Can't sign out of google cloud datalab - google-cloud-platform

I am using Google Cloud datalab, although really I'm just getting started.
I need to log out and sign in as a new user and when I click sign out this does not sign me out. I check the drop down at the to right and still show as logged in.
That was from the notebook directory screen. When I try the same from a notebook the effect is the same except it warns me that I'm leaving the page first.
This is the same on my local machine and on cloud compute.
How can I sign out on datalab? Is this a bug?
Problem recreated on separate machine, again running locally.
Update 2
I've since found that the application has signed out successfully, but it doesn't indicate this to be the case. It still shows that I'm signed in with my email. Now when trying to run a query it returns "No application credentials found. Perhaps you should sign in."
Update 3
Command used to start datalab:
docker run -d -it -p "" -v "${HOME}:/content" -e "PROJECT_ID={project-id}" datalab bash

I managed to get the folks working on the project to respond here
Multi-login is not currently supported, but there is a work around which by their own words is:
Run this command from a cell:
!rm /content/datalab/.config/*
I assume that requires a %%bash before the ! to run. But I could actually get this work. I logged into a terminal and ran:
rm -r /content/datalab/.config/*
After this you may have to change projects which you can do with:
%datalab project set -p project_id


Error while trying to authenticate with `gcloud init`

I am trying to athenticate to the gcloud sdk using : gcloud init.
I get a URL I'm supposed to access in order to copy a token and return it to the CLI... but instead of a token, I get this error :
Erreur d'autorisation
Erreur 400 : invalid_request
Missing required parameter: redirect_uri
Is this a bug?
gcloud version info:
Google Cloud SDK 377.0.0
alpha 2022.03.10
beta 2022.03.10
bq 2.0.74
bundled-python3-unix 3.8.11
core 2022.03.10
gsutil 5.8
I am running gcloud init on wsl2 (Ubuntu 18.04). This error occurs right after the installation of gcloud with sudo apt install google-cloud-sdk.
I had the same problem and gcloud has slightly changed the way their auth flow works.
Run gcloud auth login and then copy the whole output (not just the URL) to a terminal on a computer that has both a web browser and gcloud CLI installed. The command you should copy looks like
gcloud auth login --remote-bootstrap="********&access_type=offline&code_challenge=****&code_challenge_method=S256&token_usage=remote"
When you run that on your computer that has a web browser, it will open a browser window and prompt you to log in. Once you authorize your app in the web browser you get a new URL in your terminal that looks like
Paste this new URL back into the prompt in your headless machine after Enter the output of the above command: (in your case, this would be in your WSL2 terminal). Press enter and you get the output
You are now logged in as [****].
Your current project is [None]. You can change this setting by running:
$ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
[8]+ Done code_challenge_method=S256
gcloud init --console-only
Then you will get the url which will work.
You must log in to continue. Would you like to log in (Y/n)? y
WARNING: The --[no-]launch-browser flags are deprecated and will be removed on June 7th 2022 (Release 389.0.0). Use --no-browser to replace --no-launch-browser.
Go to the following link in your browser:
update 2022-06-20. option console-only is removed for version 389.0.0.
So instead use
gcloud init --no-browser
There are some workarounds and they depend on your particular Windows environment.
In this post and in this one you can check the most related issues with respect to gcloud running in WSL.
Here you can find some Google groups related threads that might be helpful.
Finally, you could check some related Windows troubleshootings that can help in issues related to WSL2 on your own environment.
it seems this answer and the one from #K.I. give other commands that don't rely on implementation details. I've tested those 3 commands:
gcloud init --console-only
gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser
gcloud init --no-launch-browser
Original answer, another workaround (17/07/2022):
DISPLAY=":0" gcloud auth login
is a workaround mentioned in this issue. Instead of requiring you to install gcloud CLI outside WSL2, it pretends there is a browser.
A link is printed, click it, login on your browser, and you're authenticated with the CLI.
Then run again gcloud init.
You can do it without error by using another method of gcloud installation :
curl | bash
exec -l $SHELL #restart shell
gcloud init

How to use screen in google cloud startup script?

So I decided to follow this minecraft server guide, and I'm stuck on the part linked "Automate startup and shutdown procedures". It doesn't start the server. I have tried by replacing code with a simple mkdir, which works. So I know it is being executed.
Yet I can't connect to the screen screen -list, (both when going into sudo and my own user). I checked the /run/screen/ folder and there's no other user.
It means it's safe to say that it fails, and not something I set up wrong.
The code I am using is the exact copy without the mounting nor the backup.
sudo su
cd /home/minecraft
screen -d -m -S mc java -Xms3G -Xmx7G -d64 -jar paper.jar nogui
Shouldn't this work?
EDIT: It works and I pasted the exact code I used. NOTE: I do use PaperMC, and a upgraded machine.
I tried minecraft server guide myself and its worked properly.
At the first time, I didnt find my mcs screen with screen -list but I remembered that GCE always executes startup scripts as root after the network is available.
So my next step was simply to change my user for root with the command sudo su and from this point, my mcs screen was available with screen -list.
note that you can also use sudo screen -list
I hope that will help, if not, what is your command output when its executed on your shell?:
screen -d -m -S mc java -Xms1G -Xmx3G -d64 -jar server.jar nogui

