How to stop programmers to copy the code from GitHub when they leave the company? - source-code-protection

A friend of mine owns a tech-company and he said that one of the biggest problem he faces is that when a programmer leaves the company, they somehow, copy and share the code with their personal GitHub account. What preventive measures can be taken in this regard? The whole code resides on GitHub.

It does not matter where their code comes from. They can as easily copy it to a USB Disc, or CD, or whatnot, and then put it on github later. Or put it in any other location, Bitbucket, filesharing, etc. This really has little to do with github.
Common protection actions are making employess sign NDAs, have license headers in all files, and have a legal department tracking copies.
It's no different from protecting movies of videos from being provided free on the internet.

If the code is in a public repository anyone can copy it. So I'd assume this must be a private repository.
The employees account should be revoked on GitHub. This stops them from continuing to access the repository. Github also allows you to see the number of unique users that have cloned the repository. If this goes up unexpectedly just before the employee leaves you have an indication that you need to investigate - at this point you should ask Github for the IP address logs.
Meanwhile if you have any feasible evidence the user has copied the repository as is to their own personal github account technically it would be trivial for github to check. They could simply compare the HEAD commit SHA against your repository. Whether they would do so without a court order I do not know.
Saying this github is just one of many vectors go get code out of an organization. If you allow users to clone repositories onto personal equipment (say work from home) then you can never fully prove they haven't copied it elsewhere. If they have USB access to their work machine what stops them manually copying it off? If internet usage is not monitored and restricted they can just zip it up and upload it to any of a number of file hosting sites. And if worst comes to worst there is always the take a photo of the screen on a personal mobile device or print the lot out and walk it out the front door approach.
Companies often find attempting to resolve issues like this with technical measures are bottomless money pits that end up hindering developers work and morale. I'd suggest usually a far better approach is to try and push a culture where developers respect you enough to not attempt to steal from you. Meanwhile if ever you have viable proof an employee has abused their access to follow the correct legal process.

Not sure if stackoverflow is best for this, maybe try:
If the repo is private and the code is usually private too, they are not allowed to copy & paste the whole code base. They could also have copied it before leaving, so the practice is hard to stop, but if you can prove they copied proprietary/private code they could get into trouble.
Also some code is really simple and could be rewritten especially if the person who left wrote it ... it just takes time.
If possible add a copyright notice with the company name on the top of the custom files in order to avoid confusion between proprietary code and external code like imported libs and files. Also make sure you have proper ownership contracts.
The real question is: are they using this code to compete with you or for something completely different ?

Well, before you can do anything first make sure you have properly written me I have few cases ended in court and 2 times I lost only because the lawyer didn't make his job ..When dealing as we are internationally it is even more complicated.So you have to first make sure that everything developed in your company actually belongs to your company legally, after that you have to be very careful when you publish content because you may accept some terms that can cost you later.Unlike most users, I wanted to talk about this part since in most cases when devs or programmers leave some company in 99% cases they already have most of the code(or some parts) simple because as programmer I know how most of us work...there is always local working code with local backups thus probably somewhere in the cloud ..or it will happen that you will not be able to decline access right after they leave and they will still have access to it.But if you have legal ground than in most case just fact that you have code legally protected will be enough.


How to prove ownership of sourcecode?

I am looking for some online tools to help me preventing my digital products from cloning/copying under DMCA legally.
I am a PHP/WordPress developer, selling some premium plugins on my site, I found a man who is selling the items matching with a couple of items I coded originally but I am confused how I will verify my ownership if I proceed legally?
I apologize if I posted this question on wrong place, but any help regarding my question/request will be highly appreciated.
Watermarking is what you need. This introduces small 'features' into the source code which you can later prove that it's yours. For example you can obviously choose distinctive variable names but these can be renamed. You can use distinctive layout i.e. whitespace characters. You can add redundant code that doesn't do anything but looks as though it does. If the copier retains this then it's pretty clear where it came from.
Additionally, you could obfuscate your code so the copier has a hard time understanding and therefore changing it. If your obfuscation is good enough then you could add code to nodelock it i.e. tie it to your domain and so then copying it to another domain will break it.

