Why can't I call operator()? - c++

I am trying to understand different topics in C++ by examples and I cannot get this example to work:
template<typename T>
class zero_init
T val;
zero_init() : val(static_cast<T>(0)) { std::cout << "In constructor with no parameters\n"; }
operator T() const { std::cout << "In operator T()\n"; return val; }
int main()
const zero_init<int> x;
x(); //Error!
return 0;
I am obviously trying to call the operator() but it gives the error: "call of an object of a class type without appropriate operator()"

You accidentally implemented a type conversion operator and not operator(). Overload operator() like this instead (I removed the return value because you discard it in main anyway):
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>
class zero_init
T val;
zero_init() : val(static_cast<T>(0)) { std::cout << "In constructor with no parameters\n"; }
void operator()() const { std::cout << "In operator()\n"; }
int main()
const zero_init<int> x;
return 0;
If you actually need the return value, do it like this:
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>
class zero_init
T val;
zero_init() : val(static_cast<T>(0)) { std::cout << "In constructor with no parameters\n"; }
T operator()() const { std::cout << "In operator()\n"; return val; }
int main()
const zero_init<int> x;
auto val = x();
return 0;


Compilation Error on Accessing member function for Template Objects

I'm just getting started with Object Oriented Programming. I'm trying to access member function of two different classes within a template function. I have restricted access to member functions based on boolean flag isAggregateElement. For some reason, Compiler throws error stating that there is no such member function.
class descriptor{
int getName(){
return -5;
class aggregate{
int getDescription() {
return 234;
int getUnit(){
return 1;
template <typename T>
void buildObjectInfo(const T& classMemberType, const bool& isDataInterface){
T baseTypeElement = classMemberType;
bool isAggregateElement = !isDataInterface;
} else {
cout<<baseTypeElement.getName()<<endl; // Error gets resolved if I remove the else construct
int main()
aggregate a;
descriptor d;
return 0;
What should I do to access getUnit() without deleting boolean condition (or) removing else construct in the template function ?
Both branches must be valid. Suppose you call buildObjectInfo(d,false), what should happen then?
You can use constexpr if to discard the false branch.
Note that the getters should be const methods. The template argument can be deduced from the function parameter and you do not need the bool:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
struct descriptor{
int getName() const { return -5; }
struct aggregate{
int getDescription() const { return 234; }
int getUnit() const { return 1; }
template <typename T>
void buildObjectInfo(const T& t){
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<aggregate,T>) {
std::cout << t.getUnit() << '\n';
} else {
std::cout << t.getName() << '\n';
int main() {
aggregate a;
descriptor d;
However, for only 2 different types an overloaded function is much simpler:
#include <iostream>
struct descriptor{
int getName() const { return -5; }
struct aggregate{
int getDescription() const { return 234; }
int getUnit() const { return 1; }
void buildObjectInfo(const aggregate& t) {
std::cout << t.getUnit() << '\n';
void buildObjectInfo(const descriptor& t) {
std::cout << t.getName() << '\n';
int main() {
aggregate a;
descriptor d;

using template arguments to specify policy

I got to know that we can also pass template arguments to choose which function should execute. I found them good alternative to function pointers since function pointers has run time cost but template parameters does not. Also, template parameters can be made inline whereas function pointers are not.
Alright then, this is what I wrote to depict my understanding on it. I came close but missing some minor detail somewhere.
template<class T>
class String {
T str;
String() { std::cout << "Ctor called" << std::endl; }
template<class T, class C>
int compare(const String<T> &str1,
const String<T> &str2) {
for (int i = 0; (i < str1.length()) && (i < str2.length()); ++i) {
if (C::eq(str1[i], str2[i])) {
return false;
return true;
template<class T>
class Cmp1 {
static int eq(T a, T b) { std::cout << "Cmp1 called" << std::endl; return a==b; }
template<class T>
class Cmp2 {
static int eq(T a, T b) { std::cout << "Cmp2 called" << std::endl; return a!=b; }
int main() {
String<std::string> s;
s.str = "Foo";
String<std::string> t;
t.str = "Foo";
compare<String<std::string>, Cmp1<std::string> >(s, t);
// compare(s, t);
Details of the code:
I have an class String, which take an parameter and create member function of that type.
I have an compare function, which takes two String& arguments. Comparison function is passed to it.
Cmp1 and Cmp2 are two compare functions.
compare<String<std::string>, Cmp1<std::string> >(s, t);
does not get compile here. I tried some other ways to call but in vain.
Looks like you want something like that:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
template<class T>
class String {
T str;
String() { std::cout << "Ctor called" << std::endl; }
template<class T, class C>
int compare(const String<T> &str1,
const String<T> &str2) {
for (int i = 0; (i < str1.str.length()) && (i < str2.str.length()); ++i) {
if (C::eq(str1.str[i], str2.str[i])) {
return false;
return true;
template<class T>
class Cmp1 {
static int eq(T a, T b) { std::cout << "Cmp1 called" << std::endl; return a==b; }
template<class T>
class Cmp2 {
static int eq(T a, T b) { std::cout << "Cmp2 called" << std::endl; return a!=b; }
int main() {
String<std::string> s;
s.str = "Foo";
String<std::string> t;
t.str = "Foo";
compare<std::string, Cmp1<char> >(s, t);
// compare(s, t);
You already have String in definition of compare, you need to just send T which is std::string in your case.
You are trying to go through entire std::string, in compare, so, now your code compiles.
You calling cmp on str[index], that is actually char, so you need to call cmp with char template argument.

