Why is std::is_pod deprecated in C++20? - c++

std::is_pod will be probably deprecated in C++20.
What's the reason for this choice? What should I use in place of std::is_pod to know if a type is actually a POD?

POD is being replaced with two categories that give more nuances. The c++ standard meeting in november 2017 had this to say about it:
Deprecating the notion of “plain old data” (POD). It has been replaced with two more nuanced categories of types, “trivial” and “standard-layout”. “POD” is equivalent to “trivial and standard layout”, but for many code patterns, a narrower restriction to just “trivial” or just “standard layout” is appropriate; to encourage such precision, the notion of “POD” was therefore deprecated. The library trait is_pod has also been deprecated correspondingly.
For simple data types use the is_standard_layout function, for trivial data types (such as simple structs) use the is_trivial function.


Resolve (u)int_fastX_t at compile time

Implementations of the C++ standard typedef the (u)int_fastX types as one of their built in types. This requires research in which type is the fastest, but there cannot be one fastest type for every case.
Wouldn't it increase performance to resolve such types at compile time to account for the case by chosing the optimal type for the actual use? The compiler would analyze the use of a _fast variable and then chose the optimal type. Factors coming into play could be alignment and the kind of operations used with the variable.
This would effectively make those types a language feature.
This could introduce bugs when the compiler suddenly decides to choose another width for such a variable. But one shouldn't use a _fast type in such use cases, where the behaviour depends on the width, anyways.
Is such compile time resolval permitted by the standard?
If yes, why isn't it implemented as of today?
If no, why isn't it in the standard?
No, this is not permitted by the standard. Keep in mind the C++ standard defers to C for this particular area, for example, C++11 defers to C99, as per C++11 1.1 /2. Specifically, C++11 18.4.1 Header <cstdint> synopsis /2 states:
The header defines all functions, types, and macros the same as 7.18 in the C standard.
So let's get your first contention out of the way, you state:
Implementations of the C++ standard typedef the (u)int_fastX types as one of their built in types. This requires research in which type is the fastest, but there cannot be one fastest type for every case.
The C standard has this to say, in c99 Fastest minimum-width integer types (my italics):
Each of the following types designates an integer type that is usually fastest to operate with among all integer types that have at least the specified width.
The designated type is not guaranteed to be fastest for all purposes; if the implementation has no clear grounds for choosing one type over another, it will simply pick some integer type satisfying the signedness and width requirements.
So you're indeed correct that a type cannot be fastest for all possible uses but this seems to not be what the authors had in mind in defining these aspects.
The introduction of the fixed-width types was (in my opinion) to solve the problem all those developers had in having different int widths across the various implementations.
Similarly, once a developer knows the range of values they want, the fast minimum-width types give them a way to do arithmetic on those values at the maximum possible speed.
Covering your three specific questions in your final paragraph (in bold below):
(1) Is such compile time resolution permitted by the standard?
I don't believe so. The relevant part of the C standard has this little piece of text:
For each type described herein that the implementation provides, <stdint.h> shall declare that typedef name and define the associated macros.
That seems to indicate that it must be a typedef provided by the implementation and, since there are no "variable" typedefs, it has to be fixed.
There may be wiggle room because it could be possible to provide a different typedef depending on certain environmental considerations but the difficulty in actually implementing this seems very high (see my answer to your third question below).
Chief amongst these is that these adaptable types, should they have external linkage, would require agreement amongst all the compiled translation units when linked together. Having one unit with a 16-bit type and another with a 32-bit type is going to cause all sorts of problems.
(2) If yes, why isn't it implemented as of today?
I'm pushing "no" as an answer to your first question so I'm not going to speculate on this other than by referring you to the answer to the third question below (it's probably not implemented because it's very hard, with dubious benefits).
(3) If no, why isn't it in the standard?
A standard is a contract between the implementor and the user and describes what the implementor will provide. It's usual that the standards committees tend to be more populated by the former (who aren't that keen on making too much extra work for themselves) than the latter.
For example, I would love to have all the you-beaut C++ data structures in C but this would have the consequence that standards versions would be decades apart rather than years :-)

Is std::vector<T> a `user-defined type`?

