Powershell script to get only Hour and Minute from NET TIME command - regex

I am trying to retrieve only the Date and Time from the PowerShell script, Below is what I have tried till now:
NET TIME \\ComputerName | Out-File $location
(Get-Content $location) | % {
if ($_ -match "2018 : (.*)") {
$name = $matches[1]
echo $name
net time output is as below:
Current time at \\Computer Name is 1/3/2018 1:05:51 PM
Local time (GMT-07:00) at \\Computer Name is 1/3/2018 11:05:51 AM
The command completed successfully.
I only need the part in local time "11:05".

Although Get-Date doesn't support querying remote computers, the date/time and timezone information from a remote computer can be retrieved using WMI; an example can be found at this TechNet PowerShell Gallery page. Using the Win32_LocalTime class, adjusted based on the Win32_TimeZone class, will provide the information in a form that is easily converted into a [DateTime] for further use in your script.

Use -match to test a regex
Then check the matches with autogenerated $matches array
PS> "Current time at \Computer Name is 1/3/2018 1:05:51 PM Local time (GMT-07:00) at \Computer Name is 1/3/2018 11:05:51 AM" -match '(\d\d:\d\d):'
PS> $matches
Name Value
---- -----
1 11:05
0 11:05:
PS> $matches[1]

You can use this function to get whatever information you want. I adapted the code from this script. It converts the LocalDateTime value obtained using Get-WmiObject into a DateTime object. You can do whatever you want with the date information thereafter. You can also adapt this to use whichever DateTime variable you want (i.e. last boot time).
function Get-RemoteDate {
HelpMessage="ComputerName or IP Address to query via WMI"
foreach($computer in $ComputerName) {
$timeZone=Get-WmiObject -Class win32_timezone -ComputerName $computer
$localTime=([wmi]"").ConvertToDateTime((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $computer).LocalDateTime)
Write-Output $output
Call the function using either of the following methods. The first is for a single computer and the second for multiple computers.
Get-RemoteDate "ComputerName"
Get-RemoteDate #("ComputerName1", "ComputerName2")

I realize this may not work for you if you do not have PowerShell remoting enabled, but if it is I would do it this way.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName ComputerName -ScriptBlock {(Get-Date).ToShortTimeString()}


powershell WebClient parse links or regex for zip file

I have a script that nearly works but I need to add in either parsing or a wildcard on the URL as the URL will change to characters I won’t know each month. I have to use New-Object System.Net.WebClient because invoke web request is blocked. So, I was thinking if anyone knows how to download the link using the characters that I will know and strip off the rest of the link.
Examples of the links below
So on the above links i know the latest file will have Jan19 in it and it's a zip file. The script i am using is
$currentMonthNo = get-date -format "MM"
$currentMonthName = (get-date((get-date).addmonths(-2)) -format MMM)
$currentYearNo = get-date –format yy
$url = "http://www.website.com/Full-CSV-data-file-$currentMonthName$currentYearNo-ZIP-3633K-53821.zip"
$output = "C:\Folder\Full-CSV-data-file-Jan19-ZIP-3633K-53821.zip"
$start_time = Get-Date
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($url, $output)
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $output)
Write-Output "Time taken: $((Get-Date).Subtract($start_time).Seconds) second(s)"
Write-Output $url
Start-Sleep -s 6

Pull Server names and ip address and see if they're live

I am looking to run a PowerShell script that will pull all servers from AD, show me the FQDN and IP address as well as tell me if the server is pinging.
I have a couple of scripts that do certain parts but would like to get something all in one and am having a hard time doing it.
Ping a list of servers:
$ServerName = Get-Content "c:\temp\servers.txt"
foreach ($Server in $ServerName) {
if (test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -Count 2 -Quiet ) {
"$Server is Pinging "
} else {
"$Server not pinging"
I also have a script to pull all servers from AD which shows server name, FQDN, and OS version:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -like '*Windows Server*'} -Properties * |
select Name, DNSHostName, OperatingSystem
Any help in getting a script to show me all servers in my environment with FQDN, IP address and if there live would be appreciated.
You should only choose desired properties with the -Property argument and not pull everything through network with *. Also quotes should be used with -Filter, not braces.
You can add a calculated property to Select-Object and get the value from Test-NetConnection:
Get-ADComputer -Filter "OperatingSystem -like '*Windows Server*'" -Properties dnshostname, operatingsystem |
Select-Object name, dnshostname, operatingsystem, `
#{n="PingSucceeded";e={(Test-NetConnection $_.name).PingSucceeded}}

