Reasons for variations in run-time performance of identical code - c++

when running some benchmarks of my C++ software, I obtained the following picture:
The plot shows the execution time in nanoseconds of one tick of the software.
The exact same tick is ran each time (one data point is one tick).
When testing in the simulated environment of valgrind, there is zero difference between each tick, and I don't have syscalls others than what clock_gettime may do.
I would like to understand what can cause the two "speeds" in which the tick seems to run. I disabled intel CPU sleep states which greatly helped (before that I had 4 lines like this), and what could be the causes for the outlier points. The scheduler used is linux's FIFO scheduler.
An interesting observation is that the tick times alternate between the two values of 9000 and 6700 ns; here's some data points:
just doing this in a loop in my thread:
auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
measure(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(t1 - t0).count()));
is enough for me to see the alternating effect, though between 100 and 150 ns.


Measuring FLOPS and memory traffic in a C++ program

I am trying to profile a C++ program. For the first step, I want to determine whether the program is compute-bound or memory-bound by the Roofline Model. So I need to measure the following 4 things.
W: # of computations performed in the program (FLOPs)
Q: # of bytes of memory accesses incurred in the program (Byte/s)
π: peak performance (FLOPs)
β: peak bandwidth (Byte/s)
I have tried to use Linux perf to measure W. I followed the instructions here, using libpfm4 to determine the available events (by ./showevinfo). I found my CPU supports the INST_RETIREDevent with umask X87, then I used ./check_events INST_RETIRED:X87 to find the code, which is 0x5302c0. Then I tried perf stat -e r5302c0 ./test_exe and I got
Performance counter stats for './test_exe':
83,381,997 r5302c0
20.134717382 seconds time elapsed
74.691675000 seconds user
0.357003000 seconds sys
Is it right for my process to measure the W of my program? If yes, then it should be 83,381,997 FLOPs, right?
Why is this FLOPs not stable between repeated executions?
How can I measure the other Q, π and β?
Thanks for your time and any suggestions.

Monitor task CPU utilization in VxWorks while program is running

I'm running a VxWorks 6.9 OS embedded system and I need to see when I'm starving low priority tasks. Ideally I'd like to have CPU utilization by task so I know what is eating up all my CPU time.
I know this is a built in feature in many operating systems but have been so far unable to find it for VxWorks 6.9.
If I can't measure by task I'd like to at least to see what percentage of time the CPU is idle.
To that end I've been trying to make a lowest priority task that will run the function below that would try to measure it indirectly.
float Foo::IdleTime(Foo* f)
bool inIdleTask;
float timeIdle;
float totalTime;
float percentIdle;
startTime = _time(); //get time before before measurement starts
inIdleTask = true;
timeIdle = 0;
while(inIdleTask) // I have no clue how to detect when the task left and set this to false
timeIdle += (amount_of_time_for_inner_loop); //measure idle time
returnTime = _time(); //get time after you return to IdleTime task
totalTime = ( returnTime - startTime );
percentIdle = ( timeIdle / totalTime ) * 100; //calculate percentage of idle time
//logic to report percentIdle
The big problem with this concept is I don't know how I would detect when this task is left for a higher priority task.
If you are looking for a one time measurement done during the developement, then spyLib is what you are looking for. Simply call spy from the command line to get per task CPU usage report in 10s intervals. Call spyHelp to learn how to configure the spy. (Might need to inculude the spyLib to kernel if not already included.)
If you want to go the extra mile, taskHookLib is what you need. Simply put, you hook a function to be called in every task switch. Call gives you the TASK_IDs of tasks going in and out of the CPU. You can either simply monitor the starvation of low pri tasks or take action and increase their priority temporarily.
From experience, spy adds a little performance overhead, especially if stdout faces to a slow I/O (e.g. a 9600 baud serial), but fairly easy to use. taskHook'ing adds little to none overhead if you are not immediately printing the results on the terminal, but takes a bit of programming to get it running.
Another thing that might be of interest is WindRiver's remote debugger. Haven't use that one personally, imagine it would require setting up the workbench and the target properly.

