Shortcut to create C++ class method? - c++

I have class definition code with function to be crated name
class CAAA
I expect to create function stub in header and .cpp with help of some shortcut.
Trying to create class method in fast way:
Shortcut ctrl+1 brings No suggestions available:
Shortcut ctrl+space brings No Default proposal:
How to solve this problem?


How to add form to existing class?

I have an existing (QCreator build) class derived from QTextEdit
class CCC_MdiChild : public QTextEdit
I like to add GUI form like so
I have no issue creating new form.ui and adding it to the project.
I do not know how to modify existing constructor ( and its definition ) to include "form.ui" .
I am asking for an assistance / help to do that.
Here is my current constructor
Sorry , I did try to format the code but I could not "cut and paste " it as code .
( and I could not reedit it after it was edited once )
Since I did realize my poor formatting any automated comments in that aspect will be ....
The required steps are documented here. For completeness, they are:
Since you've added the .ui file to the project, the UI compiler should generate the corresponding header ui_form.h, which you should #include in the header for your class;
Add a private member to your class of the type defined in this header, which is in namespace Ui and takes its name from your .ui file;
Call the object's setup function as setupUi(this) in the constructor(s) of your class.
Alternatively, you also use multiple inheritance, or avoid including ui headers in header files with the slightly more complicated forward-declared pointer member approach.

vscode shortcut or easier method to add a functions to class

I went up and down of the vscode documentation to find a way to automatically create functions inside the class, every time I am adding a method to a class I need to copy the definition and scroll to the bottom of the page to implement the method.
Clion had a great set of tools for this
I wonder if there is any easy way that I can use to add a function to a class without scroll up and down the file
class HelloWorld
int IWantToDefineAMethod(); //<- need to scroll here and write this
int HelloWorld::IWantToDefineAMethod() //<-- then need to scroll to here and write this
// and need to scroll here and there couple of time just to add a single function!
I'm not the creator and just found it.
A side note is that it creates implementation for prototype but it doesn't check if it's duplicated which is described in the Known ISSUE section.
You need to set CppHelper.SourcePattern to let plugin knows where should it search for source file.
"CppHelper.SourcePattern": [
Where {FILE} is your active header file name.

Are there any shortcut key to insert a definition of a function?

I use the Jetbrain's IDE Clion.
I want to insert a definition of a function whose forward declaration is already in header file to source file
For example,
I write foo.h file like this.
namespace sample{
class Foo{
void bar();
When I use the shortcut, I want to insert this to foo.cpp.
Do you have any good suggestion?
Try this to implement your method :
// Definition of our method
void sample::Foo::bar()
// .....
Implement required methods :
On the Code menu, click Implement methods (Ctrl+I). Alternatively, you can right-click anywhere in the class file, then click Generate (Alt+Insert), and select Implement methods.

Creating a class derived from CTabCtrl

I am following a tutorial to use CTabCtrl. The tutorial is asking me to create a class that is derived from CTabCtrl. I am unsure if I am doing this correctly. This is the header for my custom class.
#pragma once
// CTabbyControl
class CTabbyControl : public CTabCtrl
virtual ~CTabbyControl();
I am using Visual Studio 2010 and am following this tutorial.
My problem is that the tutorial asks me to create a CTabbyControl variable in the class wizard. I only have the option to use CTabCtrl. This brings me to think that I am deriving incorrectly. I have never derived a class. Is the way I am doing it a correct method of deriving?
Please check whether you have included the Header file (TabbyControl.h) in the class you try to create the object of TabbyControl.

Eclipse CDT "New Class" Template

I have been using Eclipse CDT for some time now, and I love it, but there are a few tedious things that I would like to fix up about it.
When you create a new file, one of the options is "New"->"Class". I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to edit the "${declarations}" section of this "Class" template.
To be more specific, I have looked through the "Window"->"Preferences" menu and been unable to find anything. I have changed both "C/C++"->"Code Style"->"Code Templates" and "C/C++"->"Editor"->"Templates". Only the first of the two actually seems to change what appears upon class creation, and it doesn't let me change what is in the "${declarations}" section. Does anyone know how to change this?
The preference C/C++ -> Editor -> Templates is used by the templates which are inserted manually via Context Assist. Try create a new file, type clas and press ctrl+space for context assist. You should get two assist proposals: a keyword proposal and a template proposal (the latter will also be triggered automatically as default if you type class and press ctrl+space).
Upon selection of the template proposal, a class body will be generated according to the template which you can define in this preference.
As for C/C++ -> Code Style -> Code Templates, this is used in automatic generation. When you use the New Class wizard, the Default C++ Source template and Default C++ Header template are used and the $(declarations) variable is replaced by whatever code is generated by the New Class wizard.
This would mean that you can use a custom template by triggering one of the Editor templates manually, possibly via creating a named class with New Class wizard and then replacing the default class body in header by your custom template.
Or do you suggest that the New Class wizard lacks any important fields and should be extended?
Or do you suggest that the New Class wizard lacks any important fields and should be extended?
Yes private copy and assign operator.
Oooh! Finally found an answer.
In Eclipse CDT (Juno), go to File -> Preferences.
Navigate to the following pane on the left panel of the Preferences window: C/C++ -> Code Style -> Code Templates.
In the Code Templates window, navigate to Files -> C++ Header File.
Edit the header file:
Remove the ${declarations} line, and insert your own stuff.
This has the somewhat unfortunate disadvantage of losing everything that the New Class Wizard would produce. This might invalidate any inherited classes or other things you might select from the New Class Wizard, but I haven't checked.
Here's my C++ Header File Template:
#ifndef ${include_guard_symbol}
#define ${include_guard_symbol}
class ${type_name}
/* Default Constructor */
/* Deconstructor */
virtual ~${type_name}();
/* Disable the following by default */
${type_name}(const ${type_name}& other);
${type_name}& operator=(const ${type_name}&);
#endif /* ifndef ${include_guard_symbol} */
Hope this helps!