Is there a way to have a public member, unmodifiable from outside the class, without accessor wrapper function?

As far as I know, this seems to be impossible in a straightforward way. Making the member const makes it const for everyone. I would like to have a read-only property, but would like to avoid the typical "getter". I'd like const public, mutable private. Is this at all possible in C++?
Currently all I can think of is some trickery with templates and friend. I'm investigating this now.
Might seem like a stupid question, but I have been surprised by answers here before.
A possible solution can be based on an inner class of which the outer one is a friend, like the following one:
struct S {
template<typename T>
class Prop {
friend struct S;
T t;
void operator=(T val) { t = val; }
operator const T &() const { return t; }
void f() {
prop = 42;
Prop<int> prop;
int main() {
S s;
int i = s.prop;
//s.prop = 0;
return i, 0;
As shown in the example, the class S can modify the property from within its member functions (see S::f). On the other side, the property cannot be modified in any other way but still read by means of the given operator that returns a const reference to the actual variable.
There seems to be another, more obvious solution: use a public const reference member, pointing to the private, mutable, member. live code here.
#include <iostream>
struct S {
int member;
const int& prop;
S() : member{42}, prop{member} {}
S(const S& s) : member{s.member}, prop{member} {}
S(S&& s) : member(s.member), prop{member} {}
S& operator=(const S& s) { member = s.member; return *this; }
S& operator=(S&& s) { member = s.member; return *this; }
void f() { member = 32; }
int main() {
using namespace std;
S s;
int i = s.prop;
cout << i << endl;
cout << s.prop << endl;
S s2{s};
// s.prop = 32; // ERROR: does not compile
cout << s.prop << endl;
cout << s2.prop << endl;
S s3 = move(s2);
cout << s3.prop << endl;
S s4;
cout << s4.prop << endl;
s4 = s3;
cout << s4.prop << endl;
s4 = S{};
cout << s4.prop << endl;
I like #skypjack's answer, but would have written it somehow like this:
#include <iostream>
template <class Parent, class Value> class ROMember {
friend Parent;
Value v_;
inline ROMember(Value const &v) : v_{v} {}
inline ROMember(Value &&v) : v_{std::move(v)} {}
inline Value &operator=(Value const &v) {
v_ = v;
return v_;
inline Value &operator=(Value &&v) {
v_ = std::move(v);
return v_;
inline operator Value& () & {
return v_;
inline operator Value const & () const & {
return v_;
inline operator Value&& () && {
return std::move(v_);
inline Value const &operator()() const { return v_; }
class S {
template <class T> using member_t = ROMember<S, T>;
member_t<int> val = 0;
void f() { val = 1; }
int main() {
S s;
std::cout << s.val() << "\n";
std::cout << s.val() << "\n";
return 0;
Some enable_ifs are missing to really be generic to the core, but the spirit is to make it re-usable and to keep the calls looking like getters.
This is indeed a trickery with friend.
You can use curiously recurring template pattern and friend the super class from within a property class like so:
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
template<typename Super, typename T>
class property {
friend Super;
T& operator=(const T& val)
{ value = val; return value; }
T& operator=(T&& val)
{ value = val; return value; }
operator T && () &&
{ return std::move(value); }
operator T const& () const&
{ return value; }
T value;
struct wrap {
wrap() {
// Assign OK
prop1 = 5; // This is legal since we are friends
prop2 = 10;
prop3 = 15;
// Move OK
prop2 = std::move(prop1);
assert(prop1 == 5 && prop2 == 5);
// Swap OK
std::swap(prop2, prop3);
assert(prop2 == 15 && prop3 == 5);
property<wrap, int> prop1;
property<wrap, int> prop2;
property<wrap, int> prop3;
int foo() {
wrap w{};
w.prop1 = 5; // This is illegal since operator= is protected
return w.prop1; // But this is perfectly legal