Unable to sudo to Deep Learning Image

I installed the latest Google Cloud Deep Learning VM Image today, after VM was launched, I was able to do sudo -i successfully via SSH web.
Once I login, I start my Tensorflow model training running in background (Using &). Few hours later I'm unable to login as root.
I get the following message:
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.
[sudo] password for my_username:
I tried:
sudo -i
su sudo -i
su root
I was able to replicate the issue. Any suggestions?
This issue was caused due to an internal Google side and removes the user from “Google-sudoers” group. For all affected instances, I suggest following the below workaround until the permanent fix has been rolled out.
Use a different username:
If using browser SSH window, click on the settings icon (top right), and click change Linux name in the drop down.
Using the SDK
$ gcloud compute ssh newusername#instance
Enable OS Login on the instance (set "enable-oslogin=True" in metadata) and per this article
You can track the permanent fix by following the Public Issue tracker.
The original answer:
Maybe the solution will be to add a SSH Key for Google Cloud Console and log in with another SSH client.
Additional answer:
I do not know why, but sometime the user suddenly stopped being a member of the google-sudoers group...
Then it's enough add your user to this group by some other user with administrator privileges to this group:
# usermod -G google-sudoers your_user_name
of course, if there is such a user...

Google cloud compute startup script ignored with no logging

I have a standard Debian 8.9 instance on google cloud compute (GCE) where my startup script is ignored.
In the custom metadata field, for startup-script, I am trying to run an Rscript (which is used for batch execution of R files), followed by a system shutdown, with the following:
#! /bin/bash
sudo /usr/bin/Rscript /home/myuser/launch_script.R
sudo shutdown -h now
Starting the instance is immediately followed by a shutdown and the Rscript is ignored. Removing the last line to shutdown causes the GCE instance to start, but the Rscript to be ignored. Running just "sudo /usr/bin/Rscript /home/myuser/launch_script.R" from the terminal results in the script being run. It has a chmod of 755, so I don't think this is a permissions issue.
In addition to this problem, I have read elsewhere that logging should happen in /var/log/, but there is nothing there. Instead, I have a bunch of log files (that only contain the start-up script and nothing else) in the root of my instance:
I got in touch with Google cloud support, who gave the following response:
script definition is kept under /var/run/google.startup.script
If the script does not run initially, you can force it manually with : $ sudo google_metadata_script_runner --script-type startup # for Debian, or # sudo /usr/share/google/run-startup-scripts # on Ubuntu and older images
I'm posting this information here, because it is not in their documentation (as of August 2017). I'm not sure how helpful it is, since the google.startup.script didn't exist in my case (using the latest Debian image on GCE), but I did run the other commands.
However, I think my main issues were:
I was using autossh to connect to a remote database. The startup-script was running before autossh. Building a 40 second delay into the script and running the script as a user (not sudo-type root) seems to have solved this problem for now. Autossh was being run as the main user, which I think gets loaded before lower-privilege user-defined scripts get loaded.
I was using some gcloud commands from the user account which had its own authentication issues. Running gcloud auth login as the user and ensuring correct permissions on my private key solved this.
Always remember to check the messages and syslog files in /var/log for troubleshooting. This allowed me to see the order of things being loaded at system-boot.

Building project from cron task

When I build project from terminal by using 'xcodebuild' command I succeed, but when I try to do run same script from cron task I receive error
"Code Sign error: The identity '****' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain"
I think problem is in settings and permissions of crontab utility, it seems crontab does not see my keychain
Can anyone provide me terminal command how to make my keychain visible for crontab
I encountered a similar issue with trying to build nightly via cron. The only resolution I found was to create a plist in /Library/LaunchDaemons/ and load it via launchctl. The key necessary is "SessionCreate" otherwise you will quickly run in to problems similar to what was encountered with trying to use cron -- namely that your user login.keychain is not available to the process. "SessionCreate" is similar to "su -l" in that (as far as I understand) it simulates a login and thus default keychains you expect will be available; otherwise, you are stuck with only the System keychain despite the task running as your user.
I found the answers (though not the top answer currently) here useful in troublw shooting this issue: Missing certificates and keys in the keychain while using Jenkins/Hudson as Continuous Integration for iOS and Mac development
You execute your cron job with which account ?
most probably the problem !!
You can add
echo `whoami`
at the beginning of your script to see with which user the script is launched.
Also when a Bash script is launched from cron, it don't use the same environment variable (non login shell) as when you launch it as a user.
When the script launches from cron, it doesn't load your $HOME/.profile (or .bash_profile). Anything you run from cron has to be 100% self-sufficient in terms of it's environment. I'd suggest you make yourself a file called something like "" It should contain everything from your .profile that you need to build, such as $PATH, $HOME, $CLASSPATH etc. Then in your build script, load using the dot notation or source cmd as ericc said. You should also remove the build-specific lines from your.profile and then source set_build_env from there too so only one place to maintain. Example:
source /home/dmitry/ #absolute path
. /home/dmitry/ #dot-space notation same as "source"