Visual Studio 2017 Exception Unhandled - c++

I'm a novice programmer trying to follow a tuturial on recreating a game on Steam called Timber(I believe). The program was working fine and I had almost completed the tutrial, but I ran into trouble when I added the code:
for (int i = 0 < NUM_BRANCHES; i++;)
branches[i].setPosition(-2000, -2000);
// Set the sprite's origin to dead center
// We can then spin it around without changing its position
branches[i].setOrigin(220, 20);
Visual Studio says: branches[i].setPosition(-2000, -2000); Unhandled exception thrown: write access violation.
this was 0x59AF28. occurred
I'll also post the full code, apologies that it's a bit messy.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <SFML\Graphics.hpp>
using namespace sf;
// Function declaration
void updateBranches(int seed);
const int NUM_BRANCHES = 6;
Sprite branches[NUM_BRANCHES];
// Where is the player/branch?
// Left or right
enum class side{ LEFT, RIGHT, NONE };
side branchPositions[NUM_BRANCHES];
int main()
// Creates a video mode object
VideoMode vm(1920, 1080);
// Creates and opens a window for the game
RenderWindow window(vm, "Timber!!!", Style::Fullscreen);
// Create a texture to hold a graphic on the GPU
Texture textureBackground;
// Load a graphic into the texture
// Create a sprite
Sprite spriteBackground;
// Attach the texture to the sprite
// Set the spriteBackground to cover the screen
spriteBackground.setPosition(0, 0);
// Make a tree sprite
Texture textureTree;
Sprite spriteTree;
spriteTree.setPosition(810, 0);
// Prepare the bee
Texture textureBee;
Sprite spriteBee;
spriteBee.setPosition(0, 450);
// Is the be currently moving?
bool beeActive = false;
// How fast can the bee fly
float beeSpeed = 0.0f;
// Make 3 cloud sprites from 1 texture
Texture textureCloud;
// Load 1 new texture
// 3 new sprites with the same texture
Sprite spriteCloud1;
Sprite spriteCloud2;
Sprite spriteCloud3;
// Position the clouds off screen
spriteCloud1.setPosition(0, 0);
spriteCloud2.setPosition(0, -150);
spriteCloud3.setPosition(0, -300);
// Are the clouds currently on the screen?
bool cloud1Active = false;
bool cloud2Active = false;
bool cloud3Active = false;
// How fast is each cloud?
float cloud1Speed = 0.1f;
float cloud2Speed = 0.2f;
float cloud3Speed = 0.3f;
// Variables to control time itself
Clock clock;
// Time bar
RectangleShape timeBar;
float timeBarStartWidth = 400;
float timeBarHeight = 80;
timeBar.setSize(Vector2f(timeBarStartWidth, timeBarHeight));
timeBar.setPosition((1920 / 2) - timeBarStartWidth / 2, 980);
Time gameTimeTotal;
float timeRemaining = 6.0f;
float timeBarWidthPerSecond = timeBarStartWidth / timeRemaining;
// Track whether the game is running
bool paused = true;
// Draw some text
int score = 0;
sf::Text messageText;
sf::Text scoreText;
// Font
Font font;
// Set the font of our message
// Assign the actual message
messageText.setString("Press Enter to Start!");
scoreText.setString("score = 0");
// Make text really big
// Choose a color
// Position the text
FloatRect textRect = messageText.getLocalBounds();
messageText.setOrigin(textRect.left +
textRect.width / 2.0f, +
textRect.height / 2.0f);
messageText.setPosition(1920 / 2.0f, 1080 / 2.0f);
scoreText.setPosition(20, 20);
// Prepare 6 branches
Texture textureBranch;
// Set the texture for each branch sprite
for (int i = 0 < NUM_BRANCHES; i++;)
branches[i].setPosition(-2000, -2000);
// Set the sprite's origin to dead center
// We can then spin it around without changing its position
branches[i].setOrigin(220, 20);
while (window.isOpen())
Handles the player input
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape))
// Start the game
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Return))
paused = false;
// Reset the time and the score
score = 0;
timeRemaining = 5;
Update the scene
if (!paused)
// Measure time
Time dt = clock.restart();
// Subtract from the amount of time remaining
timeRemaining -= dt.asSeconds();
// size up the time bar
timeBar.setSize(Vector2f(timeBarWidthPerSecond *
timeRemaining, timeBarHeight));
if (timeRemaining <= 0.0f)
// Pause the game
paused = true;
// Change the message shown to the player
messageText.setString("Out of time");
// Reposition the text base on its new size
FloatRect textRect = messageText.getLocalBounds();
messageText.setOrigin(textRect.left +
textRect.width / 2.0f, +
textRect.height / 2.0f);
messageText.setPosition(1920 / 2.0f, 1080 / 2.0f);
// Setup the bee
if (!beeActive)
// How fast is the bee
srand((int)time(0) * 10);
beeSpeed = (rand() % 400) + 350;
// How high is the bee
srand((int)time(0) * 10);
float height = (rand() % 650) + 850;
spriteBee.setPosition(1921, height);
beeActive = true;
// Move the bee
spriteBee.getPosition().x -
(beeSpeed * dt.asSeconds()),
// Has the bee reached the right hand edge of the screen?