link C++ static library on specified computer

I developed a special business algorithm into a static library, and my other developers write non-critical code which will link to this static library when compile. I want to restrict only my company computer(Linux) can link this static library, to prevent this static library from being stolen and abused.
if not a good solution,any other suggestions is appreciated!
Thank you very much!
Very difficult to do this in a way that isn't easily bypassed by someone with some skills in doing such things. A simple solution would be to check the network card MAC-address, and refuse to run if it's "wrong" - but of course, anyone wanting to use your code would then just patch the binary to match their MAC-address. And you have to recompile the code whenever you use it on another computer.
Edit based on comment: No, the linker won't check the MAC-address, but the library can have code in it that checks the MAC-address, and then prints a message.
A more likely to work solution is to request permission from a server somewhere. If you also use some crypto-services to contact the server along with a two-part key, it can be pretty difficult to break. There are commercial products based on this, and it that didn't work, then they wouldn't exist - but I'm sure there are people who can bypass/fake those too.
As always, it comes down to the compromise between "how important it is to protect" vs. "how hard is it to break the protection". Games companies spend tons of money to make the game uncheatable and hard to copy, but within days, there are people who have bypassed it. And that's not even state secrets - government agencies (CIA, FBI, KGB, MI5, etc) that can have 100 really bright people in a room trying to break something will almost certainly break into whatever it is, almost no matter what it is - it just isn't worth the effort unless it's something REALLY important [and of course, then it is also well protected by both physical and logical protection mechanisms - you don't just log onto an FBI server from the internet, without some extra security, for example].

Easiest way to limit executable to running on a certain computer

I am trying to create an executable that will only run on one machine. What is the easiest way to achieve this? A license file? Or is there a machine address much like the MAC for network connections I could hardcode into the executable?
If it will run on only one machine, then... simply secure the machine and only store the executable on this machine.
That's, unfortunately, about the only reliable method.
Longer answer:
bits can be copied
programs can be dissassembled
dissassembly can be reverse engineered (though it's sometimes long)
the cost of reverse engineering can be made higher than the value produced by the program, possibly at a higher cost that the value produced by the program.
If you look long enough at the software industry:
DRM: fail
Licenses: fail
Licenses with web activation: fail
If it's worth cracking, it'll get cracked.
The easiest way would be to make it illegal via licencing. Trying to enforce this technically is impossible, and only hurts your users (user?): What if they reinstall the OS, or change their network card, or upgrade their CPU?
There is no solution that is 100% effective, and there is no solution that is "easiest" and also "highly effective." There typically is a continuum of "effective" and "drives users crazy" that you need to be very careful about.
The MAC address is not a horrible place to start. It's not that difficult to change your MAC address, but if you have multiple instances of the same MAC on the same subnet, their machine won't work, so it's good for keeping many people on the same subnet from running your product without licenses. The problem with MAC is that on desktops, the MAC changes if the network card changes; that ticks off your paying users.
A license file is generally better than modifying the binary. You should sign the license file, however, so that it can't be easily modified.
Your application itself is always the weakest link. A dedicated attacker will just remove the test from your application. There is no universal solution to this problem. A good approach is always around "keeping honest people honest" by making it easy to license your application correctly, and easy for the user to determine if they've done so. You can easily spend huge amounts of money trying to annoy people who will never pay you anyway.
I think my answer to another question applies here.
This is a legal issue, not a technological issue. Your goal should be to make it easy for people who want make sure they have valid licenses to your software. Rather than securing your code against people who want to steal it, you should focus on helping customers that are worried about accidentally using it without a proper license.
I'll also repeat my comment from yet another question:
I think "keeping honest people honest" is the right mind set to
approach this problem. Nothing can be cryptographically secure, but
having some sort of unique key or number for each license can actually
make it easier for business customers to account for their software,
and that adds value to your product. Onerous DRM (that doesn't work)
aimed at thwarting criminals (who'd never pay anyway) is just an
obstacle to paying customers.
If you want to create only one copy of your executable file and if you have access to the machine on which you have to install the executable file, then it is okay to hardcode the MAC address into your executable file. In case you want to distribute more than one copies of your executable file and if you don't have access to all the machines, then you might code the executable file to demand a license file which is generated form the MAC address of the machines. It is a sort of software activation.

