Using mysql and mongodb together for Django - django

Can I use both relational-database(eg : mysql) and non-relational database(eg : mongodb) together as bacekend dbs for a Django project? If possible then how?
I use Django version 1.11

Yes, kind of. MongoDB is not supported as a backend for Django's ORM, however, you can use through MongoDB Python.
What I would do, in this case, is use MySQL as your default database in your DATABASES setting. I would use MySQL for all of my Django ORM functions, and only use MongoDB where I need it. You can then connect to MongoDB for non-ORM connections via Python. See here for connecting to MongoDB via Python:
There used to be a Mongo backend - again, without much ORM support - but last I saw, it hasn't been updated in several years:
Good luck!


How to use Postgres & MongoDB simultaneously in Django?

I am looking for a solution to work with Postgres and MongoDB simultaneously in my Django project.
I have large data which I would like to store in MongoDB and Postgres for user management, billing, and other things to manage.
I have tried to use a library ```pip install djongo`` djongo, which is outdated, and not able to find any solution. Please guide me with an authentic solution! Thanks
First of all, To install a newer version of Django you can use pip install Django==<version>, But you need to see compatibility with the Python version you're running on your system and virtual environment.
e.g. For Python 3.x, I'm using a bit older Django version 2.2.21.
Second, Django does not support MongoDB natively, But MongoDB team themselves provides a library called pymongo which you can install, but with pymongo you'll have to write more of a native mongodb queries. They do not have any Django ORM.
But there's another library called mongoengine which is actually built on top of pymongo and is very handy and close to the ORM Django provides for relational databases.
Thirdly, About Postgres you can easily set up any relational database with Django as it provides native support for relational databases. Both the database are completely independent of each other, So there should not be any problem with the setup.
I, myself use Postgres and MongoDB together in my projects, Never faced a single problem. Although, sometimes it's a little challenging to build things for NoSQL databases in Django which Django already provides for relational databases but yeah a little extra code as overriding Django base classes to provide support for mongodb always works.

How Can I Use Django 3 with MongoDB?

Is there a way that I can use Django 3 + MongoDB because djongo (the package which integrates MongoDB and Django) requires Django 2.x. Note that I don't want to move to Django 3 for specific reasons. I just wanna explore it. and I need MongoDB because I am writing a data analysis web app (since NoSQL Databases Perform well when working with large data sets). thanks in advance.
you can use Mongoengine and you don't need to run migration commands but Mongoengine do not support regular Django contrib libraries directly, so it would be more complicated to adjust it to Django regular libraries which means it’s hard to have admin and other Django regular libraries

Django 1.8 and MongoDB?

This question is already asked on StackOverflow,
The asked questions date back to 2013, Its 2015 now and Django has grown up fast.
What is the situation of using mongodb with Django 1.8 as of 2015?
Does Django support Monogodb out of the box (with db adapters)? or another distribution like django-nonrel should be used?
I don't think Django provides out of the box support for MongoDB. It is more tailored for relational databases.
One solution could be using MongoEngine.
MongoEngine is an Object-Document Mapper, written in Python for
working with MongoDB.
You need to just configure MongoEngine with Django and then it should work comfortably.
just my thoughts and somewhat subjective and opinionated but I would say it does not work very well. I quickly disbanded the idea of trying to run Django with MongoDB, since it's auth system is heavily reliant upon a relational database to work.
There are apparently ways around this, but ultimately I decided for my project it was not worth the effort just to use MongoDB.
Does Django support Monogodb out of the box (with db adapters)?
No, it does not. If you can find a django compatible engine for mongodb, then it will work perfectly.
The good news is there is such an engine, called django-mongodb-engine; the bad news is that it relies on django-nonrel which is not updated against the latest stable version of django.
So, if you must - you can use MongoDB at the expense of not having some updated django features available to you (and more importantly, any security patches).
If you want to supplement your main database with mongodb - that is, mongodb will not be your primary database, then the process is a lot easier.
So, in summary:
django 1.8 provides no out-of-the-box support for mongodb (or other non-relational databases) as the primary data store.
support is available using the third party django-nonrel package, which is behind the current django production version.
I came across a new package that does support the latest django on MongoDB: djongo
As stated above, mongoengine does not support all contrib apps of django. Especially the auth app doesn' work on mongoengine
Djongo claims to compile SQL queries into mongodb queries. So its is essentially version agnostic and works for all versions of Django.
Disclosure: I have contributed to this package by making minor bug fixes.
I know that its been three years but for those who are wondering about MongoDB and Django now should know that the situation has not changed. Mongoengine as described earlier is a good enough tool but still there are limitations. For instance when i integrated mongodb with django using mongoengine i was not able the use elastic search with my application. Furthermore with mongoDB you loose you loose Django admin and authentications functionalities. So, MongoDB with Django is still a risky choice

django - how can I write data to an external Mongo database?

I have a Django app that is using PostgreSQL. Everything is fine. However, I have a situation in which it would be very convenient for my Django app to update the Mongo database of an entirely different app that is running a different server, etc. How can I do this?
I dont know what Django is or how you are talking to Postgress, but ultimately, it boils down to using one of the MongoDB supported language drivers in order to communicate with MongoDB. The programming languages supported are here: drivers
One option to consider is MongoEngine, an Object-Document Mapper (ODM) that implements a declarative API similar to Django. You can then use Django's support for multiple databases to route requests appropriately.
Django Support in MongoEngine
Django documentation: Multiple databases

Adding and Querying to MongoDB from Django

I am trying to build a DB system using Django as the framework and MongoDB for my database management system. How can I add things to a specific collection? Where should I specify the name of the collection?
Then, after I have added to the collection, how can I use a Django shell to ask for that information from Mongo?
You don't "add a collection" on MongoDB -- you just use them. In Django - MongoDB: (could not connect to localhost:27017) Connection refused you already got Django MongoDB Engine running, so I don't understand your question? You can use the Django ORM to get data into and out of MongoDB now.
There are many good tutorials of using mongodb with Django. One popular way is to use django-mongodb which integrates to django models. Here is their tutorial.
Another screencast: Integrating mongoDB and Django.