How do I destroy a aws SAM Local lambda? - amazon-web-services

Follow the read for an example it says:
# AWS SAM Hello World Example #
A simple AWS SAM template that specifies a single Lambda function.
## Usage ##
To create and deploy the SAM Hello World example, first ensure that you've met the requirements described in the [root README](../../ Then
follow the steps below.
### Test your application locally ###
Use [SAM Local]( to run your Lambda function locally:
sam local invoke "HelloWorldFunction" -e event.json
### Package artifacts ###
Run the following command, replacing `BUCKET-NAME` with the name of your bucket:
sam package --template-file template.yaml --s3-bucket BUCKET-NAME --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml
This creates a new template file, packaged-template.yaml, that you will use to deploy your serverless application.
### Deploy to AWS CloudFormation ###
Run the following command, replacing `MY-NEW-STACK` with a name for your CloudFormation stack.
sam deploy --template-file packaged-template.yaml --stack-name MY-NEW-STACK --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
This uploads your template to an S3 bucket and deploys the specified resources using AWS CloudFormation.
Now what is the sam local command to delete the whole stack including s3 bucket and CF stack?

Edit for 2022:
Sam cli now has a delete command can see official docs here. Should be able run like this now:
sam delete --stack-name MY-NEW-STACK
Thanks #jesusnoseq for pointer to update 🍻.
Legacy 2018 Answer
There is currently no sam command to delete all of these resources. You would just use the relevant aws cli commands which sam-cli is just a wrapper around anyways. Example to delete you CFN stack.
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name MY-NEW-STACK


AWS SAM CLI ignoring my Python dependencies during build, package, and deploy

I'm trying to deploy an AWS Lambda function with the SAM CLI tool, from MacOS, not using Docker containers.
SAM CLI version 0.4.0
Python 3.8 runtime for Lambda function
Python 3.7 installed locally on MacOS
I have a requirements.txt file, in the same directory as my Lambda function file
Deploy Script (PowerShell)
sam build --template-file $InputTemplate
sam package --region $AWSRegion --template-file $InputTemplate --profile $ProfileName --s3-bucket $BucketName --output-template-file $OutputTemplate
sam deploy --region $AWSRegion --profile $ProfileName --template-file $OutputTemplate --stack-name $StackName --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
Actual Behavior
SAM CLI is ignoring my requirements.txt file, and only deploying my source code. This results in the following error when I test my function.
"errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx': No module named 'botostubs'",
"errorType": "Runtime.ImportModuleError"
Expected Behavior
SAM CLI packages up the declared Python dependencies, in requirements.txt, along with my source code.
Question: How can I ensure that the SAM CLI downloads and packages my Python dependencies, along with my source code? I followed the documentation, to the best of my knowledge.
Just figured it out, reading about the sam build command in a bit more depth. I didn't realize that it was creating a subfolder called .aws-sam/build/ and storing the modified template there.
I updated my commands and paths, and it is working just fine now.
$InputTemplate = "$PSScriptRoot/cloudformation.yml"
$BuiltTemplate = "$PSScriptRoot/.aws-sam/build/template.yaml"
$BucketName = 'xxxxxxx'
$AWSRegion = 'xxxxxx'
$StackName = 'xxxxxx'
# Package and deploy the application
sam build --template-file $InputTemplate
sam package --region $AWSRegion --template-file $BuiltTemplate --profile $ProfileName --s3-bucket $BucketName
sam deploy --region $AWSRegion --profile $ProfileName --template-file $BuiltTemplate --stack-name $StackName --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --s3-bucket $BucketName
I had similar problem and root cause of my failure was that I was specifying --template-file template.yml. As per this issue SAM CLI looks for the code uri specified in my template.yml and uploads only the function code.
So my solution was:
specify --template-file in sam build
run sam deploy without --template-file option
Had a similar problem. Resolved it by changing directory into the build folder (doesn't use these directory shell variables)
sam build --use-container
cd .aws-sam/build/
sam package --template-file template.yaml --s3-bucket sdd-s3-basebucket --output-template-file packaged.yaml
sam deploy --template-file ./packaged.yaml --stack-name prod --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --region eu-central-1
Make sure your 'requirements.txt' file is right under the path specified in 'CodeUri' attribute of the Lambda in your template file.
Mmy solution was:
specify --template-file in sam build
run sam deploy without --template-file option
It works but everytime starts script, it ask about confirmation about deploying changset - it is not a problem when I use script but problem appears when it is executed by CI/CD.

what commands are being run by VS to publish .net core serverless applications?