Interpreting PGI_ACC_TIME output

I have some OpenACC-accelerated C++ code that I've compiled using the PGI compiler. Things seem to be working, so now I want to play efficiency whack-a-mole with profiling information.
I generate some timing info by setting:
export PGI_ACC_TIME=1
And then running the program.
The following output results:
-bash-4.2$ ./a.out not found
Accelerator Kernel Timing data
PGI_ACC_SYNCHRONOUS was set, disabling async() clauses
_MyProgram NVIDIA devicenum=1
time(us): 97,667
75: data region reached 2 times
75: data copyin transfers: 3
device time(us): total=101 max=82 min=9 avg=33
76: compute region reached 1000 times
76: kernel launched 1000 times
grid: [1938] block: [128]
elapsed time(us): total=680,216 max=1,043 min=654 avg=680
95: compute region reached 1000 times
95: kernel launched 1000 times
grid: [1938] block: [128]
elapsed time(us): total=487,365 max=801 min=476 avg=487
110: data region reached 2000 times
110: data copyin transfers: 1000
device time(us): total=6,783 max=140 min=3 avg=6
125: data copyout transfers: 1000
device time(us): total=7,445 max=190 min=6 avg=7
real 0m3.864s
user 0m3.499s
sys 0m0.348s
It raises some questions:
I see time(us): 97,667 at the top. This seems like a total time, but, at the bottom, I see real 0m3.864s. Why is there such a difference?
If time(us): 97,667 is the total, why is it so much smaller than values lower down, such as elapsed time(us): total=680,216?
This kernel including the line (elapsed time(us): total=680,216 max=1,043 min=654 avg=680) was run 1000 times. Are max, min, and avg values based on per-run values of the kernel?
Since the [grid] and [block] values may vary, are the elapsed total values still a good indicator of hotspots?
For data regions (device time(us): total=6,783) is the measurement transfer time or the entire time spent dealing with the data (preparing to transfer, post-receipt operations)?
The line numbering is weird. For instance, Line 76 in my program is clearly a for loop, Line 95 in is a close-brace, and Line 110 is a variable definition. Should line numbers be interpreted as "the loop most closely following the indicated line number", or in some other way?
The kernel at 76 contains the kernel at 95. Are the times calculated for 76 inclusive of time spent in 95? If so, is there a convenient way to find the time spent in a kernel minus the times of all the subkernels?
(Some of these questions are a bit anal retentive, but I haven't found documentation for this, so I thought I'd be thorough.)
Part of the issue here is that the runtime can't find the CUDA Profiling library (, hence you're only seeing the PGI CPU side profiling not the device profiling. PGI ships library with the compilers (under $PGI/[linux86-64|linuxpower]/2017/cuda/[7.5|8.0]/lib64) but this is an optional install so you may not have it install on the system you're running. CUPTI also ships with the CUDA SDK, so if the system has CUDA install, you can try setting you're LD_LIBRARY_PATH there instead. On my system it's installed in "/opt/cuda-8.0/extras/CUPTI/lib64/".
The missing CUPTI library is why you're seeing the bad time, 97,667, for the file time. Also since you're missing CUPTI, the time you're seeing is being measured from the host. With CUPTI, in addition to the elapsed time, you'd see the device time for each kernel. The difference between the elapsed time and the device time is the launch overhead per kernel.
Are max, min, and avg values based on per-run values of the kernel?
4.Since the [grid] and [block] values may vary, are the elapsed total values still a good indicator of hotspots?
I tend to first look at the avg time since there's typically more opportunities to tune these loops. If you are varying the amount of work per kernel iteration (i.e the grid size changes), then it might not be as useful, but a good starting point.
Now if you had a low average but many calls, then the elapsed time may be dominated by kernel launch overhead. In which case, I'd look to see if you can combine loops or push more work into each loop.
5.For data regions (device time(us): total=6,783) is the measurement transfer time or the entire time spent dealing with the data
(preparing to transfer, post-receipt operations)?
Just the data transfer time. For the overhead, you would need to use PGPROF/NVPROF.
6.The line numbering is weird. For instance, Line 76 in my program is clearly a for loop, Line 95 in is a close-brace, and Line 110 is a
variable definition. Should line numbers be interpreted as "the loop
most closely following the indicated line number", or in some other
It's because the code's been optimized so the line number may be a bit off though it should correspond to the line numbers from compiler feedback messages (-Minfo=accel). So "the loop most closely..." option should be correct.