if (spriteBee.getPosition().x < -100)
// Set it up ready to be a whole new bee next frame
beeActive = false;
// Manage the clouds
// Cloud 1
if (!cloud1Active)
// How fast is the cloud
srand((int)time(0) * 10);
cloud1Speed = (rand() % 150);
// How high is the cloud
srand((int)time(0) * 10);
float height = (rand() % 200);
spriteCloud1.setPosition(-300, height);
cloud1Active = true;
spriteCloud1.getPosition().x +
(cloud1Speed * dt.asSeconds()),
// Has the cloud reached the right hand edge of the screen?
if (spriteCloud1.getPosition().x > 1920)
// Set it up ready to be a whole new cloud next frame
cloud1Active = false;
// Cloud 2
if (!cloud2Active)
// How fast is the cloud
srand((int)time(0) * 20);
cloud2Speed = (rand() % 200);
// How high is the cloud
srand((int)time(0) * 20);
float height = (rand() % 300);
spriteCloud2.setPosition(-200, height);
cloud2Active = true;
spriteCloud2.getPosition().x +
(cloud1Speed * dt.asSeconds()),
// Has the cloud reached the right hand edge of the screen?
if (spriteCloud2.getPosition().x > 1920)
// Set it up ready to be a whole new cloud next frame
cloud2Active = false;
// Cloud 3
if (!cloud3Active)
// How fast is the cloud
srand((int)time(0) * 30);
cloud3Speed = (rand() % 250);
// How high is the cloud
srand((int)time(0) * 30);
float height = (rand() % 150);
spriteCloud3.setPosition(-100, height);
cloud3Active = true;
spriteCloud3.getPosition().x +
(cloud1Speed * dt.asSeconds()),
// Has the cloud reached the right hand edge of the screen?
if (spriteCloud3.getPosition().x > 1920)
// Set it up ready to be a whole new cloud next frame
cloud3Active = false;
// Update the score text
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Score = " << score;
// Update the branch sprites
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BRANCHES; i++)
float height = i * 150;
if (branchPositions[i] == side::LEFT)
// Move the sprite to the left side
branches[i].setPosition(610, height);
// Flip the sprite around the other way
else if (branchPositions[i] == side::RIGHT)
// Move the sprite to the right side
branches[i].setPosition(1330, height);
// Set the sprite rotation to normal
// Hide the branch
branches[i].setPosition(3000, height);
} // End if(!paused)
Draw the scene
// Clear everything from the last frame
// Draw our game scene here
// Draw the clouds
// Draw the branches
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BRANCHES; i++)
// Draw the tree
// Draw the insect
// Draw the score
//Draw the timebar
if (paused)
// Draw our message
// Show everyting we just drew
return 0;
// Function definition
void updateBranches(int seed)
// Move all the branches down on place
for (int j = NUM_BRANCHES - 1; j > 0; j--)
branchPositions[j] = branchPositions[j - 1];
// Spawn a new branch at postion 0
srand((int)time(0) + seed);
int r = (rand() % 5);
switch (r)
case 0:
branchPositions[0] = side::LEFT;
case 1:
branchPositions[0] = side::RIGHT;
branchPositions[0] = side::NONE;

setPosition() requires an sf::Vector2f. So you could fix your code by changing that line to:
branches[i].setPosition(sf::Vector2f(-2000, -2000))


Stop spray and stay in its position

// #include loads up library files, the order can matter
// generally load glut.h last
#include <stdio.h> // this library is for standard input and output
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "glut.h"// this library is for glut the OpenGL Utility Toolkit
//this defines a constant for the array size
#define SPRAYSIZE 500
// the properties of a spray particle are defined in a struct
struct sprayParticle {
float x = 0; // current position x
float y = 0; // current position y
float startx = 0; // birth position x
float starty = 0; // birth position y
int startTime; // a birthtime in frames when it will be born
int startRange = 100; // the maximum time at which a birth can happen
bool started = false; // tracks whether the particle has benn born or not
float speed = 0.1;
float radius;
float startxd = 0; // starting direction vector x value