Using powershell to download an embedded video

I need to download a monthly broadcast automatically (will set a scheduled task) using powershell.
Here is the embedded URL: https://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=MP4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201601&option=TRGCHlZRQVNYVrXF&txtCMSLang=E
The only thing that changes each month is the 201602, 201603, etc. Once I have able to pull the 720p video file, I will work on programmatically adding that part of the URL, based on the current system clock (I can manage this)
I have tried these without success:
Attempt 1:
$source = "https://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=MP4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201601&option=TRGCHlZRQVNYVrXF&txtCMSLang=E"
$destination = "c:\broadcasts\test.mp4"
Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination
Attempt 2:
$source = "https://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=MP4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201601&option=TRGCHlZRQVNYVrXF&txtCMSLang=E"
$dest = "c:\broadcasts\test.mp4"
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($source, $dest)
Attempt 3:
Import-Module BitsTransfer
$url = "https://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=MP4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201601&option=TRGCHlZRQVNYVrXF&txtCMSLang=E"
$output = "c:\broadcasts\test.mp4"
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $url -Destination $output
Both of these end up with a test.mp4 that is basically just an empty file.
Then I found the another page that holds the video (and the download links for different qualities) and tried to pull these links using the following (I know I could have used $webpage.links):
Attempt 4:
$webpage=Invoke-webrequest "http://tv.jw.org/#en/video/VODStudio/pub-
$webpage.RawContent | Out-File "c:\scripts\webpage.txt" ASCII -Width 9999
And found that the raw content doesn't have the mp4 visible. My idea was to pull the raw content, parse it with regex and grab the 720p URL, save it in a variable and then send that to a BitsTransfer bit of code.
Please help?

Uninstall program on several servers

I have a bunch of servers I have to uninstall an app from. I am using:
$app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {
$_.Name -match "application name"
I have tested the above out and it works great. I want to now run this so it uninstalls the app on a bunch of servers. I know I can use the for each option but for some reason I am having an issue getting it to work.
I created a text file called servers and listed my servers in there but it errors out each time.
Does anyone have a good pay to add a for each part to my above uninstall portion so it works?
The -ComputerName parameter of Get-WmiObject accepts a list of computernames.
$servers = Get-Content 'C:\your\computerlist.txt'
Get-WmiObject -Computer $servers -Class Win32_Product |
? { $_.Name -like '*application name*' } |
% { $_.Uninstall() }
Later on the page that you got your original code from, there is an answer from David Setler that does what you need. Slightly modified to fir your scenario:
$computers = Get-Content C:\servers.txt
foreach($server in $computers){
$app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -computer $server | Where-Object {
$_.Name -match "application name"
Assuming $computers is the list of servers from your servers text file.
I would stay away from win32_product because this class isn't working properly.
See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/974524.
Basicly what happens when you query this class is that every msi will trigger a repair an the software package (spamming the eventlog) which in some cases can screw with installed software (I've seen broken installations of some programs after querying this class - though it's rare, you don't want to risk this on production servers).

