the same location and you'll reduce lots of potential headaches -- have callers allocate the memory before they call the function and have the caller deallocate the memory when they're done with it.
/* changed */
wchar_t** GetCustomers( int *count)
//Logic to get customer count : Stored in int myCustomersCount
wchar_t **Names = new wchar_t*[myCustomersCount];
for (int i=0; i < myCustomersCount; i++ )
/* changed */
Names[i] = new wchar_t[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
//Logic to get customer names in wchar_t* strName = "Name1";
Names[0] = strName; /* possible wstrcpy needed here? */
*count = myCustomersCount;
/* changed */
return Names;
If you really absolutely can't change the function signature, the only solution I can think of is to flatten your array and use C memory functions (you could also just use a long series of news and deletes, but why not use realloc when this is what it's made for and you're managing memory without using other C++ features like the STL anyways?):
GetCustomers( wchar_t **Names, int *count)
//Logic to get customer count : Stored in int myCustomersCount
size_t names_size = 0;
for (int i=0; i < myCustomersCount; i++ )
strName = ???; // whatever you use to get the next name
size_t old_names_size = names_size;
names_size += (wstrlen(strName) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); //+1 for NULL
*Names = realloc(*Names, names_size);
if (!*Names) {
// Memory allocation failed, log it, abort, do whatever
wstrcpy(Names[old_names_size], strName);
*count = myCustomersCount;
Note that this assumes that Name has already been initialized and points to memory where you can store a wchar_t*, just like the original version assumed count has been initialized and points to memory where you can store an int.
I thought I'd make a fresh start in a new answer.
Here's a simple program that does what I think you're trying to do, with the constraint that the signature of GetCustomers must not be altered.
void GetCustomers(wchar_t** Names,int *count)
// Allocate the array of names
wchar_t **ar = new wchar_t*[3];
// Allocate space for each name in the array
ar[0] = new wchar_t[10];
ar[1] = new wchar_t[10];
ar[2] = new wchar_t[10];
// Fill in the names
// Return the array through the bad GetCustomers signature
*Names = (wchar_t*)ar;
*count = 3;
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
// names is an array of strings
wchar_t **names = NULL;
int count;
// Squeeze names into the dodgy GetCustomers signature
// Delete each name
for(size_t x = 0; x < count; ++x)
delete[] names[x];
// Delete the array
delete[] names;
return 0;
Note that I've matched the cast inside the function with another one in main. This way we keep everything as it should be, except for that pesky GetCustomers signature.
Does this help?

Deallocation of an array of objects?

I'm having some issues deallocating arrays of a class I have. Below is the Class, a simplified implementation and my code I have tried to use to close it.
Characters class
#include <cstdlib>
class Character
bool human;
int Xposition; // the character's postion on the board.
int Yposition; // the character's postion on the board.
bool alive;
Character(); //This is my constructor
~Character(); //This is my destructor
bool isHuman(); //return whether type 1 aka Human
bool isZombie(); //return whether type 2 aka Zombie
void setHuman(); //set to type 1 or Human
void setZombie(); //set to type 2 or Zombie
void setPos(int xpos, int ypos); //set the board position
int X();
int Y();
bool isAlive(); //checks to see if a Human is still alive and to be displayed
bool Dead(); //kills the character and sets alive to false
int num_moves_allowed; //number of moves allowed.
Allocation code:
Character *characters[11];
int human_count = 0;
for(int i=0; i<12; i++)
characters[human_count] = new Character();
Termination code:
delete characters[i]; characters[i] = NULL;
delete [] characters;
I have tried a number of different "delete" commands on the array and I keep getting an "Debug Assertion Failed!" window. It says that the dbgdel.cpp from visual studio vctools is the problem place on Line 52.
It also says "Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)
Someone please help me I'm sure this is very simple.
I'd suggest you avoid using arrays all together. Use a vector of characters.
Declare your vector as
vector<Character> vCharacters;
then insert objects as
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
If you want to store pointers to Character objects then wrap them in a shared_ptr which will take care of deallocating them for you.
vector<shared_ptr<Character>> vCharacters;
for(int i =0; i < 100; i++)
shared_ptr<Character> spCharacter(new Character());
Avoid managing memory yourself when C++ can do it fo ryou
The characters array was allocated on the stack, so you don't have to delete it. However, if you want the array to survive the local scope, create it with something like this:
Character **characters = new Character[11];
then your delete[] line should work fine.
Also note that you don't need to call the destructor of Character explicitly: it is called automatically by delete.
As obelix mentioned, you should use a vector from the Standard Template Library.
However, if you're determined to use a raw array:
const int MAX_CHARACTERS = 11;
Character *characters[MAX_CHARACTERS];
for(int characterCount = 0; characterCount < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++characterCount)
characters[characterCount] = new Character();
if (characters != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++i)
delete characters[i];
Paolo Capriotti is correct that characters should be declared with new if you want it to last beyond its scope:
const int MAX_CHARACTERS = 11;
Character **characters = new Character*[MAX_CHARACTERS];
for(int characterCount = 0; characterCount < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++characterCount)
characters[characterCount] = new Character();
if (characters != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++i)
delete characters[i];
delete [] characters;
A better solution is the standard vector class:
#include <vector>
const int MAX_CHARACTERS = 11;
std::vector<Character> characters;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++i)
Notice how much easier the cleanup was? (And in this case, it's optional, since when characters is destroyed it will automatically call the destructor of each item it contains.)
Character *characters[11];
should be
Character *characters[12];
should be
i realize this is a simplified use and all, but why bother with heap access at all?
just using
Character characters[11];
could be just as valid, and safe.
std::vector<> is nice, but if the list is always fixed size, and there's no heap involved in member data, why not?