float startyd = 0; // startingdirection vestor y value
float xd = 0; // current direction vector x value
float yd = 0; // current direction vector x value
float alpha = 1.0; // transparency
int winWidth = 1000, winHeight = 1000;
int counter = 0;
time_t t;
sprayParticle spray[SPRAYSIZE];
float angle = 90; // the angle of the spray: 0 degrees is to the left,
// 90 degrees straight up, 180 to the right etc
float sprayWidth = 30;// the width of the spray in degrees
float sprayCenterX, sprayCenterY;
//variables for spray colour, set once per spray
float fr = 1; float fg = 1; float fb = 1;
// the gravity vector
float gx = 0;
float gy = -0.0005;
// the position of thepartcle ystem emitter, wher the rocket should be drawn
float rocketstartx = winWidth - 100, rocketstarty = winHeight - 100;
void init() {
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // set what colour you want the background to be
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // set the matrix mode, we will look at this later
gluOrtho2D(0.0, winWidth, 0.0, winHeight);
void circle(double radius, double xc, double yc) {
int i;
double angle = 2 * 3.1415 / 20; // circle is drawn using 20 line.
double circle_xy[40][2];
circle_xy[0][0] = radius + xc;
circle_xy[0][1] = yc;
for (i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
circle_xy[i][0] = radius * cos(i *angle) + xc;
circle_xy[i][1] = radius * sin(i * angle) + yc;
glVertex2f(circle_xy[i - 1][0], circle_xy[i - 1][1]);
glVertex2f(circle_xy[i][0], circle_xy[i][1]);
void normalise(int i) {
float mag;
mag = sqrt((spray[i].xd*spray[i].xd) + (spray[i].yd*spray[i].yd));
spray[i].xd = spray[i].xd / mag;
spray[i].yd = spray[i].yd / mag;
// we calculate the direction vector of the current particle from the global
variable angle and spread
void setDirectionVector(int i) {
float minAngle, maxAngle, range, newangle;
double newAngleInRadians; // variable
int rangeInt;
minAngle = angle - (sprayWidth / 2.0); // calc the minimum angle the particle could move along
maxAngle = angle + (sprayWidth / 2.0); // calc the maximum angle
range = maxAngle - minAngle;
rangeInt = (int)(range*100.0);
newangle = minAngle + ((float)(rand() % rangeInt) / 100.0); // generate a random angle between mi and max angles
newAngleInRadians = (double)(newangle / 360.0)*(2 * 3.1415); // convert it to radians
spray[i].xd = (float)cos(newAngleInRadians);// calc the diection vector x value
spray[i].yd = (float)sin(newAngleInRadians);// calc the diection vector y value
void initspray() {
for (int i = 0; i < SPRAYSIZE; i++) {
spray[i].x = winWidth / 2; // set current start x position
spray[i].y = 100;// set current start y position
spray[i].startx = spray[i].x; spray[i].starty = spray[i].y;// set start x and y position
spray[i].speed = 0.1 + (float)(rand() % 150) / 1000.0;// speed is 0.1 to 0.25
spray[i].startTime = rand() % spray[i].startRange;// set birth time
spray[i].radius = (float)(rand() % 15); // random radius
setDirectionVector(i);// set the current direction vector
spray[i].startxd = spray[i].xd; spray[i].startyd = spray[i].yd; // set start direction vector to current
// set colour of spray
fr = 0.5 + (float)(rand() % 500) / 1000.0;
fg = 0.5 + (float)(rand() % 500) / 1000.0;
fb = 0.5 + (float)(rand() % 500) / 1000.0;
void drawsprayParticle(int i) {
if (!spray[i].started) {
if (counter == spray[i].startTime) {
spray[i].started = true;
if (spray[i].started) {
glColor4f(fr, fg, fb, spray[i].alpha); // white particiles
circle(spray[i].radius, spray[i].x, spray[i].y);
spray[i].x = spray[i].x + (spray[i].xd*spray[i].speed);
spray[i].y = spray[i].y + (spray[i].yd*spray[i].speed);
// this produces a direction vector that is a little longer than 1
spray[i].yd = spray[i].yd + gy;
// so the normalise the vector to make length 1
// reduce transparency
spray[i].alpha -= 0.00015;
if (spray[i].x<0 || spray[i].x>winWidth + 500 || spray[i].y<0 || spray[i].y>winHeight) {
spray[i].x = spray[i].startx; spray[i].y = spray[i].starty; //rocketstartx