In and of the current draft standard restrictions are placed on specializations injected by users into namespace std.
The behavior of a C
program is undefined if it adds declarations or definitions to namespace
or to a
namespace within namespace
unless otherwise specified. A program may add a template specialization
for any standard library template to namespace
only if the declaration depends on a user-defined type
and the specialization meets the standard library requirements for the original template and is not explicitly
I cannot find where in the standard the phrase user-defined type is defined.
One option I have heard claimed is that a type that is not std::is_fundamental is a user-defined type, in which case std::vector<int> would be a user-defined type.
An alternative answer would be that a user-defined type is a type that a user defines. As users do not define std::vector<int>, and std::vector<int> is not dependent on any type a user defines, std::vector<int> is not a user-defined type.
A practical problem this impacts is "can you inject a specialization for std::hash for std::tuple<Ts...> into namespace std? Being able to do so is somewhat convenient -- the alternative is to create another namespace where we recursively build our hash for std::tuple (and possibly other types in std that do not have hash support), and if and only if we fail to find a hash in that namespace do we fall back on std.
However, if this is legal, then if and when the standard adds a hash specialization for std::tuple to namespace std, code that specialized it already would be broken, creating a reason not to add such specializations in the future.
While I am talking about std::vector<int> as a concrete example, I am trying to ask if types defined in std are ever user-defined type s. A secondary question is, even if not, maybe std::tuple<int> becomes a user-defined type when used by a user (this gets slippery: what then happens if something inside std defines std::tuple<int>, and you partial-specialize hash for std::tuple<Ts...>).
There is currently an open defect on this problem.
Prof. Stroustrup is very clear that any type that is not built-in is user-defined. See the second paragraph of section 9.1 in Programming Principles and Practice Using C++.
He even specifically calls out “standard library types” as an example of user-defined types. In other words, a user-defined type is any compound type.
The article explicitly mentions that not everyone seems to agree, but this is IMHO mostly wishful thinking and not what the standard (and Prof. Stroustrup) are actually saying, only what some people want to read into it.
When Clause 17 says "user-defined" it means "a type not defined in the standard" so std::vector<int> is not user-defined, neither is std::string, so you cannot specialize std::vector<int> or std::vector<std::string>. On the other hand, struct MyClass is user-defined, because it's not a type defined in the standard, so you can specialize std::vector<MyClass>.
This is not the same meaning of "user-defined" used in clauses 1-16, and that difference is confusing and silly. There is a defect report for this, with some discussion recorded that basically says "yes, the library uses the wrong term, but we don't have a better one".
So the answer to your question is "it depends". If you're talking to a C++ compiler implementor or a core language expert, std::vector<int> is definitely a user-defined type, but if you're talking to a standard library implementor, it is not. More precisely, it's not user-defined for the purposes of 17,
One way to look at it is that the standard library is "user code" as far as the core language is concerned. But the standard library has a different idea of "users" and considers itself to be part of the implementation, and only things that aren't part of the library are "user-defined".
Edit: I have proposed changing the library Clauses to use a new term, "program-defined", which means something defined in your program (as opposed to UDTs defined in the standard, such as std::string).
As users do not define std::vector<int>, and std::vector<int> is not dependent on any type a user defines, std::vector<int> is not a user-defined type.
The logical counter argument is that users do define std::vector<int>. You see std::vector is a class template and as such has no direct representation in binary code.
In a sense it gets it binary representation through the instantiation of a type, so the very action of declaring a std::vector<int> object is what gives "soul" to the template (pardon the phrasing). In a program where noone uses a std::vector<int> this data type does not exist.
On the other hand, following the same argument, std::vector<T> is not a user defined type, it is not even a type, it does not exist; only if we want to (instantiate a type), it will mandate how a structure will be layed out but until then we can only argue about it in terms of structure, design, properties and so on.
The above argument (about templates being not code but ... well templates for code) may seem a bit superficial but draws it's logic, from Mayer's introduction in A. Alexandrescu's book Modern C++ Design. The relative quote there, goes like this :
Eventually, Andrei turned his attention to the development of template-based implementations of popular language idioms and design patterns, especially the GoF[*] patterns. This led to a brief skirmish with the Patterns community, because one of their fundamental tenets is that patterns cannot be represented in code. Once it became clear that Andrei was automating the generation of pattern implementations rather than trying to encode patterns themselves, that objection was removed, and I was pleased to see Andrei and one of the GoF (John Vlissides) collaborate on two columns in the C++ Report focusing on Andrei's work.
The draft standard contrasts fundamental types with user-defined types in a couple of (non-normative) places.
The draft standard also uses the term "user-defined" in other contexts, referring to entities created by the programmer or defined in the standard library. Examples include user-defined constructor, user-defined operator and user-defined conversion.
These facts allow us, absent other evidence, to tentatively assume that the intent of the standard is that user-defined type should mean compound type, according to historical usage. Only an explicit clarification in a future standard document can definitely resolve the issue.
Note that the historical usage is not clear on types like int* or struct foo* or void(*)(struct foo****). They are compound, but should they (or some of them) be considered user-defined?

Are numeric_limits min/max constexpr?

