Visual C++: memory debugger refresh while running - c++

In Visual C++ 2015, the memory debugger window shows
"Unavailable when debuggee is running."
when the process is running.
Is it possible to show and reevaluate the memory at a certain address without pause the process, like a live view?

Yes, it is possible. Place a breakpoint, open breakpoint settings button (gear) and set action to print log message containing the value of variable of interest such as {var_name}. Example:
auto i{0u};
will print the value of i into VS output window every 10000 iterations.
This screenshot if from VS2017, but it should probably work for VS2015 as well.


Force C++ program to pause in Visual Studio debugger

I'm debugging C++ program compiled with MSVC under Windows.
I want to investigate issue linked with multi threading. So I put ASSERT in my code and when program reaches ASSERT it displays window about ASSERT (Standart [Abort], [Retry], [Ignore] window) with proposal to pause program in debugger. I press [Retry] button and program pauses. BUT while I was pressing the button other threads continue to execute.
So the question is how to immediately stop the program when it reaches some point to see what other threads was doing at that time?
You might want to set a conditional breakpoint instead of using an assert:
In case you want to do it programmatically, use DebugBreak. (C# has an equivalent api System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break)
In case you want to do it from ide, from the msdn page you can put a breakpoint (or break all the application, ctrl+alt+B) from visual studio and then control the thread execution using "freeze" and "thaw" in the thread window.

Is it possible to debug UnhandledExceptionFilters with a debugger?

In the Microsoft Windows API, you can use SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, to set a handler for unhandled exceptions. The big catch, mentioned on that page, is:
If an exception occurs in a process that is not being debugged, and
the exception makes it to the unhandled exception filter, that filter
will call the exception filter function specified by the
lpTopLevelExceptionFilter parameter.
(emphasis added)
Which basically means, if the process is getting debugged, the debugger gets the exception, and my filter is skipped!
I can test & debug my ExceptionFilter the old-fashioned way, with printfs and trial-n-error.
But am I missing something? Is there a good way to interactively debug an ExceptionFilter if it is disabled when in a debugger?
Checkout the Resolution section of KB173652 which talks about placing all the code in main/WinMain in a _try/_except block like the following.
void main (int argc, char **argv)
// all of code normally inside of main or WinMain here...
__except (MyUnFilter (GetExceptionInformation()))
OutputDebugString ("executed filter function\n");
Another article, Debugging custom filters for unhandled exceptions, describes a couple more techniques in addition to the one above. I personally use the one where you display a message box inside your exception filter and then attach the debugger. I use IsDebuggerPresent to determine whether to display the message box or not.
I know this post has been around for a while, but, I just happened upon it searching for something else. I’m happy to say that what user ‘abelenky’ asks is possible if the filter exists in a separate dll. You can debug an unhandled exception filter using a debugger. I’ve done it, and, here’s how:
The exception filter must exist in a separate dll. You’ll see why later.
You’ll need to add some code to the filter that displays a message box. I use the following code:
#ifdef _DEBUG
AfxMessageBox (_T("At this time, you must attach the debugger to this process in order to debug the filter code."));
The #ifdef is important because you don’t want the code executing in a Release build. I placed the above code at the very top of my filter.
To debug the filter:
Build a Release version of your application in Visual Studio
(instance #1).
Build a Debug version of your filter in a second instance of VS (#2).
Copy the Debug version of the filter to the Release folder of your
Start your Release application from the Debug menu “without
Cause a crash in your application.
When the debug message box (above) appears, change to the second instance (#2) of Visual Studio.
In the #2 instance, open the filter project in Debug (if it isn't open) and attach the
debugger to your Application instance.
Set a breakpoint in your filter code after the message box displays.
Close the message box and your breakpoint should be hit.
Continue to debug your code.

Win32 console disapears after a second

I have created a Win32 Console Application in Visual Studio but when I start the program the console apears just for a second and then disapears again. What should I do that the console remains on the screen ?
Well, the program has finished running, so it closes.
Either make the program wait for input (e.g. with getchar()), or press Ctrl-F5 to run the program without debugging (but then you won't be able to set breakpoints and stuff).
You can set breakpoints anywhere in your code to make it stop. If you just want to see the output of the program when it's done, try setting a breakpoint on the last line of main().
This is happening because the program has nothing to wait for before exiting.
Try running std::cin.get(); before main() returns to make the console wait for keyboard input.

using nsight to debug

I am using NSight to debug my CUDA code and I have question:
how can I place a breakpoint for a specific thread and block?
When I place a breakpoint on the kernel the debugger always stops at thread 0 of block 0.
As discussed in the online help in Nsight, you can set a breakpoint and make it conditional on block and thread id like this:
To set a block or thread condition on a CUDA C breakpoint:
Set a breakpoint on a line of source code.
Right-click on the breakpoint.
From the drop-down menu, select Condition...
#blockIdx(0,2,0) && #threadIdx(5,0,0)
Click OK. The breakpoint glyph shows a plus sign.
try to use CUDA Debug Focus. you can debug any thread in any block you want...

C++ on Windows - the console window just flashes and disappears. What's going on? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Visual Studio Console App - Prevent window from closing.
I'm starting to learn C++ on Windows and I'm trying a few different development environments:
1. Netbeans with Cygwin compiler
2. MS Visual Studio 2010
For either of them, when I write a very simple Hello World program, I build it and it's fine. But when I try to run the program, the command prompt window pops up really quick and then disappears right away.
This happens whether it's in Debug or Release config. Please help with this - I can't see my program output! :(
Thanks for the replies. This is my code:
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "This is a test." << std::endl;
return 0;
I tried Ctrl+F5 for "Start without Debugging" and that doesn't work. It still flashes the black console screen then disappears right away.
I also tried adding in std::cin.get(); and this works with Ctrl+F5, but isn't that a really... inelegant workaround solution? I'd rather have my program in the final form.
The breakpoint works, but then I have to run with debugging and the console window flashes and disappears, but then it stays in the background. Any way to get the console to stay in the foreground so I can see program output right away? Seems like that's how it should work.
Any more ideas? Why wouldn't Ctrl+F5 work?
After you are done with your program, press Ctrl + F5 ( Run without debugging). This will prompt before closing the window and this is what you want.
Write cin.get() at the end of the program.
use Ctrl+F5 to run your program or set a break point in the last line or write cin>> to any vraiable at the end....etc
I think your program just prints Hello World and then exits. That's the reason the console closes immediately. You can run the executable from Command Prompt (Start Menu > Run and type cmd.exe). Otherwise, you can put std::cin.get() in your code so that program waits for user's input and hence the console window remains open until a key is pressed.
Your application is probably working. Make the last command in your console application wait for user input: e.g int i;
string i;
Issue a getchar() before returning or run from cmd.exe