spray[i].xd = spray[i].startxd; spray[i].yd = spray[i].startyd;
spray[i].alpha = 1.0;
void drawspray() {
// draw each spray particle
for (int i = 0; i < SPRAYSIZE; i++) {
// increment rocket position
rocketstartx += 0.2;
// if the rocket is oof the screen more nad 500 pixels to the right the rest it to 0
if (rocketstartx > winWidth + 500) { rocketstartx = 0; }
// This is the display function it is called when ever you want to draw something
void display() {
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // clear the screen using the background colour
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // set colour to white
glFlush(); // force all drawing to finish
// This is the idle function it is called whenever the program is idle
void idle() {
// As with many programming languages the main() function is the entry point for execution of the program
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// initialise first spray work
glutInit(&argc, argv); //perform the GLUT initialization
glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGBA); // more initialisation
glutInitWindowSize(winWidth, winHeight); // set window position
glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0); // set window size
glutCreateWindow("Fire"); // create a display with a given caption for the title bar
glEnable(GL_BLEND); //Enable blending.
init(); // call init function defined above
glutIdleFunc(idle); // define what function to call when the program is idle
glutDisplayFunc(display); // define what function to call to draw
// this line exits the program
return 0;
The original code above normally creates a fountain that sprays particles all over the screen, but I have changed the size and range of the spray, so I can create a flame. The problem is that I can't stop the spread of the particles and it keeps moving up. I want it to stay in its position.
This is how it works:
This is how I want it to work:
With the formula
spray[i].x = spray[i].x + (spray[i].xd*spray[i].speed);
spray[i].y = spray[i].y + (spray[i].yd*spray[i].speed);
the distance of the points to it origin linear increases. You have to decrease the speed by time to smoothly approach to a limit position.
spray[i].speed *= 0.9992f;
Of course you have to rest the speed (spray[i].speed), when the point is "restarted" at its origin. If the speed of the point or the alpha value of the point falls below a threshold, then the point has to be "restarted", too:
void drawsprayParticle(int i) {
if (!spray[i].started) {
if (counter == spray[i].startTime) {
spray[i].started = true;
if (spray[i].started) {
glColor4f(fr, fg, fb, spray[i].alpha); // white particles
circle(spray[i].radius, spray[i].x, spray[i].y);
spray[i].x = spray[i].x + (spray[i].xd*spray[i].speed);
spray[i].y = spray[i].y + (spray[i].yd*spray[i].speed);
// this produces a direction vector that is a little longer than 1
spray[i].yd = spray[i].yd + gy;
// so the normalize the vector to make length 1
// reduce transparency
spray[i].alpha -= 0.0003;
spray[i].speed *= 0.9992f;
if ( spray[i].x<0 || spray[i].x>winWidth + 500 ||
spray[i].y<0 || spray[i].y>winHeight ||
spray[i].alpha < 1.0f/256.0f ||
spray[i].speed < 0.04f ) {
spray[i].x = spray[i].startx; spray[i].y = spray[i].starty;
spray[i].xd = spray[i].startxd; spray[i].yd = spray[i].startyd;
spray[i].alpha = 1.0;
spray[i].speed = 0.1 + (float)(rand() % 150) / 1000.0;
This is an empirical algorithm, so you have to play around with the values, to get the effect of your need.
Additionally I increase the start range: int startRange = 1300;

Low framerate with only map and minimap drawing (SFML)

I'm working on a small "game" like project as a practice, and I've managed to get my framerate down to not even 3 FPS. While the only thing that is being drawn is screen filling tiles and a minimap.
Now I've found that the problem is with the minimap, without it caps at 60 FPS. But unfortunately I'm not experienced enough to find out what the real problem is with it...
