Unable to check exception type in google test - c++

I'm unable to check the exception throw by my code in gtests. Here's a snippet of the test suite which runs the test:
// Insert a tuple with more target columns than values
rows_changed = 0;
query = "INSERT INTO test8(num1, num3) VALUES(3);";
txn = txn_manager.BeginTransaction();
plan = TestingSQLUtil::GeneratePlanWithOptimizer(optimizer, query, txn);
EXPECT_EQ(plan->GetPlanNodeType(), PlanNodeType::INSERT);
optimizer, query, result, tuple_descriptor, rows_changed, error_message);
catch (CatalogException &ex){
EXPECT_STREQ("ERROR: INSERT has more target columns than expressions", ex.what());
}, CatalogException);
I'm pretty sure that CatalogException is thrown. I even tried getting the details of the thrown exception by outputting it to cerr, and it showed Exception Type: Catalog.
This is not a duplicate question, I searched for answers on SO and I'm not using new in my code which throws the error. Here's the snippet which does that:
if (columns->size() < tup_size)
throw CatalogException(
"ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns");
Finally, here's the definition of CatalogException:
class CatalogException : public Exception {
CatalogException() = delete;
CatalogException(std::string msg) : Exception(ExceptionType::CATALOG, msg) {}

The idea from EXPECT_THROW is, that the macro catches the exception. If you catch the exception by yourself, gmock don't now anything about a thrown exception.
I suggest to just write the statement into the EXPECT_THROW, which actually trigger the exception. Everything else can be written before.
For example:
TEST(testcase, testname)
//arrange everything:
//act + assert:
EXPECT_THROW(TestingSQLUtil::ExecuteSQLQueryWithOptimizer( optimizer, query, result,
tuple_descriptor, rows_changed, error_message)
I assume, that TestingSQLUtil::ExecuteSQLQueryWithOptimizer is trigger the thrown exception.
I tried to rebuild your exception hierarchy. This example works for me very well. The test passes, which means the exception is thrown.
enum class ExceptionType
class Exception {
Exception(ExceptionType type, std::string msg) {}
class CatalogException : public Exception {
CatalogException() = delete;
CatalogException(std::string msg) : Exception(ExceptionType::CATALOG, msg) {}
void testThrow() {
throw CatalogException( "ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns");
TEST(a,b) {
EXPECT_THROW( testThrow(), CatalogException);