Does the C++11 standard specify that the numeric_limits<T>::min and max have to be constant-expression that can be used in templates or static_assert?
More generally, how to find the list of the functions that are constant-expression according to the standard?
Indeed the standard (or my latest working draft) lists all members of std::numeric_limits in chapter [numeric.limits] as constexpr (it won't do any good to actually quote those definitions here), for the general templated version as well as all the builtin specializations ( [numeric.special]). So yes, they are guaranteed to be constant expressions (for conforming implementations that also actually support constexpr, of course).
As to your second, more general, question I cannot help you that much except just refer you to the C++ standard itself, whose latest draft, which doesn't really differ from the actual standard, is available for free. Or you might look at the more convenient but less binding cppreference.com.

C++11 and [] Bitmask Types

The Standard allows one to choose between an integer type, an enum, and a std::bitset.
Why would a library implementor use one over the other given these choices?
Case in point, llvm's libcxx appears to use a combination of (at least) two of these implementation options:
ctype_base::mask is implemented using an integer type:
regex_constants::syntax_option_type is implemented using an enum + overloaded operators:
The gcc project's libstdc++ uses all three:
ios_base::fmtflags is implemented using an enum + overloaded operators: <bits/ios_base.h>
regex_constants::syntax_option_type is implemented using an integer type,
regex_constants::match_flag_type is implemented using a std::bitset
Both: <bits/regex_constants.h>
AFAIK, gdb cannot "detect" the bitfieldness of any of these three choices so there would not be a difference wrt enhanced debugging.
The enum solution and integer type solution should always use the same space. std::bitset does not seem to make the guarantee that sizeof(std::bitset<32>) == std::uint32_t so I don't see what is particularly appealing about std::bitset.
The enum solution seems slightly less type safe because the combinations of the masks does not generate an enumerator.
Strictly speaking, the aforementioned is with respect to n3376 and not FDIS (as I do not have access to FDIS).
Any available enlightenment in this area would be appreciated.
The really surprising thing is that the standard restricts it to just three alternatives. Why shouldn't a class type be acceptable? Anyway…
Integral types are the simplest alternative, but they lack type safety. Very old legacy code will tend to use these as they are also the oldest.
Enumeration types are safe but cumbersome, and until C++11 they tended to be fixed to the size and range of int.
std::bitset may be have somewhat more type safety in that bitset<5> and bitset<6> are different types, and addition is disallowed, but otherwise is unsafe much like an integral type. This wouldn't be an issue if they had allowed types derived from std::bitset<N>.
Clearly enums are the ideal alternative, but experience has proven that the type safety is really unnecessary. So they threw implementers a bone and allowed them to take easier routes. The short answer, then, is that laziness leads implementers to choose int or bitset.
It is a little odd that types derived from bitset aren't allowed, but really that's a minor thing.
The main specification that clause provides is the set of operations defined over these types (i.e., the bitwise operators).
My preference is to use an enum, but there are sometimes valid reasons to use an integer. Usually ctype_base::mask interacts with the native OS headers, with a mapping from ctype_base::mask to the <ctype.h> implementation-defined constants such as _CTYPE_L and _CTYPE_U used for isupper and islower etc. Using an integer might make it easier to use ctype_base::mask directly with native OS APIs.
I don't know why libstdc++'s <regex> uses a std::bitset. When that code was committed I made a mental note to replace the integer types with an enumeration at some point, but <regex> is not a priority for me to work on.
Why would the standard allow different ways of implementing the library? And the answer is: Why not?
As you have seen, all three options are obviously used in some implementations. The standard doesn't want to make existing implementations non-conforming, if that can be avoided.
One reason to use a bitset could be that its size fits better than an enum or an integer. Not all systems even have a std::uint32_t. Maybe a bitset<24> will work better there?

Why is there a sizeof... operator in C++0x?

I saw that #GMan implemented a version of sizeof... for variadic templates which (as far as I can tell) is equivalent to the built in sizeof.... Doesn't this go against the second design principle: prefer libraries to language extensions?
From Variadic Templates (Revision 3)
(N2080=06-0150), page 6:
Although not strictly necessary (we can implement count without this feature), checking the length of a parameter pack is a common operation that deserves a simple syntax. Moreover, this operation may become necessary for type-checking reasons when variadic templates are combined with concepts; see Section 3.3.
(Section 3.3 talks about concepts which is irrelevant now.)
sizeof... is just sugar, I think.
sizeof is indeed core to the language as is ..., and although a countof function could exist we already have sizeof and ... reserved so we might as well make it convenient to get the count that way.
Contrarily, if sizeof and ... weren't reserved, the idea of adding such a thing would have probably failed because new keywords tend to be frowned upon. (The less the better.)