My draw function:
void StateIngame::draw()
// Frame counter
float ct = m_clock.restart().asSeconds();
float fps = 1.f / ct;
m_time = ct;
char c[10];
sprintf(c, "%f", fps);
std::string fpsStr(c);
sf::String str(fpsStr);
auto fpsText = tgui::Label::create();
fpsText->setPosition(15, 15);
// Draw map //
int camOffsetX, camOffsetY;
int tileSize = m_map.getTileSize();
Tile tile;
sf::IntRect bounds = m_camera.getTileBounds(tileSize);
camOffsetX = m_camera.getTileOffset(tileSize).x;
camOffsetY = m_camera.getTileOffset(tileSize).y;
// Loop and draw each tile
// x and y = counters, tileX and tileY is the coordinates of the tile being drawn
for (int y = 0, tileY =; y < bounds.height; y++, tileY++)
for (int x = 0, tileX = bounds.left; x < bounds.width; x++, tileX++)
try {
// Normal view
tile = m_map.getTile(tileX, tileY);
tile.render((x * tileSize) - camOffsetX, (y * tileSize) - camOffsetY, &m_window);
} catch (const std::out_of_range& oor)
bounds = sf::IntRect(bounds.left - (bounds.width * 2), - (bounds.height * 2), bounds.width * 4, bounds.height * 4);
for (int y = 0, tileY =; y < bounds.height; y++, tileY++)
for (int x = 0, tileX = bounds.left; x < bounds.width; x++, tileX++)
try {
// Mini map
tile = m_map.getTile(tileX, tileY);
sf::RectangleShape miniTile(sf::Vector2f(4, 4));
miniTile.setPosition((x * (tileSize / 4)), (y * (tileSize / 4)));
} catch (const std::out_of_range& oor)
// Gui
The Tile class has a variable of type sf::Color which is set during map generating. This color is then used to draw the minimap instead of the 16x16 texture that is used for the map itself.
So when I leave out the minimap drawing, and only draw the map itself, it's more fluid than I could wish for...
Any help is appreciated!
You are generating the view completly new for every frame. Do this once on startup should be enought.

Cocos2d C++ Score system

So I am working on this game and I want to implement a score system.
This is the first time I am working with Cocos2d.
I tried a couple of things but didn't really had succes.
I would like it if for each enemy that gets removed from the scene a int with the name score would be increased by one.
Do you guys have some suggestions ?
#include "HelloWorldScene.h"
#include "SimpleAudioEngine.h"
using namespace CocosDenshion;
#define BACKGROUND_MUSIC_SFX "bee.mp3"
#define PEW_PEW_SFX "splatter.mp3"
// These bit masks define the physics categories; monster + projectile with two values to specify no type or all types, I use this to see what objects are allowed to collide
enum class PhysicsCategory {
None = 0,
Monster = (1 << 0), // 1
Projectile = (1 << 1), // 2
All = PhysicsCategory::Monster | PhysicsCategory::Projectile // 3
Scene* HelloWorld::createScene()
// 'scene' is an autorelease object, turn psysics on
auto scene = Scene::createWithPhysics();
// 'layer' is an autorelease object
auto layer = HelloWorld::create();
// add layer child to scene
// return scene
return scene;
// initialize instance
bool HelloWorld::init()
// call the super class’s init method, if succeeds proceed HelloWorldScene‘s setup
if ( !Layer::init() ) {
return false;
// get window bounds using game Director singleton.
auto origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();
auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
// create a DrawNode to draw a green rectangle that fills the screen
auto background = DrawNode::create();
background->drawSolidRect(origin, winSize, Color4F(0.0,0.6,0.0,0.7));
// create the player sprite, position 10% from the left edge of the screen, centered vertically
_player = Sprite::create("player.png");
_player->setPosition(Vec2(winSize.width * 0.1, winSize.height * 0.5));
// seed the random number generator
srand((unsigned int)time(nullptr));
this->schedule(schedule_selector(HelloWorld::addMonster), 1.5);
auto eventListener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
eventListener->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchBegan, this);
this->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(eventListener, _player);
auto contactListener = EventListenerPhysicsContact::create();
contactListener->onContactBegin = CC_CALLBACK_1(HelloWorld::onContactBegan, this);
this->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(contactListener, this);
SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance()->playBackgroundMusic(BACKGROUND_MUSIC_SFX, true);
return true;
void HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback(Ref* pSender)
MessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert");
void HelloWorld::addMonster(float dt) {
auto monster = Sprite::create("monster.png");
//Create a PhysicsBody for the sprite, Physics bodies represent the object in Cocos2d physics simulation.
auto monsterSize = monster->getContentSize();
auto physicsBody = PhysicsBody::createBox(Size(monsterSize.width , monsterSize.height),
PhysicsMaterial(0.1f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
//Set the sprite to be dynamic. physics engine will not apply forces to the bear.