How to add expectations alongside with ASSERT_DEATH in GoogleTest for C++

Given those interfaces:
class ITemperature
virtual ~ITemperature() = deafult;
virtual int get_temp() const = 0;
class IHumidity
virtual ~IHumidity() = deafult;
virtual int get_humidity() const = 0;
And this SUT:
class SoftwareUnderTest
SoftwareUnderTest(std::unique_ptr<ITemperature> p_temp,
std::unique_ptr<IHumidity> p_humidity)
: m_temp{std::move(p_temp)}, m_humidity{std::move(p_humidity)}
bool checker()
assert(m_temp && "No temperature!");
if (m_temp->get_temp() < 50)
return true;
assert(m_humidity && "No humidity");
if (m_humidity->get_humidity() < 50)
return true;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<ITemperature> m_temp;
std::unique_ptr<IHumidity> m_humidity;
And this mocks:
class MockITemperature : public ITemperature
MOCK_METHOD(int, get_temp, (), (const override));
class MockIHumidity : public IHumidity
MOCK_METHOD(int, get_humidity, (), (const override));
I want to make a test that checks that get_temp is called and also that the second assert (the one that checks that the humidity is nullptr), but when a do this test, I get the assert, but I the expectation tells me that it's never called (but it is actually called once)
this is the test:
class Fixture : pu`blic testing::Test
void SetUp() override
m_sut = std::make_unique<SoftwareUnderTest>(m_mock_temperature, m_mock_humidity);
std::unique_ptr<StrickMockOf<MockITemperature>> m_mock_temperature = std::make_shared<StrickMockOf<MockITemperature>>();
std::unique_ptr<StrickMockOf<MockIHumidity>> m_mock_humidity;
std::unique_ptr<SoftwareUnderTest> m_sut;
TEST_F(Fixture, GIVEN_AnInvalidHumidityInjection_THEN_TestMustDie)
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock_temperature, get_temp).Times(1);
ASSERT_DEATH(m_sut->checker(), "No humidity");
Apparently, this is a known limitation, see here and here.
From what I have managed to discover by experimentation so far:
If you can live with the error message about leaking mocks (haven't checked if it's true or a false positive, suppressing it by AllowLeak triggers the actual crash), it can be done by making the mocks outlive the test suite and then wrapping references/pointers to them in one more interface implementation.
//mocks and SUT as they were
std::unique_ptr<testing::StrictMock<MockIHumidity>> mock_humidity;
std::unique_ptr<testing::StrictMock<MockITemperature>> mock_temperature;
struct MockITemperatureWrapper : MockITemperature
MockITemperatureWrapper(MockITemperature* ptr_) : ptr{ptr_} {assert(ptr);}
int get_temp() const override { return ptr->get_temp(); }
MockITemperature* ptr;
struct Fixture : testing::Test
void SetUp() override
= std::make_unique<testing::StrictMock<MockITemperature>>();
m_mock_temperature = mock_temperature.get();
// testing::Mock::AllowLeak(m_mock_temperature);
m_sut = std::make_unique<SoftwareUnderTest>(
std::make_unique<MockITemperatureWrapper>(m_mock_temperature), nullptr);
testing::StrictMock<MockITemperature>* m_mock_temperature;
std::unique_ptr<SoftwareUnderTest> m_sut;
TEST_F(Fixture, GIVEN_AnInvalidHumidityInjection_THEN_TestMustDie)
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock_temperature, get_temp).WillOnce(testing::Return(60));
ASSERT_DEATH(m_sut->checker(), "No humidity");
Another option would be passing a lambda containing the whole to ASSERT_DEATH:
TEST_F(Fixture, GIVEN_AnInvalidHumidityInjection_THEN_TestMustDie)
[this] {
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock_temperature, get_temp)
}(), "No humidity");
Works, but looks ugly, see here.
Last but not least: one can use custom assert or replace__assert_failed function and throw from it (possibly some custom exception), then use ASSERT_THROW instead of ASSERT_DEATH. While I'm not sure replacing __assert_failed is legal standard-wise (probably not), it works in practice:
struct AssertFailed : std::runtime_error
using runtime_error::runtime_error;
void __assert_fail(
const char* expr,
const char *filename,
unsigned int line,
const char *assert_func )
std::stringstream conv;
conv << expr << ' ' << filename << ' ' << line << ' ' << assert_func;
throw AssertFailed(conv.str());
Example: https://godbolt.org/z/Tszv6Echj
I want to make a test that checks that get_temp is called and also
that the second assert (the one that checks that the humidity is
nullptr), but when a do this test, I get the assert, but I the
expectation tells me that it's never called (but it is actually called
First you have to understand how death test are working.
Before executing code in a macro ASSERT_DEATH gtest forks test process so when death happens test can continue.
Then forked process is executing code which should lead to process death.
Now test process joins forked process to see result.
Outcome is that in one process checker() is executed and mock is invoked and in test process it is checker() is not invoked so also mock is not invoked. That is why you get an error that mock is not satisfied.
Now answer from alager makes mock eternal so missing expected call is not reported. And since code uses global state adding other tests will lead to some problems. So I would not recommend this approach.
After edit he moved EXPECT_CALL inside ASSERT_DEATH so now only forked process expects call, but this is not verified since process dies before mock is verified. So again I would not recommend this approach either.
So question is what you should do? IMO your problem is that you are testing to much of implementation details. You should loosen test requirement (drop StrictMock or make it even make it NiceMock). Still I find this a bit clunky. Live demo
I would change code in such way that it is impossible to construct SoftwareUnderTest with nullptr dependencies. You can use gsl::not_null for that.
It seems to be due to some tricky mechanism that is used in googletest to assert death (they mention creating a child process). I did not find a way to fix it correctly, but I found one (not so great) workaround:
SoftwareUnderTest(ITemperature* p_temp, IHumidity* p_humidity) // changed signature to allow leaks, I guess you cannot really do it in the production
and then:
class Fixture : public testing::Test
Fixture(): m_mock_temperature(new MockITemperature), m_mock_humidity(nullptr) {}
~Fixture() {
// Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(m_mock_temperature); // if I uncomment that, for some reason the test will fail anyway
std::cout << "Dtor" << std::endl;
// delete m_mock_temperature; // if I delete the mock correctly, the test will fail
void SetUp() override
// m_sut.reset(new SoftwareUnderTest(m_mock_temperature.get(), m_mock_humidity.get()));
m_sut.reset(new SoftwareUnderTest(m_mock_temperature, m_mock_humidity));
// std::unique_ptr<MockITemperature> m_mock_temperature; // if I use smart pointers, the test will fail
// std::unique_ptr<MockIHumidity> m_mock_humidity;
MockITemperature* m_mock_temperature;
MockIHumidity* m_mock_humidity;
std::unique_ptr<SoftwareUnderTest> m_sut;
TEST_F(Fixture, GIVEN_AnInvalidHumidityInjection_THEN_TestMustDie)
EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock_temperature, get_temp).Times(1).WillOnce(Return(60)); // this is to ensure to go over first check, seems you forgot
ASSERT_DEATH(m_sut->checker(), "No humidity");
std::cout << "after checks" << std::endl;
Sorry, that's all I could figure out for the moment. Maybe you can submit a new issue in gtest github while waiting for a better answer.

