How to copy Windows EC2 instances to S3 bucket in AWS? - amazon-web-services

I am not able to find a find documents showing how can I copy a Windows instance to an Amazon S3 bucket.
Can any one help me with step by step approach to do this and suggest some of the links?

You can not copy AMIs to s3. You can either create a snapshot of your volumes or create another image (AMI).
I assume you're trying to create a backup of your AMIs. So, there are some alternatives for doing that.
Create a new AMI from an existing running image. Reference: Creating an Amazon EBS-Backed Windows AMI
Creating a Windows AMI from a Running Instance
You can create an AMI using the AWS Management Console or the command line. The following diagram summarizes the process for creating an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from a running EC2 instance. Start with an existing AMI, launch an instance, customize it, create a new AMI from it, and finally launch an instance of your new AMI. The steps in the following diagram match the steps in the procedure below. If you already have a running Amazon EBS-backed instance, you can go directly to step 4.
You can create images using the AWS CLI command create-image
Create Snapshots of your volumes, these snapshots will be stored behind the scenes in s3. Reference: Creating an Amazon EBS Snapshot
You can create EBS snapshots using the AWS CLI command create-snapshot
+ Resources
Copying an Amazon EBS Snapshot
Copying an AMI


AWS EC2 - How to create a backup locally/file system

Is it possible to backup EC2 instance locally? (Not just the data , but the installations on Linux in EC2 as well)
I found number of options that would take data backup, but is there a way where we could backup fully functional Ec2 as is to local system? If not, can we download the image may be of EC2 locally which can be restored to same/another AWS environment when needed?
can we download the image may be of EC2 locally which can be restored to same/another AWS environment when needed?
for this the easiest solution would be this
got to instances under ec2 service in your account management console.
select the instance you wish to backup/copy.
select create image.
once image is created you can view it under ec2 navigation pane -> images-> ami.
to launch instance from the image, select and launch it.
could backup fully functional Ec2 as is to local system
the possible solution what i know and have tried to use export.Exporting as a VM is useful when you want to deploy a copy of an Amazon EC2 instance in your on-site virtualization environment. You can export most EC2 instances to Citrix Xen, Microsoft Hyper-V, or VMware vSphere.
your VM which is to be exported is stored in s3 so you will be charged according to s3 rates+ EBS snapshot charge

How Can I migrate ami with root volume and attached encrypted ebs volume from one amazon account to another

I have AMI with root volume and encrypted ebs volume attached. I want to migrate both to another aws account. How can I migrate both root and encrypted ebs to another account. How to use KMS encryption keys.
To migrate your instance to another aws account you have to create an AMI out of it and then you can copy that AMI to other AWS account of yours.
An AMI includes the following:
A template for the root volume for the instance (for example, an operating system, an application server, and applications)
Launch permissions that control which AWS accounts can use the AMI to launch instances.
A block device mapping that specifies the volumes to attach to the instance when it's launched
During the AMI-creation process, Amazon EC2 creates snapshots of your instance's root volume and any other EBS volumes attached to your instance. If any volumes attached to the instance are encrypted, the new AMI only launches successfully on instances that support Amazon EBS encryption.
To migrate an ec2 instance first create a AMI of it you can follow the steps mentioned in the AWS Documentation or Creating AMI.
To copy your AMI to a different AWS account follow this AWS Document.
Note: You do not need to share the Amazon EBS snapshots that an AMI references in order to share the AMI. Only the AMI itself needs to be shared; the system automatically provides the instance access to the referenced Amazon EBS snapshots for the launch.

Is it possible to dowload a Windows AMI created in EC2 for a local copy

I am making a backup of all the instances in EC2 and I am following the best practices specified by techsoup for backup
In this it is mentioned to keep a local copy of the server at 2 different locations. I was wondering if it is possible to download a Windows AMI created in Amazon EC2 which was not exported from the local VM or using the AWS CLI. It is completely an EC2 instance whose AMI was created for backup.
Can I keep a local copy of the AMI for on-premise backup?
No, it is not possible. If the AMI needs to be kept in two locations then those locations should be separate AWS regions. You can copy the AMI to another region using the AWS CLI's copy-image or via the AWS console.

Instance cloning in AWS

I am having an instance running in AWS, this instance was installed with tomcat, java,DB, etc.,
I want to create an another instance like my running instance.
how to clone my running instance with all the installations to be available in new instance? I read about creating AMI, will it make my new instance with tomcat, java,DB, etc., installed?
Yes, you can create an AMI from your running instance and then launch a new instance from that AMI and it will essentially be a clone.
Choosing the Create Image command on an existing Amazon EC2 instance will create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that contains a copy of all disk volumes attached to the instance.
You can then launch a new EC2 instance from the AMI. This will result in the new instance having exactly the same disk content. When launching the new instance you can select a different instance type, network setting, etc -- the only part that will be identical is the content of the disk volumes.
Give it a try, it's very easy!
Select the original instance in the Amazon EC2 management console
Click Actions/Image/Create Image to create the AMI
Select the new AMI in the AMIs section of the console
Select the AMI, then click Actions/Launch to launch a new instance from the AMI
See: Creating an Amazon EBS-Backed Linux AMI

Not able to create AWS instance

I have a running micro strategy instance in AWS (Amazon Web Services). I created a snap shot of my running instance, after which I created a AMI using the snap shot. When i tried to create a new instance with the image I was not able to create it. I am getting a failure message.
My currently running AMI is : ami-b1b9cdd8
MY AMI created from the snapshot : ami-817320e8
Kindly help me on the same
It is not possible to create a (working) AMI from a snapshot of a Windows instance. Instead, create the AMI directly from the instance (not via a snapshot).