// set the category, collision and contact test bit masks:
// create a bear sprite and place it offscreen to the right, random y position
auto monsterContentSize = monster->getContentSize();
auto selfContentSize = this->getContentSize();
int minY = monsterContentSize.height/2;
int maxY = selfContentSize.height - monsterContentSize.height/2;
int rangeY = maxY - minY;
int randomY = (rand() % rangeY) + minY;
monster->setPosition(Vec2(selfContentSize.width + monsterContentSize.width/2, randomY));
// random duration for bear, each bear will move the same distance across the screen, varying the duration results in bears with random speeds.
int minDuration = 2.0;
int maxDuration = 4.0;
int rangeDuration = maxDuration - minDuration;
int randomDuration = (rand() % rangeDuration) + minDuration;
// move the bear across the screen.
auto actionMove = MoveTo::create(randomDuration, Vec2(-monsterContentSize.width/2, randomY));
auto actionRemove = RemoveSelf::create();
monster->runAction(Sequence::create(actionMove,actionRemove, nullptr));
bool HelloWorld::onTouchBegan(Touch *touch, Event *unused_event) {
// 1 - get the _player object
//auto node = unused_event->getCurrentTarget();
// coordinate of the click within the scene’s coordinate system, calculate the offset of this point from the current position. vector math.
Vec2 touchLocation = touch->getLocation();
Vec2 offset = touchLocation - _player->getPosition();
// If offset‘s x value is negative, the player tries to shoot backwards,return without firing.
if (offset.x < 0) {
return true;
// Create projectile, add to screen
auto projectile = Sprite::create("projectile.png");
auto projectileSize = projectile->getContentSize();
auto physicsBody = PhysicsBody::createCircle(projectileSize.width/2 );
// call normalize() to convert the offset into a unit vector, which is a vector of length 1. Multiplying that by 1000 that points in the direction of the user’s tap.
auto shootAmount = offset * 1000;
// Adding the vector to the projectile’s position gives the target position.
auto realDest = shootAmount + projectile->getPosition();
// move the projectile to the target position, remove after 5 sec.
auto actionMove = MoveTo::create(5.0f, realDest);
auto actionRemove = RemoveSelf::create();
projectile->runAction(Sequence::create(actionMove,actionRemove, nullptr));
return true;
// PhysicsContact passed to this method is collision, remove at the end
bool HelloWorld::onContactBegan(PhysicsContact &contact) {
auto nodeA = contact.getShapeA()->getBody()->getNode();
auto nodeB = contact.getShapeB()->getBody()->getNode();
return true;
I'm not sure that I have fully understood your question, but it seems that you want to create a label to show the current score.
Of course you will need a variable to keep track of your score. Let's assume the variable is an integer and it's called m_score.
You will then need to create and add a Label to your scene. In your init() function add:
m_scoreLabel = Label::createWithTTF(std::to_string(m_score), "fonts/Arial.ttf", 36);
You will need m_scoreLabel to keep a reference to your Label so that you will be able to change its display text later on. Now, whenever you change the score, first update the value of m_score and then to update the text shown by the label call:

Tilemap collision sfml c++ platformer

I have a problem with my 2d platformer. As i have just started out with c++ i'm having trouble with tile collision. I'm able to prevent the player from entering the tile and also being able to move away from it but somehow he cant move along the tile.