Custom out_of_range exception

I want to write an StrExcept exception class that inherits from the base exception class out_of_range by defining its own constructor and a print() method outputting a custom error message to the user.
For now this is my code:
class StrExcept: public out_of_range
string message;
StrExcept():out_of_range("The value entered is out of range"),message("The value entered is out of range"){};
void print(){
cout << message;
Inside main method:
string str="My name";
// the exception will be fired
// i want to catch it using this custom class
catch (StrExcept &outOfRange )
// i want to print the error message using print method
But why is not working ??? and the program crash ???
Just because you derive from a class does not mean that already existing code (such as the implementation of basic_string::substr) will use it. That function will throw std::out_of_range. catch(const StrExcept&) will only catch an exception of type StrExcept or a class derived from it, which is not what was thrown.

How to assert that an exception has not been raised?

I am using the unit testing features in Visual Studio 2013 for my application.
I am trying to write a test for a class whereby you pass in a specific object to the constructor, and depending on the state of the object passed, an exception may be thrown.
I have written stubs for each object state, and have written test cases for the scenarios where the constructor will throw an exception as follows:
// arrange
const InvalidStub stub;
// act
auto act = [stub] { const Foo foo(stub); };
// assert
How should I approach a scenario where I want to pass a valid stub and simply assert that no exception was raised? I want to be purely concerned with a specific MyException not being thrown (rather than any exception).
I have hacked together a test method as follows but not sure if there is a simply "1 line" approach that would fit my needs:
// arrange
const ValidStub stub;
// act
const Foo foo(stub);
// assert
catch (MyException e)
catch (...)
I am not confident I need to also fail "any exception" being raised, as this should(?) be picked up by the test runner (i.e. fail the test). Along the same reasoning, would the following essentially be the same test:
// arrange
const ValidStub stub;
// act
const Foo foo(stub);
// assert
// no exception
I used the following test method to show that a constructor doesn't throw an exception:
// arrange
const ValidStub stub;
// act
const Foo foo(stub);
// assert
When an exception is raised the test automatically fails. The exception details are given in the failure message.
When no exception is raised the test will pass as I am asserting true == true.