how to run Clock-gettime correctly in Vxworks to get accurate time

I am trying to measure time take by processes in C++ program with linux and Vxworks. I have noticed that clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, timespec ) is accurate enough (resolution about 1 ns) to do the job on many Oses. For a portability matter I am using this function and running it on both Vxworks 6.2 and linux 3.7.
I ve tried to measure the time taken by a simple print:
#define <timers.h<
#define <iostream>
#define BILLION 1000000000L
int main(){
struct timespec start, end; uint32_t diff;
for(int i=0; i<1000; i++){
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTME, &start);
std::cout<<"Do stuff"<<std::endl;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTME, &end);
diff = BILLION*(end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)+(end.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec);
return 0;
I compiled this on linux and vxworks. For linux results seemed logic (average 20 µs). But for Vxworks, I ve got a lot of zeros , then 5000000 ns , then a lot of zeros...
PS , for vxwroks, I runned this app on ARM-cortex A8, and results seemed random
have anyone seen the same bug before,
In vxworks, the clock resolution is defined by the system scheduler frequency. By default, this is typically 60Hz, however may be different dependant on BSP, kernel configuration, or runtime configuration.
The VxWorks kernel configuration parameters SYS_CLK_RATE_MAX and SYS_CLK_RATE_MIN define the maximum and minimum values supported, and SYS_CLK_RATE defines the default rate, applied at boot.
The actual clock rate can be modified at runtime using sysClkRateSet, either within your code, or from the shell.
You can check the current rate by using sysClkRateGet.
Given that you are seeing either 0 or 5000000ns - which is 5ms, I would expect that your system clock rate is ~200Hz.
To get greater resolution, you can increase the system clock rate. However, this may have undesired side effects, as this will increase the frequency of certain system operations.
A better method of timing code may be to use sysTimestamp which is typically driven from a high frequency timer, and can be used to perform high-res timing of short-lived activities.
I think in vxworks by default the clock resolution is 16.66ms which you can get by calling clock_getres() function. You can change the resolution by calling sysclkrateset() function(max resolution supported is 200us i guess by passing 5000 as argument to sysclkrateset function). You can then calculate the difference between two timestamps using difftime() function

Best option to profile CPU use in my program?

I am profiling CPU usage on a simple program I am writing. I have different algorithms I want to try, and I also want to know what's the impact on the total system performance.
Currently, I am using ualarm() to execute some instructions at 30Hz; every 15 of those interruptions (every 0.5s) I record the CPU time with getrusage() (in useconds), so I have an estimation on the total cpu time of cpu consumption on that point in time. But to get context, I also need to know the total time elapsed in the system in that time period, so I can have the % of which is used by my program.
/* Main Loop */
alarm = 0;
/* Waiting Loop: */
for(i=0; !alarm; i++){
/* Do my things */
/* Check if it's time to store cpu log: */
if ((count%count_max) == 0)
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
(int64_t) ru.ru_utime.tv_sec,
(int64_t) ru.ru_utime.tv_usec,
(int64_t) ru.ru_stime.tv_sec,
(int64_t) ru.ru_stime.tv_usec);
I have different options, but I don't know which one will provide the most exact result:
Use ualarm for the timing. Currently it's programmed to signal every 0.5 seconds, so I can take those 0.5 seconds as the CPU time. Seems quite obvious to use, but it's the best option?
Use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC): it provides readings with a nanosec resolution.
Use gettimeofday(): provides readings with a usec resolution. I've found opinions against using it.
Any recommendation? Thanks.
Possible solution is to use system function time and don't using busy loop (like #Hasturkun say) in your program. Call in console:
time /path/to/my/program
and after execution of it you get something like:
real 0m1.465s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m1.210s
Not sure about precision, if it is enough for you.
Callgrind is possibly the best application for profiling C/C++ code under linux. Use it with pride:)