This is the function for checking if the new position is inside a solid tile:
void Maps::drawColMap(Player& _player){
for (int i = 0; i < _player.tiles.size(); i++)
if (colMap[_player.tiles[i].y][_player.tiles[i].x] == 1) //solid tile = 1
_player.willCollide = true;
else {
_player.willCollide = false;
And here is the code for moving the player:
void Player::update()
sf::Vector2f newPosition;
sf::Vector2f oldPosition;
oldPosition.x = playerImage.getPosition().x; // store the current position
oldPosition.y = playerImage.getPosition().y;
newPosition.x = playerImage.getPosition().x; // store the new position
newPosition.y = playerImage.getPosition().y;
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left))
source.y = Left; //sprite stuff
moving = true;
newPosition.x -= 2;
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right))
source.y = Right;
moving = true;
newPosition.x += 2;
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Up))
source.y = Up;
moving = true;
newPosition.y -= 2;
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Down))
source.y = Down;
moving = true;
newPosition.y += 2;
if (!(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left) || sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right) || sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Up) || sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Down)))
moving = false;
//create corners to check collision
bottom = newPosition.y + 32; //tile size is 32 px
left = newPosition.x;
right = newPosition.x + 32;
top = newPosition.y;
sf::Vector2i topLeft(sf::Vector2i((int)left / 32, (int)top / 32)); // get the corners of the new position
sf::Vector2i topRight(sf::Vector2i((int)right / 32, (int)top / 32));
sf::Vector2i bottomLeft(sf::Vector2i((int)left / 32, (int)bottom / 32));
sf::Vector2i bottomRight(sf::Vector2i((int)right / 32, (int)bottom / 32));
if (std::find(tiles.begin(), tiles.end(), topRight) == tiles.end()) tiles.push_back(topRight); //check the corners
if (std::find(tiles.begin(), tiles.end(), bottomLeft) == tiles.end()) tiles.push_back(bottomLeft);
if (std::find(tiles.begin(), tiles.end(), bottomRight) == tiles.end()) tiles.push_back(bottomRight);
//if no collision set the position to the new position
if (!willCollide)
playerImage.setPosition(oldPosition); //if collision then set the position to the previous position
Any help is appreciated!
//edit 1
I tried logging the collision and it says that the player is still in the collision area even if i dont press anything. But how do i prevent the player from entering? I cant find the problem.
//edit 2
I think i found another problem.
The collision check should probably be run just before moving the player and after moving the new position.
After the player collides, and you change the positions, move it over by 1 pixel in the away from the collision area (the appropriate direction). It's possible that your corner is still within the collision bounds if it wasn't moved out of of the collision area properly.

2D water shader in SFML

I want to implement the algorithm for a 2D water surface described here and here.
But instead of using two int arrays and calculating on the CPU I would like to use SFML's sf::RenderTexture's (FBO's basically) and a GLSL shader to run everything on the GPU. I want to use SFML, because it's so simple and I have worked with it before, so I know my way around it a little.
I've made some good progress so far. I was able to set up 3 sf::RenderTextures and ping-pong between them correctly (because other than int array you can't read and write to the same sf::RenderTexture at the same time). I was also able to adapt the algorithm for the height field creation form being in the range -32.767 to 32.767 to the range 0 to 1 (or to be more precise -0.5 to 0.5 for the calculation). Also adding new ripples works to some extend. So up to this point you can actually see a little of waves going on.
Here comes my problem now: The waves disappear really, really fast and I don't even apply any damping yet. According to the algorithm the ripples are not stopping if there is no damping applied. It's even the other way around. If I apply "amplification" the waves look close to what you would expect them to look like (but they still disappear without any damping applied to them). My first thought was that this is, because I use float's in range 0 - 1 instead of integers, but I only see this being a problem if multiplication is used, but I only use addition and subtraction.
Here is my SFML C++ code :
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main()
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1000, 1000), "SFML works!");
sf::RenderTexture buffers[3];
buffers[0].create(500, 500);
buffers[1].create(500, 500);
buffers[2].create(500, 500);
sf::RenderTexture* firstBuffer = buffers;
sf::RenderTexture* secondBuffer = &buffers[1];
sf::RenderTexture* finalBuffer = &buffers[2];
firstBuffer->clear(sf::Color(128, 128, 128));
secondBuffer->clear(sf::Color(128, 128, 128));
finalBuffer->clear(sf::Color(128, 128, 128));
sf::Shader waterHeightmapShader;