Catching a Python exception in C++

I am developing a server-client application in which the client calls a server's API which gives a Python interface for user input. It means the client interface and server interface is written in Python whereas the socket code is in C++.
On the server side:-
I have a class, Test, in C++ and this class is inherited in Python named TestPython using director feature of SWIG.
Also I have an exception class MyException in C++.
Now a function of TestPython class throws MyException() from Python code.
I want to handle exception thrown from Python in C++ code using SWIG.
Below is code snippet:
C++ Code-
class MyException
string errMsg;
class Test
int value;
void TestException(int val);
Python Code -
class TestPython(Test):
def __init__(self):
def TestException(self,val):
if val > 20:
throw MyException("MyException : Value Exceeded !!!")
print "Value passed = ",val
Now, if the TestException() function is called, it should throw MyException. I want to handle this MyException() exception in my C++ code.
So can anyone suggest my how to do that, I mean what should I write in my *.i(interface) file to handle this.
The above TestException() written in Python is called by the client, so I have to notify the client if any exception is thrown by the server.
To do this you basically need to write a %feature("director:except") that can handle a Python exception and re-throw it as a C++ one. Here's a small but complete example:
Suppose we have the following header file we wish to wrap:
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
class MyException : public std::exception {
class AnotherException : public std::exception {
class Callback {
virtual ~Callback() { std::cout << "~Callback()" << std:: endl; }
virtual void run() { std::cout << "Callback::run()" << std::endl; }
inline void call(Callback *callback) { if (callback) callback->run(); }
And this Python code that uses it:
import example
class PyCallback(example.Callback):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
raise example.MyException()
callback = PyCallback()
We can define the following SWIG interface file:
%module(directors="1") example
#include "example.h"
%include "std_string.i"
%include "std_except.i"
%include "pyabc.i"
// Python requires that anything we raise inherits from this
%pythonabc(MyException, Exception);
%feature("director:except") {
PyObject *etype = $error;
if (etype != NULL) {
PyObject *obj, *trace;
PyErr_Fetch(&etype, &obj, &trace);
// Not too sure if I need to call Py_DecRef for obj
void *ptr;
int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, &ptr, SWIGTYPE_p_MyException, 0);
if (SWIG_IsOK(res) && ptr) {
MyException *e = reinterpret_cast< MyException * >(ptr);
// Throw by pointer (Yucky!)
throw e;
res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, &ptr, SWIGTYPE_p_AnotherException, 0);
if (SWIG_IsOK(res) && ptr) {
AnotherException *e = reinterpret_cast< AnotherException * >(ptr);
throw e;
throw Swig::DirectorMethodException();
%feature("director") Callback;
%include "example.h"
Which handles an error from a director call, looks to see if it was one of our MyException instances and then re-throws the pointer if it was. If you have multiple types of exception being thrown then you will probably need to use PyErr_ExceptionMatches to work out what type it is first.
We could throw also by value or reference using:
// Throw by value (after a copy!)
MyException temp = *e;
if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res))
delete e;
throw temp;
instead, but note that if you threw a subclass of MyException in Python this would fall foul of the object slicing problem.
I'm not quite sure if the code is 100% correct - in particular I think the reference counting is correct, but I could be wrong.
Note: In order to make this example work (%pythonabc wouldn't work otherwise) I had to call SWIG with -py3. This in turn meant I had to upgrade to SWIG 2.0, because my installed copy of Python 3.2 had removed some deprecated functions from the C-API that SWIG 1.3.40 called.

Is this 4-tier architecture good?(Exception handling is important for me :)

I have this layers in my application:
Database (with Entities reference)
Business (with database and Entities references)
User Interface (with Business and Entities references)
Here is an example of my codes:
UserDAL class in database layer:
public class UsersDal
databaseDataContext db;
public UsersDal()
db = new databaseDataContext(ConnectToDatabase.GetConnectionString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public List<User> GetAllUsers()
return (from u in db.Users select u).ToList();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
And so on...
In the UserBLL class in Business layer i write like this:
public class UsersBll
UsersDal user;
public UsersBll()
user = new UsersDal();
catch(Exception ex)
throw new ProjectException(Errors.CannotCreateObject, ex);
public List<User> GetAllUsers()
return user.GetAllUsers();
catch(Exception ex)
throw new ProjectException(Errors.CannotReadData, ex);
And in UI i write:
private void GetUsers()
UsersBll u = new UsersBll();
datagrid.DataSource = u.GetAllUsers();
catch(ProjectException ex)
MessageBox(ex.UserMessage);// and also can show ex.InnerException.Message for more info
Well, I use a ProjectException named class to produce an error contain a BLL created message by me and an Exception message that the OS automatically manipulate.
Also i create an enum of possible errors and a dictionary
here is some details about it:
namespace Entities
public enum Errors
public class ProjectException : Exception
public ProjectException(Errors er, Exception ex)
: base(errors[er], ex)
currentEx = er;//er is Errors enum
static ProjectException()
errors = new Dictionary<Errors, string>();
errors.Add(Errors.CannotCreateObject, "the application cannot connect to database!");
errors.Add(Errors.CannotReadData, "the application cannot read data from database"); //...
public string UserMessage
return errors[currentEx];
return "Unknown error!";
Is this good?
it work for me fine.
what's your idea?
It is almost always wrong within a catch (ex) to do a throw ex;. Either just do throw; or else throw new whateverException("someMessage", ex);. The decision of whether to use the former form or the latter generally depends upon whether you are crossing an application layer. If an AcmeServerDatabaseWrapper, which derives from DatabaseWrapper type, is performing a query when an AcmeDatabaseTableNotFoundException is thrown, it should catch that and rethrow it as a DatabaseWrapperTableNotFoundException (if such a type exists) or as a DatabaseWrapperOperationFailedException. Client code which has an object derived from DatabaseWrapper should be able to know what types of exceptions that object will throw, without having to know what type of object it is. Any exception which escapes from the database layer without being wrapped is an exception the client code is unlikely to be able to handle sensibly, but might handle erroneously (thinking it occurred in a context other than where it actually happened).