Protecting a program from unauthorised use/"crackers"

I am writing a piece of software in C++ which is targeted at a market in which software is traditionally heavily cracked (or at least, attempted to be). I realise that nothing can be completely protected, however I feel that trying would be a good idea and also I think some of the specifics of the situation that I'm in might be helpful.
Firstly, it would not be annoying to the user that they must have an internet connection to use the software. I hate it when games etc. do this too, but the software requires an internet connection to function anyway due to its purpose, so this wouldn't hinder a normal user.
Secondly, it depends fairly heavily on external scripts written by me and/or supplied by third-parties, so I can have these stored on some website somewhere meaning that people who crack the software will have to also track down new copies of the scripts, which may annoy them into becoming legit.
Thirdly, new versions will, by definition due to what the app does, have to be released very often, weekly or every two weeks max. The program will obviously have an autoupdater, but since I am churning out (required to function) updates so often, any sort of key-based encryption or whatever could possibly have the keys/method change every update, and I am capable of breaking existing cracks when they do happen.
Does anyone know of any available solutions or techniques I could implement which fit the bill?
If you application is doing some sort of data processing or analysis, you can protect it by putting that part into a web service (maybe in a cloud) that your client application connects and authenticate to and then receive results from. So even if your client application is reversed engineered, it would be missing that important piece of processing.
If your application is web based, you get the same effect too.
I've previously used CrypKey successfully.
I'm going to guess that older copies of the software are far less useful than the latest copy.
If that's the case, then you already have a powerful anti-cracker technology in place: your update mechanism. When you become aware of a hacked version of your software, then you can immediately check for it, and cause trouble for users of the hacked software.