Im reading this doc:
I created a serverless app using the "Blog API using DynamoDB" template.
When I publish from VS it deploys it to aws as a serverless app, but what commands is it running? How can I publish it from the command line (without VS)?
When I look at the serverless.template file the project comes with I just see parameter and resource definitions for AWS::Serverless::Functions and the dynamodb table- where is the pointer/config that register this as a "Application" in the lambda console- and not just a bunch of functions?
It's using the Serverless Application Model (or SAM for short). It's an abstraction on top of standard Cloudformation templates - it allows you to declare serverless application resources in a more succinct way. It also comes with a CLI. My guess would be that's what's running behind the scenes.
You can try it by yourself. After installing the SAM CLI, run sam build, sam package and sam deploy. That should get you off the ground.
sam build --template serverless.template # --use-container if necessary, needs Docker
sam package --output-template-file packaged.yml --s3-bucket ARTIFACTS_BUCKET
sam deploy --template-file packaged.yml --stack-name my-serverless-app --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Cloudformation append to stack

I have an AWS stack with lambda and api gateway resources. There are about 250 resources and cloudformation only allows uploading 200 at a time so I split it into 2 templates. However when I run the deploy commands for each stack like so
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file template.yml --stack-name my-stack --region us-east-1 --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file template2.yml --stack-name my-stack --region us-east-1 --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
the second command deletes what the first command deployed to my-stack. I would like to append the resources in template2.yml to my-stack and keep what was deployed from template.yml. Is there a way to do that? I want the resources in both templates to use the same api gateway endpoint.
They are technically 2 stacks, but you only gave 1 stack name. So the later command will overwrite the deployed my-stack based on template.yml.
Change your 2nd command to use a different stack name like my-stack2
You could deploy this specifications into two different stacks (diferent stack names), besides you could reference the api gateway specification from the first stack into the second stack, this is one way to reference lambda functions in same api gateway.

How to create and zip a docker container for AWS Lambda

I'm trying to create and then zip a Docker container to upload to S3 to be run by an AWS Lambda function. I was trying to work off an article but the instructions are sparse (
I've installed Docker and the Amazon Linux image but I don't know how to create a Docker container that contains the github repo, and then zip it so that it can be accessed by Lambda.
This is what I've tried to piece together from other tutorials:
git clone
cd auto-alt-text-lambda-api
docker run -v -it amazonlinux:2017.12
zip -r -9 -q ~/
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The instructions aren't clear but I suspect the reference to Docker is just for testing. You don't need Docker to run an AWS Lambda function. You will need an AWS API Gateway API though to execute the Lambda function over HTTPS.
I'd recommend starting with a CloudFormation stack using the AWS Serverless Application Mode (
Create an S3 bucket for the zip file and create a CloudFormation template similar to:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: application.predict
Runtime: python2.7
Type: Api
Path: 'auto-alt-text-api'
Method: get
Package the Lambda function with:
aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yaml --output-template-file template-out.yaml --s3-bucket <your-bucket> --s3-prefix <your-prefix>
Then deploy it with:
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file template-out.yaml --stack-name auto-alt-text-lambda-api-stack --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
You will probably have to add IAM roles and Lambda permissions to the template for the application to work properly.

Importing AWS information from CloudFormation to CodeBuild

I have a pipeline in AWS with Codestar, CodeBuild, CloudFormation, etc.
I am trying to figure out how to get information from the CloudFormation step returned to the CodeBuild step. Let me break it down:
I have a buildspec.yml for CodeBuild
# buildspec.yml
- aws cloudformation package --region $REGION --template template.yml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --output-template $OUTPUT_TEMPLATE
The above kicks off a CloudFormation build using our template.yml
# template.yml
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
At this point, it creates a unique name for an S3 bucket. Awesome. Now, for step 2 in my buildspec.yml for CodeBuild, I want to push items to the S3 bucket just created in the CloudFormation template. BUT, I don't know how to get the dynamically created name of the S3 bucket from the CloudFormation template. I want something similar to:
# buildspec.yml
# this is the same step as shown above
- aws cloudformation package --region $REGION --template template.yml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --output-template $OUTPUT_TEMPLATE
# this is the new step
- aws s3 sync dist_files/ s3://{NAME_OF_THE_NEW_S3_BUCKET}
How can I accomplish getting the dynamically named S3 bucket so that I can push to it?
I am aware that within a CloudFormation template, you can reference the S3 bucket name with something like !GetAtt [ClientWebAssets, WebsiteURL]. But, I do not know how to get that information out of the cloudformation template and back into the codebuild template.
You could move to using CodePipeline. Stage one would be deploying the application via cloudformation with an output artifact being the stack creation output