netsh result to a PowerShell object

I am trying to work with NETSH from PowerShell. I want see a result from this command such as an object, but netsh returns a string:
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | Get-Member
TypeName: System.String
My script must work on system with rather localization, and I can't use -match for parsing a string to an object directly.
How I can solve my trouble?
$netshResult = Invoke-Command -Computername localhost {netsh int tcp show global}
$result = #{}
$netshObject = New-Object psobject -Property #{
ReceiveSideScalingState = $Null
ChimneyOffloadState = $Null
NetDMAState = $Null
$netshResult = $netshResult | Select-String : #break into chunks if colon only
$i = 0
while($i -lt $netshResult.Length){
$line = $netshResult[$i]
$line = $line -split(":")
$line[0] = $line[0].trim()
$line[1] = $line[1].trim()
$result.$($line[0]) = $($line[1])
$netshObject.ReceiveSideScalingState = $result.'Receive-Side Scaling State'
$netshObject.ChimneyOffloadState = $result.'Chimney Offload State'
$netshObject.NetDMAState = $result.'NetDMA State'
You got a few alternatives, none of which are nice.
1) Read the netsh output into a string[] and use a custom record parser to create your own object. That is, look at the output on different locales and find out if, say, Hosted newtork settings is always the first header followed by bunch of - characters. If that's the case, assume that next element in array is Mode and so on. This is very error prone, but usually MS command line tools only translate messages, not their order.
2) Look for .Net API for the same information. There is System.Net.NetworkInformation which contains a bunch of connection things. It's a start, though I am not sure if it has info you need.
3) Failing the previous options, use P/Invoke to call native Win32 API. It's a lot of work, so look for pre-existing wrapper libraries before rolling your own.
I recently wrote a cmdlet to parse arbitrary, multi-line text using regular expressions, called ConvertFrom-Text. (Not a great name, if you ask me, but it conforms to the PowerShell naming rules; suggestions are welcome!) So assuming you have that cmdlet, here is one possible solution to your question. (Caveat emptor! The regular expression given was derived from a very small sample of netsh output, so may need some tuning.)
$regex = [regex] '(?ms)(?:^\s*$\s*)?^(?<section>.*?)\s*-+\s*(?<data>.*?)\s*^\s*$'
$result = netsh wlan show hostednetwork | Out-String |
ConvertFrom-Text -pattern $regex -multiline
$result | % {
$dataObj = [PsCustomObject]#{}
$_.Data -split "`r`n" | % {
$element = $_ -split '\s*:\s*'
Add-Member -InputObject $dataObj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $element[0].Trim() -Value $element[1].Trim()
$_.Data = $dataObj # Replace data text with data object
On my test system, netsh wlan show hostednetwork returns this:
Hosted network settings
Mode : Allowed
Settings : <Not configured>
Hosted network status
Status : Not available
And the output of the $result variable in the code above yields this:
section data
------- ----
Hosted network settings #{Mode=Allowed; Settings=<Not configured>}
Hosted network status #{Status=Not available}
So $result is an array of objects with section and data properties, and the latter is an object with properties defined by the output of the netsh command.
Of course, the above does not get you very far without the ConvertFrom-Text cmdlet. So here is the implementation. (I have copious documentation and examples for it, which will be publicly available once I eventually add it to my open-source PowerShell library.)
filter ConvertFrom-Text
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
if ($Multiline) {
$dataString = $InputObject -join "`n"
IterateByMatch $dataString $Pattern
else {
IterateByLine $InputObject $Pattern
function IterateByLine([string[]]$data, [regex]$regex)
$data | ForEach-Object {
if ($PSItem -match $regex)
New-Object PSObject -Property (GetRegexNamedGroups $matches)
elseif ($RequireAll) {
throw "invalid line: $_"
function IterateByMatch([string[]]$data, [regex]$regex)
$regex.matches($data) | Foreach-Object {
$match = $_
$obj = new-object object
$regex.GetGroupNames() |
Where-Object {$_ -notmatch '^\d+$'} |
Foreach-Object {
Add-Member -InputObject $obj NoteProperty `
$_ $match.groups[$regex.GroupNumberFromName($_)].value
function Get-RegexNamedGroups($hash)
$newHash = #{};
$hash.keys | ? { $_ -notmatch '^\d+$' } | % { $newHash[$_] = $hash[$_] }