waterHeightmapShader.loadFromFile("waterHeightmapShader.glsl", sf::Shader::Fragment);
sf::Sprite spritefirst;
spritefirst.setPosition(0, 0);
sf::Sprite spritesecond;
spritesecond.setPosition(500, 0);
sf::Sprite spritefinal;
spritefinal.setPosition(0, 500);
while (window.isOpen())
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape)
waterHeightmapShader.setParameter("mousePosition", sf::Vector2f(-1.f, -1.f));
// if mouse button is pressed add new ripples
sf::Vector2i mousePosition = sf::Mouse::getPosition(window);
if(mousePosition.x < 500 && mousePosition.y < 500)
sf::Vector2f mouse(mousePosition);
mouse.x /= 500.f;
mouse.y /= 500.f;
mouse.y = 1 - mouse.y;
std::cout << mouse.x << " " << mouse.y << std::endl;
waterHeightmapShader.setParameter("mousePosition", mouse);
waterHeightmapShader.setParameter("textureTwoFramesAgo", firstBuffer->getTexture());
waterHeightmapShader.setParameter("textureOneFrameAgo", secondBuffer->getTexture());
// create the heightmap
finalBuffer->clear(sf::Color(128, 128, 128));
finalBuffer->draw(sf::Sprite(secondBuffer->getTexture()), &waterHeightmapShader);
// swap the buffers around, first becomes second, second becomes third and third becomes first
sf::RenderTexture* swapper = firstBuffer;
firstBuffer = secondBuffer;
secondBuffer = finalBuffer;
finalBuffer = swapper;
return 0;
And here is my GLSL shader code :
uniform sampler2D textureTwoFramesAgo;
uniform sampler2D textureOneFrameAgo;
uniform vec2 mousePosition;
const float textureSize = 500.0;
const float pixelSize = 1.0 / textureSize;
void main()
// pixels position
vec2 position = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
vec4 finalColor = ((texture2D(textureOneFrameAgo, vec2(position.x - pixelSize, position.y)) +
texture2D(textureOneFrameAgo, vec2(position.x + pixelSize, position.y)) +
texture2D(textureOneFrameAgo, vec2(position.x, position.y + pixelSize)) +
texture2D(textureOneFrameAgo, vec2(position.x, position.y - pixelSize)) - 2.0) / 2) -
(texture2D(textureTwoFramesAgo, position) - 0.5);
// damping
// finalColor.rgb *= 1.9; // <---- uncomment this for the "amplifiction" ie. to see the waves better
finalColor.rgb += 0.5;
// add new ripples
if(mousePosition.x > 0.0)
if(distance(position, mousePosition) < pixelSize * 5)
finalColor = vec4(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = finalColor;
Please remember that this is all just about the height field creation. There is no shading of the water yet.
Do you know why the waves disappear by them self without damping?
If I am reading the code correctly you sample the previous frame for the texture's colors/height and use four neighboring pixels/texels to determine the color/height of the current pixel.
As you are calculating (scaling) these neighbors you might run into missing the texel that contains the color/height you are looking for. It might not be the heighest texel, just one next to it a little bit lower causing the unexpected damping.
This is where you do not just use addition and subtraction:
const float pixelSize = 1.0 / textureSize;
By using this value you could just miss the texel you are looking for.
Also: you are averaging the samples so the result will always be less than the maximum value of the samples. So instead of averaging you could select the maximum value. That might give weird results but also extra insight.
Here are some "Processing" codes which implements the same algorithm you've posted above, and its damping is correct, I hope you can get some points from it :
// codes begin
int Width = 800;
int Height = 600;
int FullSize = 0;
//int Spacing = 10;
int[] source, dest;
PImage bg;
void setup()
// if you want to run these codes by "Processing"
// please make a picture named "HelloWorld.png"
bg = loadImage("HelloWorld.png");
Width = bg.width;
Height = bg.height;
FullSize = Width * Height;
size(Width, Height);
source = new int[FullSize];
dest = new int[FullSize];
for (int i=0; i< FullSize; i++)
source[i] = dest[i] = 0;
void draw()
for (int i=Width; i< FullSize-Width; i++)
// check for bounds
int xi = i % Width;
if ((xi==0) || (xi==Width-1)) continue;
dest[i] = (
source[i+Width]) >>1) ) -dest[i];
int dampFactor = 1000;
dest[i] -= (dest[i] >> dampFactor); // Damping - Quick divde by 32 (5 bits)
//image(bg, 0, 0);
for (int i=Width; i< FullSize-Width; i++)
// check for bounds
int xi = i % Width;
if ((xi==0) || (xi==Width-1)) continue;
int xoffset = dest[i-1] - dest[i+1];
int yoffset = dest[i-Width] - dest[i+Width];
int offset = i+xoffset+yoffset*Width;
if (offset>0 && offset<FullSize)
// TODO: make better map
pixels[i] = bg.pixels[offset];
int[] temp = source;
source = dest;
dest = temp;
void mouseDragged()
if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < Width && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < Height)
source[mouseY*Width+mouseX] = (int)random(50, 100);
void mousePressed()
// TODO: make a area pulse value, like a radius circle
if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < Width && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < Height)
source[mouseY*Width+mouseX] = (int)random(50, 100);
// codes end