Copy-protecting a static library

I will soon be shipping a paid-for static library, and I am wondering if it is possible to build in any form of copy protection to prevent developers copying the library.
Ideally, I would like to prevent the library being linked into an executable at all, if (and only if!) the library has been illegitimately copied onto the developer's machine. Is this possible?
Alternatively, it might be acceptable if applications linked to an illegitimate copy of the library simply didn't work; however, it is very important that this places no burden on the users of these applications (such as inputting a license key, using a dongle, or even requiring an Internet connection).
The library is written in C++ and targets a number of platforms including Windows and Mac.
Do I have any options?
I agree with other answers that a fool-proof protection is simply impossible. However, as a gentle nudge...
If your library is precompiled, you could discourage excessive illegitimate use by requiring custom license info in the API.
Change a function like:
jeastsy_lib::init( "Licenced to Foobar Industries", "(hex string here)" );
Where the first parameter identifies the customer, and the second parameter is an MD5 or other hash of the first parameter with a salt.
When your library is purchased, you would supply both of those parameters to the customer.
To be clear, this is an an easily-averted protection for someone smart and ambitious enough. Consider this a speed bump on the path to piracy. This may convince potential customers that purchasing your software is the easiest path forward.
A C++ static library is a terribly bad redistributable.
It's a bot tangential, but IMO should be mentioned here. There are many compiler options that need to match the caller:
static/dynamic CRT linking,
exception handling enabled/disabled,
representation of member function pointers
That's up to 64 configurations!
Also they are not portable across platforms even if your C++ code is platform independent - they might not even work with a future compiler version on the same platform! LTCG creates huge .lib files. So even if you can omit some of the choices, you have a huge build and distribution size, and a general PITA for the user.
That's the main reason I wouldn't consider buying anything that comes with static libraries only, much less somethign that adds copy protection of any sort.
Implementation ideas
I can't think of any better fundamental mechanism than Shmoopty's suggestion.
You can additionally "watermark" your builds, so that if you detect a library "in the wild", you can determine whom you sold that one to. (However, what are you going to do? Write angry e-mails to an potentially innocent customer?) Also, this requires some effort, using an easily locatable sequence of bytes not affecting execution won't help much.
You need to protect yourself agains LIB "unpacker" tools. However, the linker should still be able to remove unused functions.
General thoughts
Implementing a decent protection mechanism takes great care and some creativity, and I haven't yet seen a single one that does not create additional support cost and requires tough social decisions. Every hour spent on copy protection is an hour not spent improving your product. The market for C++ code isn't exactly huge, I see a lot of work that your customers have to pay for.
When I buy code, I happily pay for documentation, support, source code and other signs of "future proofness". Not so much for licencing.
Ideally, I would like to prevent the library being linked into an executable at all, if (and only if!) the library has been illegitimately copied onto the developer's machine. Is this possible?
How would you determine whether your library has been "illegitimately copied" at link time?
Remembering that none of your code is running when the linker does its work.
So, given that none of your code is running, we can't do anything at compile or link time. That leaves trying to determine whether the library was illegitimately copied onto the linking machine, from a completely unrelated target machine. And I'm still not seeing any way of making the two situations distinguishable, even if you were willing to impose burdens like "requires internet access" on the end-user.
My conclusion is that fuzzy lollipop's suggestion of "make something so useful that people want to buy it" is the best way to "copy-protect" your code library.
copy protection and in this case, execution protection by definition "places a burden on the user". no way to get around that. best form of copy protection is write something so useful people feel compelled to buy it.
You can't do what you want (perfect copy protection that places no burden on anyone except the people illegally copying the work).
There's no way for you to run code at link time with the standard linkers, so there's no way to determine at that point whether you're OK or not.
That leaves run-time, and that would mean requiring the end-users to validate somehow, which you've already determined is a non-starter.
Your only options are: ship it as-is and hope developers don't copy it too much, OR write your own linker and try to get people to use that (just in case it isn't obvious: That's not going to work. No developer in their right mind is going to buy a library that requires a special linker).
If you are planning to publish an expensive framework you might look into using FLEXlm.
I'm not associated with them but have seen it in various expensive frameworks often targeted Silicon Graphics hardware.
A couple ideas... (these have some major draw backs though which should be obvious)
For at compile time: put the library file on a share, and give it file permissions only for the developers you've sold it to.
For at run time: compile the library to work only on certain machines, eg. check the UIDs or MAC ids or something
I will soon be shipping a paid-for static library
The correct answer to your question is: don't bother with copy protection until you prove that you need it.
You say that you are "soon to be shipping a paid-for static library." Unless you have proven that you have people who are willing to steal your technology, implementing copy protection is irrelevant. An uneasy feeling that "there are people out there who will steal it" is not proof it will be stolen.
The hardest part of starting up a business is creating a product people will pay for. You have not yet proven that you have done that; ergo copy protection is irrelevant.
I'm not saying that your product has no value. I am saying that until you try to sell it, you will not know whether it has value or not.
And then, even if you do sell it, you will not know whether people steal it or not.
This is the difference between being a good programmer and being a good business owner.
First, prove that someone wants to steal your product. Then, if someone wants to steal it, add copy protection and keep improving your product.
I have only done this once. This was the method I used. It is far from foolproof, but I felt it was a good compromise. It is similar to the answer of Drew Dorman.
I would suggest providing an initialisation routine that requires the user to provide their email and a key linked to that email. Then have a way that anyone using the product can view the email information.
I used this method on a library that I use when writing plugins for AfterEffects. The initialisation routine builds the message shown in the "About" dialog for the plugin, and I made this message display the given email.
The advantages of this method in my eyes are:
A client is unlikely to pass on their email and key because they don't want their email associated with products they didn't write.
They could circumvent this by signing up with a burner email, but then they don't get their email associated with products they do write, so again this seems unlikely.
If a version with a burner email gets distributed then people might try it, then decide they want to use it, but need a version associated to their email so might buy a copy. Free advertising. You may even wish to do this yourself.
I also wanted to ensure that when I provide plugins to a company, they can't give my library to their internal programmers to write plugins themselves, based on my years of expertise. To do this I also linked the plugin name to the key. So a key will only work for a specific plugin name and developer email.
To expand on Drew's answer - to do this you take the users email when they sign up, you tag a secret set of characters on the end and then hash it. You give the user the hash. The secret set of characters is the same for all users and is known to your library, but the email makes the hash unique. When a user initialises the library with their email and the hash, your library appends the characters, hashes it and checks the result against the hash the user provided. This way you do not need a custom build for every user.
In the end I felt anything more complex than this would be futile as someone who really wanted to crack my library would probably be better at it than I would be at defending it. This method just stops a casual pirater from easily taking my library.