Essbase Webservices for Authentication - web-services

I want to connect to Essbase from a 3rd Party App - Alteryx. Essbase exposes JAVA APIs and allows 3rd party apps to connect to those JAVA APIs. However, Alteryx cannot connect to those APIs and hence I am interested in knowing about the SOAP based Essbase Webservices.
Does anyone know how to call Essbase Authentication webservice complete with attributes such as URL and request body.
In case if anyone has a working sample that can be shared, please post it or otherwise, kindly point to a web resource that can be referred to fulfill this requirement.

I would recommend against using the SOAP-based Essbase web services. They are a dead end with almost zero documentation. You can just use the normal Essbase Java API, which can be configured to use HTTP. There are numerous examples on the web as well as sample Java examples that ship with Essbase.


Understanding SOAP vs REST from an authentication point of view

So I have currently been assigned to read about Web Services. I was going through the differences between REST, XML-RPC and SOAP and came across this particular link :
It mentions this following, in terms of authentication and authorization
As for authentication and authorization, SOAP places the burden in the hands of the application developer. The REST methodology instead takes into account the fact that Web servers already have support for these tasks. Through the use of industry-standard certificates and a common identity management system, such as an LDAP server, developers can make the network layer do all the heavy lifting.
I was not able to understand this particular reference. Can some one explain how this happens in detail?
A web service is method or mechanism to communicate between different applications using open standard such as XML, WSDL, and SOAP. Using web service different device or program communicates over network
Type of WebService
SOAP Web Service
RESTFul Web Service
more information you can check :

Why do we need client to test SOAP web services, but not for REST?

I am new to web services. I am studying it through various sites. Got confused for below query.
Why do we need client to test SOAP web services, but not for REST?
Thank You :)
The short answer is "you don't mandatory need client to work with SOAP web services, and you may wish to use a client for ReST service".
Having a SOAP client makes things much simpler. In case of SOAP web service there's thing called WSDL, where your client can get all the information about this service - classes, operations, etc... all together called service contract. Based on this knowledge, a decent client will present you with user-friendly UI to make SOAP calls and display output. But, again, if you're skilled (and crazy) enough, you can do it even through telnet command.
The ReST is more general term. Actually SOAP web services can be referred to as ReST level 0 services. Since ReST is more general, by definition there are more general rules. For example, there's no common rule where to get service contract. On the other hand, ReST services nowadays are written the way that they can be simply consumed from e.g. JavaScript. This means that you can use tools like Postman or DHC Chrome extensions to make requests and see results - and they will work as a client to your ReST service.

How to authenticate method on a web service so that hackers could not invoke methods within webservice using different tools?

We have developed web service(as well as generic handler) based web application.But it seems that the methods could be invoked by using different tools like (Poster,Advanced Rest Client) to get the secure information of Administrator and could do malicious activities.We would be grateful if you provide us the best possible method to make the method inside webservice or generic handler becomes secure.
What you actually want is to probably know more about WS-Security in your respective technology
The above works if you expose as SOAP web service.
For REST web service, I found this link:
Security of REST authentication schemes

Web Service for the AllegroGraph API

The AllegroGraph RDF Store provides multiple channels to communicate through. I am developing a Web Service for that. I have the following questions:
How to implement a Web Service over this SPARQL Endpoint?
What are the best practices? CXF or Axis?
The link you provided points to the AllegroGraph API documentation. The documentation says:
The protocol described here is compatible (is a super-set of) with the Sesame 2.0 HTTP protocol and the W3C SPARQL protocol (SPARQL endpoint).
I think you may want to develop a small library that sits between AllegroGraph and the client applications and 'speaks' this protocol, which appears to be a combination of "normal" REST and SPARQL. A client application can then pass the arguments to your library, which translates them to arguments in a SPARQL query or normal REST request.
For these operations, you may be able to use one of the tools mentioned in this answer, or use an SPARQL API like Jena ARQ and a general REST API like JAX-RS, or similar functions in programming language of your project.
Depending on your project, you can integrate these functions (SPARQL and REST calls) with the client application. You could of course provide the services again as a web service (using e.g. CXF or Axis), but if you control the client application(s) this may be too much for your project.

Restful Web service - specifications

what is meant by specifications for Restful web service.
I am new to Restful web services and I created a simple Rest web service with a 'Get' method/operation. The web service was created using jersey . I am asked for the specification for this web service and I am not sure what should be the correct answer.
It means you need to describe what calls are available and what type of objects they can receive or return. For some examples, have a look at the API documentation of major websites like the Twitter API Reference, Facebook Graph API, etc.