Substituting a method with const qualifier change (C++)

Suppose we need to instantiate a function that calls some class method from inside non-trivial code.
#include <iostream>
class A
int f() { return 1; }
int g() { return 2; }
template <class T, int (T::*method)()>
int func(T& x)
// some complex code here calling method()
return (x.*method)();
int main()
A a;
std::cout << func<A, &A::f>(a) << "\n"
<< func<A, &A::g>(a) << "\n";
return 0;
This code compiles and works fine. Now suppose that the two methods are actually const and non-const, like this:
class A
int val_;
A() : val_(0) {}
int alloc() { return ++val_; }
int get() const { return val_; }
This time we can't use the same approach, because the member functions have different signatures due to const qualifier. Moving the problem to run time does not seem to solve anything, Is there a way to avoid rewriting func() as two functions in this situation?
Can you change passing method from template parameter to function parameter?
If yes, this works:
#include <iostream>
class A
int f() { return 1; }
int g() const { return 2; }
template <class T, class F>
int func(F method, T& x)
// some complex code here calling method()
return (x.*method)();
int main()
A a;
std::cout << func(&A::f, a) << "\n"
<< func(&A::g, a) << "\n";
return 0;

How to hide a field via define and provide only setter and getter?

I wonder how to hide a real property field (not make it private or public but force to use setters and getters) and provide him with simple setter and getter. So I wonder how to create api like:
Property( int my_a);
Property( int my_b);
cout << get_my_a() << endl;
// my_a = 13; // will cause compiler error
How to create such thing via Boost preprocessor?
Do you really need to use boost preprocessor?
you have a solution without boost below:
// property.h
#include <stdio.h>
#define property(type) struct : public Property <type>
template <typename T>
class Property
T value;
virtual T get() {
return value;
virtual void set(T new_value) {
value = new_value;
usage example:
// test.cpp
#include "property.h"
class Test {
property(int) {} a;
property(int) {
int get() {
return value * 10;
} b;
property(int) {
void set(int x) {
value = x * 200;
} c;
property(int) {
int get() {
return value * 3000;
void set(int x) {
value = x * 443;
} d;
Test t;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
printf("%i\t%i\t%i\t%i\t%i\n", i, t.a.get(), t.b.get(), t.c.get(), t.d.get());
The wikipedia solution in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_(programming)#C.2B.2B is good but needs a minimal modification to become useful, because without the protected statement you cant write your own getters and setters.
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
class property {
T value;
T & operator = (const T &i) {
::std::cout << i << ::std::endl;
return value = i;
operator T const & () const {
return value;
struct Bar {
property <bool> alpha;
struct :public property <int> {
int & operator = (const int &i) {
::std::cout << "new setter " << i << ::std::endl;
return value = i;
} bravo;
Bar b;
b.alpha = false;
b.bravo = (unsigned int) 1;
You can change a little more if you want:
#include <iostream>
#define SETTER(type) public: type& operator=(const type new_value)
#define GETTER(type) public: operator type const & () const
template <typename T>
class Property {
T value;
T & operator = (const T &i) {
::std::cout << i << ::std::endl;
return value = i;
template <typename T2> T2 & operator = (const T2 &i) {
::std::cout << "T2: " << i << ::std::endl;
T2 &guard = value;
throw guard; // Never reached.
operator T const & () const {
return value;
struct Bar {
Property <bool> alpha;
struct:Property <int> {
SETTER(int) {
value = new_value * 1000;
::std::cout << "new method " << new_value << ::std::endl;
return value;
GETTER(int) {
return value/1000;
} bravo;
Bar b;
b.alpha = false;
b.bravo = (unsigned int) 1;
::std::cout << b.bravo << ::std::endl;
Rather than rewrite an example of the implementation, this is the link for one on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_(programming)#C.2B.2B
This basically forces the property to be accessed through getter/setter methods. The upgrade you would need to get your desired effect is the ability to pass functors to these properties. There are plenty of ideas on implementing these; the best approach I cannot advise and depends on your developmental needs. Personally, it feels like over engineering and prefer to just use Pimpl to hide my private details and just provide the getters/setters explicitly.